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The GQP: Trumpist Death Cult

Hugo Stiglitz

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15 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

If your suggestion is true, your street probably constituted The majority of new voters in that age cohort that supportrd Cruz. Like white voters with college degrees in South Carolina - not a significant piece of the pie.

Also lol at a previously non voting 34-42 year old woman coming off the sidelines because they can't stand Beto. Sounds like some husbands were lied to in order to keep the peace.

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3 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

Doesn’t surprise me in general, although the volume is probably a little exaggerated.  The Big Sort, where people now live around people that agree with them politically is pretty well understood and the topic of many books including ... The Big Sort. 


Both sides had huge GOTV efforts.  Its just not representative of the state.  New voters of that age were overwhelmingly pro Beto. 

Yeah I don’t disagree, the young vote is out and overwhelmingly blue. I was surprised (a little) how many of my age peoples didn’t know how to vote or where to go. But if you have been R in this state, you haven’t had to do much forever.  I think that’s changing, but won’t be enough to keep the blue/purple at bay.  Anyhow, just an anecdotal but from a few folks I had gathered with. FWIW, I would guess no one liked Cruz, just straight voting for the party. 

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3 hours ago, gmr548 said:

If your suggestion is true, your street probably constituted The majority of new voters in that age cohort that supportrd Cruz. Like white voters with college degrees in South Carolina - not a significant piece of the pie.

Also lol at a previously non voting 34-42 year old woman coming off the sidelines because they can't stand Beto. Sounds like some husbands were lied to in order to keep the peace.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

It’s true, and agree not a big piece of the pie. I was speaking more to how I believe MANY are getting off the sidelines now, in this political climate.   The kids Brisket was referencing, and many who have never had to do anything as they lean R in a very red state.  Things are changing on all fronts, obviously some more than others. 

There may have been some wife’s that voted different but I don’t know. Solid middle class 40 yo women who attended Baylor, aggy, and UT for the most part. Not a super liberal group to begin with.  I don’t think calves were cramping. 

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What is wrong with Alabama?  First Roy Moore and now this: Alabama mayor suggests killing gays:


You know, I want to be conservative. I believe deeply in fiscal restraint and will always err on the side of less government rather than more.  Democrats typically don't believe in these things and Republicans suggest things like killing gays.

I don't have a party.  I should start the apolitical party,  the party for people who hate political parties.


Edited by Hornius Emeritus
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What is wrong with Alabama?  First Roy Moore and now this: Alabama mayor suggests killing gays:


You know, I want to be conservative. I believe deeply in fiscal restraint and will always err on the side of less government rather than more.  Democrats typically don't believe in these things and Republicans suggest things like killing gays.

I don't have a party.  I should start the apolitical party,  the party for people who hate political parties.

Since at least 1980, every period of GOP control of the executive has resulted in a complete shit being taken on the idea of fiscal responsibility and an explosion in debt/defecits that is foundational in nature. Democratic executives have been orders of magnitude more responsible with the nation's finances.

Implying the Republican Party is the party of fiscal responsibility is factually incorrect and that is not debatable. I get the appeal of the both sides high horse, but that's a laughable way to justify it.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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3 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Bill Clinton shrunk the government. The massive government bloat that is the Dept. of Homeland Security was brought to you by George W. Bush. 

I'm about 99.99% opposed to WTB's view of the world, but he is 100% dead-nuts on this post.

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5 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

What is wrong with Alabama?  First Roy Moore and now this: Alabama mayor suggests killing gays:


You know, I want to be conservative. I believe deeply in fiscal restraint and will always err on the side of less government rather than more.  Democrats typically don't believe in these things and Republicans suggest things like killing gays.

I don't have a party.  I should start the apolitical party,  the party for people who hate political parties.


I'm sure he supports the abortion ban making 12 year old rape victims have babies because, you know, every life is precious.

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W was worthless, in so many ways....

Oh that’s untrue.
We can measure his worth by the cost of the wars of convenience, new entitlements, the wasteful and poorly targeted fiscal stimuli in 2001 and 2003, and expanded Federal spending that took us from a trajectory of balanced finances to structural deficit that will never be unwound.
That’s the really the post-Reagan GOP, in a nutshell- deficit, foreign adventure and myopia. George HW Bush tried to buck it and they never forgave him for it.
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16 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Basing your political ideas on something as vague as "I don't trust government" is just a way for privileged people to ignore the needs of the people their comfort is built on top of.

It's also very ironic considering how much privileged people need the government to maintain their place in society.

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Basing your political ideas on something as vague as "I don't trust government" is just a way for privileged people to ignore the needs of the people their comfort is built on top of.

But welfare women drive brand new caddy’s.
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11 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

Oh that’s untrue.
We can measure his worth by the cost of the wars of convenience, new entitlements, the wasteful and poorly targeted fiscal stimuli in 2001 and 2003, and expanded Federal spending that took us from a trajectory of balanced finances to structural deficit that will never be unwound.
That’s the really the post-Reagan GOP, in a nutshell- deficit, foreign adventure and myopia. George HW Bush tried to buck it and they never forgave him for it.

This makes me very depressed, because I have not argument. 

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25 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

that DT Jr tweet though links to a poll showing Amash is getting primaried.  All Trump all the time.  That's why no one speaks out.

Disloyalty to the cult leader means that you are excommunicated from the cult.  It's fucking Cult 101.  There is no GOP opposition to the Trump, nor can there be, because the GOP is Trump, completely and totally.  It stands for nothing but what Trump said 5 minutes ago -- tariffs suck, tariffs rule, tariffs suck, whatever he says in any given moment, that is the GOP platform.  Disloyalty is not an option.

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9 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Disloyalty to the cult leader means that you are excommunicated from the cult.  It's fucking Cult 101.  There is no GOP opposition to the Trump, nor can there be, because the GOP is Trump, completely and totally.  It stands for nothing but what Trump said 5 minutes ago -- tariffs suck, tariffs rule, tariffs suck, whatever he says in any given moment, that is the GOP platform.  Disloyalty is not an option.

the lack of integrity writ so large is truly breathtaking. i still think it must have something to do with dirty russian nra money. 

nevertheless, it really is stunning how compromised the principles and principals of the republican party are with regard to trump. they have completely abdicated their party to this man, and he's obviously so unfit for office. that 40% isn't changing their minds, tho. 

it really is an amazing, if depressing, time to be alive and to witness this. 

millenials, save us. vote. please. end this nightmare.

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20 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

the lack of integrity writ so large is truly breathtaking. i still think it must have something to do with dirty russian nra money. 

nevertheless, it really is stunning how compromised the principles and principals of the republican party are with regard to trump. they have completely abdicated their party to this man, and he's obviously so unfit for office. that 40% isn't changing their minds, tho. 

it really is an amazing, if depressing, time to be alive and to witness this. 

millenials, save us. vote. please. end this nightmare.

In my view, the Republicans became too reliant on right wing media to maintain power.  Without Fox News and Rush their entire movement kinda falls apart.

Putin exploited this vulnerability and helped Trump subvert as much of the right wing media as possible.  Once right wing media became Trump disinformation central, the conservative/GOP movement was at their mercy.  The Republican Party allowed themselves to be taken hostage by Trumpism (which is really Putinism).  But then again, greed was always most of these folks true religion anyway. 

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11 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:


It would be hilarious if Trump somehow won back PA and MI, but fucking lost Texas.  I can only imagine the screaming he would do at Cruz, Cornyn, and Abbott.  

Yeah that ain’t happening. Trump loses Michigan for sure and almost certainly loses Pennsylvania.

As for Texas, trump wasn’t popular here in 2016 and is even less popular now. He won Texas in 2016 because R, but make no mistake, Texas is a swing state in 2020 and that fact worries Team Traitor more than any other. 

Right now Texas is a plus 6 republican state with trump not all that popular, and it’s trending even more dem and will be close. 

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7 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

Yeah that ain’t happening. Trump loses Michigan for sure and almost certainly loses Pennsylvania.

As for Texas, trump wasn’t popular here in 2016 and is even less popular now. He won Texas in 2016 because R, but make no mistake, Texas is a swing state in 2020 and that fact worries Team Traitor more than any other. 

 Right now Texas is a plus 6 republican state with trump not all that popular, and it’s trending even more dem and will be close. 

They are already putting big effort into keeping Texas R. Lots money devoted to likely R voter registration.  He'll win it.  I think it is a good strategy.  I think they need to keep Texas if they are going to avoid the appearance of a collapsed party going forward.  A Trump loss is bad.  A Trump loss with Texas flipping would be catastrophic for the Republicans.

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