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Posted (edited)

Yes. Her movie comes out in March 2019 but will be set in the 1990s and will explain why she's not around for Loki's invasion and Thanos. Next Marvel movie is Ant Man & The Wasp which should have a cut scene or two at the end to advance the overall story. I'd imagine it will involve Hawkeye since he was absent from IW.

I'd imagine anyone dead before the dusting is dead for good, except maybe Vision. Gamora, Heimdall, and Loki are gone. Gamora might be ghost Gamora like Red Skull which is one hell of a long game. It was incredibly ballsy to dust pretty much all the Phase 3 and 4 heroes, especially those with sequels in the works like Guardians, Spiderman, and BP. 

Edited by mdmost

Remember at the beginning in the fight in New York, Dr Strange sent one of the aliens through a portal but it closed on his arm, cutting off his arm. 

That would've come in really handy in the fight with Thanos on Titan.

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14 hours ago, workswithseed said:


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is that supposed to be Captain Marvel at the end when Nick uses the transpoder? That's what I heard at least.



Posted (edited)

The Russo's just embarrassed the shit out of Rian Johnson even more. That's how you make a movie.


Edited by crony
I hate Rian Johnson

as someone else said....


i didnt think Marvel would have the balls to do that.


so maybe its just me  or shouldnt quite a few more of the main avenger group have dusted out?    I know they have a Black Widow movie coming out, but maybe she should have dusted.  And either the Hulk or Iron Man I think would have been good as well

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

as someone else said....


i didnt think Marvel would have the balls to do that.



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so maybe its just me  or shouldnt quite a few more of the main avenger group have dusted out?    I know they have a Black Widow movie coming out, but maybe she should have dusted.  And either the Hulk or Iron Man I think would have been good as well



I saw someone's thoughts on Reddit that the idea might be that for the original group (Tony, Cap, Hawkeye, Thor, Nat, and Banner) getting dusted would be a shitty way to end their stories that have been built up for multiple movies. So instead, dust the new guys to up the stakes, throwing a massive curveball to who everyone thought was going out in this one and allow the OGs to have more heroic ends in A4 as they fight Thanos to get the Infinity Gauntlet back and reverse what he did. It's seriously the best surprise ending in a big budget movie since Empire. I loved the Infinity Gauntlet series when it came out in the early 90s. They pulled so much from it, including the snap. Feige deserves so much credit for building up an incredible story over these 10 years.


And something to make your viewing even more dower as you simmer on it...Spidey going to dust was even more excruciating not just because he's a kid who's afraid to die but his heightened senses made him panic even more as he felt the pains of death even more combined with his healing ability trying to keep him from turning to dust. Everyone else seemed to go painlessly. Oh and Rocket said he had a lot to lose in facing Thanos. He lost his entire family...but he doesn't even know yet. Just Groot who he's now seen die twice.  

Edited by mdmost
Posted (edited)

Holy wow! Can’t get over that movie. Can’t believe they did that. 

Could this be the one version out of 14 million that ends up in a costly win?

Edited by jeevsie
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Scary Stranger said:

So 3D or nah?

Yes!  It's a considerable achievement to bring this story together with all its elements and characters.   It's as good as one could have hoped considering all the challenges.  Fun fucking movie and if you've been following the MCU then it's so much fucking fun.  There's some problems no doubt but it's really good and Brokin's Thanos steals the movie.   I was extremely happy.  I'll wait to answer some questions until after opening weekend but I think some are overthinking it..... It's all there of how the Avengers can overcome and the send off for some of the OGs will be epic....

Edited by Patrick Bateman
On 4/27/2018 at 9:57 PM, ajax said:


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Remember at the beginning in the fight in New York, Dr Strange sent one of the aliens through a portal but it closed on his arm, cutting off his arm. 

That would've come in really handy in the fight with Thanos on Titan.



3 hours ago, jeevsie said:

Holy wow! Can’t get over that movie. Can’t believe they did that. 

Could this be the one version out of 14 million that ends up in a costly win?

Well yeah, I don't think he's an idiot. Having only 1 possible timeline in which they "win" means his choice was easy, however, since he did it to save Tony, I think it's fairly obvious Stark will be the key to winning the long game. 

I don't think the dusting will impact any other movies coming out. These comics have been known to have lots of timelines. It's completely possible this is just one alternate timeline of events occurring outside of any upcoming movies before A4 comes out in 2019.  


The movies in between the Infinity War movies are just Captain Marvel (set in the past) and Ant-Man (which is set after Civil War), so I don't think we'll see the repurcussions.

Just a few thoughts


I can't believe they actually did it. After Civil War, where they chickened out and didn't kill CA, I didn't think they'd follow the actual storyline. That's pretty incredible, and the scenes at the Alamo I was at made the movie.  I remember it being one of the most shocking things I read as a kid (I put it at the end of this), and to see it in theaters is pretty bonkers. 

Kind of disappointed that the Avengers haven't realized that death can sometimes be necessary. I know they claim that it's what separates them from others, but they are legitimately putting the life of one person over 4 trillion people so many times. Still, this is fairly standard "comic book logic" and allowed for the ending to actually occur.

Is that little girl going to the personification of Death that Thanos is seeking validation from? Seems like they dropped out him trying to bang Death, so I wonder if that's the direction that they go.

Finally, Captain Marvel is going to play a big part in Part 2 of Infinity War, but I'm very curious if they bring in Adam Warlock. They "introduced" him in GotGv2, but I don't know if they'd be willing to expand him into such a pivotal role. Iron Man and Captain America both have significant limitations in terms of how they would turn back the snap, but yeah.





Posted (edited)

The little girl was the only thing Thanos loved, Gamora when he first "adopted" her. I don't think we've seen the last of Gamora but she's definitely dead. I think we'll see her in part 2 but as the stand in for Death, always disapproving of Thanos and not worthy of her love. I honestly thought they were going that way with the Red Skull reveal. I'm going with the theory that all the dusted are trapped in the soul gem. 

To your point about the Avengers and not sacrificing themselves, that's what was so incredible about Dr Strange's plan and from the beginning he told Tony that he would sacrifice either him or Peter to keep the Time Stone away from Thanos. Then he changed course after seeing all the million scenarios where they fought Thanos and lost. He knew he had to sacrifice not only the Time stone but himself and half the galaxy for them to ultimately beat Thanos. 

Edited by mdmost

What I think is that Gamora is in the soul stone, and she'll be brought back in Avengers 4.  Maybe when stone is shattered or something.  She's one of the strongest female characters in the MCU and there can't be a GOTG Vol.3 without her.  Everyone else comes back when the gauntlet gets used by someone else, someone who wouldn't be tempted to use it for their own sake.  Probably Steve Rogers, but first they have to have the gauntlet repaired by Thor's giant dwarf bro, who is played by an actual dwarf.  Also:

I'm gonna ask you this one time, where is Gamora?

Yeah, I'll do you one better, WHO is Gamora?

I'll do YOU one better, WHY is Gamora?



Fun movie! Great action all the way through and a lot of exciting moments. The characters were all so very well defined and played off each other perfectly. Can't wait to see the culmination! 

Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Dutchrudder said:

Well yeah, I don't think he's an idiot. Having only 1 possible timeline in which they "win" means his choice was easy, however, since he did it to save Tony, I think it's fairly obvious Stark will be the key to winning the long game. 

I don't think the dusting will impact any other movies coming out. These comics have been known to have lots of timelines. It's completely possible this is just one alternate timeline of events occurring outside of any upcoming movies before A4 comes out in 2019.  

I disagree.  The other movies have to explain whether they are before or after the dusting IMHO.  And then I read the explanation above that Captain Marvel is in the past and Ant-Man is post-Civil War and pre-dusting.

Edited by deech
Posted (edited)

Really really liked it until my biggest pet peeve came to pass.


Time travel ruins stories. Completely eliminates any suspense or buy-in to what you're watching. Absolutely hate it with few exceptions. The time loop in Doctor Strange was actually one of those exceptions. He thought of it ahead of time. If characters have the ability to undo things that have already been done it invariably makes stories shittier. And even though it was easy to see coming it still sucked.

Edited by Huckleberry
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11 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

Really really liked it until my biggest pet peeve came to pass.

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Time travel ruins stories. Completely eliminates any suspense or buy-in to what you're watching. Absolutely hate it with few exceptions. The time loop in Doctor Strange was actually one of those exceptions. He thought of it ahead of time. If characters have the ability to undo things that have already been done it invariably makes stories shittier. And even though it was easy to see coming it still sucked.

I really liked Infinity War but I'm with you on your spoiler and one of the things that worries me about the next one is


They're going to bring everyone back to life in the next one. There's not going to be any finality to this I don't think. I hope I'm wrong.



Of course they'll bring the phase 3 guys back like Spidey, BP and the rest of the Guardians minus Gamora. They'll have to sacrifice Cap or Tony or both to do it. I don't think it will be an easy out such as just using the Time Stone to reset what Thanos did. And even if they do reset the universe, it will have consequences that sets up Phase 4. I'm hoping the Russos are huge fans of the What If comics line because those always had fun twists on what might have happened if one event changed in the Marvel timeline


1. Strange says he's seen all outcomes. And only 1 win.

2. He tells Thanos to spare Tony's life for the time stone.

3. He tells Stark it was the only way as he dies."

Conclusion: Stark is necessary for the one victory.

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