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I had a roommate in the fraternity house. When we were sophomores we each got our own room. That son of a bitch moved my entire room into the bathroom one Thursday night. And I spent the whole weekend there, sleeping in a bed right by the shitter, being awakened Saturday morning by explosive diarrhea and giggling. 

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Chopper said:

It was before the internets but there's still a fair bit of info out there because the family was very wealthy and the father was Reagan's attorney. http://articles.latimes.com/1994-09-08/news/cb-35920_1_palos-verdes-estates

According to the article linked, the son was not charged for raping the mother, "because police could not determine if the rape had occurred before the murder." So I learned something new. If you find something about what happened to the perp please let me know. When I checked in the CA Dept of Corrections database about a year ago he was not listed. So I don't know if he died or somehow got released. He was found criminally insane and involuntarily committed after trial. This happened before it got a lot harder to prove yourself insane as a criminal defense.


Dude was sent to Patton State Hospital.  That's the loony bin in San Bernardino.  Patton isn't part of the department of corrections, so he wouldn't show up in that database. He's committed for life, so he's either dead or still there. 



Edited by Gil Bang

I gots nothing.

I had three different roommates in college, and we all picked each other.  The first dropped out of school; the second I knew through a mutual friend and we both needed a roommate, and the third was the same as the second---the second had graduated and introduced me to the third.  

Now, there were some weird fuckers that lived in the dorm I was in...glad I wasn't roommates with them.  One really socially backwards and naive freshman we convinced we were doing a biological study about penis sizes and convinced him to measure his and report back, for "science".  Stupid ass came back to the lounge where we were with a ruler, whipped it out and asked us if we wanted either or both flaccid and erect sizes.

On 10/27/2018 at 10:31 AM, NeverMarryAStripper said:

My sophomore year apartment mate woke me up one night at about 3:00 am. He was drunk as shit and wanted me to go outside and see his new truck. I went just to shut him up, and parked outside was a Reddy Ice truck that he had found with the keys left in it. He couldn’t remember where he found it so we just drove it down the street and left it with the keys in it.

I must still be in college because everything in this post makes perfect sense.

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3 hours ago, Doc Reeves said:

Jesus fucking Christ. 

 You’re weird roommate raped and murdered his mother when he was 20??

Chopper indeed wins the thread. Close it down

Now that all the details are out, as I understood the depravity, he beat her over the head with a baseball bat while she was in the bathtub. Then had sex with her dead body. Later I heard that the pungent herbal tea he drank in our dorm room was something his very controlling mom had concocted for him to deal with his schizophrenia. I guess it ran in the family, they were very conservative and didn't believe in western psychiatric medicine.

@Gil Bang Thanks for that. Up until a few years ago his basic location could be found online and I was told it was because Patton had a contract to handle those patients with CDOC. But now that I think about it, what they put online must have changed due to patient privacy laws. Maybe I'll call the hospital tmrw and see what they can tell me.


Roommate in college grew up as a missionary kid in papau new guinea and was definitely a candidate for PTSD from seeing some very violent shit.  

That said, the first incident occurred one night when I told him I wasn't going to come home that night after closing down the blockbuster I was managing.  Plans changed and I came home.  He had set up warning alerts for the front door of the apartment - warning being a cup of loose change and a stainless steel pot below to catch and make noise.   I come in, sit down, and watch a movie.  It's now like 3am and I go to enter the shared bedroom/think dorm room with twin mattresses borrowed from the school for the summer.   I open the door and he flings his blanket off and sits up dramatically and aims his rifle directly at me and from roughly 10 feet away. I yell at him and tell him to put the shit away, it's just me.   After a few seconds he realizes it is just me and sets it down.  I don't sleep that night. 

Next incident, I forget the trigger for it and he ended up pulling his shotgun on me and chasing me around the apartment complex, tennis courts, etc. laughing a maniacal laugh while I'm telling him to put the shit down and not be insane.  Pretty sure he also stole my SUV's CD/Stereo. 


My freshman roommate is a great guy.  We have been friends most of our lives. But during freshman year he just sort of lost all inhibitions and gave in to weirder impulses, most of which involved trolling the other dudes on our dorm floor.  We still keep up and laugh about all this shit now.  Examples include:

- upon realizing most of the other guys on the dorm floor were small town redneck dudes, he painted our dorm room pink.  Also started wearing a sweater with a big rainbow across the front.  

-  He hung up a bunch of pinups in the room that I am pretty sure came from vintage copies of JET magazine.   I had to take them down because it freaked out every girl that came to our room. 

- He found a hat/mask from a child's blues clues Halloween costume. Would wear it -- and nothing else -- down to the communal bathroom on the floor to take a piss (often in the sink).  Would also occasionally urinate in the dorm elevator (while sober)  

- He downloaded a mp3 of loud sex noises.  When we were going out for the evening, he would sometimes crank that up on his computer and then leave it on for hours while we were gone.  

 I think there is a ton of other stuff I am forgetting.  Eventually the other guys in our dorm decided they liked the roommate after realizing he was not gay and was a musician (which somehow made all the strange behavior seem acceptable to them).  

  • Haha 1
On 10/28/2018 at 8:46 AM, Chopper said:

My luck of the draw first college roommate was tall and thin and pasty. He'd drink a weird brew of some cleansing tea every night. It stunk up the room. When he spoke on the phone with his mom you could sometimes hear the anger seething in his voice. He was very quiet, wasn't interested in either sports, music or girls, had zero friends and I got a strange vibe from the guy though I can't recall many specific details about it and maybe there were none, I just don't recall. I hated spending time in my room; when he'd go away for a weekend it was like a huge dark cloud was lifted. I went to the dean of housing, told him about how uncomfortable I was with this guy and asking to be moved. The dean's attitude was, "You want me to go to the trouble of assigning you a different room because he makes a strange smelling tea?" I said, it's just very difficult to explain, he makes me uncomfortable and I am pretty sure he's gay. I don't know why I said that...I think it must have been my fall back in case the other reasons didn't work. Anyway, the school moved him to a single room within a couple days and I ended up with a nice, nerdy roommate.

  Reveal hidden contents

After the first summer break, I returned for my soph year and one of my friends asked if I had heard about what happened to that first roommate. I hadn't. It was shocking. To make this less sickening to type, I'll just use the scientific terms to tell you what he did. Matricide. Necrophilia (with his mom). Then he turned himself in to the police. I learned later his older brother had committed suicide before he (my old roommate) went to college and he apparently blamed his mom.


So, did he cum or what?


Police records indicate the suspect muttered something about not being able to get off due to all the sex he had with Schulz's mom earlier that day.

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14 hours ago, Chopper said:

Now that all the details are out, as I understood the depravity, he beat her over the head with a baseball bat while she was in the bathtub. Then had sex with her dead body. Later I heard that the pungent herbal tea he drank in our dorm room was something his very controlling mom had concocted for him to deal with his schizophrenia. I guess it ran in the family, they were very conservative and didn't believe in western psychiatric medicine.

@Gil Bang Thanks for that. Up until a few years ago his basic location could be found online and I was told it was because Patton had a contract to handle those patients with CDOC. But now that I think about it, what they put online must have changed due to patient privacy laws. Maybe I'll call the hospital tmrw and see what they can tell me.

Yes yes call the hospital and report back.

1 hour ago, Ollie Slatt said:

My freshman roommate is a great guy.  We have been friends most of our lives. But during freshman year he just sort of lost all inhibitions and gave in to weirder impulses, most of which involved trolling the other dudes on our dorm floor.  We still keep up and laugh about all this shit now.  Examples include:

- upon realizing most of the other guys on the dorm floor were small town redneck dudes, he painted our dorm room pink.  Also started wearing a sweater with a big rainbow across the front.  

-  He hung up a bunch of pinups in the room that I am pretty sure came from vintage copies of JET magazine.   I had to take them down because it freaked out every girl that came to our room. 

Those are funny.

1 hour ago, Ollie Slatt said:

My freshman roommate is a great guy.  We have been friends most of our lives. But during freshman year he just sort of lost all inhibitions and gave in to weirder impulses, most of which involved trolling the other dudes on our dorm floor.  We still keep up and laugh about all this shit now.  Examples include:

- upon realizing most of the other guys on the dorm floor were small town redneck dudes, he painted our dorm room pink.  Also started wearing a sweater with a big rainbow across the front.  

-  He hung up a bunch of pinups in the room that I am pretty sure came from vintage copies of JET magazine.   I had to take them down because it freaked out every girl that came to our room. 

- He found a hat/mask from a child's blues clues Halloween costume. Would wear it -- and nothing else -- down to the communal bathroom on the floor to take a piss (often in the sink).  Would also occasionally urinate in the dorm elevator (while sober)  

- He downloaded a mp3 of loud sex noises.  When we were going out for the evening, he would sometimes crank that up on his computer and then leave it on for hours while we were gone.  

 I think there is a ton of other stuff I am forgetting.  Eventually the other guys in our dorm decided they liked the roommate after realizing he was not gay and was a musician (which somehow made all the strange behavior seem acceptable to them).  

Gotta say, most of that is just plain hilarious.



I thought I had some weird roommates but after reading some of the stories here,  I now realize I was pretty lucky.

I had two roommates my freshman year. First one was pretty cool but got into too much "sorry for partying" trouble. The guy that followed was strange as hell.

He was from the valley and appeared to have been locked up in a cage for the previous decade. He kept stacks of porn magazines next to his bed and these were the filthy skanky magazines that made Hustler seem tame. He started putting up pages from the magazines on the wall. He would black out the woman's faces and paint red all over their crotch area. I would tear them off the wall but when I returned from class there would be new ones.

He rarely got dressed and would drape himself in a sheet with nothing but whitey tighties underneath. He was obsessed with Neil Peart, to this day, I can't stand hearing Rush because I still see Dave air drumming in his underwear next to porn magazines.

Fortunately, at some point he got addicted to playing MUDs and vanished for the rest of the year.



My freshman year, I lived in a four-person suite. By the end of the school year, five people had lived there.

The first suitemate was a guy who originally was from Houston but had attended one of the boarding schools in Austin (St. Mark's? St. Andrew's? Dunno. I'm not rich.). Anyhow, after sitting in my dorm alone the first weekend, I come home Sunday evening to find this guy in JNCOs and an over-sized T-shirt chilling in the living room, the thumping sound of bass-y electronic music emanating from his bedroom.

Me: So, you like electronic music.

Him: Yeah. I'm really into jungle.

Me (having watched AMP on MTV a couple times): Cool. I'm kind of into Wink and the Propellerheads.

Him: Who?

Then there was a knock on the door, and I opened it to find a cadre of similarly-attired raver kids before me, moving their hands around like they were levitating some sort of energy-ball/hackey sack. Suitemate joined the group and headed down the hallway. I didn't see him again until the next morning.

He was a pretty cool guy, but the guy fell hard into the local rave scene. His still in high school girlfriend would get in fights with him, telling him to stop popping X and focus on his school (he was an engineering major who had survived the summer provisional program).

On the plus side, he had a nice setup in his room -- two turntables, a mixer, what my 18-year-old self thought were badass speakers (no microphone that I recall). During the many periods which he would be absent, I would pull out Zeppelin vinyls and remix No Quarter to his downbeat drum-and-bass.

On the downside, his setup would attract raver kids, who would come in and fall into a K hole on his bed for hours.

He also occasionally attracted fraternity types. Once, a couple guys knocked on our door and asked for him. I was like, "He's not here... why?" They walked away laughing. "Why?"

One weekend, a transient from Brooklyn whom he had befriended slept on our couch.

Things came to a head near the end of the first semester. He exchanged an apparently large sum of money for an envelope full of purported drugs. However, once he opened it, there was nothing inside but rave handbills. He was gone not long after that.

We came back from Christmas break to find a new suitemate in raver guy's place. If raver guy was weird because of the company he kept, the new guy was weird because he kept no company.

He was a 17-year-old, early high school graduate. He was the son of Polish immigrants, and his father was a college professor. He had been at UT since the fall. So why was he moving into our off-campus dorm halfway through the year?

Well, he had some coke, and his ROTC roommate at Jester narc-ed on him. He was kicked out of Jester and told to stay away from there unless he had classes in the building. He also was barred from on-campus housing.

He was skinny and ugly and socially awkward. He was fanatically into Pink Floyd. He would jerk off into a condom in the shower, then leave the condom in there. He would talk to the other suitemate's little sister on AIM when he wasn't hanging out on IRC. He would go to McDonald's and order a McFlurry with no mix-in. He had no friends, and when he wasn't at class, he would be in our dorm.

And his drug of choice was cough syrup.

He would go to the CVS on the drag and bring home bottles of Robitussin. He would chug the stuff, puke, then chill on his robo-trip. He talked about dosages and plateaus, always pushing himself to see more colors or whatever.

About halfway through the semester, he finally began to socialize with us a little more and open up. He would watch South Park with us, smoke pot with us, even sit with one of us in the cafeteria. If he saw one of us on campus, he would say "hi," and maybe even start a conversation. Granted, his conversations were usually about how stupid everyone else was, but it was more than he would share at the beginning of the semester.

Then, one night, my other suitemate brought home a bag of 'shrooms.

Never have I seen a hallucinogen so thoroughly ignite and incinerate a man's super-ego and ego to reveal the primal id that dwells inside. Somewhere I still have the notes from our conversation that night (I was a journalism major, so I always had reporter notebooks laying around). We discovered that his father was cruel, manipulative, and emotionally abusive. If he didn't perform to a level that was essentially perfection, his father would basically turn him into a prisoner of the home and destroy personal items such as his television. Everything about him began to make sense -- the inability to form human relationships, the desire to escape reality, the subtle rebellion of drug use.

By the end of the semester, it would be fair to say he was friends with us, and we were probably his only friends on campus. He stayed around for his sophomore year, then eventually moved back to the Metroplex and finished his degree at UNT.

A few years ago, I looked him up on Facebook, and he wasn't on there. So I Googled his name.

The top result was his obituary from 2011.


I moved into our frat house spring semester of my freshman year.  My original Jester East roommate, a buddy from hs, had decided UT wasn't for him and moved back to Dallas, so I moved to the house. 

My frat brother roommate was cool but had an odd relationship with his sister.  He was a junior and his sister was a smokin' hot freshman.  Several times a month, I'd come back from class and he and his sister would be laying together in his bed chatting and laughing.  They'd be dressed and never seemed to be doing anything sexual but it was just weird.

I asked him about it after the first time I saw them and he just said they were really close and came from a touchy, feely family.  Still seemed weird as shit to me. 

As an aside, most of us lost touch with him a few years after college.  I randomly ran into him about 3 years ago and we had a beer or three and talked about the good ol days.  I asked him about his sister and he said "oh, miss Perfect Pamela?  The one who can do no wrong?"  He then went off for 10 minute about what a hypocritical, insufferable bitch she was.   Guess they don't cuddle anymore.

  • Haha 1

Well I'm not sure I'd consider myself weird, but I was the chronic and champion farter for my dorm wings.  Moore-Hill '81/82; Jester East 82/83.  The only time it really caused an issue was toward the end of the UH - NC State national title game in '83, cleared out the room in Jester East where everyone gathered to watch.  Fortunately (or not, depending which team you were cheering) everyone was able to get back in to see the finish of the game.

I'm also one of those folks who can belch-talk.  Many times I would stand on the headboard of my bed in Jester late at night and belch in the AC vent.  My room was the first one in the hall and the sound carried the entire length through the duct.  I would do the Gettysburg Address, the alphabet, some random Shakespeare soliloquies, or just wish everyone "nighty-night."

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1 minute ago, Monty86 said:

Well I'm not sure I'd consider myself weird, but I was the chronic and champion farter for my dorm wings.  Moore-Hill '81/82; Jester East 82/83.  The only time it really caused an issue was toward the end of the UH - NC State national title game in '83, cleared out the room in Jester East where everyone gathered to watch.  Fortunately (or not, depending which team you were cheering) everyone was able to get back in to see the finish of the game.

I'm also one of those folks who can belch-talk.  Many times I would stand on the headboard of my bed in Jester late at night and belch in the AC vent.  My room was the first one in the hall and the sound carried the entire length through the duct.  I would do the Gettysburg Address, the alphabet, some random Shakespeare soliloquies, or just wish everyone "nighty-night."


2 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

I asked him about his sister and he said "oh, miss Perfect Pamela?  The one who can do no wrong?"  He then went off for 10 minute about what a hypocritical, insufferable bitch she was.   Guess they don't cuddle anymore.

She got a boyfriend who wasn't her brother.

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I feel like I might be that guy on some other message board. In the early 2000s I did a semester in DC at American University, and all the other students there were in DC for one semester as well. We came from lots of different places. One of my roommates was from South Carolina and went to Clemson, the other was from Chicago and I forget where he went to school.

One weekend my roommates and I got, I don't know, let's call it half a dozen boxes of Franzia. May have been more or less. Who can remember? Not all of us were 21, so we took what we could get.

Anyway, I drank at least 2 by myself, and then proceed to eat crappy pizza, and then pass out on a top bunk.

I wake up the next morning covered in vomit. Purple, Franzia vomit with pieces of pizza chunks in it. 

Also covered in vomit? 

The wall, the carpet, and my roommates bunk below me. 

The mattresses (plural) were stained with the Franzia puke. We febreezed the hell out of the room, turned the mattresses over, and I paid to dry clean my roommates sheets. I think I threw away my pillow. 

On the plus side, I don't think any of us murdered any family members or had sex with any corpses, so we weren't that weird. 

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My freshmen year college roommate was on the baseball team with me. He was from Canada. He wouldn't have played on my HS team yet someone was on my college team. He seriously was awful and the whole team would make fun of him for how horrible he was. 

He chewed Copenhagen and would fill two liter bottles full of spit. 

He rarely drank which would be fine but he made himself out to be some huge drinker that just was never in the mood to drink. When he did drink he would puke his guts out. 

Thankfully he quit school and went back to Canada after our Freshmen year.  


Next door neighbor count?

I used to work summers in Florida. I would live where ever I could that was cheap. One summer I sub-let a duplex. The tenant warned me about the neighbor on the other side of the duplex, saying he was a nice guy, just a little loud and unruly when he was drunk. Turned out the neighbor was Irish, right off the boat, and did odd jobs to make ends meet. He had a bad ankle that he injured playing hurling when his foot got smashed by the stick.

After dark he would get drunk and limp around in the driveway, waving his hurling stick and shouting Gaelic curses at the universe. I asked him to tone it down one night and he threatened to bust my kneecaps with his hurling stick. He apologized the next day, saying that the only thing he had in his life was his hurling glory days.


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3 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

Next door neighbor count?

I used to work summers in Florida. I would live where ever I could that was cheap. One summer I sub-let a duplex. The tenant warned me about the neighbor on the other side of the duplex, saying he was a nice guy, just a little loud and unruly when he was drunk. Turned out the neighbor was Irish, right off the boat, and did odd jobs to make ends meet. He had a bad ankle that he injured playing hurling when his foot got smashed by the stick.

After dark he would get drunk and limp around in the driveway, waving his hurling stick and shouting Gaelic curses at the universe. I asked him to tone it down one night and he threatened to bust my kneecaps with his hurling stick. He apologized the next day, saying that the only thing he had in his life was his hurling glory days.


Ahhhhhh the Irish........ God bless 'em.

1 minute ago, Tillmann Buttersack said:

Plot twist: Chopper's roommate killed him and has assumed his identity. After another round of necrophilia of course

As if we didn't know that. You should have saved that valuable 4th post.


Man.  I really had nuthin'.  I had two randomly assigned roommates in Moore Hill (I had planned to room with a buddy, but his family bought a condo, so he bailed).  First one was just a sad nerd who played video games instead of going out and having fun.  He moved out at the semester break to room with a friend of his.  Next roommate was a pretty cool dude from Dallas.  Cracked me up when we met, cuz he told me a story about having a ski pole break on him, and as he fell, it punctured his scrotum.  If you can't laugh at a punctured scrotum, I don't wanna know you.  He turned out to be gay.  He's still a pretty cool dude, has a job that has him traveling the world, and he speaks like 3 languages now.

Seriously, that's the best I've got.  My experiences don't even make it to the "others receiving votes" part of the list, compared to some of y'all.  I'm impressed.

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9 minutes ago, LonghornJones said:

Probably bc you're THAT roommate.

Well, one of my later roommates DOES love to tell how I would throw handfuls of pennies across the room at him when he'd snore.  I started out throwing tennis balls, but I only had three.  however, I had a big cupful of pennies.  So, when he'd snore loudly, I'd toss a handful at him, hard enough to wake him and make him turn over.  Then, every few days, I'd go over to his side of the room, gather the pennies from the floor, and re-stock my cup.

I thought I was being resourceful and clever.  

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On 10/28/2018 at 7:46 AM, Chopper said:

My luck of the draw first college roommate was tall and thin and pasty. He'd drink a weird brew of some cleansing tea every night. It stunk up the room. When he spoke on the phone with his mom you could sometimes hear the anger seething in his voice. He was very quiet, wasn't interested in either sports, music or girls, had zero friends and I got a strange vibe from the guy though I can't recall many specific details about it and maybe there were none, I just don't recall. I hated spending time in my room; when he'd go away for a weekend it was like a huge dark cloud was lifted. I went to the dean of housing, told him about how uncomfortable I was with this guy and asking to be moved. The dean's attitude was, "You want me to go to the trouble of assigning you a different room because he makes a strange smelling tea?" I said, it's just very difficult to explain, he makes me uncomfortable and I am pretty sure he's gay. I don't know why I said that...I think it must have been my fall back in case the other reasons didn't work. Anyway, the school moved him to a single room within a couple days and I ended up with a nice, nerdy roommate.

  Hide contents

After the first summer break, I returned for my soph year and one of my friends asked if I had heard about what happened to that first roommate. I hadn't. It was shocking. To make this less sickening to type, I'll just use the scientific terms to tell you what he did. Matricide. Necrophilia (with his mom). Then he turned himself in to the police. I learned later his older brother had committed suicide before he (my old roommate) went to college and he apparently blamed his mom.



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After reading some of the drunk and disorderly stories, I did a little bit of introspection. I was the drunk asshole roommate and probably owe some of my former "weird" roommates an apology.

I know I did something similar to Jeremy Pivens character in the scene below a number of times.


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My only roommate story was freshman year this kid from DC was funny as shit but a raging alcoholic.  Not sure how many classes he made it to, but not a lot.  He turned me into an alcoholic by osmosis.  

Sophomore year shared an apartment with 4 other guys, and one was so perpetually he would wait until every was finished getting high and would scrape whatever device we were using to try and play catch-up.  

So basically i got nothing.

23 hours ago, Chopper said:

It was before the internets but there's still a fair bit of info out there because the family was very wealthy and the father was Reagan's attorney. http://articles.latimes.com/1994-09-08/news/cb-35920_1_palos-verdes-estates

According to the article linked, the son was not charged for raping the mother, "because police could not determine if the rape had occurred before the murder." So I learned something new. If you find something about what happened to the perp please let me know. When I checked in the CA Dept of Corrections database about a year ago he was not listed. So I don't know if he died or somehow got released. He was found criminally insane and involuntarily committed after trial. This happened before it got a lot harder to prove yourself insane as a criminal defense.


Where did you go to school.  Texas or somewhere out here?

18 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

So, when he'd snore loudly, I'd toss a handful at him, hard enough to wake him and make him turn over.  

So you used to roll him over in his sleep, eh?



18 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

 I would throw handfuls of pennies across the room at him when he'd snore. 

We had shoe duty. One guy would never turn off his alarm, just lie there next to it while it blared through the house. If it was your turn to do shoe duty, you'd go into his room, pick up one of his loafers, and throw it at him. Then he'd either wake up and turn off the alarm, or else you'd throw the second shoe.

Looking back, dude was some kind of philosophical genius, but he never thought of things like "Oh, I'm living with a pack of vicious rednecks, maybe I should lock my door, or else not drop my shoes where they can grab them and throw them at me."


Spring break 1995. My 2 roommates were over at the neighbors apartment cleaning the seeds and stems from 2 lbs of weed and rolling fatties to take to NOLA for the whole week.  Of course they were smoking it as well. . .one of the guys (and a cloud of smoke) left the apartment the same moment a BU campus cop walked by.  The plan was we were gonna leave at 10am the next day for NOLA.

I was asleep at the time because I had the hardest midterm at 8am the next day - the cops came in my bedroom, turned on the lights, and said hey lucky, you can bail all your buddies out in the morning, we can't arrest you but we know it was your weed too.

I graduated, the 4 of them got suspended for the semester, and charged with intent to distribute (bullshit, it really was for personal consumption, we were going to smoke up everyone in the french quarter).  Charges eventually dropped cause one of the guys dads was a criminal defense lawyer and he claimed unlawful search no probable cause etc.

My other neighbor to the other side was David Crowder, and he moved into my room when I graduated and lived with one of the guys who had to do an extra semester.  He would not partake of our herb though I tried for 2 years to get him high.

30 minutes ago, MissingInAction said:

I would bring home skanks at the end of a long night of drinking and bang them on my bed about 10 feet from my "sleeping" room mate. Everyone needs their Case McCoy.  

I did the same but at their house.  Was always hoping that the roomate would decide to participate.

1 hour ago, Sbbruin said:

Where did you go to school.  Texas or somewhere out here?

I started my undergrad journey at Menlo College. Went to law school at Texas.

2 minutes ago, Chopper said:

I started my undergrad journey at Menlo College. Went to law school at Texas.

Ha, 2 of my sisters went to Menlo.  There were a lot of "characters" there.  


Holy shit, I just looked up one roommate from summer semester 1990 that I haven't talked to since 1992 or so.  I so want to post his picture, he looks like Alfred E Neumann now.

Fucker would eat cereal with milk every morning, drink the milk out of the bowl, and then leave it on top of the mini fridge and re-use it the next day without washing it out.

On the day that the first Gulf War started he was running around screaming "strap me into an F-16 and I'll kill them all!!!!" - his dream was to be a USAF pilot and he was genuinely upset that he missed out on firing a few air to ground missiles.

He did have a Cessna 172 however, and he'd soloed - but didn't yet have the proper FAA license to take passengers up with him.  So I'd go hide in the plane while he did the preflight, then we'd go fly around the whole DFW metroplex.

I drank all his dad's whisky one night and was hungover as fuck - was able to drink a pepsi and eat a bananna and we went flying.  Fucker did those little parabolas where we would go weightless for a few minutes until I threatened to kick his ass when we landed. I didn't puke in the plane but I did all over the GA ramp at Meacham in FW.

So for the first few weeks it was cool but then I moved into a different dorm room.

Because he started jerking off.  A lot.  And our dorm room (Brooks Hall at BU before the remodel) had bunk beds.

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