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Located within the city limits in a neighborhood with no gas. We are looking to install a pool/spa and we need gas to run the spa. While we're at it, we'll run gas lines into the house for at least the stove and maybe the water heater and dryer.

I've called several companies and cost for an underground tank is around $3500 installed (not including the propane) to buy. 

for leasing, it's anywhere from $85-$150 a year but otherwise no upfront costs. besides being tied to one company, this seems like a no brainer.

anyone have any advice?

14 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

Are you sure they'll install a leased tank underground?

We bought ours.  It has the (small) benefit of letting us choose our propane vendor.

one company would only sell underground, another said they would lease it.

2 hours ago, immamac said:

See what the terms are when you want to end the lease

yup, i asked a company that and they said i can either do a payoff or they would come pick it up. didn't give specifics

  • 4 months later...

Looking for a tank (250 gal.) seller in Austin.  Am trying a few companies, DirectPropane $1,400 for 320 gal (they don't have 250), have a call into Garnett.  Anyone else know where to buy a good tank, new or slightly used?  The rest of the story:  have rented for 26 years, company is now boning me up the ass, want to buy and get rid of being locked into the single vendor for propane.

On renting, there are some issues, at least in my experience:  1) as JJ said above, you cannot buy gas from any other vendor if you rent.  Served us well for years, but now I'm ready for the divorce (long story, but I'm being hosed).  2)  You will pay a rental charge per year, somewhere between $40-$80 usually.  3) They also often stick renters with a higher rate than owners, usually a damn good bit more.. for instance, going market rate right now is about $2/gal. for owners, but renters will pay close to $3/gal.  They cite "the expense that renters cause companies to infer with maintenance, etc." and that might be true in part, but mostly they reap shitloads more from renters than owners, so there's a lot of bullshit in that sentiment 4) Often, due to shitty rules, you can't usually "rent to own".  If you want to own a tank, you have to pull the rented tank, even if it's perfectly good, and swap for a rental (if this has changed in 26 years I'd like to know, but it's always been the case - it sucks.) 5) When rented-from company comes, they'll charge you a hundred bucks just for taking it out (I'm talking above ground, of course, a whole nother story underground).

I know this post was started last year, so his problems have been solved one way or another, but I'm posting now mostly for caveat emptor reasons. When I built the house, I was young, dumb, and full of cum - but not cash.  So we rented to avoid the $$ of buying.  Although most of the 26 years has been okay, now I wish I would have gotten that last no-lube and pushed through a purchase.  Mostly because I can't play the market now.  I have to buy from only one company.  And that sucks hairy donkey balls.

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