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Zach Smith is a stupid, disgusting piece of shit.

Beau Vine

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Fuck YEAH! That will show that asshole Herman not to fuck with me!  I can't wait for his world to come crashing down around him.  I'll be here waiting for that moment of vengeance and justice!

Here it comes!

Any moment now...



Oh, shit.  What have I done?

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19 minutes ago, Goredho said:

Fuck YEAH! That will show that asshole Herman not to fuck with me!  I can't wait for his world to come crashing down around him.  I'll be here waiting for that moment of vengeance and justice!

Here it comes!

Any moment now...



Oh, shit.  What have I done?

Yes, dammit, Tom makes 5 million a year and I am unemployed with divorce litigation bills out the ass, but I am coked up enough to fuck with CDC, Tom and burnt orange nation over helping my wife recover from the ass beatings I was fond of giving her.  

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1 hour ago, lemonandaturd said:

Which Ohio State coach is the most disgusting piece of shit?

Woody Hayes

Zach Smith

Urban Meyer

Woody Hayes might be a disgusting piece of shit but I'll be damned if he isn't a legend. For the wrong or right reasons.

Urban Meyer reminds me of an old, STD ridden vagina past its use but still somewhat functional if you dump enough lube on it.

Zach Smith is a psycho wife beating loon that 5 years from now will be the bottom bitch of an Aryan gang member in a state penitentiary.

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On 11/16/2018 at 4:47 PM, lemonandaturd said:

Which Ohio State coach is the most disgusting piece of shit?

Woody Hayes

Zach Smith

Urban Meyer

Jim Jordan, the assistant wrestling coach who ignored the pleas of 100s of students as their team doctor molested them repeatedly.

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3 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

Tom definitely got laid last night.  I bet she kept the shirt on.

By the sounds of their lifestyle, maybe she brought a friend along for the ride.  We did just beat ISU. 

Yes, Tom probably had a great night last night, team meeting moved back a few hours just so he could get a couple hours sleep in?

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14 hours ago, BigXII said:

Jim Jordan, the assistant wrestling coach who ignored the pleas of 100s of students as their team doctor molested them repeatedly.

Sort of shocked wrestlers at the collegiate level could be molested by a team doc.  Hard to imagine wrestlers like Mark coleman and kevin randleman getting “touched” and not breaking a dudes neck. 

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