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On 1/20/2022 at 9:12 AM, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

Not political, but something we can all laugh at. 


"Line Dancing" - it's the faux redneck version of a Broadway chorus line but they don't know it.

8 hours ago, Bravo said:

BTW Carharrt fucked up from a business perspective. 99% of their customers are MAGA. Business schools will be teaching what just happened. It's not like they're going after the 3 liberals who will but their gear now. Just he way it is. 

I think they'll be alright. They never made any money from second-hand sales anyway

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BTW Carharrt fucked up from a business perspective. 99% of their customers are MAGA. Business schools will be teaching what just happened. It's not like they're going after the 3 liberals who will but their gear now. Just he way it is. 

1 - MAGAs have the attention span to go with their IQ. Working men and those who pose like them will be buying and wearing Carhartt in the future.

2 - Carhartt performed the calculus on its employee impact. They aren’t dumb.

3 - Carhartt is exploding as an international brand. Sales in Europe, for example, are only going up; shit, they’re actually opening up Carhartt-only stores left and right over there. Those customers don’t care what some dipshit in Oakleys says about “FREEDOMEAGLEGUN!” on FB. Carhartt is actually expanding its brand - they’ll be fine.
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3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

1 - MAGAs have the attention span to go with their IQ. Working men and those who pose like them will be buying and wearing Carhartt in the future.

2 - Carhartt performed the calculus on its employee impact. They aren’t dumb.

3 - Carhartt is exploding as an international brand. Sales in Europe, for example, are only going up; shit, they’re actually opening up Carhartt-only stores left and right over there. Those customers don’t care what some dipshit in Oakleys says about “FREEDOMEAGLEGUN!” on FB. Carhartt is actually expanding its brand - they’ll be fine.


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15 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

I think they’ll be fine. Worst case it drives up the price on some Filson stuff.  Also, Carhartt Arctic is good shit. 

it just cracks me up when the "anti-cancel" fucks try to cancel someone and they don't even notice. their power is all in their heads. they've created a sovereignty of one. god complex, except a feckless, imbecilic god. 

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5 minutes ago, Bravo said:

I get the joke but it isn't funny. 

I read this in Roy D. Mercer's voice. 

"My boy dropped a 20 pound weight on his pet hamster, Liberace. Squirshed him. It ain't funny."

24 minutes ago, Bravo said:

Was I wrong?


17 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Yes.  You're wrong about everything and you suck at life.


14 minutes ago, Bravo said:

I'll take that as yes since you can't bring yourself to admit it.

awkward | GIF | PrimoGIF

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Bravo said:


Well, I think it's a little funny.  Mainly because Biden at least had the illusory respect to call the tape "Foreign War"...when we all know what's coming..."Domestic War"...buncha barely employed fat people running around this country ready to shoot shit up for Freedom.  And periodically stopping to ask for directions every 10 minutes..."Uh, who we supposed to be shooting again to take back the country?"  

Plus any spokesman like that, Flextape or whatever...always remind me of that Oxy guy who overdosed 10-15 years ago.  Billy Mays, right?  

I'd like to see a snort-off between Hunter Biden and Donald Trump, Jr.  I'm curious who would be left standing after it was all over? 

Edited by Lobo

Well then don't be a hold-out...bust open that baggie and let's get to work.  We got laptops and perfect phone calls to get rocking on.  

Mays was obviously a light-weight.  I'm guessing Hunter can come out of the gate stronger and put on a game-face...but Donald, Jr. would easily beat out everyone over the course of the night.  Hunter be passed out with his laptop still logged on, and Trump, Jr. would be asking, "What is the 7am bar situation in this town?"  

On 1/23/2022 at 1:35 AM, Bravo said:

BTW Carharrt fucked up from a business perspective. 99% of their customers are blue collar budweiser MAGA. Business schools will be teaching what just happened. It's not like they're going after the 3 liberals who will buy their gear now. Just the way it is. 


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5 hours ago, Bravo said:

Or have retina surgery, PRK or cataract surgery. Optometrist really are the eye glass doctors. They're MDs not ODs. 

which one deals with infectious disease? eye doctor is like the special needs kid of the doctor class. give me a fucking break. maybe a step above dentist. and yes, I am an anti-dentite!

3 hours ago, Bravo said:

Dude, you have someone operate on your retina and having your vision depend on it and tell me they're like the dentist of doctors. How dare you! 

Seriously though not too long ago I sold a piece of capital equipment to ophthalmologists for their surgery centers and countless times was in surgery with them. Pretty amazing what they do. 


What's the backstory on that?  
Bravo, "Here's that equipment you ordered...they'll set it down wherever you like.  Thanks for your business."

Opth, "Hey, while you here...you wanna see what the inside of a human eyeball looks like?"

Bravo, "Yeah sure.  Should I scrub in or change clothes, or?"

Opth, "Nah man, you're good...check this shit out!" 

Bravo, "Maybe I shouldn't have had Thai for lunch..."

Yeah, my SiL and her husband are Optometrists; he works at an Opth. practice and they do some pretty incredible shit.  And many of them are also MD's.  It's also one of the few medical fields where you can make a lot of money because of all the elective surgeries and you don't have to be partnered with a hospital system.  His practice is outside of Cleburne, some po-dunk rural area but they do multiple surgeries a day billed to Medicare/Medicaid and every partner in the practice is raking in cash.  Since he's only an Optometrist, he can't joint in the medical partnership.  I told him we could pool some capital, and buy into the GP as LP's instead and ride the crest that way.  They said no because they don't need to dilute their carry.  I told him those were his only two options for serious money and they declined both.  But he likes working there because of all the clinical shit he gets to do that you can't just slinging corrective sunglasses at a strip mall.  I should introduce him to the Wong family and their 'Fuck Everybody' Money.  


Well I guess that makes a helluva lot more sense than my hypothetical.  But mine was funnier.  


For $50, I’ll write you some bits you can use while training the staff in the operating room.  
csb/ I actually did come up with corny puns ‘n shit for my SiL and husband because they said they have trouble putting patients at ease even though they’re both real calm and slow talkers by nature.  But nothing deactivates nervousness like laughter.  Then they repeated back some back to me with timing so bad, I was just like “go back to just listing the possible side effects of the procedure in your monotone voice, it’ll be funnier.”  

i know most doctors don’t like to joke around because they’re worried it makes them seem unprofessional.  But if a kid or old person is nervous, you gotta be funny on the fly to take their mind off things.   You don’t have to be patch Adams but I had a dentist for yours who was so damn literal, it was like a depressing version of the handyman from “Newhart”

okay, back to politics   Rand Paul isn’t funny.  Maybe he’s good doctor though.  One GOP Senator I found really funny was Tim Scott though.  If you ever get the occasion, he’s fucking hilarious off camera.  

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