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1 minute ago, Chuckie Finster said:

Fuck that.  I want these people to be embarrassed.  I want them to go hide on the internet and be scared to wear their stupid red hats in public.  I want them to feel like outcasts in their home land.  Their beliefs should be ridiculed and we are only hurting the country by pretending that these disingenuous fucks aren't actively making everything worse.  Some will adapt and learn that the world is changing.  Others will stay stubborn and eventually die and we will be better off.

Boo hoo, the mean men on the TV are laughing at you.  Go fuck yourselves.  


Well...I mean...YEP.

27 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

It is quite sad really - they don't realize their dreams have already been divided up, financialized, and are no longer available to them. They are left holding the rope as the wealth concentrates in tiny citadels around the world. The ones that realize it become bitter. At that small point in time, most can be reached. But elite lackeys are cruel, so they harden, put on their protective shell, and withdraw into anger.

This type of behavior (below) by the media and talking heads is extremely unhelpful and unhealthy for this nation. This drives these Americans to Trump. 


That is a former McCain Republican on the right. 


That type of behavior doesn't drive people to Trump.  Racism, hatred, ignorance, greed.  Those things drive people to Trump.  A couple of talking heads, including a Republican, making fun of Trump and his followers for being ignorant (largely true), is just an excuse used by those who would already vote for Trump to pass the blame for their bad decisions.  

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ALSO, these people have brought us to the brink of the destruction of the republic (you think Nov - Jan is going to be anything but fucking insane, regardless of the outcome?) and they don't get any forgiveness.  They need to be crushed.  You don't get to fuck over all of the rest of us and then expect to be treated as anything but fucking hostile.



2 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

Fuck that.  I want these people to be embarrassed.  I want them to go hide on the internet and be scared to wear their stupid red hats in public.  I want them to feel like outcasts in their home land.  Their beliefs should be ridiculed and we are only hurting the country by pretending that these disingenuous fucks aren't actively making everything worse.  Some will adapt and learn that the world is changing.  Others will stay stubborn and eventually die and we will be better off.

Boo hoo, the mean men on the TV are laughing at you.  Go fuck yourselves.  


I come from a less relevant viewpoint geographically.

Most Trump supporters don't say anything (non-Texas perspective). They don't wear their hats (non-Texas perspective). And they are not particularly social media savvy (non-Texas perspective). They don't talk to pollsters. They are hesitant to engage in politics. When they do (from my perspective), they are defensive and believe they will be attacked for their views. It takes a while. For me to talk to them about Bernie, they keep looking for the devil horns to pop out. But after a while, I can usually find commonality and we can talk about dated beliefs and how they may be hurtful. It is really quite extraordinary. 

But I am talking to a different slice of America than most of you in Texas. So my viewpoint does not reflect what you experience on a day to day basis, which makes my opinion less relevant. 

Keep up the good fight. 

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You guys are being elitist assholes by talking shit about a group of people that have been left behind by the ruling polity. There is a reason these people despised the traditional Republican establishment and overturned the GOP via a populist revolt. Their anger is the result of class tension and that tension is easily misdirected with racism, xenophobia and hatred.

Were they really voting against their economic interests by voting for Trump in 2016? Obviously their financial situation was pretty shitty under 8 years of Obama. Why would HRC have improved anything for them?

How long has it been since the Democratic party was supportive of strong unions and the working class?

This strike happened in 2019 and I don't recall either political party doing anything about it or addressing the issue that lead to the workers not being paid.

Trump won Harlan county by a landslide in 2016.



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53 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

Fuck that. 

Nazis didn't just disappear after WW2, but it certainly became unacceptable to be one in public.  And as a result, the belief system faded away (for a while...)

I want these people to be embarrassed.  I want them to go hide on the internet and be scared to wear their stupid red hats in public.  I want them to feel like outcasts in their home land.  Their opinions should be ridiculed and we are only hurting the country by pretending that these disingenuous fucks aren't actively making everything worse.  Some will adapt and learn that the world is changing.  Others will stay stubborn and eventually die and we will be better off.

Boo hoo, the mean men on the TV are laughing at you.  Go fuck yourselves.  


The Nazi ideology never faded away. It was just moved to behind closed doors. That's why it was so quick to return the moment it got a little bit of daylight. The danger in running around attempting to embarrass people and making people feel like outcasts is that sometimes younger people who are either misguided by peers or make one misguided statement can be ostracized and humiliated into running to the only people willing to accept them: true, actual Nazis. Then the true conversion of Nazism occurs. It's important to recognize who is misguided, who can be changed, and who are lost forever. Encourage and educate by example to those who are merely frustrated or misguided. That will bring the adaptation and learning that you want, not embarrassing and ostracizing. 

I'm not saying roll over. The Democrats need a dose of toughening up. But just as there are institutionalized criminals in our nation who were created by their circumstances, we are seeing an emergence of institutionalized "Trumpism." People who were created by their circumstances. If given the chance to see that what they are doing is racist, destructive, and wrong, and continue to choose that path anyway, then by all means. There are some young voters out there who grew up in rural, racist households that took the Trump bait that are now entering metropolitan areas and colleges and getting their first dose of true diversity. These are people who will be of voting age who were 14 - 18 and living at home when Trump was elected. Allow those people to learn what the rest of the world is like without immediately tossing them aside and it will likely pay dividends. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

I will say, Bill Maher has come out in his new season saying, "you can hate Trump, but you can't hate his supporters" and I DON'T FUCKING GET IT.  

I don’t “hate” his supporters. Hell my Dad is one of his biggest fans. I do hate trump though because he’s a lying con artist who has successfully conned millions of people. 

I get why the racists of the world support him. Trump speaks their language.

i get why the Johnny sacks of the world now support him. Trump gave them their much needed tax cut so they could buy another yacht to water ski behind. 

I also get why the poor rural whites support Trump. They’ve been fucked over by both parties and trump promises to change that (a lie of course but they apparently believe it). Lack of education helps with that. 

What I will never really understand is the olds support of the guy. It makes no sense. I can only conclude that growing up watching television during a time of prosperity warped the minds of the baby boomers so badly that they became, well, a bunch of Donald Trumps and all he stands for. It sucks. 

Edited by JimmyJames
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3 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

What I will never really understand is the olds support of the guy. It makes no sense. I can only conclude that growing up watching television during a time of prosperity warped the minds of the baby boomers so badly that they became, well, a bunch of Donald Trumps and all he stands for. It sucks. 

"He talks like us"


There are accounts of US Black soldiers moving German WWII POWs in the US.  One involved the German prisoners allowed to eat in the AC at a small dinner while the black solders had to eat in the kitchen and were only allowed to watch the prisoners through the pass through.    That is the story of today's GOP. 

6 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

And here’s another one.

He’s literally DYING but he’d prefer that to helping someone who’s an “other”.

Fuck em.


The world ain’t sad to see ya go 


I'll chime in and say the Dems would benefit -- greatly -- if they found a way to invite anti-abortionists (Catholics) in with a more inclusive message.  

"We understand that your strongly held religious views clash with the recent historical Democratic stance on reproductive rights, but we recognize that this isn't the only view you (or the Dems hold), and we welcome your participation in debating this within the party." 


Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, F250 said:

You guys are being elitist assholes by talking shit about a group of people that have been left behind by the ruling polity. There is a reason these people despised the traditional Republican establishment and overturned the GOP via a populist revolt. Their anger is the result of class tension and that tension is easily misdirected with racism, xenophobia and hatred.

Were they really voting against their economic interests by voting for Trump in 2016? Obviously their financial situation was pretty shitty under 8 years of Obama. Why would HRC have improved anything for them?

How long has it been since the Democratic party was supportive of strong unions and the working class?

This strike happened in 2019 and I don't recall either political party doing anything about it or addressing the issue that lead to the workers not being paid.

Trump won Harlan county by a landslide in 2016.




DOTARD straight up lied to those people. He said he would bring coal back. God couldn't have brought coal back.

If they are dumb enough to believe that lie, they are lost.

If Hillary had went there and said, "Hey look, i'm not going to lie to you. Coal is dying, those jobs are never coming back. There is nothing anybody can do about that. But what the democratic party will do is try to make sure you have a safety net, some level of basic health insurance, and try to get you some retraining so you can find jobs in another industry" she would have had to flee for her life.


edit: what Loco said.

Edited by High Plains Drifter
12 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

For all the smoke and bullshit behind other political stances, abortion is the one issue that I genuinely believe is non-negotiable to some of the population.  This inclusive idea sounds great in theory, but I don't think there is any middle ground there.

Until little Jenny gets knocked up by the kid from the wrong side of the tracks. Then Jenny takes a little vacation and we never discuss this again. I mean, we don't want to ruin three lives. 

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Would this be considered “walking around money?” Did that fat racist fuck Tahoe die choking on a donut? 


3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Would this be considered “walking around money?” Did that fat racist fuck Tahoe die choking on a donut? 



The next step in the evolution of throwing out money to buy votes:



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  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, F250 said:

You guys are being elitist assholes by talking shit about a group of people that have been left behind by the ruling polity.

I'm talking shit about people who vote Republican.  There is a lot of shit to be talked about if we are going to talk about identity politic, elitist Dems.

That's just not as fun now since they are the minority in both Texas and DC.

16 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Would this be considered “walking around money?” Did that fat racist fuck Tahoe die choking on a donut? 


Anyone have a list of cities where they're doing this.  I may not be as melanin blessed as their target audience, but I wonder if I sauntered up there and said, "Hey, throw me something mister!"  if I could get anything?  Then I could donate to Fuck You Trump for America PAC immediately.


What would be funny as hell is if this wasn't actual cash, but scrip you could use at a Trump property, with an expiration date of November 2020.

The MAGA-rally folks would fight to the death for the chance to spend a free night in a bedbug ridden property.


3 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

What would be funny as hell is if this wasn't actual cash, but scrip you could use at a Trump property, with an expiration date of November 2020.

The MAGA-rally folks would fight to the death for the chance to spend a free night in a bedbug ridden property.


Can I use it to buy the Naked Burger??!1

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6 hours ago, Lurch said:

It’s abortion.

They then go on to side with every other argument because team.

But, it’s abortion.

No, abortion is the issue they pretend it's about to make themselves feel morally superior. 

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, F250 said:

You guys are being elitist assholes by talking shit about a group of people that have been left behind by the ruling polity. There is a reason these people despised the traditional Republican establishment and overturned the GOP via a populist revolt. Their anger is the result of class tension and that tension is easily misdirected with racism, xenophobia and hatred.

Were they really voting against their economic interests by voting for Trump in 2016? Obviously their financial situation was pretty shitty under 8 years of Obama. Why would HRC have improved anything for them?

How long has it been since the Democratic party was supportive of strong unions and the working class?

This strike happened in 2019 and I don't recall either political party doing anything about it or addressing the issue that lead to the workers not being paid.

Trump won Harlan county by a landslide in 2016.



Tough one bro. I am the most bleeding heart liberal I know but at some point losses need to be understood and rectified. I am not sure where that line is honestly. I am sure we all struggle with that day in and day out.

I do however agree that labeling people or calling people names, spewing hatred and the like gets you nowhere. It just leads back into the group you are labeling, circles back, creates more separation. Its almost we just had a holiday in the US celebrating a visionary leader who rallied a group of oppressed people to fight in a new way and break the bonds of cyclical hate.

The American ruling elite run the show - started when CCCP fell. No one is helping those people out anytime soon. 

Party on Garth. 

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32 minutes ago, elfenix said:

micah?  jesus christ white people.

I know a couple (m&f) from Mississippi...his name is Micah, and her name is Mica. He's about as goofy a ginger as you'll ever see, and she's a total smoke show Southern Belle. I joke with Micah all the time that he must have been the only teenage boy in their little home town that could read and had all his teeth. 

5 hours ago, Lurch said:

No one in that picture voted for Obama.

A Dem candidate hasn't won over Appalachia since Bill Clinton. The Republicans started to implement their Southern Strategy template in Appalachia when Dubya first ran for President and he managed to get a slim majority of votes there until any grip Democrats had there was reduced to nothing. So yeah, I am pretty sure Obama didn't get a lot of votes there. Its solid red so why bother.

Not that the Appalachian vote matters, it's not like it was a critical vote that put Ohio and Pennsylvania into the Trump camp.



Hey look, there's a new way to redistrict states. Seriously, f'k these people.


Impeachment proceedings may have dominated the headlines so far this week, but the nation’s capital isn’t the only place where rarely used portions of the Constitution are getting new attention. Over 80 miles away, in Martinsburg, West Virginia, Governor Jim Justice and Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. made an unusual pitch to the residents of border counties in Virginia: Leave the Old Dominion and join up with the Mountaineers.*

Falwell reportedly envisions that Virginia’s border counties could fill out petitions to join West Virginia and then submit them to the Richmond legislature for approval. (That might not cover Liberty, which is in Lynchburg, deep in Virginia’s interior.) It’s exceedingly doubtful that such a plan would work, of course. If it did come to pass, however, the legal challenges that would ensue might give the courts and the country a chance to repair the Civil War’s last remaining constitutional divide and finally reunify the Virginias.

24 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

Hey look, there's a new way to redistrict states. Seriously, f'k these people.


Impeachment proceedings may have dominated the headlines so far this week, but the nation’s capital isn’t the only place where rarely used portions of the Constitution are getting new attention. Over 80 miles away, in Martinsburg, West Virginia, Governor Jim Justice and Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. made an unusual pitch to the residents of border counties in Virginia: Leave the Old Dominion and join up with the Mountaineers.*

Falwell reportedly envisions that Virginia’s border counties could fill out petitions to join West Virginia and then submit them to the Richmond legislature for approval. (That might not cover Liberty, which is in Lynchburg, deep in Virginia’s interior.) It’s exceedingly doubtful that such a plan would work, of course. If it did come to pass, however, the legal challenges that would ensue might give the courts and the country a chance to repair the Civil War’s last remaining constitutional divide and finally reunify the Virginias.

So this is stemming from the fact that Virginia went blue in 2018 and they are trying to make it more red?

1 minute ago, Biff Tannen said:

So this is stemming from the fact that Virginia went blue in 2018 and they are trying to make it more red?

It reads like the red counties want to leave. And make WV redder? 

1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

So this is stemming from the fact that Virginia went blue in 2018 and they are trying to make it more red?

they're pissed off that the population density of Northern Virginia carries the whole state pretty much blue, so they don't feel like their votes matter.  They've talked about ceding Northern Virginia to DC, which isn't a state, or even Maryland.  But if they can't get their way, then they discuss leaving.  And the last thing they need to do is create a larger, more poor state, especially since they won't have the taxes that the larger, wealthier areas generate.  And guess where the smaller areas plan to commute to for work?   

13 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

they're pissed off that the population density of Northern Virginia carries the whole state pretty much blue, so they don't feel like their votes matter.  They've talked about ceding Northern Virginia to DC, which isn't a state, or even Maryland.  But if they can't get their way, then they discuss leaving.  And the last thing they need to do is create a larger, more poor state, especially since they won't have the taxes that the larger, wealthier areas generate.  And guess where the smaller areas plan to commute to for work?   

Because it worked out so well last time. 

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1 minute ago, Pescado_Rojo said:

Because it worked out so well last time. 

They've learned to fill the airwaves with bullshit to overwhelm Dems as well as make them choose positions while letting others go. 

2 hours ago, Mdhorn said:

Hey look, there's a new way to redistrict states. Seriously, f'k these people.


Impeachment proceedings may have dominated the headlines so far this week, but the nation’s capital isn’t the only place where rarely used portions of the Constitution are getting new attention. Over 80 miles away, in Martinsburg, West Virginia, Governor Jim Justice and Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. made an unusual pitch to the residents of border counties in Virginia: Leave the Old Dominion and join up with the Mountaineers.*

Falwell reportedly envisions that Virginia’s border counties could fill out petitions to join West Virginia and then submit them to the Richmond legislature for approval. (That might not cover Liberty, which is in Lynchburg, deep in Virginia’s interior.) It’s exceedingly doubtful that such a plan would work, of course. If it did come to pass, however, the legal challenges that would ensue might give the courts and the country a chance to repair the Civil War’s last remaining constitutional divide and finally reunify the Virginias.

This seems like a win for Virginia.  What's the problem?

It's about like when Eastern Washington or California's Central Valley want to leave.  By all means, go.  They're the poorest parts of their states.  Good luck with that.

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1 minute ago, Aqua Buddha said:

This seems like a win for Virginia.  What's the problem?

It's about like when Eastern Washington or California's Central Valley want to leave.  By all means, go.  They're the poorest parts of their states.  Good luck with that.

Can't we just send them all to Kansas?  At least we'd know where our crazies were that way.

1 minute ago, Aqua Buddha said:

This seems like a win for Virginia.  What's the problem?

It's about like when Eastern Washington or California's Central Valley want to leave.  By all means, go.  They're the poorest parts of their states.  Good luck with that.

It’s EV manipulation.  Make red states bigger, blue states smaller. 

3 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

It’s EV manipulation.  Make red states bigger, blue states smaller. 

There aren't enough people in that part of VA to swing either state.

Posted (edited)

In case anyone thought my stance yesterday was too harsh, go search "Rand Paul" on Twitter now.  He's manufacturing outrage by trying to get Chief Justice Roberts to read a question containing the alleged whistleblower's name, and Roberts keeps refusing.  Now you've got all sorts of Republican twitter minions claiming Roberts needs to be impeached, fake worrying about how "scary" this is to witness, blah blah blah.  Fuck all of them.  I'm tired to trying to placate to a group of people who make no attempt at being intellectually honest.  I don't give a fuck if they are sad about working in a dying industry or if calling them racist makes them angry, they are willingly choosing to follow jackasses like Rand Paul.  They deserve the ridicule.

Edited by Chuckie Finster
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