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2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

if you are thinking of becoming involved in something that is likely to be investigated by the FBI, and could have a negative outcome for you.....don't do it. 

Oh trust me, its a blast when they knock on your door at 0600. And I was 100% innocent, but man those were some fun times.


And it seems the new talking point from Trumpkins is that because this lunatic called in a fake bomb threat in 2002 to his electric company - when they turned off his power - that means Trump and the current political climate has nothing to do with him sending actual bombs to all of Trump’s most vocal critics in 2018.

Because that’s just a normal progression of behavior or something. Morons.

Been in conference calls for the past 7 hours. Have the right wing nut jobs claimed a new theory yet?
Seems like they're claiming they were just joking when talking about false flags.

Rick Wilson nails it.

Of Course Donald Trump Inspired Cesar Sayoc’s Alleged Terrorism

Sorry, Trumpies, this was no false-flag leftie or Unabomber in the woods. He is Trumpism uncut and unplugged. Deal with it

For three long days this week, the Republican Party held its breath as a serial bomber sent a dozen devices to CNN’s New York headquarters, two former Democratic presidents, a former Democratic vice president, two former CIA directors, several elected Democrats, and Democratic activists like George Soros and Tom Steyer. After months of rabid attacks on his opponents as enemies of the people, Donald Trump's crop of crazy came to fruition this week and was almost ready for harvest. By either incompetence, luck, design flaws, or providence, none of the bombs in this campaign of political terror cost life or limb.

This hasn't been an easy week for Trump loyalists. They spent the last 72 hours praying that the MAGA Bomber would turn out to be a false flag attack, the product of some dastardly Democratic cabal. The idea, which bubbled up from the fever swamps of Breitbart, Infowars, and the rest of the Trump-right ecosystem like a fart in a bathtub, was as illogical as it was pathetic. It couldn't be this president's penchant for daily political arson, right?

Twitter Javerts like Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Ann Coulter, Frank Gaffney, John Cardillo, Laura Loomer, Jacob Wohl, and alt-right thought leader and Pizzagate promoter Jack Prosobiec all jumped to sell the idea that Trump’s gushing sewer of inflammatory rhetoric could never inspire a serial bomber. Their mirror-world version of Occam’s Razor was that this must be a fiendishly clever leftist plot to disrupt the November elections. Just hours before the arrest of Cesar Sayoc, the president reinforced their fevered belief that this was obviously a left-wing electoral plot.

Introspection isn’t exactly one of this president’s strong suits, and the discovery that the MAGA Bomber was one of the millions of creatures he created, inspired, and motivated to wage war against those he describes as Enemies of the People will never trouble the placid waters of his stunningly shallow intellect. Worry about his responsibility will never penetrate the vacuum of his moral landscape. Trump made an enemies list, and then he weaponized his social media power to push that enemies list into the minds of the furious and febrile who slavishly lap up his every utterance. What, precisely, did he think would happen?

Before Republicans sputter themselves into a tu quoque seizure, calling out Trump's inflammatory political rhetoric isn't an excuse for political violence against Republicans. It doesn't ignore or elide the political violence that struck members of Congress, or anyone else.

All political violence is unacceptable in a functioning republic.

All of it.

All the time.

From anyone, left, right, or otherwise.

This is why we need to look objectively at Trump’s role in this affair. No one in American political life has even a fraction of his power to inspire behavior and action. No one. It's time we recognize that Trump's unique social media presence is a weapon of radicalization. No one else in the American political landscape stokes the resentments, fears, and prejudices of his base with equal power.

Trump never misses a chance to miss a chance to be bigger and better. He never fails to close the door on opportunities to be a consequential leader and not a winking, simpering buffoon who holds the title but never wears the mantle of the presidency. As we saw after Charlottesville, his defiance of every American norm and his eagerness to "both sides" every argument is an extended middle finger to our republic.

What’s shocking about what we’ve seen from Sayoc’s social media feeds is just how ordinary they are in the Trump online ecosystem. The slurry of conspiracy theories (particularly all things Soros), birtherism, xenophobia, boomer memes, and MAGA spank-bank material in his Twitter and Facebook feeds is the raw distillate from Infowars, Breitbart, and Fox.

I could find feeds identical to this by the dozen just by scanning my latest crop of trolls. Sayoc isn’t a one-off loner radicalized by a few edge-case media outlets; he's an inevitable outcome of an alternative-reality media silo that increasingly defines the intellectual landscape of the Trump right.

By now we've all seen Sayoc's van. The van, covered with a thick stratum of pro-Trump, anti-media bumper stickers, signs, and memes is a perfect symbol of this moment and his movement. This material isn’t an outlier; it’s definitional to Trump Republicanism. The era of Trump ended the GOP branding as the party of limited government, fiscal discipline, constitutional loyalty, and moral probity. Trump’s base defines the GOP as a party of ranty Facebook groups, garishly overwrought conspiracy theories (hello, QAnon!), and raging oppositional defiant disorder.

This is the future of the GOP under Trump; it’s not a party; it’s a backwater sub-Reddit careening from crisis to crisis, chasing an increasingly elaborate set of conspiracies to paper over the raging inconsistencies of the Dear Leader’s message and conduct.

Cesar Sayoc isn't just some loner gone wrong. He isn't merely a one-in-a-million Unabomber with a cabin in the woods, a crazed manifesto, and too much black powder. Cesar Sayoc is the future. Donald Trump's famously loyal base has been radicalized, and while only the tiniest fraction will resort to political violence, neither the president nor the hollow shell of the GOP will do anything to stop it.

This is a president with obvious mental and moral deficits who will say and do anything to retain power. He's backed by a runaway "conservative" media feeding his rabid base a daily dose of conspiratorial lunacy. There is no mechanism to stop Trump's division, radicalization, and calls to arms against his enemies.

America was lucky this week; none of the weapons exploded, and the FBI and state law enforcement moved with amazing speed to apprehend the bomber. We might not always be so lucky, particularly if this president continues to give what future Cesar Sayocs see as their marching orders.

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

  Even Chuck Todd was entertaining ideas it was the Russians.  Odds it was a crazy loon Trump supporter doing this was really high.  His hardcore supporters were just hoping it wasnt a Trump supporter.  Now they haz sad.  

Chuck Todd wasn’t too far off...


1 hour ago, Incredulity said:

Your uncle calls you to chit chat about politics?



how the fuck does this bot not get banned?

You're actually retarded.

  • Like 2

NSIAP, but I saw earlier on CNN that back in August, Phill Mudd criticized POTUS on CNN.  Promptly, POTUS attacked him on Twitter.  Within 3 days, this bomber clown tweeted a direct threat at Mudd.  Dude is a complete psycho that saw himself as some warrior hero for Trump.  Words matter, I guess.

1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Uncle from San Antonio called me and ask if I was hoping for a red wave.  I said fuck no, sick of all the bullshit.  

Then he said what about the caravan. I was like “Really?! The caravan. That’s what concerns you?”  

Use your imagination of how the rest of the conversation went.

Then I realized the caravan propaganda is likely targeted to Texas voters/audiences for obvious reasons. 

Minorities make up 55% of Texas.  Does your uncle know he’s outnumbered?

8 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

Trump didn’t instruct this guy to send bombs but trump helped him find the targets. 

Charlie Manson never murdered anyone with his own hands. 

2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

Minorities make up 55% of Texas.  Does your uncle know he’s outnumbered?

Seriously, he has nothing against minorities in his community.  He just watches too much Fox News. 

12 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

I will say this though.  This sounds like the violent video game or movie debate.  XYZ video game or movie caused this shooting to happen.  If you have to worry about what crazy psychotic people may do with speech then it scares me as a society what that leads to.  In the end, Trump didnt cause this to happen.  This dude is crazy and I bet has a long history of stuff like this way before Trump came to be.

Yep, purely coincidence that Trump has consistently verbally attacked, and demonized every one of this guy's targets.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
21 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

Yep, purely coincidence that Trump has consistently verbally attacked, and demonized every one of this guy's targets.

Two ex-presidents, an ex-SoS, Atty. General, and many others got bombs mailed to them, and somehow Cheeto makes it into him being a victim.

2 hours ago, Goredho said:

Truly, the way to become wealthy beyond what one's lack of talent would otherwise allow is to be in the business of telling the "conservative street" what they want to hear.  One need only spout ridiculous assertions about tried-and-true targets like Hillary, Obama, Soros, etc... with great vengeance and furious anger.  The only real skills that are needed are:

1.  The ability to quickly come up with creative alternative "facts" when reality inevitably clashes with the bubble of bullshit your audience surrounds themselves in

It's as easy as selling subscriptions to aggy of coverage detailing their inevitable march towards a natty. 

There isnt a bigger bunch of mouth breathing fucking retards on this planet than the dipshits in college station. Yet Tahoe, Johnny Sack and the rest of our resident trumptards are right in the mix, squeezing their nuts for dotard. The company you keep...

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Goredho said:

If Marilynn Manson played a role in inspiring Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris to act, then Donald Trump certainly inspired Cesar Sayoc.

Circa 2002

Marilyn Manson:  The two by-products of that whole tragedy were, uh… violence in entertainment and gun control. And how perfect that that was the two things that we were gonna talk about with the upcoming election. And also, then we forgot about Monica Lewinsky and we forgot about… The president was shooting bombs overseas, yet I’m a bad guy because I sing some rock'n'roll songs. And who’s a bigger influence, the president or Marilyn Manson? I’d like to think me, but I’m gonna go with the president.

Michael Moore:  Do you know the day that Columbine happened, the United States dropped more bombs on Kosovo than any other time during that war?

Marilyn Manson:  I do know that and I think that’s really ironic, that nobody said, "Well, maybe the president had an influence on this violent behavior. Because that’s not the way the media wants to take it and spin it and turn it into fear. ‘Cause then you’re watching television, you’re watching the news; you’re being pumped full of fear. And there’s floods, there’s AIDS, there’s murder. You cut to commercial, buy the Acura, buy the Colgate. If you have bad breath, they’re not gonna talk to you. If you got pimples, the girl’s not gonna fuck you. It’s a campaign of fear and consumption. And that’s what I think that’s it’s all based on, is the whole idea that: keep everyone afraid, and they’ll consume. And that’s really as simple as it can be boiled down to.

Michael Moore:  Right. If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine and the people in that community, what would you say to them, if they here right now?

Marilyn Manson:  I wouldn’t say a single word to them. I would listen to what they have to say. And that’s what no one did.



  • Like 1
1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

Minorities make up 55% of Texas.  Does your uncle know he’s outnumbered?

Hugo's uncle is probably a transplanted coonass and isn't aware of that fact.

21 minutes ago, elguapo said:

False choice dipshit, UT Govt grad should know that.

Just to make sure we are all on the same page, we are all thinking ACC at this point, right?

3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

He’s actually from New York

Upstate? Because those people tend to be a little on the racist side.


3 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

Sounds like something someone with an Assoc. from ACC would say.  Was the graduation awesome?

Rocko, is that you?

2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Mail-bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc Jr. advertised his affinity for President Donald Trump on his white Dodge Ram van—and he also owned $7,000 worth of  Trump-branded clothing. Or so says a 2015 police record in which Sayoc reported that a burglar swiped $45,000 worth of his property from his white Dodge Ram van and a U-Haul trailer while he was working out in a gym in Oakland Park, Fla. An itemized list of the items said Sayoc claimed that 11 pieces of clothing from Trump’s clothing line were taken, along with other apparel and computer equipment. Police said they reviewed security video and did not see anyone enter the area where the van was parked. One of Sayoc’s Facebook pages shows that earlier that month, he was trying to sell brand new Trump suits and other designer clothing at incredibly deep discounts. His police file also includes arrests dating back to 1991, including busts for theft and possession of steroids.

That's a Florida Man story if I ever heard one.

  • Like 1
31 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Circa 2002

Marilyn Manson:  The two by-products of that whole tragedy were, uh… violence in entertainment and gun control. And how perfect that that was the two things that we were gonna talk about with the upcoming election. And also, then we forgot about Monica Lewinsky and we forgot about… The president was shooting bombs overseas, yet I’m a bad guy because I sing some rock'n'roll songs. And who’s a bigger influence, the president or Marilyn Manson? I’d like to think me, but I’m gonna go with the president.

Michael Moore:  Do you know the day that Columbine happened, the United States dropped more bombs on Kosovo than any other time during that war?

Marilyn Manson:  I do know that and I think that’s really ironic, that nobody said, "Well, maybe the president had an influence on this violent behavior. Because that’s not the way the media wants to take it and spin it and turn it into fear. ‘Cause then you’re watching television, you’re watching the news; you’re being pumped full of fear. And there’s floods, there’s AIDS, there’s murder. You cut to commercial, buy the Acura, buy the Colgate. If you have bad breath, they’re not gonna talk to you. If you got pimples, the girl’s not gonna fuck you. It’s a campaign of fear and consumption. And that’s what I think that’s it’s all based on, is the whole idea that: keep everyone afraid, and they’ll consume. And that’s really as simple as it can be boiled down to.

Michael Moore:  Right. If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine and the people in that community, what would you say to them, if they here right now?

Marilyn Manson:  I wouldn’t say a single word to them. I would listen to what they have to say. And that’s what no one did.



MM 2020!


Oh, despite the fact that I’m a female, I’m quite sure I have bigger balls than your scared little baby ass.

But we all believe you have a teeny tiny peen. Unless you man up and post a picture of your junk.

  • Like 3
  • Fuck You 1
Just to shut down this talk.

I guess I am the odd one. I have no clue where my degrees are, one is still rolled up in the tube it came in I suspect.
  • Like 1
I will say this though.  This sounds like the violent video game or movie debate.  XYZ video game or movie caused this shooting to happen.  If you have to worry about what crazy psychotic people may do with speech then it scares me as a society what that leads to.  In the end, Trump didnt cause this to happen.  This dude is crazy and I bet has a long history of stuff like this way before Trump came to be.

Yes Trump caused this to happen. He’s been calling democrats and the media out as his enemies...for years now honestly. Our president said that.
Just now, tjhooker said:

That's scary to think people are blaming the actions of a crazy person on free speech.  It's really scary.

He has openly incited violence.

That's not protected speech if you aren't the president.

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