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2 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

Are all the 8chan guys going to go over to 4chan now?

I don't know the chan rules.  Can you just change chans like that?


Everyone talks about Trump colluding with Russians but the real key is that the Russians are also in bed with other key Republicans. 

Even if you're a R with a clean conscience and a clean donor sheet, you can't support impeachment because it's a poison pill. Trump has chained enough party members to the wheel of the ship, that voting for impeachment would kill your party and thus your own career. 

If Trump was the only conflicted member of the party, Republicans could support impeachment, roll with Pence, and hope for the best.

Pence would actually get a dead cat bounce because people on all sides would generally be relieved to be rid of the guy who sows conflict, ineptitude, and chaos in everything that he touches. 

So, sure, the Democrats can bring impeachment forward. But they have a 0% chance of success, and the talking points after that defeat would put 2020 squarely in the hands of the Republicans. 

Posted (edited)

I agree with the first part. ^ These R assholes all talk behind closed doors, and they all know each other's secrets. Some are compromised more than others. The good ones don't want to expose their friends and/or lose their position of power.

No R caucus is as silent as this one has been in the face of Trump's lawlessness. There are a bunch of Rs who are knee-deep in some form of corruption and compromise.

I think the House should use all the tools at their disposal. The main one that they have is impeachment. Let Trump run on being an impeached (but not convicted) incumbent. It will at the very least get every shred of information out there.

Edited by retread
Posted (edited)

We have to start looking at this the same way we look at Islamic extremism. Bin Laden never flew a single plane, but we knew we had to take him out before a new Mohammed Atta arose.  We didn't stop ISIS when the cops killed Farook. We went after their leadership who radicalized Farook. 

The first thing we need is a President who doesn't coddle white nationalists, if not outright support them.  Then maybe we don't intentionally gut the FBI unit responsible for monitoring domestic white nationalist terrorists.  I will say though. If an imam intentionally instigated in the way that Trump does, he'd be in gitmo already. 

Trump is a scattershoot Bin Laden for white supremacists. Bin Laden was a narrow shooter.  In contrast, Trump doesn't catch a lot of fish, but his net is cast so wide that he gets enough to cause huge problems.  All of it is intentional.  Trump may be a patsy but he is still a racist patsy.

Edited by FondrenRoad

This is depressing.  


It’s going to get worse.

That’s the warning of a former violent extremist, Christian Picciolini, who joined a neo-Nazi movement 30 years ago and now tries to get people out of them. White-supremacist terrorists—the ones who have left dozens dead in attacks in Pittsburgh, New Zealand, and El Paso, Texas, in recent months—aren’t just trying to outdo one another, he told us. They’re trying to outdo Timothy McVeigh, the anti-government terrorist who blew up an Oklahoma City federal building and killed more than 100 people in 1995—the worst terrorist attack in the United States before September 11, 2001.


4 hours ago, Jive Turkey said:

It's also 100% accurate.  How many of us just on this board had stated the obvious -- it was only a matter of time before someone started taking out hispanics in the US?  It's now open hunting season on us.

And lest we think this is something new, and "this isn't who we are!"....bullshit.  It's EXACTLY who we are, and who we've always been.

Maybe you'll enjoy this discussion of the new documentary, "Seadrift."  See how the language from then echoes almost EXACTLY with language and rhetoric we hear today, including at rallies in support of the president:


But then the action jumps to 1979, with a montage of TV news clips that break the peace. “I don’t like them,” a woman snaps at the camera. “They should go back where they come from.” Cut to a 20-something guy in a baseball cap. “Somebody’s gonna take care of those Vietnamese,” he says. “Take care of them?” an interviewer prompts. He doesn’t hesitate: “Kill ’em.”

THIS IS EXACTLY WHO WE ARE.  40 years later, and what has changed?  The national origin of the refugees, that's it.  Gooks, spics, it don't matter -- they ain't US.  So they need to get gone, or get killed.

Someday soon, we're going to look back wistfully on El Paso as the time 'before it REALLY got bad."


Oh, and if you want to know why we're completely fucked...here's the explanation going around online about the El Paso shooter's manifesto just being a cover to shut down 8chan because.....


Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin film themselves laughing while raping and torturing a young girl skinning part of the child's face off and draping it over there face while dancing?

There are some images and videos on the internet right now that were p
ulled from a message board 8chan right before cloudfare shut them down 2 days ago. I am not going to post the pictures right now as they are very bloody and disturbing. These images are claimed to come from the pedophile and politician Anthony Weiners laptop. All the NYPD officers who saw the laptop and a senator have committed "suicide" by shooting themselves in the head within the last 3 months.

The photos had just been posted to 8chan when El Paso mass shooting happened. They found a manifesto on 8chan allegedly from the accused shooter and said that is why they shut down the board.

This is our country.  This is what we're dealing with.  There's no coming back from this.

5 hours ago, Jive Turkey said:

There are paths out of it. That's my takeaway. There are things we can do. If we do nothing it will certainly get worse. 

It's harder to acquire a ton of ammonium nitrate since OKC, as it should be. We can make life harder on them and also offer a way out. 

It doesn't have to be this ending. We can still choose our adventure. 


I’ve been watching these fucks get radicalized for the last four years.  Most of them aren’t snapping out of it.  Some of them will turn to violence.  It’s only a question of when and how many.   It is going to suck. 

33 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

There are paths out of it. That's my takeaway. There are things we can do. If we do nothing it will certainly get worse. 

It's harder to acquire a ton of ammonium nitrate since OKC, as it should be. We can make life harder on them and also offer a way out. 

It doesn't have to be this ending. We can still choose our adventure. 

We can.  But we're right before halftime of the 2001 Big 12 championship game, down 29-10.  Yes, by all means, we MUST put Major in over Simms.   But it's still a longshot as to whether we can pull out the W.  A REAL longshot.

17 hours ago, FondrenRoad said:

The first thing we need is a President who doesn't coddle white nationalists, if not outright support them.  Then maybe we don't intentionally gut the FBI unit responsible for monitoring domestic white nationalist terrorists.  I will say though. If an imam intentionally instigated in the way that Trump does, he'd be in gitmo already. 

Trump is a scattershoot Bin Laden for white supremacists. Bin Laden was a narrow shooter.  In contrast, Trump doesn't catch a lot of fish, but his net is cast so wide that he gets enough to cause huge problems.  All of it is intentional.  Trump may be a patsy but he is still a racist patsy.

The man with the loudest microphone has been dehumanizing minorities and immigrants his whole time in office, and basically no one has called him on it.

Hopefully that's changing.

15 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

We can.  But we're right before halftime of the 2001 Big 12 championship game, down 29-10.  Yes, by all means, we MUST put Major in over Simms.   But it's still a longshot as to whether we can pull out the W.  A REAL longshot.

Well, your better half is working on it. It is going to take the law as well as the religious to turn it around. 

I keep going back to the vote in the Tarrant county GOP on Dr. Shafi. Yeah, there are some that won't think of him as an equal. They wanted to rid the party of him and those like him. They lost. I'm not going to despise small beginnings. 

56 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

Well, your better half is working on it. It is going to take the law as well as the religious to turn it around. 

I keep going back to the vote in the Tarrant county GOP on Dr. Shafi. Yeah, there are some that won't think of him as an equal. They wanted to rid the party of him and those like him. They lost. I'm not going to despise small beginnings. 

Me neither.  I was OVERJOYED when Major threw for a TD on his second snap after going in that game.  He led a heroic comeback effort.  Which ultimately fell short.

Let's keep trying.  But just know what the most likely outcome remains.


Why are the Right Wingers, who have harped so long and hard on the supposed lack of dissident voices among Muslims and Blacks speaking out against violence within their countries and communities, remaining silent about this problem among their own?

This is your chance to prove the courage of your convictions in joining us to unequivocally renounce hatred and bigotry and will take the necessary steps to end the domestic terrorism of racists and white nationalists within our American community.

  • Like 9
5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

It's also 100% accurate.  How many of us just on this board had stated the obvious -- it was only a matter of time before someone started taking out hispanics in the US?  It's now open hunting season on us.

And lest we think this is something new, and "this isn't who we are!"....bullshit.  It's EXACTLY who we are, and who we've always been.

Maybe you'll enjoy this discussion of the new documentary, "Seadrift."  See how the language from then echoes almost EXACTLY with language and rhetoric we hear today, including at rallies in support of the president:

THIS IS EXACTLY WHO WE ARE.  40 years later, and what has changed?  The national origin of the refugees, that's it.  Gooks, spics, it don't matter -- they ain't US.  So they need to get gone, or get killed.

Someday soon, we're going to look back wistfully on El Paso as the time 'before it REALLY got bad."

God damn, dude.  You’re such a chicken little.  The subject of that article has found a path to success in converting white supremacists.  That should be our focus: what can we do to help in the effort to curb racism?  Screeching about how awful it is and how much worse it’s gonna be and how it’s just an impossible problem we’ll never solve is fucking pointless.  Yeah, it’s a big problem.  Let’s figure out what we can do to fix it.

Along those lines, this dude is explicit: you don’t shout at the other side and tell them how wrong they are.  You look for ways to show goodwill and to humanize those they think they hate.  It’s basic human psychology, but we morally superior leftists can’t get off our soapboxes long enough to try it.  And we ignore his advice at our nation’s peril.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

God damn, dude.  You’re such a chicken little.  The subject of that article has found a path to success in converting white supremacists.  That should be our focus: what can we do to help in the effort to curb racism?  Screeching about how awful it is and how much worse it’s gonna be and how it’s just an impossible problem we’ll never solve is fucking pointless.  Yeah, it’s a big problem.  Let’s figure out what we can do to fix it.

Along those lines, this dude is explicit: you don’t shout at the other side and tell them how wrong they are.  You look for ways to show goodwill and to humanize those they think they hate.  It’s basic human psychology, but we morally superior leftists can’t get off our soapboxes long enough to try it.  And we ignore his advice at our nation’s peril.

I don't believe brisket is a leftist, my dude. He just left the insanity of the current Right. 

Edited by SmokeyTheBear
Big r
10 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

I don't believe brisket is a leftist, my dude. He just left the insanity of the current Right. 

True.  But he can virtue signal with the best of us on the Left, so we’ll accept him as an honorary SJW.

21 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

Along those lines, this dude is explicit: you don’t shout at the other side and tell them how wrong they are.  You look for ways to show goodwill and to humanize those they think they hate.  It’s basic human psychology, but we morally superior leftists can’t get off our soapboxes long enough to try it.  And we ignore his advice at our nation’s peril.

When the kids in cages first became a thing, I tried telling him with Fox News blaring at 75 dB in the background "These children are human beings and shouldn't be treated like feral animals." His response: "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

I tried appealing to his Christian faith as a deacon of his Baptist church by recounting the parable of the Good Samaritan and was met with ignored silence.

Give me a better argument and I'll try that later this month when I drive him and my mom up to Angel Fire to stay in a shitty condo for a week.

29 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

God damn, dude.  You’re such a chicken little.  The subject of that article has found a path to success in converting white supremacists.  That should be our focus: what can we do to help in the effort to curb racism?  Screeching about how awful it is and how much worse it’s gonna be and how it’s just an impossible problem we’ll never solve is fucking pointless.  Yeah, it’s a big problem.  Let’s figure out what we can do to fix it.

Along those lines, this dude is explicit: you don’t shout at the other side and tell them how wrong they are.  You look for ways to show goodwill and to humanize those they think they hate.  It’s basic human psychology, but we morally superior leftists can’t get off our soapboxes long enough to try it.  And we ignore his advice at our nation’s peril.

His approach works because he can relate and absorb all the hate in the process.  Most people can’t do that. 

The problem we are having is many of these white nationalists leaners don’t think they’re white nationalists sympathizers.  It’s been normalized in large sections of our society and that’s what makes it extra dangerous.  These folks are not walking around with swastika tattoos and publicly saying the n-word but they’re still being radicalized to the point they see other races as sub-human.  In the twelve step process they will never get to step one (admitting there’s a problem). 

Racism is something that is taught and once it sets in it is very hard to undo.  It’s not too late for these folks to come to their senses but they are going to have to make that decision on their own and most will not.  

The time for any collective intervention was years ago. I hate to say that but when people don’t do anything to stop this shit until the body counts start numbering in the dozens, it is too late.  

We can leave the door open for people to come back but we can’t pussyfoot around what we’re dealing with here.  Violence incarnate. White Supremacists are enemies of our society.  Never forget that.  They should not be tolerated at all.  

They are the ones that should not feel safe. 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
41 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

So your solution is murder?  Civil war?  Outlawing ideologies?  

It is impossible to outlaw an ideology. 

Murder is their solution, not ours. 

Civil War?  We are in a cold Civil War right now that will only escalate to hot without strong moral leadership and accountability. 

Name them and shame them, and hold those accountable that give them safe harbor by naming and shaming them.  Will it work? Outlook not so good, but we can not be afraid to weaponize the first amendment against them.  It’s all we have left short of violence.  Which is unacceptable. 

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
20 minutes ago, Lurch said:

Released on his own recognizance. Watch the local news story and his last run in with the law where his ten-year sentence was suspended.


Clearly, our criminal justice system holds different folks to different standards, and I suppose that felonious assault in the name of "patriotism" falls in one of those categories.

This asshole is lucky the boy's dad doesn't seem to have been present at the time.


6 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

We can.  But we're right before halftime of the 2001 Big 12 championship game, down 29-10.  Yes, by all means, we MUST put Major in over Simms.   But it's still a longshot as to whether we can pull out the W.  A REAL longshot.

As long as we don't try to block a punt, we can still win this. 

In today's world, this stuff is going to hang around their heads for many years to come - while I'm sure they'll find employment through their daddies, a lot of this stuff will come back to haunt some of them, whether it be jobs they wanted, etc.
That's the beautiful thing about the internet.
Yeah Im sure its quite the hindrance to getting hired at Daddy's Bank or Insurance Agency. Really limiting.

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

7 hours ago, cactusflinthead said:

Well, your better half is working on it. It is going to take the law as well as the religious to turn it around. 




Ok ok, wait...




The next race war? What does that even mean? Like non whites responding to centuries of uncontrolled white racism?

Maybe stop the racism before they retaliate???

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

7 hours ago, Born to Run said:

The next race war? What does that even mean? 

The race war is the end game for the White Supremacist movement.  That’s why they write manifestos and kill minorities.  They want to inspire others to do the same to the point there are no more minorities.  People need to understand this because these sick fucks are not people that just snap one day.  They know exactly what they are doing. They are on a mission and they feel righteously justified just like ISIS fighters and other jihadi terrorists. 

  • Like 1
Even if the media isn't, I'm fairly certain the Mafia is taking a hard look at the Q anon folks.  

That thought had not occurred to me. Seems to me a war between the mafia and Qanon would be quite one-sided. I assume the mafia has enough equipment to breach that many basements?
Me neither.  I was OVERJOYED when Major threw for a TD on his second snap after going in that game.  He led a heroic comeback effort.  Which ultimately fell short.
Let's keep trying.  But just know what the most likely outcome remains.

Coaching sucked in that game, and our team looked unprepared. Mike Williams being hammered by Cedric Benson and both going out of the game, and rushing the punter to give the ball back to Colorado so they could run out the clock was terrible.
9 hours ago, Junior Miller said:



Ok ok, wait...




Kill them with your tap shoes

This machine kills fascists 

Songs that stir emotion 

What's so funny about 

Peace love and understanding 

13 hours ago, bolverk said:

Released on his own recognizance. Watch the local news story and his last run in with the law where his ten-year sentence was suspended.


Clearly, our criminal justice system holds different folks to different standards, and I suppose that felonious assault in the name of "patriotism" falls in one of those categories.

This asshole is lucky the boy's dad doesn't seem to have been present at the time.


Fucking released on his own recognizance? You've got to be shitting me.

The race war is the end game for the White Supremacist movement.  That’s why they write manifestos and kill minorities.  They want to inspire others to do the same to the point there are no more minorities.  People need to understand this because these sick fucks are not people that just snap one day.  They know exactly what they are doing. They are on a mission and they feel righteously justified just like ISIS fighters and other jihadi terrorists. 
Understood, the part that I don't get is NEXT.

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

7 minutes ago, retread said:


"A swastika, in addition to other racial slurs, were found spray painted on a detached garage as well."

Nope, definitely not white nationalists. it had to be antifa

Just now, SmokeyTheBear said:

They made those poor white people turn racist and nazis and blow up their house. 

Well, Obama did.  He created racial division in this country, which did not exist before 2008.  That's what a poster on this board says.  That's also what actual GOP officials have said.  So, clearly, if there are nazis blowing up houses, it's Obama's fault.


I guess you guys never heard of JESSIE SMOLLET?  Probably not the MSM refused to air one second of his story.  That means all these things are 1000% untrue and FAKE NEWS


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