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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Dammit, that sucks.  Fix one thing and it breaks another thing.

I wonder if they had him on blood thinners, or wonder if that's standard procedure anymore.  I have to take a blood thinner (Warfarin) due to A-Fib but have always stopped it days ahead of any surgery.   Well that is with the exception of my defibrillator procedure where the docs insisted I stay on them.....that didn't go so well

Edited by SHOOTER12
Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:
Dammit, that sucks.  Fix one thing and it breaks another thing.
I wonder if they had him on blood thinners, or wonder if that's standard procedure anymore.  I have to take a blood thinner (Warfarin) due to A-Fib but have always stopped it days ahead of any surgery.   Well that is with the exception of my defibrillator procedure where the docs insisted I stay on them.....that didn't go so well

Just a little hematoma.202aa79ada17f0b1020e7beca855bc25.jpg

Damn, sorry about the size...

Edited by SHOOTER12
12 hours ago, Pancho Negro said:

Died of a blood clot in his lungs. Had surgery two weeks before he died.

Fuck man, the same thing just happened to my dad a couple of weeks ago but he was fortunate enough to be able to survive it.  The doctor said that him being younger and in shape helped him have a better chance of survival.  And he's 55 years old, not a 22 year old former college athlete.  That's really shitty, T&Ps to his family.  

18 minutes ago, justinjc7 said:

Fuck man, the same thing just happened to my dad a couple of weeks ago but he was fortunate enough to be able to survive it.  The doctor said that him being younger and in shape helped him have a better chance of survival.  And he's 55 years old, not a 22 year old former college athlete.  That's really shitty, T&Ps to his family.  

Damn bro, best wishes to your father for a full and speedy recovery.

24 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:

Damn bro, best wishes to your father for a full and speedy recovery.

Much appreciated man, he's been doing a lot better now, will be on blood thinners now to make sure that doesn't happen again now that he is more susceptible to it.  It's a real shitty thing, the doctor told me 1 out of every 3 people die from it and it just comes without warning.  That's a shame what happened to this kid.  

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, justinjc7 said:

Fuck man, the same thing just happened to my dad a couple of weeks ago but he was fortunate enough to be able to survive it.  The doctor said that him being younger and in shape helped him have a better chance of survival.  And he's 55 years old, not a 22 year old former college athlete.  That's really shitty, T&Ps to his family.  

Glad he's okay, they can be scary. 

csb time

I had a run in w/ a PE after my hip replacement revision in 2011.  I was on thinners after the surgery.  About 3 months after the procedure, I felt a sharp pain in my left lung about 10pm one night.  Called my siste, she and my BiL, are both ER nurses.   She advised me to go to the ER at once.  My BiL was on duty at the UT Southwestern ER, so I drove myself there (lived in VP at the time and figured I could drive there before an ambulance could get to me).  By the time I walked into the ER, I was in pretty serious pain.

They started tests, gave me something for pain and did x-rays and CT scans.  The pain subsided pretty quickly; meds worked, and about an hour later they came back and said they couldn't find anything.  They suggested I make an appointment w/ my doctor the as soon as I could and that was it.  So, they called me a cab (on pain meds) and I went back home about 2am.

The next morning, the pain is back w/ a vengeance and just as I get up at around 7, my cell rings.  It's the ER doc who had just arrived for her shift.  She first verified my address and then said, "I reviewed your scans from last night and you have a PE, I have an ambulance on the way to your house".  About 5 minutes later an ambulance pulls up and they take me back to SW, start treatment and get a happy ending.  If memory serves, I stayed overnight and was released the next afternoon. 

It turns out, (I guess to save money?) SW had/s a partnership with some medical facility in Australia that they send their x-rays/scans to, from their late night activity because  SW doesn't staff qualified late night personnel.   However, SW had a procedure in place where the doctor who shows up for the next morning's shift, reviews all the late night diagnoses from Australia.  This process, likely, saved my life.

Damn, shooter, that looks....tender.  Hope all is well. 

Edited by DigglerontheHoof
3 hours ago, Doc Sam Beckett said:

Had surgery on his leg and the blood clot broke free and lodged in his lungs. 

Fuuuck.  That’s terrible.  Anticoagulants. Anticoagulants.  Anticoagulants. 


Pulmonary embolism ain't no joke.  One of my best friends almost died from it. And he was a couple years shy of being a man.  Developed a blood clot in his leg when driving to Colorado on a ski trip. Stop and stretch those legs every few hours folks. 

4 minutes ago, Lerka Lerka said:

Pulmonary embolism ain't no joke.  One of my best friends almost died from it. And he was a couple years shy of being a man.  Developed a blood clot in his leg when driving to Colorado on a ski trip. Stop and stretch those legs every few hours folks. 

DAMN, I knew older folks like me have to be careful not to be sitting around too long, but damn?  A young man like that?   That's frightening.

2 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

"I reviewed your scans from last night and you have a PE, I have an ambulance on the way to your house"

Damn that's scary. Glad you're still kicking. Another /csb, but:

Closest near death for me was waking up in the hospital after blacking out. Someone had found me passed out right outside the walk-in gate to my apartment. I had a .296 BAC when admitted (which was a couple hours after I stopped drinking) on top of 3mg of xanax. Few more drinks and it could have been a long nap. 

I will say, they didn't have to intubate or pump my stomach or anything. Just dragged me in and monitored me until I woke up. Because I was fucked up and blacked out the whole time it didn't really hit me until later how close I was to probably dying. i.e. it wasn't at all "scary in the moment".

Safe to say I don't party like that anymore. 

18 minutes ago, EE2B said:

lol. This is what I was referencing:

Me too, can you imagine dancing, or trying to with that damned thing

One thing about it, my "foot" never gets cold...

  • Haha 1
10 hours ago, Dr. Beeper said:

Shooter, do you even have an ass or is that also lying on the floor?

I left it somewhere....

Srsly, I've had 3 shoulder surgeries since Oct. 2016, and the defibrillator/pacemaker procedure just a few months ago.  It was during this time that I realized that I'm getting old and don't bounce back as quickly as I should.    I had 2 surgeries to repair a rotator cuff in Oct '16 and again in Dec. 2016 (thank PT for destroying the first repair.)  Then I had the reverse replacement in the left shoulder the following May(??).

I pushed to get all of these done while I had all my insurance deductibles and out of pocket expense paid up, I figured, "hell I've been through worse than this".  Well as a result of not bouncing back like the good old days, I lost a ton of weight, dropping from about 170 to around 140 at one point, despite eating everything I could get my hands on.  I've always had a ridiculously high metabolism.  I'm just now getting northward of the 150 mark and hopefully will be able to find my ass when I get my weight back.  Anytime I've lost weight, most of it had been in the legs/hips/ass area

10 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

I have no clue why, but I would have bet the farm Shooter was black.  I thought it was from a story on the previous site.  Anyhow, mindfucked a bit but carry on.

RIP to the kid   

There's a photo back up thread that if you check it out you will see that I am black...and blue :)

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