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13 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

You guys are talking to me like I am some idiot.  This might blow your mind because I am pretty sure by the response here anyone you guys if someone in anyway believe things counter to your thought structure is an idiot.  I have a degree from UT in Gov't and have worked in politics for a portion of my life before I wanted to make real money and not deal with the bullshit.  I am not an uneducated and believe it or not I am feel well educated on what I am talking about.  There is a reason I don't post in CR much because it is a shit show.  I'll hang up and listen.

Sorry I failed to acknowledge your "lol triggered" response as an attempt at intellectual debate.

  • Like 2
Just now, tjhooker said:

Yeah, nothing like this media reaction we are having right now.  Not even close at all.  Very similar terrorist like act as to these intentionally defective or non intentionally defective pipe bombs being sent out.  

Again, probably because it was ground up beans in an envelope, not something that might blow someone's face off.

How did Fox handle the very similar terrorist like act? Did Tucker, Sean, and Laura go to DEFCON 1 because someone was trying to off Republicans?

11 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

You guys are talking to me like I am some idiot. 

We are making our assessment based on the available evidence.

You are being completely dismissive of most every news source, including some like NPR that make studious efforts to present objective facts and unfiltered viewpoints.  You state the conclusion that there really IS no news reporting anymore....yet you have somehow reached conclusions on numerous political issues.  One must wonder from where you obtain the information on which you have based your conclusions.

In short, you're not saying anything we haven't seen before.  "All news is a lie!  Nothing can be trusted!"*

* Trusts and relies upon whatever Trump and his mouthpieces tell him.

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

I just get the impression by the way many of you talk the only people who could ever think counter to your cognitive system are imbeciles and could in no way be of similar backgrounds to you.  

This sentence reminds me of when I would hit "see synonyms" one too many times in high school.  Like, I get what you're trying to say, but it just doesn't quite work.  Although, you WORKED IN POLITICS, so what do I know?

Edited by Chuckie Finster
3 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

The lib media didn't cover it!   And here's an article from the NY Times to prove it happened!


It’s even more funny that he cited The NY Times. Precisely what Brisket was talking about. It’s fake news when it says things they disagree with but when it supports their argument they will gladly use it as evidence. We should just start writing scripts for how these arguments will go. 

1 minute ago, Mdhorn said:

This is just another faucet of the both sides argument.  They know their news is ass, wrong and willfully ignorant but  both sides.  Play that game with them if you want but it's another way for them to dodge responsibility.  One Left snowball of untruth justifies daily avalanches of Republican bullshit. 

I find it very easy to discern when I am listening to bullshit, so I don't feel like I have to defend anything or position anything.  I'm also capable of complicated thought and holding multiple variables in my head.


I listen to NPR and notice that (as Brisket said upthread) there is an outsized number of stories like Oregon hippies making things out of hemp.  I learn something from them.  It's great.  It's not bullshit.  I'm a better person now because I know more.  But it's not a story that is concerned with the right's concerns.  That's why I categorize them as left leaning.  Not liars, just those that expose me to things that are a little left of center.  I don't particularly care that the right decides to use this to justify their mounds of bullshit, because I know they are mounds of bullshit.  


It's also related to why I don't like the chart above.  It frames things as a continuum and I think they are different in kind, not just degree.  There are sources that (1) give truthful facts with no persuasive agenda [e.g., the AP story discussing differing strategies of the candidates for the Florida govern race]; (2) give truthful facts with the goal of political persuasion [e.g., a CNN story that details the hardship of immigrants, with the subtext of persuading to be more sympathetic toward immigrants]; (3) simply lie, with the goal of political persuasion [e.g., the NR story upthread about the pipe bomb]

2 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

I just get the impression by the way many of you talk the only people who could ever think counter to your cognitive system are imbeciles and could in no way be of similar backgrounds to you.  

No. People who say imbecilic things are imbeciles. You fit this description despite the similar background to many of us

Just now, tjhooker said:

Nope, Just copy and pasted one of the 1st couple links when i googled White House ricin attack. I could only imagine the shit storm if I pasted a Fox link to the story.

Weird how you were able to find multiple stories about this uncovered event. 

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

I just get the impression by the way many of you talk the only people who could ever think counter to your cognitive system are imbeciles and could in no way be of similar backgrounds to you.  


  • Like 2
5 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

I just get the impression by the way many of you talk the only people who could ever think counter to your cognitive system are imbeciles and could in no way be of similar backgrounds to you.  

Hey, I have a UT Gov’t degree too, plus I graduated from UT Law. So that means I’m just as smart as you, right? Guess I’m fucked because you are one ignorant excuse for a Longhorn. 

Just now, tjhooker said:

Of course, if it is counter to what you believe it is imbecilic.  Got it.

“New York Times is fake news”

Here’s a link to the New York Times to support my point. God damn son. Just sit this out. 

  • Haha 1
9 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

I just get the impression by the way many of you talk the only people who could ever think counter to your cognitive system are imbeciles and could in no way be of similar backgrounds to you.  

You sound remarkably like a college freshman.

1 minute ago, tjhooker said:

when did I say it was uncovered?  

So what is your point?  There was a ricin hoax with no dangerous material, and the "liberal media" covered it.   Are you seriously suggesting that the media should give the same degree of coverage to 10 live bombs and counting? 

1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

Slant?  Sure.  Lays completely on its side?  No.

There's a spectrum.  There's far left, far right, and then varying degrees towards the middle of the spectrum.  Center right, Center left, etc.  See this handy chart, which has been circulated a good bit:



If you want to be reasonably informed, you should consume your content mostly from sources within the gray circle.  If you want to venture to its margins, fine -- there can be some decent stuff in the National Review (although they've gotten REALLY sloppy as of late), as well as sources like the Atlantic (often a softer analysis as opposed to hard data, but still informative).

I'm an Economist man, myself.  For on-the-air coverage, I go with NPR, the BBC, and some network news coverage.  For breaking news, CNN usually has slightly better sourcing than other cable news outlets, although to be honest, CNN and Fox are both often tripping over their dicks to be first with some tidbit, so they both end up looking silly.

But again, see the gray circle.  Consume within that circle, and you will surely see some "slants."  Slants are fine, especially if you go in with eyes wide open.  Slamming ALL media that doesn't suck Trump's dick?  Well, that means you slam pretty much everything that's not in the bottom right half of this chart.  That's a Trump problem, not a journalism problem.  If most everyone thinks you're a deranged asshole, you're a deranged asshole.  It's like that psycho bitch you dated in college, who as she ran through boyfriend after boyfriend, always found some fault with the guy.  No, sweetie, the common thread here is you -- you'rea  bunny boiler, that's why you can't keep a guy.  Trump's a fucking bunny boiler.  That's just the way it is.

Hmm, I don't see my favorite source of original news reporting in that graphic: The New Yorker Magazine. Its a lot of fluff (articles about pop culture, theater reviews, etc), but every week or so , they will have an excellent article or two, many pages long, that extensively reports on some issue. Often times the issue may not interest me much, but even then, its well sourced, fact checked, well written, and free of bias.

The magazine should have gotten a Pulitzer for its extensive coverage of the aftermath of Katrina, imo. Maybe also for its coverage of the Iraq War during Bush II's term.

13 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

So what is your point?  There was a ricin hoax with no dangerous material, and the "liberal media" covered it.   Are you seriously suggesting that the media should give the same degree of coverage to 10 live bombs and counting? 

With one being sent TO A NEWS STATION! You might think they would talk about that as they are being ushered out of a building on live TV. No big deal and shouldn't dominate their news scheduling at all. 

13 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

Hmm, I don't see my favorite source of original news reporting in that graphic: The New Yorker Magazine.

It's right under the Guardian

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52 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

Name calling, broad generalities, painting with a broad brush and flat out emotional.  I'm guessing your Xanax Rx ran out this week?


50 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

are you describing trump?


32 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

You guys are talking to me like I am some idiot.  This might blow your mind because I am pretty sure by the response here anyone you guys if someone in anyway believe things counter to your thought structure is an idiot.  I have a degree from UT in Gov't and have worked in politics for a portion of my life before I wanted to make real money and not deal with the bullshit.  I am not an uneducated and believe it or not I am feel well educated on what I am talking about.  There is a reason I don't post in CR much because it is a shit show.  I'll hang up and listen.


25 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

People are talking to you like an idiot because you’re being obtuse. You ignore reason and fact in favor of bluster and hyperbole. Take your sanctimony and fuck off if you can’t handle critical analysis of your inaccurate premise.


3 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

Nice.  All Longhorns are smart unless they disagree with me then they are ignorant.  Got it.

I sometimes pity people whose worlds have completely changed. Maybe CR is a shitshow and an echo chamber, but it's not the same shit show and echo chamber we had pre-Trump.

The angry right's shitshow involved repeating known lies or treating the grossest speculations as truth so long as the ebil libs were condemned. This form of the GOP included some traditional GOPs in their net who believed the Republicans were interested in fiscal conservatism, held some level of moral high ground, and were, indeed, the adults in political discourse. For example: birthers; the morally outraged that Bill Clinton bedded women other than his wife; the vicious attacks on murdering, corrupt, Benghazi-approving Hillary Clinton that were based on lies and distortion; Feminazis; environmental wackos; a corrupt science community in disagreement with honest scientists in the employ of the oil companies.

The vomit poured out and the usual suspects lapped it up and then revomitted it for the next in line. Now that's an echo chamber shit show royale.

The usual suspects now wander to the boards that they once dominated and find frustration. They've lost the traditional GOPs. The echo chamber echoes truths and admitted (though somewhat substantiated) suspicions about Trump and the GOPs. Writing Trump and the GOPs is now redundant. Trump is the GOP and vice versa.

Thus, the angry right loses their supposed moral high ground by choosing a pussy-grabbing constant liar as their representative. They're stuck with their foul tactics of echoing the lies of the president in an atmosphere that now dismisses those lies for what they are.

The hate campaign doesn't have an avuncular face like Reagan's stretched across it. The hate campaign now has its personification out front, and it ain't pretty.

Hard times for rightist amateur operatives. The old lies don't work and you've thoroughly disgusted many of your former allies. These allies haven't become leftists or ebil libs. They just stepped away from the vomit and now rightfully condemn something they once supported based on lies.

I don't know if you're an idiot. If you back Trump, expect to be judged on that association. There is nothing subtle about what and who he is. 

  • Like 6
Just now, tjhooker said:

#1 what is a "live" bomb?  Do you know that?  Would those bombs ever explode?  Were they designed to explode or were they designed to scare?  I am not saying one way or the other because no one knows at this point.  Or is it like the idiot who thought he was sending ricin but failed at how to make it? 

Just asking questions!    The differences between the two situations is stark, even with the information we don't yet know.   The "ricin" guy was caught within like one day of the first reports.   The material he sent was harmless.  White powder hoaxes are relatively common and don't reflect the same kind of initiative as multiple pipe bombs.  He sent it to government offices, not private citizens. 

That you think they are comparable in any way shows how brainwashed you are. 

24 minutes ago, MidTexHorn said:

Hey, I have a UT Gov’t degree too, plus I graduated from UT Law. So that means I’m just as smart as you, right? Guess I’m fucked because you are one ignorant excuse for a Longhorn. 

I have a UT govt degree and I’m a dipshit. What do I win?

  • Like 1
54 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

You guys are talking to me like I am some idiot.  This might blow your mind because I am pretty sure by the response here anyone you guys if someone in anyway believe things counter to your thought structure is an idiot.  I have a degree from UT in Gov't and have worked in politics for a portion of my life before I wanted to make real money and not deal with the bullshit.  I am not an uneducated and believe it or not I am feel well educated on what I am talking about.  There is a reason I don't post in CR much because it is a shit show.  I'll hang up and listen.

That is because you are a kind of idiot. You may be educated. You may even be intelligent. But neither of those mean you have good judgment. Here, your judgment is severely impaired, which is a form of idiocy. I'm sorry that you can't see it, but it is the truth. 

Just now, tjhooker said:

That powder was not "harmless".  If ground up caster beans are ingested it would not be good for you at all.  Also, the moron's intent was the same as to terrorize his political/personal targets in his warped mind.  You don't grind up caster beans and think well this is harmless so I am going to send letters with it to the WH and Pentagon.  Your characterization of it is off.

You being unable to even attempt in your mind to draw any analogy to it shows how brainwashed you are.

Ingested?  As in, if Trump tilted the envelope into his mouth and ate the powder he received anonymously in the mail?    My God, the stupidity.   Yes, the media should have gone on 24-hour alert to notify the public of this incredible danger, just like all of the pipe bombs floating around in our postal system.   Hell, I guess we can all agree that these bombs were dangerous even if inoperable, because one of the recipients might have died by shoving the pipe down his or her throat.

5 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

Tell me where I have bad judgment?

Because it seems you follow the same line of thinking as something like this on the_donald


Equating the coverage of the situation to a slant of justification. Look at the headline (notice the "violent left" tag) and then read the article: https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/23/entertainment/madonna-white-house/index.html

Not only is it an entertainment editorial, it doesn't even provide a slant. Yet the Trumpers think they caught the big bad lib media in some type of hypocrisy. It's this type of screaming in your face righteousness while tripping on your dick type activity that turns those like myself off on spending the energy to debate you in every little topic. 


Just now, tjhooker said:

The dude thought he was sending ricin the intent.  Do you know these pipe bombs are designed to explode?  I don't know but seems like you have a news source I haven't heard.  Sounds like you do.  

Doesn't matter.   Someone could have tried to eat the pipe bomb.  

Look, the ricin story was worthy of coverage, and it got the degree of coverage it deserved.   By the very "lib media" you linked to for the story.   And if more ricin had been sent to private citizens, it would have deserved and gotten more coverage, but it wasn't, and the guy was caught almost immediately.   The ongoing bomber deserves the significantly greater attention it is receiving.   And the limited information about the degree of danger doesn't diminish that even slightly, because it is better to be safe than sorry.   Use your brain for more than parroting right-wing talk radio. 

12 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

That powder was not "harmless".  If ground up caster beans are ingested it would not be good for you at all.  Also, the moron's intent was the same as to terrorize his political/personal targets in his warped mind.  You don't grind up caster beans and think well this is harmless so I am going to send letters with it to the WH and Pentagon.  Your characterization of it is off.

You being unable to even attempt in your mind to draw any analogy to it shows how brainwashed you are.

if you get free food in an unmarked package, obviously it's a dinner party! 

Just now, tjhooker said:

I don't even think I said Trump once nor did I vote for him.  You are trying to put me in some neat bucket for your brain to handle.  

And you didn't read where I said, "because it seems you follow the same line of thinking as something like this"......

I didn't group you in that, you assumed I did. 

Just now, tjhooker said:

how do you eat a pipe bomb?

I'd assume the same way you envision Trump eating powder that he receives in the mail.   By deciding, hey I should eat this, and putting it in his mouth.  Both are equally unlikely.   Do I really need to spell out the point further for you? 

Just now, tjhooker said:

That was an easy inference to make from your response.  In fact, it appeared the intent was to put me in that bucket.

Yes, a bucket of people who seem to lack critical thinking and reading comprehension skills. I think that's the point the last few pages of responses to you have been all about. 

1 minute ago, tjhooker said:

You guys are all fine with tjhooker doing the scat runs on the new shaggy but dont you dare come over here and say things counter to our beliefs.  LOL.  

Nobody is saying that you aren't welcome to come here and post your thoughts.  Have you even received a single neg?   Not many, certainly.   They doesn't mean the stupid things you say won't be challenged.  If you can't handle critical responses, that says more about you than the people responding to you. 

6 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

Tell me where I have bad judgment?

You want a location? Like, you have bad judgment when sitting at home, but good judgment at the office? I would have no idea. Or are you asking for topics? Here is one: your impression of what counts as bias in journalism. Or do you want examples from in this thread? If so, I would point you to pretty much every post you've made in the last day. 

(1) The not really ricin packages were in fact covered by the media;

(2) Ricin hoaxes/scares have been relatively common over the last 10 years and have received similar media attention;

(3) Bombs are less common and inherently more volatile;

(4) The bombs were sent to a lot more people;

(5) The bombs were sent to people who have been specifically and consistently identified by the President as "enemies";

(6) The ricin incident was solved quickly and apparently attributed to guy with a long standing beef with the government;

(7) In contrast, the bombing issue is not only current, but on going. Of course it will receive extended coverage. 

So, not only were you wrong about your assertion as to non-coverage of the ricin event. You've also shown extremely poor judgment in equating the two events. The extent, uniqueness, potential for damage, and duration of the bombings all justify much more comprehensive coverage.

  • Like 4
4 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

the liberal circle jerk in the CR is extreme and I'll let y'all get back to stroking each other.  It was fun though and next time I will think about posting in here I will just hit my head against a wall a few times.  BTW I am a libertarian if you have to put me in a bucket as some of you are.  

Probably couldn't hurt. Maybe those crossed wires will get corrected. 

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

You guys are all fine with tjhooker doing the scat runs on the new shaggy but dont you dare come over here and say things counter to our beliefs.  LOL.  

Funny thing: you making those scat runs, while entertaining, is another demonstration of poor judgment. 

Also, I'm not sure what beliefs or buckets you think everyone falls into here. I have never defined myself as a "liberal". I know Brisket hasn't either. While I don't like to define myself through party affiliation, I was generally a Republican supporter until 10 years ago or so.  While I'd guess the majority of this board is firmly in the anti-Trump camp, it isn't because of some shared political identify. 

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