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35 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:


So let me get this straight, both the Chinese and Koreans look at each other like they are the fucking Irish or something?


4 minutes ago, shakahorn said:

I was going to say something similar.  It's not unusual at all for Europeans to look down on other euros.  I don't know why it comes as a surprise for the same phenomenon to occur in Asia.

Right, why is this so shocking? But what an evil opportunist Miss Kim is.  

8 hours ago, Walden Ponderer said:

You don't have to be Caucasian to be a dumbass. It certainly helps, but it's not mandatory mandarin.


  • Haha 2

John Boehner's book been discussed yet?


Former House Speaker John Boehner tore into right-wing media and what he called the GOP's "crazy caucus" in a book excerpt published by Politico Friday, targeting Sen. Ted Cruz, Fox News' Sean Hannity and the late Roger Ailes, and former Rep. Michele Bachmann.

The big picture: Boehner seeks to cast himself in his new memoir, titled “On the House: A Washington Memoir," as one of the last leaders of the GOP's sensible conservative movement, before the party was co-opted by Donald Trump and other members who dedicated themselves to "wedge issues and conspiracies and crusades."


On Obama and birtherism: Boehner recalls how he "got all kinds of shit" for stating, as a matter of fact, that the state of Hawaii said President Obama was born there — writing that "you would have thought I’d called Ronald Reagan a communist."

"All of this crap swirling around was going to make it tough for me to cut any deals with Obama as the new House Speaker. Of course, it has to be said that Obama didn’t help himself much either. He could come off as lecturing and haughty. He still wasn’t making Republican outreach a priority. But on the other hand—how do you find common cause with people who think you are a secret Kenyan Muslim traitor to America?"

On Sean Hannity: "Places like Fox News were creating the wrong incentives. Sean Hannity was one of the worst. I’d known him for years, and we used to have a good relationship. But then he decided he felt like busting my ass every night on his show. ... At some point I called him a nut. Anyway, it’s safe to say our relationship never got any better."

On Roger Ailes: Boehner describes meeting with his old friend Ailes, who was ousted as CEO of Fox News in 2016 after sexual harassment allegations, "to plead with him to put a leash on some of the crazies he was putting on the air," telling Ailes that he was making his job harder.

"When I put it to him like that, he didn’t have much to say. But he did go on and on about the terrorist attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, which he thought was part of a grand conspiracy that led back to Hillary Clinton. Then he outlined elaborate plots by which George Soros and the Clintons and Obama (and whoever else came to mind) were trying to destroy him."

"'They’re monitoring me,' he assured me about the Obama White House. He told me he had a “safe room” built so he couldn’t be spied on."

On Rupert Murdoch: "He was a businessman, pure and simple. He cared about ratings and the bottom line. He also wanted to make sure he was ahead of any political or policy developments coming down the line. ... If he entertained any of the kooky conspiracy theories that started to take over his network, he kept it a secret from me. But he clearly didn’t have a problem with them if they helped ratings."

On Michele Bachmann: Boehner calls the former Minnesota congresswoman, who ran for president in 2012, a "lunatic" who embodied the ability of right-wing media to make "people who used to be fringe characters into powerful media stars." Boehner writes that Bachmann wanted to be placed on the powerful House Ways and Means, and that he turned her down.

"Her response to me was calm and matter-of-fact. 'Well, then I’ll just have to go talk to Sean Hannity and everybody at Fox,” she said, 'and Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, and everybody else on the radio, and tell them that this is how John Boehner is treating the people who made it possible for the Republicans to take back the House.'"

"I wasn’t the one with the power, she was saying. I just thought I was. She had the power now. She was right, of course."

On Ted Cruz: "By 2013 the chaos caucus in the House had built up their own power base thanks to fawning right-wing media and outrage-driven fundraising cash. And now they had a new head lunatic leading the way, who wasn’t even a House member. There is nothing more dangerous than a reckless asshole who thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Senator Ted Cruz."


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On 4/1/2021 at 9:03 PM, shakahorn said:

I was going to say something similar.  It's not unusual at all for Europeans to look down on other euros.  I don't know why it comes as a surprise for the same phenomenon to occur in Asia.

Let me tell you about California and Oakies 

I was going to say something similar.  It's not unusual at all for Europeans to look down on other euros.  I don't know why it comes as a surprise for the same phenomenon to occur in Asia.

As an Alabamaian, let me let you in on a little secret.

It happens in America too!

If I wasn’t so lazy, I’d be happy to compile some examples from this very message board.
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I was paired with a Chinese student for some project in an engineering class and once when we walked by a group Korean students he spit on the ground and said "Korean dogs, I hate them". I was caught off guard for that one. 

The whites do not have a monopoly on racism. That doesn’t make it excusable, but it is a good thing to keep in mind.

The weirdest thing to me is that some is the most hardline, anti immigrant, build the wall types I know are Tejano. Human beings are weird man.
  • Like 1
46 minutes ago, Upgrayedd said:

Let me tell you about California and Oakies 

Do you mean Okies or people from Oakland? For the former, my ancestors were too poor to leave the state, had no auto so they stayed behind with the dust.


Not sure what thread this should go in but I am guessing it applies to the Republican party as I am dealing with a group of right wing conservatives that are boycotting my company.  Not trying to dox myself but apparently my company has some kind of race theory training (I didn't even know we had this) and it showed up in the Washington Examiner, Tucker Carlson and going around the internet.  The conservatives are angry that the employees are forced to get this race theory training but I am pretty sure every major corporation does training to make sure their employees don't discriminate based on race, religion, gender, sexual harassment training, etc.....  (I don't even recall taking this training online but whatever)  Anyways I had to be on a call with this client as they railed on and on how my company is run by liberals and we are destroying America and freedom of speech, etc...  They went on to say their group is also boycotting Delta and Coca Cola.  After hearing this client complain for an hour I realized there is nothing to make these people happy and they are batshit crazy.  If anyone should be mad about some form of training my company does it should be employees like me not a group of lunatics looking to just bitch about anything that has nothing to do with them.  I swear to god there are millions of people that watch Tucker/Hannity/OAN because they want to know what the next thing is that they need to be angry about.   If Tucker talks about toilet paper being made in China these fucking lunatics would stop wiping their asses to protest toilet paper.  Rant over but I did not need that shit on a Friday morning after I got my second dose of Moderna the day before and felt like shit.  

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So let me get this straight, both the Chinese and Koreans look at each other like they are the fucking Irish or something?
Every chance you get, you bag on the Irish. Sorry that bloke fucked your wife, laddy.
  • Hook 'Em 1

No, no. See, this is a boycott. We're not cancelling all those things. We're just letting them know we wish they would go out of business and no longer exist because we disagree with their politics.....yeah. 


It is pretty cool that these morons can’t watch any sports anymore because of da ebil dems and their woke supporters, except I guess the masters.  Lower ticket prices for me. 

3 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

It is pretty cool that these morons can’t watch any sports anymore because of da ebil dems and their woke supporters, except I guess the masters.  Lower ticket prices for me. 

Please. They just talk about boycotts. They still fucking watch. Because they’re pieces of shit with little else to do with their time. Theyll watch the game and just bitch with the same frequency. 

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5 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

Please. They just talk about boycotts. They still fucking watch. Because they’re pieces of shit with little else to do with their time. Theyll watch the game and just bitch with the same frequency. 

The saddest thing to me is, I see all these people angry and distraught about “losing things” or “stuff being taken away” and they don’t realize I don’t want anything they’ve got.  Not a damned thing.  They truly are deplorable, and should have bootstrapped a better life, if some dumb rural schoolteachers kid like me looks at them and says “nah,  I’m not envious of any of that”.  Your life sucks and you should be ashamed for feeling like anyone wants to take it.  

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On 3/30/2021 at 1:48 PM, Bama Chick said:

I thought y’all would appreciate this.

Well, there's this fella I know down in Texas, big guy named John. Crashing blow from his huge right hand sent liberal bad guy to the promised land. Some say he's bad, but I don't think so.


I have been struggling a lot lately with the same as a lot of you.  People and family I have always deemed level headed and respected who have just gone to the dark side.  Not militantly so, or in your face, but still just in normal conversation you know where they now stand.   And you feel lonely, because you lost another friend.

Eric Swalwell wrote a great column today.    Basically it goes into how so many of our politicians, particularly GOP side, tend to think of themselves as 'entertainers' instead of representatives.  And their constituents are now their 'fans.'   

I'm not real sure why this is working so well on the deplorables, but it is.   There's also a section on civility and manners, which has been highlighted in this thread by @Antidean about his stepson.  

April 3, 2021, 3:30 AM CDT
By Rep. Eric Swalwell, U.S representative for California’s 15th congressional district

Congress has become a deeply divided, almost toxic work environment in part because of the “pro wrestling” mentality too many members have adopted, putting showmanship ahead of statesmanship.

You may be surprised to know that most of the right-wing House members who spend endless hours on Fox News smearing Democrats actually want to be back-slapping buddies with us when the cameras are off. Some have defamed me on national television or by tweet and then, within a day, approached me in a hallway or on the House floor, smiling and wanting to chat me up. They seem surprised when I don’t want to share pleasantries; to them, they’re just “playing the game.”

Last week one representative told me we were due to grab dinner again, as we had before the insurrection. I was stunned. This guy tweets about me and slams me on Fox News at every opportunity.

Many of my Republican colleagues also don’t see the people they represent as constituents to serve; they see fans to entertain, thinking this will help them win re-election. But Congress shouldn’t be like WWE wrestling. You can’t smash a chair over someone’s head in the ring, then hang out backstage like it was all an act, and still expect to make any real progress on behalf of the people who elected us. The preoccupation with putting on a show often devastates the relationships required for bipartisan cooperation.

My friend and constituent Donald James of Pleasanton, California, recently retired as NASA’s associate administrator for education, a position in which he worked to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers and explorers. He’s among the most thoroughly decent and deeply thoughtful people I know. In February he published a book titled, “Manners Will Take You Where Brains and Money Won’t," positing that our manners signal our authenticity; the way you speak and interact with others creates the foundation for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

As I had the honor of writing in the book’s foreword: “Don’t mistake this for some milquetoast, go-along-to-get-along philosophy. Being consistently genuine, polite and principled is a learned skill and hard work. It requires you to step outside your comfort zone, to subvert your reflexive impulse to hit back, and to constantly think about how to stay on the higher ground. It is in many ways a spiritual undertaking and a journey that never ends.”

This lesson is lost on many members of Congress.

Our legislative branch seems to have devolved into a never-ending argument — but not an argument of principles and policy. Rather, it’s an argument staged as a modern-day version of the ancient Roman “bread and circuses,” to entertain and distract voters from real issues like protecting voting rights, rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure, and ending the scourge of gun violence.

Too many conservative lawmakers are fast to throw away any shred of respect for a political opponent’s knowledge or motive, tossing truth and facts aside in favor of whatever will “own the libs” and get hourly coverage on Fox News, One America and Newsmax. It’s a battle for ratings, not results, and it gets Americans nothing.

I don’t think, even cynically, that this is what Americans really want. Most people I meet say they crave honesty from their elected officials, not the political piledrivers that last only as long as a soundbite on the nightly news. “Telling it like it is” can’t mean “putting on a show for the cameras.”

We’re never going to agree all the time. We should fight for what we believe in. Friction is inevitable in the fierce competition of ideas necessary to maintain our democratic republic.

But our republic would be stronger if we argued on the basis of facts and truth, and if we put the nation’s best interests ahead of our own limelight and career advancement. When we disagree, we should do so honestly; if it’s serious enough to fight about, it must be for real. And that is what is increasingly missing from the halls of Congress.

Politics is not sport and we shouldn’t treat it as such. We disrespect ourselves, each other and American voters when we do so.


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18 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

The saddest thing to me is, I see all these people angry and distraught about “losing things” or “stuff being taken away” and they don’t realize I don’t want anything they’ve got.  Not a damned thing.  They truly are deplorable, and should have bootstrapped a better life, if some dumb rural schoolteachers kid like me looks at them and says “nah,  I’m not envious of any of that”.  Your life sucks and you should be ashamed for feeling like anyone wants to take it.  

Because life is more than what you have.  And it's not just material things you can have, but also power, popularity, adoration and attention.  

It is more about what you are.  And when you sell what you are to get what you have, then there's naught left but an empty shell of a person.  And who wants that?   Other than others who still think it's all about what you have?   

  • Hook 'Em 1
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11 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

I have been struggling a lot lately with the same as a lot of you.  People and family I have always deemed level headed and respected who have just gone to the dark side.  Not militantly so, or in your face, but still just in normal conversation you know where they now stand.   And you feel lonely, because you lost another friend.

Eric Swalwell wrote a great column today.    Basically it goes into how so many of our politicians, particularly GOP side, tend to think of themselves as 'entertainers' instead of representatives.  And their constituents are now their 'fans.'   

I'm not real sure why this is working so well on the deplorables, but it is.   There's also a section on civility and manners, which has been highlighted in this thread by @Antidean about his stepson.  


That is spot fucking on. Essentially, these are unserious people in very serious positions. 

  • Hook 'Em 1
Texags poster wants our government to arrest homosexuals. 

That forum has gone more off the rails than I thought possible. Just stunning. 
they nuked the thread shortly after I posted. Sorry. 

Doesn’t matter. Remember, we have reached the era of “saying the quiet part out loud.”

Know that if the GQP did decide to round up and arrest homosexuals, 99% of their voters would support it/go along with it.
  • Hook 'Em 1
17 minutes ago, Irieguy said:

Texags poster wants our government to arrest homosexuals. 


That forum has gone more off the rails than I thought possible. Just stunning. 

they nuked the thread shortly after I posted. Sorry. 

Hotbed of anti-vax, anti-mask shit.  Many of the same posters who quite literally argued that businesses should be allowed to turn away Black people if they wanted to (muh private property) now want Greg Abbott to force businesses to accept unmasked, unvaxxed people. 

  • Hook 'Em 1
5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Doesn’t matter. Remember, we have reached the era of “saying the quiet part out loud.”

Know that if the GQP did decide to round up and arrest homosexuals, 99% of their voters would support it/go along with it.

First they came for the homosexuals, then they came for the Hispanics, then they came for the Longhorns.  I don’t like the way this is going if the Aggies have any say in this kind of stuff.

2 hours ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

Not sure what thread this should go in but I am guessing it applies to the Republican party as I am dealing with a group of right wing conservatives that are boycotting my company.  Not trying to dox myself but apparently my company has some kind of race theory training (I didn't even know we had this) and it showed up in the Washington Examiner, Tucker Carlson and going around the internet.  The conservatives are angry that the employees are forced to get this race theory training but I am pretty sure every major corporation does training to make sure their employees don't discriminate based on race, religion, gender, sexual harassment training, etc.....  (I don't even recall taking this training online but whatever)  Anyways I had to be on a call with this client as they railed on and on how my company is run by liberals and we are destroying America and freedom of speech, etc...  They went on to say their group is also boycotting Delta and Coca Cola.  After hearing this client complain for an hour I realized there is nothing to make these people happy and they are batshit crazy.  If anyone should be mad about some form of training my company does it should be employees like me not a group of lunatics looking to just bitch about anything that has nothing to do with them.  I swear to god there are millions of people that watch Tucker/Hannity/OAN because they want to know what the next thing is that they need to be angry about.   If Tucker talks about toilet paper being made in China these fucking lunatics would stop wiping their asses to protest toilet paper.  Rant over but I did not need that shit on a Friday morning after I got my second dose of Moderna the day before and felt like shit.  

My company is based out of Boston, if you want self-doxxing. The "How dare you drop My Pillow!" emails were music to my ears. Strange how losing one segment of our customer base had zero impact on the bottom line and improved morale for both sales and service.

  • Hook 'Em 2
1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

Doesn’t matter. Remember, we have reached the era of “saying the quiet part out loud.”

Know that if the GQP did decide to round up and arrest homosexuals, 99% of their voters would support it/go along with it.

And it’d turn into witch trials or McCarthyism where they accuse people they don’t like or that they disagree with of being gay just to get rid of them. 

12 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

My company is based out of Boston, if you want self-doxxing. The "How dare you drop My Pillow!" emails were music to my ears. Strange how losing one segment of our customer base had zero impact on the bottom line and improved morale for both sales and service.

Nothing, literally nothing, is better for business than a trumpkin boycott. Those people aren’t worth the hassle they bring to your business and all your actual good customers appreciate the better service you are able to give them because you don’t have to put up with those stupid assholes.  

  • Hook 'Em 2
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3 hours ago, Pancho said:


I've heard they're boycotting Coca Cola also.  What are they going to drink, water? Like from the toilet?

  • Hook 'Em 2
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  • Haha 5
28 minutes ago, Bojack said:

I've heard they're boycotting Coca Cola also.  What are they going to drink, water? Like from the toilet?

No, Dasani is a coke product. 

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Irieguy said:

Texags poster wants our government to arrest homosexuals. 


That forum has gone more off the rails than I thought possible. Just stunning. 

they nuked the thread shortly after I posted. Sorry. 

In a nutshell 

Trumpism = Aggyism 

make up facts, live in a fantasy world, play dress up soldier, make your own false idols and patches, and when you take another loss, blame a media conspiracy against you. or assault the other teams cheerleaders, or take a cannon to the other teams city, or throw shit at the other band because you’re a fucking child and all the information provided to you is filtered propaganda from Fox News Texags 

  • Hook 'Em 8
1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

In a nutshell 

Trumpism = Aggyism 

make up facts, live in a fantasy world, play dress up soldier, make your own false idols and patches, and when you take another loss, blame a media conspiracy against you. or assault the other teams cheerleaders, or take a cannon to the other teams city, or throw shit at the other band because you’re a fucking child and all the information provided to you is filtered propaganda from Fox News Texags 

That's what I don't get.  We have people on this site that are well aware of aggy and everything they do, but they don't see the obvious parallel to trumpism.  Why do they want to be like aggy?

  • Hook 'Em 2
That's what I don't get.  We have people on this site that are well aware of aggy and everything they do, but they don't see the obvious parallel to trumpism.  Why do they want to be like aggy?
Because a black dude became president, and it's no longer socially exceptable to say the n word, or tranny, or hire a black guy to pick cotton at the frat house?
  • Hook 'Em 1
  • Fuck You 1
No wonder Sarah grew up to be a shitapple.

That family has made millions - many millions - based solely on the fact that American politics has turned into a WWE production, and not anything to do with actual governance.

I hate every single one of them with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.
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On 4/1/2021 at 9:24 AM, Mrs Whiggins said:

Agree, and that is what gave me the internal eye roll--some Christians want the New Testament to apply to them (forgiveness and love) and to apply the Old Testament to everyone else (wrath and suffering). It's fascinating.

It makes me exceeding wroth.

  • Fuck Around and Find Out 1

Non sequitur:  I’m in the middle of reading the narnia books to my kids. We are on Prince Caspian. 

In it, there is a dwarf named Trumpkin, and the word dotard is used more than once as a pejorative. 

I thought those words were made up a few years ago. Wrong.

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3 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Non sequitur:  I’m in the middle of reading the narnia books to my kids. We are on Prince Caspian. 

In it, there is a dwarf named Trumpkin, and the word dotard is used more than once as a pejorative. 

I thought those words were made up a few years ago. Wrong.

Oh! That is time well spent with your children. Ours loved the books. 
But, you have noticed a problem with the simulation: sometimes there is a scrong deja vu. Rather unsettling isn’t it?!


Posted (edited)
49 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:



Whenever I see Georgia politicians taking themselves this seriously, I am reminded of the worst parody of a Texan written by someone who watched a couple of episodes of "Dallas," then ate a cheese sandwich. The puffing-up, the conviction that they are the center of the world. 

Stick em with a pin, they'd pop.

Edited by RDCanecutter
  • Hook 'Em 1

Stupid people used to have a general sense of their stupidity and would defer to people smarter than them.  Trump gave them a voice and empowered them.  “He talks like us!”  Yeah, like a fucking moron.

Now the rest of the GOP is tripping over their dicks trying to capture their vote and the morons, finding themselves suddenly valuable, are enjoying their recruitment more than a 5 star visiting Texas, Alabama, Miami and USC.

They used to be deplorable.  Now they are important.  We see them as being exploited, and they are.  But they are enjoying a relevance they would have never had otherwise.

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