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3 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

Oh wow, 20% alcohol and metric fuck tons of sugar. Oh yeah, that's a way better way to get your AM drunk on.

Do you drink mimosas too?

I don't get drunk on coffee. Are you a fucking wino?

Kahlua tastes good in coffee. Mimosas with fresh OJ taste good too. If that threatens your masculinity, I'll just have to live with it.

  • Like 5
4 hours ago, Lobo said:

You don't have instant coffee?  Who does have instant coffee?  You buy a jar of Folger's Crystals, you put in the cupboard, you forget about it.  And later on, when you need it---it's there.  

It lasts forever.  It's freeze dried.  Freeze-Dried Crystals.  

Sir, do you realize that you are not drinking regular coffee, but Colombian decaffeinated coffee crystals?

2 minutes ago, rage-a-holic said:

I don't get drunk on coffee. Are you a fucking wino?

Kahlua tastes good in coffee. Mimosas with fresh OJ taste good too. If that threatens your masculinity, I'll just have to live with it.

I didn't think it was a masculinity thing since I was called out for the idea of vodka in black coffee.

So maybe theres a sweet spot in the middle of feminism and outright degeneracy.

5 minutes ago, ztejas said:

I didn't think it was a masculinity thing since I was called out for the idea of vodka in black coffee.

So maybe theres a sweet spot in the middle of feminism and outright degeneracy.

He was casting aspersions on anyone liking mimosas.

Right after he bitched about Kahlua being only 40 proof and full of sugar....unlike Bailey's, which is 34 proof and not full of sugar at all.

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Not bitching but lamenting. Wife seems to have picked up a cold/bug of some sort. Just achey/congested/exhausted, and not in a cedar fever kinda way. So she's loaded up on Nyquil. The prime rib roast I do on Christmas eve is going to be pushed to tomorrow (no biggie...can make it for lunch & nosh through the day). I sense a trip to Don Don Express in my near future.

Well, sure a Honda Accord is a pretty good car and serviceable, but if there is a 68 convertible Camaro with a large block right next to it, what would be your preference for a country drive on a beautiful day?
That's what I thought.

Large block huh? Ok.
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1 hour ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

Not bitching but lamenting. Wife seems to have picked up a cold/bug of some sort. Just achey/congested/exhausted, and not in a cedar fever kinda way. So she's loaded up on Nyquil. The prime rib roast I do on Christmas eve is going to be pushed to tomorrow (no biggie...can make it for lunch & nosh through the day). I sense a trip to Don Don Express in my near future.

This is me. Achy joints started this morning and headache all day. We postponed tomorrow with my only grandchild but she is only an hour away. We can get together when I'm well.

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Posted (edited)



Yall, can we quit arguing about low proof alcohol and get back on point?

Headed to my brothers in a few minutes for the aforementioned christmas-kah party.  I was out buying last minute gifts this morning and bought a indoor snowball fight.  See, the plan is to go load up my 6 and 3 year old nieces with sugar and possibly caffeine, and then go grab that out of the truck and start throwing them at the girls.

Edited by BearSchlong
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My 15 year old brother just wore my ass out in a 2 on 2 basketball game.

I need to drink and smoke less. Oh and do that exercise thing. (to be fair he's 6'2")

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1 hour ago, 52-80 said:

Wanted to shoot some ball today but I'm rained yesterday (wet court) and this afternoon was windy as all fuck


Temp was fine though for winter

Usually in Amarillo it's too fucking cold, but it was like 63 today so we made an afternoon of it.

Yay global warming?

11 hours ago, luke duke said:


He was drinking it too.


Oh, well, that's different. I was going to say you should've poured it down the drain and said you'd wait for the fresh pot. But if he was drinking it too then it really wasn't a gesture of disrespect. Maybe the opposite.

I'll reheat cold coffee in the microwave. I don't have a problem with that. But I'd never serve it to guests. 

5 hours ago, ztejas said:

Sir, do you realize that you are not drinking regular coffee, but Colombian decaffeinated coffee crystals?

What's the deal with decaf? How do they get the caffeine out of there, and then where does it go?

11 hours ago, Armybrat said:

My MIL used to refer to me as her “favorite son in law”. That Mrs. Brat was her only child made me suspicious about her attitude.

My MIL's other son in law got killed in a shootout with the cops. So when she tells me I'm her favorite SIL, I tell her the bar has been set very low.

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Just now, Sandman said:

My MIL's other son in law got killed in a shootout with the cops. So when she tells me I'm her favorite SIL, I tell her the bar has been set very low.

Or set very high. That sounds pretty badass.


Head cold has really put a damper on my drinking today. Otherwise has been a pretty solid Christmas Eve so far. Putting the kids down to bed now and still need to wrap a handful of gifts. Don't think I've been sick all damn year until now. Was planning on boozing hard today, but just can't do it.

Oh well, Merry Christmas anyway!

Head cold has really put a damper on my drinking today. Otherwise has been a pretty solid Christmas Eve so far. Putting the kids down to bed now and still need to wrap a handful of gifts. Don't think I've been sick all damn year until now. Was planning on boozing hard today, but just can't do it.

Oh well, Merry Christmas anyway!
Having trouble boozing hard?

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Mother fuckers that confirm and then don’t show up to dinner when someone is paying to have it catered can suck a fucking dick. I understand things come up, but at least he an adult and pickup the phone. They don’t give two shits about the amount of money we threw away tonight because they couldn’t let someone know they weren’t going to make it. Good news is that I believe this is the final straw and I won’t have to mess with this shit anymore. /rant

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We have a standing rule that any no show that does not reach out after a couple days to acknowledge/apologize that they stood us up is no longer invited to anything that we host. 

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13 hours ago, luke duke said:

My FIL asked me if I wanted a cup of coffee when I got up this morning. I said yes and he proceeded to pour a cup and put it in the microwave. As he hands it to me he tells me that it was from yesterday’s pot that he wanted to finish off so he could make a fresh one.

He’s retired with more money than he will ever be able to spend in his lifetime.

He didn’t make, and keep, all that money by wasting it on coffee that goes down the drain. 

This post truly hit a chord. Every time I go to my wife’s grandparents I get coffee out of the microwave. We bought them a nespresso this year. 

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First Christmas alone this year. 

Took a new job and was unable to go to New York City where my family is celebrating Christmas due to schedule conflicts. 

If there's anyone out there celebrating alone, I'll be drinking double for the both us schmucks. 

Merry Christmas!


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