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The GQP: Trumpist Death Cult

Hugo Stiglitz

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2 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:

I remember on some podcast my wife makes me listen to on long car trips somebody was talking to some former advisors to Obama, and they were asked why Obama didn't do something to punish Russia and Putin for their chicanery during the election. The response was something along the lines of "We discussed loping a zero off of Putin's offshore bank accounts, but we were worried that their response would be far worse. The fact was that Russia was way ahead of us in cyber warfare. We would not be able to defend ourselves against an all out cyber attack. without resorting to an actual shooting war. So we sanctioned some people, that sort of thing. And we told the incoming administration about their meddling, thinking they would work to close the cyber gap. We didn't anticipate that the Trump administration would completely embrace Putin, rather than work to stop the meddling."

Anyway, that response makes Obama look incompetent, but makes DOTUS look treasonous.

tldr: Tell me something I didn't already know.

The Obama Administration fucked up six ways to Sunday with Russia during the election due to hubris and naivety.

The knew what the Russians were doing nearly the entire time and continually talked themselves out of ways to properly respond.  

They would created excuses like if we do X then Russia will slap up with Y.  Never mind that Russia was stabbing our democracy directly in the heart the whole time.

It will go down in history as Obama’s biggest blunder.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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Sure. Go ahead and believe that if you want. But Donald Trump isn't the national security apparatus. Thankfully.

We’re fighting with one hand tied behind our back, and in some respects, to the extent we are fighting, I’m really worried about whether we’re fighting back with either no executive oversight or even against executive directives. Long-term, that’s muy bad.
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55 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

the republican party just sliced their face off and slit their own throat. what a colossal goat fuck.

Nah.  When a Democrat President tries to do something like this, they'll bitch and moan just like usual.  We've seen it numerous times already.  We are too far gone and nothing matters.  Scoot over, Brisket.  Make some room on that ledge.

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Nah.  When a Democrat President tries to do something like this, they'll bitch and moan just like usual.  We've seen it numerous times already.  We are too far gone and nothing matters.  Scoot over, Brisket.  Make some room on that ledge.

I’m gonna go ahead and reserve the whole south rim of the Grand Canyon. We’re gonna need it.
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12 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The Obama Administration fucked up six ways to Sunday with Russia during the election due to hubris and naivety.

The knew what the Russians were doing nearly the entire time and continually talked themselves out of ways to properly respond.  

They would created excuses like if we do X then Russia will slap up with Y.  Never mind that Russia was stabbing our democracy directly in the heart the whole time.

It will go down in history as Obama’s biggest blunder.


I think that was what I said.

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13 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The Obama Administration fucked up six ways to Sunday with Russia during the election due to hubris and naivety.

The knew what the Russians were doing nearly the entire time and continually talked themselves out of ways to properly respond.  

They would created excuses like if we do X then Russia will slap up with Y.  Never mind that Russia was stabbing our democracy directly in the heart the whole time.

It will go down in history as Obama’s biggest blunder.

It wasn't due to hubris or naivete. It was, sadly, due to politics. There was an election going on and they didn't want to be perceived as putting their thumb on the scale for Hillary Clinton. 

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6 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

It wasn't due to hubris or naivete. It was, sadly, due to politics. There was an election going on and they didn't want to be perceived as putting their thumb on the scale for Hillary Clinton. 

Defending the country from a foreign attack transcends politics.  

Fuck the political perception problem.  Do the right thing to protect the United States.

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No worries, bruh. You make some good points. Barry thought she was going to win and all of the silly Russian stuff was going to be handled post election. 

Yeah, a big part of Obama’s calculus was thinking Clinton was going to be the next president.

I think if they knew Trump was going to win they would have acted, politics be damned.

They knew if Trump lost he would spend the rest of forever hollering -probably on The Trump News Network - about the stolen election.

They were rightly concerned about giving that claim any legitimacy.

They saw it playing out -

-Keep our powder dry and don’t interfere
-Don’t give Trump and the crazies any reason to point to that the election is being stolen
-Clinton wins
-Clinton fucks Putin up

But the Russians were better at their project than Obama and the intelligence community realized and now we’re all headed to Brisket’s Ledge and I’m going to have to endure that shit sober because I don’t like scotch.

But I do have some Valium and some leftover pain pills from a surgery so I’ll have that to look forward to.
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33 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Kansas and Oklahoma should be banded together as one state, fenced off, and shut away from the rest of the world forever.  Send all the trumpkins there and then we can get on with the real world.

Add Nebraska and Iowa and call it the Republic of Dumbfuckistan

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8 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

Kansas and Oklahoma should be banded together as one state, fenced off, and shut away from the rest of the world forever.  Send all the trumpkins there and then we can get on with the real world.


7 hours ago, softlynow said:

Texas re-elected an AG under indictment, Danny Goeb and gave Goodhair 3 terms. Might as well add us, too. 

And yes.  

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I think people need to make a point of noticing when any Republican does even small things that show some indication that they aren't an invertebrate.  Will Hurd speaking out about a more intelligent approach to the border is one.  I don't have a problem with him not calling Trump an idiot.  I think it would be fun if he did, but I'm fine with Republicans erring on the side of civility as long as they err on the site of actual intelligent policy.  

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1 hour ago, tantric superman said:

I think people need to make a point of noticing when any Republican does even small things that show some indication that they aren't an invertebrate.  Will Hurd speaking out about a more intelligent approach to the border is one.  I don't have a problem with him not calling Trump an idiot.  I think it would be fun if he did, but I'm fine with Republicans erring on the side of civility as long as they err on the site of actual intelligent policy.  

Yeah good luck with that, I was trying to argue that position with Jeff Flake but was lambasted for applauding someone that votes with Trump too much. 

People no longer appreciate nuance or the importance of rhetoric and influence in politics.  If you haven’t done anything for my side, you’re trash and anything you say should be disregarded.

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Yeah good luck with that, I was trying to argue that position with Jeff Flake but was lambasted for applauding someone that votes with Trump too much. 
People no longer appreciate nuance or the importance of rhetoric and influence in politics.  If you haven’t done anything for my side, you’re trash and anything you say should be disregarded.

That’s not it. False defenders of the country are as bad as those who attack it. Putting on your battle gear, standing a post and looking menacing....only to open the gate and let the enemy though with a smile...that’s worse than not having a “defender” at all.
Fuck. Them. All. They stand against the republic. They have to go.
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