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Haven’t been in 6 years, and this year I’m taking my son (11yo) for the first time (he’ll know more about the horns and football than any t-shirt fan in our section) and my dad, so I really want it to be special.

Need advice on how to get there (train, Uber, etc), where to park (assuming we drive), how to leave, how to buy fair tickets, what stuff at the fair is fun for kids, how to murder that one annoying sooner in the UT section and get away with it, etc.

Also he wants to see some of gameday so I guess I need to get there around 9am if that factors into the advice.

Thanks in advance. OU sucks.


kinda harsh, but seriously, if you already have tix, just show up... park in a fair lot, buy coupons, eat/drink while gawking gameday, go to game. you've done it before, it hasn't changed that much. 


I mean it really hasn't changed since you were here 6 years ago. There's the Midway for him to ride rides. Buy coupons at the first no busy coupon booth you see. 




You can buy ride/drink/food tickets here online. Then you just have to take the voucher you print to use at the tickets dispensers they have on site. Beats waiting in line. Also, reminder that your ticket to the game also provides entrance to the fair, so no need to buy admission tickets. And get in the corny dog line early...but not before me.


Drive down early early and park on the lots. Don’t use the train. Too much of a chance of it getting hosed up. Odds are low but if it happens again you miss half the game. It’s not worth the risk.


If you don't take the advice of the poster above about the pre-purchase of ride/food tickets and the lines are super long you can always find a college student close to the front of a line who will buy you tickets if you slip him/her an extra $10.  Beats waiting in line... or at least it lets you get to the fletcher's line a little faster.

Have fun and Hook 'em!!


I've done dreams idea before and usually they're even hesitant to take the $ for whatever reason. I don't feel bad for 'cutting' as it doesn't add any extra time to other people waiting either. 


Get there by 8, lines aren't long, buy all the coopins you need in one fell swoop instead of idiotically buying $20 worth 5 times during the day. If you buy too many, you can bring them back the next year, sell them to someone waiting in line when you leave, or give them to someone and make their day.

Watch the buses come in around 9. Oak Farms stand in the Food Court has choco milk for 3 coopins for the little one. I always pound one of those after the game, hits the spot.


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