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The Rise and Fall of Kent Sorenson, Tea Party "Hero"


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Good read, but not really surprising that a staunch social/religious conservative, forced to personally experience the circumstances of people he had previously viewed as scum, gained a new and deeper understanding of their plight.   A lack of empathy towards people outside of one's closest social circle may be the defining characteristic of the political right.   Unfortunately the people most like he was before the downfall will not learn from his experience. 

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“You know, I trust the guys in prison more than I trust the guys in the legislature,” he says. “I watched a senator steal oxycontin from an older senator who was suffering from breast cancer and later died. I had a Montblanc pen stolen off my desk in the chamber. But I never locked my locker in prison. If I gave someone a scoop of coffee, on commissary day, there was a scoop of coffee waiting for me.”


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2 hours ago, Mojo Hand said:

Good read, but not really surprising that a staunch social/religious conservative, forced to personally experience the circumstances of people he had previously viewed as scum, gained a new and deeper understanding of their plight.   A lack of empathy towards people outside of one's closest social circle may be the defining characteristic of the political right.   Unfortunately the people most like he was before the downfall will not learn from his experience. 

Maybe anyone running for office should do a few months hard time first.

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