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1 minute ago, Biff Tannen said:

These kids are idiots, but they are young and dumb.  Their parents are to blame.  God damn.

“Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb
Young, young dumb and broke
Young dumb broke high school kids”


So this kid in a maga hat needs his ass kicked.
But above the older guy up top that slept the bitchy teen did wrong?
Yeah okay.
Both were ass hat kids and bad situations.
Both needed their ass kicked.
Not that it should happen
This may be hard to believe, but apparently this kid and hit shithead buddies were part of a field trip a catholic school took to the march for life.

Covington Catholic in....Kentucky.
By the way, 12 years of Catholic schooling here, including Jesuit high school. And this is so far from anything we were taught it ain’t even funny. But...Kentucky.
You know that makes it perfectly MAGA? I mean, PEAK MAGA? They are chanting “BUILD THE WALL”.....at fucking NATIVE AMERICANS. Stupid, wrapped in a dumbfuck, bathed in racism. Fucking perfect.
Oh, and instead of responding appropriately (a Jesuit priest would have personally kicked my ass by now had I pulled something like that), the school has just shut down their accounts.
26 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

These kids are idiots, but they are young and dumb.  Their parents are to blame.  God damn.

No doubt all of these fuckboi parents switched to Bic razors this week

Just vile.  Like that the cowards associated with the school have all protected their tweets.

This is what doxxing is for. You know how colleges like to know about your membership in the chess club, and your volunteer work with rotary and such? Well, they should know about this as well.
  • Like 7
12 minutes ago, hookem2010 said:

MAGA dipshits have to be the most entitled little cunts ever. I have never hated a group of people so much.

They are also the biggest fucking snowflakes ever.  Which I guess goes hand-in-hand with being entitled. 

1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

This is what doxxing is for. You know how colleges like to know about your membership in the chess club, and your volunteer work with rotary and such? Well, they should know about this as well.

Yep.  These idiots need to be outted.  If they want to pull this shit, they need to be made to fully own it.  

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I woke up to that crazy ass video on Twitter, God bless those elders. 

For those that think racism will die out with older generations take a look at those kids in those videos, it just mutates and keeps passing down from generation to generation. They will be teachers, business professionals, law enforcement, bank officials, etc and will try to keep that ideology going, the ideology of white supremacy.

These people (the MAGA folks) are the problem with our society. Not the native americans, not immigrants (which their ancestors were), not LGBTQ that want to be left alone and have their freedoms, none of those. The problem is people like those kids and it is absolutely their parents.  

Edited by Slade
  • Like 4
9 minutes ago, Slade said:

I woke up to that crazy ass video on Twitter, God bless those elders. 

For those that think racism will die out with older generations take a look at those kids in those videos, it just mutates and keeps passing down from generation to generation. They will be teachers, business professionals, law enforcement, bank officials, etc and will try to keep that ideology going, the ideology of white supremacy.

These people (the MAGA folks) are the problem with our society. Not the native americans, not immigrants (which their ancestors were), not LGBTQ that want to be left alone and have their freedoms, none of those. The problem is people like those kids and it is absolutely their parents.  

Which is why they should be named publicly, for acting like that in public.

After Charlottesville, when the tiki brigade was outted, a whole lot of those dudes suddenly realized that holding fucked up views and acting on them can have real-world implications for your education, employment, living in your parents basement, etc. 

These people do this shit in public, and harass innocent people, because they think there are no implications.  It’s all for the lulz to them.  They can high-five each other and laugh and joke about fucking with old people or minorities as long as nobody knows their names.  


I woke up to that crazy ass video on Twitter, God bless those elders. 
For those that think racism will die out with older generations take a look at those kids in those videos, it just mutates and keeps passing down from generation to generation. They will be teachers, business professionals, law enforcement, bank officials, etc and will try to keep that ideology going, the ideology of white supremacy.
These people (the MAGA folks) are the problem with our society. Not the native americans, not immigrants (which their ancestors were), not LGBTQ that want to be left alone and have their freedoms, none of those. The problem is people like those kids and it is absolutely their parents.  

They are a poison.
Dox them. Shame them.
Just this morning, I read about he sentencing hearing for the cop who murdered Laquan McDonald. His wife was whining about how she was turned down for a job, and how her daughter wasn’t let into a dance program (the same daughter who continues to whine that her dad was just “doing his job and keeping people safe” when he committed the murder). Boo. Fucking. Hoo. Want to know how we crush racist bullshit? When we make it a scarlet letter that you and your family have to carry for the rest of their lives.
Someday, 20 years from now, I want that kid to have to deal with that video cropping up, and the colleagues at his new job thinking “well, that explains a lot,” and then shunning him.
Shame is a powerful tool. He’s a cool kid in Kentucky. And maybe he’ll be a prize student at Krappy Kristian Kollege. But if he tries to go go out into the wider world, he should always be met with “oh....you’re that shitty guy from the video, acting like an utter dickbag to an old Native American dude. Yeah...we don’t have any positions open for you.”
  • Like 7
Oh and for those little MAGA fucks, the guy they're trying to intimidate is a Vietnam Vet. Yeah, out the little shits.

“However, Laura Keener, the communications director with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington, released a brief statement at about 12:15 p.m. Saturday:

"We are just now learning about this incident and regret it took place. We are looking into it."

Follow up to be expected:

“We really wish that these students had just raped altar boys. Now THAT, we know how to cover up.”

The truly awesome part of the video is how the drummer had his “it don’t make a shit, you don’t make a shit” face on. That was a MAN, staring down -correction, staring straight THROUGH - someone who will never, ever have that title.
  • Like 5
Posted (edited)


A senior in high school.


O/U on # of date rapes this kid will commit in college? I say 3

Just imagine how dead you have to be inside to be that kid. Holy shit.

Edited by bad_teammate

It’s the perfect snapshot of American “Christianity.” The Romans may have killed Christ. But American “Christians” killed the Gospels.
If you were interested in the message of the Gospels, and wanted to join a community to learn and work on walking the Way, would you join an American Christian Church?
And yes, I am painfully aware that not all denominations or congregations are like this, but really, does it matter? This is what people see. And are disgusted by.

It's nut-cutting time. We stop this ignorance and hatred right now or let Trumpism bleed us out. No excuse for anyone to stand on the sideline and watch/allow this shit anymore. 

These are broader societal issues, but they reflect what were my biggest concerns with Trump as POTUS. 

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Hank Kingsley said:

It's nut-cutting time. We stop this ignorance and hatred right now or let Trumpism bleed us out. No excuse for anyone to stand on the sideline and watch/allow this shit anymore. 

These are broader societal issues, but they reflect what were my biggest concerns with Trump as POTUS. 

That video is so sad, fucking hell. 


Imagine seeing that video of your own son. Of course, his parents probably think it's hilarious and awesome, but just imagine the sense of shame and failure decent humans would feel upon realizing that, after 18 years of sincere effort, they produced a dead-eyed psychopath.

Just now, bad_teammate said:

Imagine seeing that video of your own son. Of course, his parents probably think it's hilarious and awesome, but just imagine the sense of shame and failure decent humans would feel upon realizing that, after 18 years of sincere effort, they produced a dead-eyed psychopath.

I had that exact thought.  And reached the same conclusion.  I am 100% that his parents - if they have ANY disappointment - are disappointed only that he was dumb enough to let there be evidence of his actions.  Otherwise, they think it's totally legal, totally cool.   "They're just kids having fun!  Boys will be boys!  They just want to make America great again!  You have Trump derangement syndrome!"

If it was my kid.....I truly don't know what I'd do.  My kids know that there are only two things that will get them in the deepest trouble imaginable: lying (and they each had their moment of reckoning on this at a young age, and it was traumatic enough that it hasn't been repeated with significance), and being mean/cruel to someone.  If I found out that one of my kids was just pointlessly mean to another human being, I can't begin to imagine what the repercussions would be.  I really can't.  We have raised our kids to be the exact OPPOSITE, and they've done a pretty fair job of it.  Sure, they can be selfish and clueless -- they have broken teenager brains -- but I've never heard of them being mean.

In my experience, parents who raise mean dickhead kids are almost always mean dickheads themselves.  They will fight to the death defending their kid's assholery and dickheadedness...because really, they're defending their own assholery and dickheadedness.

This kid will face no repercussions from his family, except for perhaps the bad judgment of getting caught.  Otherwise, they'll just rationalize it away as libtards and PC gone run amok, etc.  

Gotta say, I might even agree with their chant.  Seems we need to build a fucking wall....around Kentucky.

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

If it was my kid.....I truly don't know what I'd do.

Me? Either the "nice shot, man" Budd Dwyer route or the run-away-to-the-woods-and-be-a-hermit Seraphim of Sarzov (Sarvoz?) route.

Posted (edited)

Oh, and if I was an administrator, here's my answer to this incident (remember, it's a private high school, with a religious-based code of conduct -- good luck challenging my ass):

1 - the instigator is expelled.  Period.  No further discussion.

2 - every student on the numerous videos will not be allowed to walk at graduation, no matter their current classification.

3 -- every such student will be expelled, but the punishment will be suspended under the next four conditions: perform 500 hours of service to Native American communities in need.  I will let the Native Youth Alliance or similar organization select to location/mechanism of you providing this service.  It will all be at your own expense.

4 - you must contribute one year's worth of tuition to Native American charitable organizations.

5 - you must present a 50 page research paper, of legitimate academic quality, on a topic of concern to Native Americans.

6- you must prepare a 10 page essay on how this episode and treatment is inconsistent with the theology of Christianity and the Catholic Church, and you must include a detailed statement of how that theology calls for you to treat others, including Native Americans.

Or, you can GTFO.  Your call.  We're going to produce decent, thoughtful, actual Christians who will benefit society, or we're not going to produce graduates at all.

Then again, I'd never be principal of that shitty institution in that hellhole of a state.


EDIT -- oh, I almost forgot.  Every faculty chaperone at this event is terminated.  Every parental chaperone at this event is barred for life from all school events.

And, everyone here knows that not jack shit will happen.  The school will issue a further statement (it's already issued one), saying that it deeply regrets this, it's not in line with their values, blah blah, and appropriate measures have been taken.  Nothing will change.  Covington Catholic produced a parade of entitled  shitheads yesterday, it will produce that same unbroken parade tomorrow.  And once folks are looking away, they'll do it with pride.

Edited by Brisketexan
  • Like 2
8 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

Covington Catholic in....Kentucky.
By the way, 12 years of Catholic schooling here, including Jesuit high school. And this is so far from anything we were taught it ain’t even funny. But...Kentucky.
You know that makes it perfectly MAGA? I mean, PEAK MAGA? They are chanting “BUILD THE WALL”.....at fucking NATIVE AMERICANS. Stupid, wrapped in a dumbfuck, bathed in racism. Fucking perfect.
Oh, and instead of responding appropriately (a Jesuit priest would have personally kicked my ass by now had I pulled something like that), the school has just shut down their accounts.

Kentucky's a complicated state, like Tennessee, but with a few more Catholics. The sins of a school in Covington are more against Ohio than Kentucky -- it's right across the bridge from Cincinnati and has gentrified in recent decades -- it used to be a white ghetto, but now it's more like Alexandria or Arlington, Virginia. 

Yeah, but everything else, spot on. You and I both know that we would not be allowed to set foot on our campus again if we were filmed doing shit like this, nor should we have been. I am really having a hard time wrapping my head around a Catholic school that could conceive such little shitheaded ghouls -- not even St. Thomas. 


On 1/15/2019 at 6:40 PM, Onboard 2.0 said:




Y'all know what makes me cry these days?  Almost nothing.  You know what made me cry today?  That video.  I think I'll just stop there.


Teenage boys are assholes. That's not new. And some will glom on to asshole adults they see in the media and imitate their behavior. The MAGA hats and Build The Wall chants just reinforce that these kids, who are already assholes, see Trump as a justification to be a massive asshole to someone and think it's acceptable.

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Is America a top 20 country in the world anymore? It seems like 15% of the population is wallpapering over the cracks of the complete fuckedupness of the bottom 50% (35% are just meh). 



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