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On 2/17/2020 at 5:03 PM, Incredulity said:

Some also work, and **gasp** some even have to get up before 9AM.

You get up at 5:00 am to post troll memes before you go to your lame job? Sounds like a shit life you got going there. 


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22 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

Some also, gasp, don't have a 9 to 5 Monday thru Friday work schedule.

So what is your work schedule that allows you to post troll memes at 5:00 am?

On 2/20/2020 at 6:37 PM, ernest_t_bass said:


One of the oldest Republics on Earth.  With one of the most diverse populations in human history.  With socio-poilitical ideologies that span regions, religions, creeds, faiths, states, urbanity, ruralism, suburbs, ethnicities, generations, and heritage.  And some of you arrogant fucks still believe your one singular party is the answer, and the other one is the error.  

When you open your fucking big mouth about why we need to be more like Europe.  Remember it's a continent of 50 countries.  The second a Hungarian felt the other guy looked different, he was banished to start Romania until he kicked out somebody else to found Moldova.  It's beyond homogenous yet incredibly fractured.  And yet, they've found the parliamentarian system (in large part) to be the preferred method of governance.  Multiple parties spanning all manner of the spectrum, forced to cobble themselves together in a coalition every few years to meet the needs of the people.  But Democrats think any vote other than their own is "Wasted".  Republicans feel any vote other than their own is un-patriotic.  Where you two pack of fucking dipshits get the nerve, I guess it's from your otherwise pedestrian lives.  Now, of course I cast votes here and there for both major parties.  I just took a Democrat ballot a few days ago in the Texas primary. 

But make no mistake, your parties are at an end.  I didn't think so for 25 years, but watching one party fold to a charlatan void of any intellect or morality.  And watching the other decide this is the year they stick to their "mission" and won't go for some rich, corporatist sell-out (ahem, HRC, Bill Clinton, Kerry, Gore).  Now you guys get religion and feel Bernie or Warren is the path forward, this is the year with the stakes so high to play re-arrange the party platform?  You're both chasing the same thing---eternal power.  And you will both hold it for another generation or so.  But your parties will fracture, parts will survive and parts will die.  And I will be there to laugh and laugh at the futility of it all.  You want this country to be like Europe in terms of governance and social infrastructure?  Start by realizing your blind allegiance to your party is a big part of what's preventing that.  

You consider my vote wasted for the very simple reason you want me to adhere to your will.  Until I vote your way, blindly and without question, you will always consider my vote to be wasted.  There's a name for that way of thinking.   


So Bill Clinton is Jeff Gilooly and Tom Perez is Shane Stant?  

Who's gonna be Shawn Eckhardt?  Maybe Rahm Emmanuel?  


20 hours ago, TexasMan said:


I can't see what you posted


9 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

For being a total weirdo, Cruz has a pretty good sense of humor.  

Might be the best attack ad recently.

27 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:


We are so so close to money being valueless here.  I’ve been hearing people start to talk about it. “I’m not sure I’m going to want that stack of bills, what with money being valueless.”  That’s what they say. “What should we use this wad of valueless cash here for?” they say, “Should we put it with our other valueless stuff?” “Man, I wish my stock would issue a dividend.” “Why? Don’t you know money is valueless?” If we elect someone whose politics align with Northern Europe, it’s a straight shot to valueless-moneyville.  

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47 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

We are so so close to money being valueless here.  I’ve been hearing people start to talk about it. “I’m not sure I’m going to want that stack of bills, what with money being valueless.”  That’s what they say. “What should we use this wad of valueless cash here for?” they say, “Should we put it with our other valueless stuff?” “Man, I wish my stock would issue a dividend.” “Why? Don’t you know money is valueless?” If we elect someone whose politics align with Northern Europe, it’s a straight shot to valueless-moneyville.  

Ditto the Euro.  And the Pound sterling.

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18 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

Probably belongs in the media bias thread.

Not here.  Project Veritas and their non-serious methods are a meme here.  This latest offering is the most serious Veritas offering though IMHO.  

1 minute ago, zork said:

Not here.  Project Veritas and their non-serious methods are a meme here.  This latest offering is the most serious Veritas offering though IMHO.  

I mean the got a network to suspend a dude for bias within the company. 



Not really a tweet or a meme, just something I found in my barn today. The previous owners, who went into bankruptcy and lost their land to foreclosure, were MAGA folk, with the hats to prove it, so I found it amusing that in their hoarder stash, they kept this National Enquirer from November of 1991:


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