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Comic Relief: Satirical Tweets and Memes

Hugo Stiglitz

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I will say this, it was good that Obama made a point to voters to not look for a messiah.
The last thing we need is kool-aid drinkers on the left.  
I also recognize the irony of that statement in that many Dems drank the Obama kool-aid...which probably had something to do with the rise of Trump.
Yeah, the Dems are normal fucking people, god forbid the government resemble the citizenry.

This is the funnies thread. Moose out front yada yada...
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What the fuck is wrong with you? Holy shit. Like, I try to let the casual homophobia, misogyny, racism, ableism, and every other ism that (far too) frequently features on Surly roll off my back, but that is just really too much. Shame on you for posting it and shame on you for even finding it humorous. Again, what the fuck is wrong with you?



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