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Right Wing Extremist Violence Thread

Hugo Stiglitz

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A group of white supremacists raised alarm bells with the FBI by discussing ways to attack the country’s power grid in the event President Trump were to lose re-election, according to a mistakenly unsealed search warrant affidavit obtained by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.

The three men—described as a 17-year-old from Ohio, a student at Purdue University, and a Wisconsin man—are said to have wound up on the FBI’s radar in late 2019 after a rifle-toting Canadian with “Nazi” and “white power” imagery on his phone was stopped from entering the U.S.

The Canadian man reportedly proceeded to tell U.S. border agents he was trying to visit the Ohio teenager, whom he’d met and been communicating with over an encrypted app. In light of some of the content on the Canadian’s phone—including a discussion about taking out student loans to facilitate some “off the grid” training—his plans raised red flags with federal investigators, who began looking into the group with whom he’d been chatting. 

It was not immediately clear if federal investigators believed the men were likely to carry out any of the schemes they discussed. The details laid out in the affidavit paint a picture of a ragtag group of men from different backgrounds fantasizing about outlandish schemes to, as one of them allegedly put it, “wreak havoc” across the country.

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On 12/21/2020 at 5:41 PM, atomheartbevo said:

They really need to start jailing these guys for assault, vandalizing public property, etc.  See how well that works out for their employment in the future.

Yes, and committing those crimes while armed may attach stiffer penalties.

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Get a load of this mouth-breathing dickbag.



A Virginia sheriff’s deputy was fired Saturday after a freelance journalist linked his social media account to chilling threats against politicians and judges.

One of the comments — posted on the deputy’s “WeThePeopleWarrior” profile on rightwing social media platform Parler — called on followers to find the homes of politicians and “liberal” judges, and “remove them from their sanctuary.” 

“Take back your state capitals,” the post urged. “Find the homes of every governor, mayor, attorney general, liberal judge, senator, congressman and every major media/social media CEO. Find them. Remove them from their sanctuary. Bring the nightmare to where they lay their heads and kiss their loved ones. Show them that they are NOT untouchable.”

The deputy was identified in a local press report and by The Washington Post as Aaron Hoffman. He was exposed by Charlottesville freelance journalist Molly Conger, who revealed the posts in a Twitter thread. 

Hoffman told the Post that the account was his, but insisted he didn’t post the comments.“ I did not make those posts,” Hoffman said. “I’m trying to figure out who did.” He said the comments also “disturbed” him.

By Saturday afternoon all of Hoffman’s social media accounts had either been set to private or deleted. 

Another post from Hoffman’s account included a threat to kill anyone who touched his children to vaccinate them against COVID-19 without his consent. “Not a threat, but a promise,” the post added


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1 hour ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

Is Parler a leftist-Deep State ploy designed to lure Patriot Hero Warriors into self-herding themselves into a suspect line-up?

I'm just speculating out loud, but it's true.

It’s going to make the FBIs job a lot easier.

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

Is Parler a leftist-Deep State ploy designed to lure Patriot Hero Warriors into self-herding themselves into a suspect line-up?

I'm just speculating out loud, but it's true.

50 minutes ago, Pasken said:

It’s going to make the FBIs job a lot easier.

A large chunk of its user base are Saudi nationalists as well.

It's a really easy and cost-effective way to bring in a bunch of nuts and let them implicate themselves and one another.


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On 12/27/2020 at 8:27 AM, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

Is Parler a leftist-Deep State ploy designed to lure Patriot Hero Warriors into self-herding themselves into a suspect line-up?

I'm just speculating out loud, but it's true.

no, they are so stupid they are outing themselves on a Saudi owned platform run by Russian social engineering professionals 

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On 12/29/2020 at 6:48 AM, Neonmoon said:

That’s a shame 


Good on them for doing the right thing but it’s bullshit that a hotel in our nation’s capital, likely hurting from COVID like all of the hospitality industry, has to lose business for three days because these dingleberries like to stay there and be racist assholes. Trump and Co. have turned us into a clown show of a country. 

Edited by 956 Worldwide
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I'm gonna be laughing this summer when I'm at the beach meanwhile these guys spent all their vacation days walking around DC just being douchebags.  Sort of like tht scene from office space:

"You know what I would do on my vacation?  Nothing.  Just drive 16 hours to Washington DC, walk around being an asshole.. nothing."

"Well sheeit, you don't have to travel to DC to do than man, look at my cousin, he walks around like asshole all the time and he just lives in Beaumont. "



I'm guessing they never set a single foot into any of the great museums or landmarks there.  (They may be closed now, who knows) 

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Hey now, chickens are righteous birds. They have a place in the animal kingdom and are responsible for such glorious creations as southern fried chicken, chicken wings, chicken noodle soup, kung pao chicken, roast chicken, and so on. From their eggs spring the most fluffy cute chicks you can ever imagine including the star of the children's tale: Medio Pollito. Those same eggs have spawned culinary masterpieces such as Eggs Benedict and omelettes that have fortified humans around the country. A chicken in every pot (oft misattributed as being created by American presidential candidates such as Hoover) harks back at least as far as Henry IV of France.

So while I agree chickens are somewhat stupid, make noise, and eat off the ground, instead scorn the Proud Boys who besmirch the Gallus gallus with their abuse and should be placed at the bottom of the pecking order so that we can drive them into a corner to sit, sulky, while we strive forward.

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When I look at the current state of White Supremacy groups, and the quiet embrace of them by the GOP, my mind drifts back to one thing.  It took Hitler two tries to take over Germany. Without the Brown Shirts he never gets that second chance. 

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18 minutes ago, horn4life said:

When I look at the current state of White Supremacy groups, and the quiet embrace of them by the GOP, my mind drifts back to one thing.  It took Hitler two tries to take over Germany. Without the Brown Shirts he never gets that second chance. 


they'll be beat down with twisted teas 

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1 hour ago, horn4life said:

When I look at the current state of White Supremacy groups, and the quiet embrace of them by the GOP, my mind drifts back to one thing.  It took Hitler two tries to take over Germany. Without the Brown Shirts he never gets that second chance. 

You realize the German army was a shambles and Hindenburg was a feeble old man on his deathbed right? The brownshirts outnumbered the army when Hitler came to power IIRC. 

The Yellow Skirts will be put down swiftly and violently if they bring violence against the citizenry

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2 hours ago, horn4life said:

When I look at the current state of White Supremacy groups, and the quiet embrace of them by the GOP, my mind drifts back to one thing.  It took Hitler two tries to take over Germany. Without the Brown Shirts he never gets that second chance. 

 Brown Shirts were competent, and unified.   These white supremacy groups are all little groups whose leaders dont want to share power with one another, because the grift is strong.  Plus, 25% of these groups are federal informants.   

And when you look at the inbreds that make up some of these groups....would have been prime candidates for Aktion T4.

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3 hours ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Hey now, chickens are righteous birds. They have a place in the animal kingdom and are responsible for such glorious creations as southern fried chicken, chicken wings, chicken noodle soup, kung pao chicken, roast chicken, and so on. From their eggs spring the most fluffy cute chicks you can ever imagine including the star of the children's tale: Medio Pollito. Those same eggs have spawned culinary masterpieces such as Eggs Benedict and omelettes that have fortified humans around the country. A chicken in every pot (oft misattributed as being created by American presidential candidates such as Hoover) harks back at least as far as Henry IV of France.

So while I agree chickens are somewhat stupid, make noise, and eat off the ground, instead scorn the Proud Boys who besmirch the Gallus gallus with their abuse and should be placed at the bottom of the pecking order so that we can drive them into a corner to sit, sulky, while we strive forward.

Strong chicken game 

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15 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

Good on them for doing the right thing but it’s bullshit that a hotel in our nation’s capital, likely hurting from COVID like all of the hospitality industry, has to lose business for three days because these dingleberries like to stay there and be racist assholes. Trump and Co. have turned us into a clown show of a country. 

I wonder if Trump hotel will let these people stay there around 1/6. And if yes, will any of these proud boys be able to afford it.

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On 12/31/2020 at 4:56 PM, tx 3 putt said:


I can't think of anything more UN-Texan than that. Fuck those douches, hope they drive off a cliff on the way to DC. 



8 hours ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

I'm gonna be laughing this summer when I'm at the beach meanwhile these guys spent all their vacation days walking around DC just being douchebags.  Sort of like tht scene from office space:

"You know what I would do on my vacation?  Nothing.  Just drive 16 hours to Washington DC, walk around being an asshole.. nothing."

"Well sheeit, you don't have to travel to DC to do than man, look at my cousin, he walks around like asshole all the time and he just lives in Beaumont. "



I'm guessing they never set a single foot into any of the great museums or landmarks there.  (They may be closed now, who knows) 

They have to have real jobs to get vacation days, right?  Being part time at game stop doesn't cut it.

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6 hours ago, immamac said:

If the proud boys get called to action by Trump, after he said stand back and stand by does that actually open him up to giving commands to a domestic terror organization? 

I believe that it does.  He issued the original order and the Proud Boys leader publicly acknowledged and followed that order.  What other elements are required?

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6 hours ago, Superhero said:

They’re just dreaming. As if anyone attending the BIDEN inauguration will step foot onto a Trump property. 

I dunno, if I was invited to the Biden inauguration...I'd stay at the Trump Hotel in D.C.  It's in a good location and it would almost justify the high cost to walk through the lobby each day with Biden-Harris gear on/flag waving.  I'd wager a significant amount that some Trumper will be running through that lobby with a Trump-Pence/MAGA flag on Inauguration Day to virtue signal to anybody else staying on the property. 

What a sad way to end an administration.  At least Nixon went out with his head held high, getting on Marine One with his patented smirk and hand gestures knowing he'd end up okay.  Trump will slink off to one his hotels or resorts and just make that confused face he does when his supporters think he understands something, but he really doesn't and is just scrambling to look overly-confident.  You know that face?  

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Many of Donald Trump’s most dogmatic supporters see a mass protest in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6—just two weeks shy of Inauguration Day 2021—as their last chance to disrupt President-elect Joe Biden’s win. But for the president himself, it’s just another day to complain.

Two people familiar with the matter say that in recent days, Trump has told advisers and close associates that he wants to keep fighting in court past Jan. 6 if members of Congress, as expected, end up certifying the electoral college results.

“The way he sees it is: Why should I ever let this go?… How would that benefit me?” said one of the sources, who’s spoken to Trump at length about the post-election activities to nullify his Democratic opponent’s decisive victory.




The president’s exact plans for the Jan. 6 events remain unclear, and it has been common for him to lend his support to these rallies or protests via enthusiastic-sounding tweets, only to then stop short of doing much else. Since last week, Trump has asked certain aides and allies what they think would be good ideas for him to mark the occasion, such as a speech, a flyover, or a recorded video, the sources said.

The day should not lack for drama. Several House Republicans, as well as Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), have signed on to a quixotic, destined-to-fail effort to object to the certification of the electoral college’s results. Wednesday’s rally-goers want to pressure more Republicans to join the effort—or even, quite literally, block Democrats from reaching Congress.



“Must block Dem and [Republicans in Name Only],” one planning graphic posted on pro-Trump forum “The Donald” read, showing a map of key streets around Congress that protesters want to obstruct. “There’s 535 politicians and ~3500 guards.”

On the day itself, protesters plan to meet in the northeast corner of the Capitol complex, where they’ll hear from a list of speakers that includes Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Trump adviser Roger Stone, and Rep-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who has supported the QAnon conspiracy theory. Trump has promoted the protest on Twitter, urging his supporters to attend.

“Be there, will be wild!” Trump tweeted on Dec. 19.



The White House, the president’s legal team, and Trump campaign spokespeople did not provide comment for this story. But among Trump’s most devoted followers the idea that he would continue fighting on, even after the 6th, is a no-brainer.

“You can’t give up,” MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a Trump ally who has funded and spoken at several efforts to challenge the 2020 election, told The Daily Beast. “If these people [around the president] don’t end up standing up, they are just as bad as the people who tried to commit the crime.”

For Lindell, the push to overturn the election results is not just a matter of politics but of religion as well.

“God chose Donald Trump for eight years, not four,” he said, adding that “even if Biden is inaugurated, there’s no statute of limitations [on election theft]. Yes, I will keep investigating this, [even if he’s sworn in], and I’m not going to stop trying to get this out there to the American people.”

While others have not spoken in such theological tones, they have shown no less vigor in encouraging Trump’s challenge of the results. In an appearance on an online talk show, former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn predicted that millions of people would show up on Jan. 6. That prediction seems destined to badly overestimate the actual number of attendees, after an earlier November rally in Washington protesting Trump’s election defeat drew, at best, tens of thousands of people to Washington.

The Jan. 6 rally comes after two earlier Washington protests in November and December failed to save the election for Trump or stop his campaign’s nearly perfect record of courtroom defeats. But the protesters’ mood ahead of the Jan. 6 protest has turned even more desperate.

Trump diehards from across the country have organized their travel to Washington on “The Donald” forum. One of the hottest topics on the site is how protesters can bring guns to D.C., which would count as a local crime in nearly all circumstances under Washington’s strict gun laws. Others have talked about breaking into federal buildings or committing violence against law enforcement officers who try to stop them from storming Congress.

“I’m thinking it will be literal war on that day,” one popular comment posted last Wednesday read. “Where we’ll storm offices and physically remove and even kill all the D.C. traitors and reclaim the country.”

Both the November and December rallies in Washington saw violence, especially after nightfall. And that seems likely to be the case this coming rally too. Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio claimed in a post on conservative social media network Parler that some Proud Boys would dress in black to disguise themselves as left-wing “antifa” protesters.

“Watch out, January 6 — you ain’t gonna know who the fuck it is standing beside you,” prominent Proud Boy Joe Biggs said in a video posted to Parler.

Rally supporters did, however, suffer a setback on Monday when the Hotel Harrington, a budget hotel in the nation’s capital, revealed that it would be closed during the protest. The hotel and its bar, Harry’s, have become hubs for MAGA activity in the city, even after the bar was fined for violating COVID-19 restrictions after being packed with Trump supporters. But both the hotel and the bar announced plans to close around the rally, a few weeks after four people were stabbed near the bar after a Dec. 12 pro-Trump event.

In response, Trump supporters fumed online and came up with unorthodox plans to find other sleeping arrangements, claiming they would instead camp in parks around the city despite the wintry weather.

“May God have his vengeance on the Hotel Harrington,” Ali Alexander, a lead organizer of Wednesday’s rally, said in a Twitter video Monday.


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