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The Attorney General Thread

Patrick Bateman

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In order to take out some of the clutter of the Trump thread and possibly get a cogent conversation about the situation, let's talk about what's going on in the AG office here.

Quick recap:

Out a week ago after the Pubs were over run in the midterms:

In as "acting" Attorney General, former board member of a fraudulent scam artist organization, Matt Whitaker. 

There is intense debate around if his appointment is even legal and concern about what his marching orders from Trump are.  Good selection or Trump attack dog looking to shut down Robert Mueller's investigation?  And if he's only an acting appointment, who are the candidates to ascend to the post long-term?

The WH apparently did consult the Justice Department regarding Whitaker's selection.

He apparently will consult with the Justice's department's Ethics office to see if he needs to recuse himself from the Mueller Investigation.  

Apparently Trump is still confused if he knows Matt Whitaker or not.  He can't remember....


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  On 11/14/2018 at 4:21 PM, bad_teammate said:

Whitaker would be a fool to do anything at all without hearing from at least 20 different lawyers.


but of course, his status as a fool is the sole reason he was hired. he will do his job as the hatchet man, and then quickly exit the office before the Dems are seated as the majority in the house.

Christy, Graham, and someone completely unqualified will be the top three choices as permanent AG.

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I don’t really care who this shity administration appoints to be attorney general. I’m just sick of drug warriors. Nobody should be able to tell an adult over 21 what they can and can’t put into their body. This isn’t a police state.... then again this administration reminds me of nazi Germany sometimes.

Edited by Voldemort86
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  On 11/16/2018 at 11:12 AM, Voldemort86 said:

I Nobody should be able to tell an adult over 21 what they can and can’t put into their body.


Nobody is trying to take away your butt plugs  (except I think still Alabama).


This isn’t a police state.... then again this administration reminds me of nazi Germany sometimes.


The invasion of Poland or the mass incarceration and killing of Jews?  I'll keep listening for a scheduled Kristallnacht.

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  On 11/16/2018 at 12:30 PM, Whitman said:

Nobody is trying to take away your butt plugs  (except I think still Alabama).

The invasion of Poland or the mass incarceration and killing of Jews?  I'll keep listening for a scheduled Kristallnacht.


The original kristallnacht wasn't scheduled.  Y'all dumbasses don't seem to realize that Nazi Germany followed nearly the same descent path we are following.  Points of no return pass quietly in the background.  Hitler came to power in 1933. Anti-Jewish law started in earnest in 1935 as anti-civil rights laws.  Kristallnacht was in 1938, and was a "let it happen" event rather than an ordered to occur event. Forced migrations hit their stride in 1939. Mass murders in 1941. The final solution in 1942, a full 10 years after Hitler came to power. 

Meanwhile, 2 years into Trump, and anti-civil rights laws and executive orders are ahead of schedule.  Mass murders are allowed to occur. And Trump's anti-Latino and anti-Muslim rhetoric even predate his rise to power.  GOP candidates are now openly racist.  "White homeland" ethnonationalists are on the rise, and use the exact same rhetoric as the early Nazi party when floating the idea of a "peaceful" forced migration.

The only saving grace we may have is that Trump isn't an actual ideologue. He is just being used by them. 

Edited by FondrenRoad
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  On 11/16/2018 at 2:42 PM, FondrenRoad said:

The original kristallnacht wasn't scheduled.


This is the problem with how ignorant the masses are of history.

To add to your post, worth noting is that how it starts is that police are on the side of the fascist gangs. There were Hitler's actual police, slightly-affiliated paramilitaries, and separate gangs of fascists. All of them worked together, constantly escalating the white supremacist/fascist violence to an eventual takeover.

Right now, police coordinate with fascist gangs and "demonstrators". I recently posted a video of a cop happily chatting with a literal neo-Nazi about the best sights to use for his rifle. Watch any video of any fascist/anti-fascist demonstration and the cops are always facing the anti-fascists and are always on the side of the fascists.

This is how authoritarianism comes, and 70% of our population is either too stupid or too naive to think it could happen here. Even while it is actively happening here.

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  On 11/16/2018 at 10:32 AM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker’s inaugural appearance in the Great Hall.





There are many people disguised as empty seats. Make no mistake, this is the biggest AG inaugural crowd in history, period!


That statue on the right is probably in the market for a Big Dick Toilet.

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  On 11/16/2018 at 2:46 PM, retread said:

It would help if the US president decried white nationalist marches and didn't call minority countries shitholes. Oh well.


It would also help if he didn't declare himself a nationalist at political rallies attended mostly by white people (but where, if any black people do show up, they'll get seated behind the president where the camera can see them).

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I’m sure I’ve posted it here before, but all I heard for eight years was how the country was going to shit. I saw legislative attempts at environmental protections, open internet, equal rights, health care, fuel economy, clean energy, etc all while the party of no shot them down and said to myself ‘I think the country is doing just fine but sure feels like there’s a lot of closet racism behind the scene since the key “problem” many people have with the prez is he’s black because otherwise I see a guy who looks like he loves his wife and family doing his best in the oval office’.

Now with a dysfunctional family in the White House appointing shady people left and right, our reputation suffering on the global stage, outright state sponsored murder happening in England and turkey,’s my turn to feel the country is going to shit.

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  On 11/21/2018 at 1:09 PM, Homercles said:

I’m sure I’ve posted it here before, but all I heard for eight years was how the country was going to shit. I saw legislative attempts at environmental protections, open internet, equal rights, health care, fuel economy, clean energy, etc all while the party of no shot them down and said to myself ‘I think the country is doing just fine but sure feels like there’s a lot of closet racism behind the scene since the key “problem” many people have with the prez is he’s black because otherwise I see a guy who looks like he loves his wife and family doing his best in the oval office’.

Now with a dysfunctional family in the White House appointing shady people left and right, our reputation suffering on the global stage, outright state sponsored murder happening in England and turkey,’s my turn to feel the country is going to shit.


Trump is the enemy of America that everyone on the right was threatening Obama would be. What's amazing is all the dipshit Republican voters who can't admit that they were lied to about Obama. They still think he was a Kenyan Muslim terrorist bent on the destruction of American democracy despite the incontrovertible evidence that he left the country better than he found it. There's a long list of things I wish he would've done better but there's no question he did a better job than either his predecessor or his successor. 

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  On 11/21/2018 at 3:07 PM, WhatTheBuck said:

Trump is the enemy of America that everyone on the right was threatening Obama would be. What's amazing is all the dipshit Republican voters who can't admit that they were lied to about Obama. They still think he was a Kenyan Muslim terrorist bent on the destruction of American democracy despite the incontrovertible evidence that he left the country better than he found it. There's a long list of things I wish he would've done better but there's no question he did a better job than either his predecessor or his successor. 


Left it better than when he found it?? 

May I remind you, sir, that prior to his election there were not gays getting married in my state and men weren't flashing their dingers all over ladies restrooms.

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  On 11/21/2018 at 1:09 PM, Homercles said:

I’m sure I’ve posted it here before, but all I heard for eight years was how the country was going to shit. I saw legislative attempts at environmental protections, open internet, equal rights, health care, fuel economy, clean energy, etc all while the party of no shot them down and said to myself ‘I think the country is doing just fine but sure feels like there’s a lot of closet racism behind the scene since the key “problem” many people have with the prez is he’s black because otherwise I see a guy who looks like he loves his wife and family doing his best in the oval office’.

Now with a dysfunctional family in the White House appointing shady people left and right, our reputation suffering on the global stage, outright state sponsored murder happening in England and turkey,’s my turn to feel the country is going to shit.


If he had been Barry O'Bama from New Hampshire or Vermont, was white, and never wore a tan suit there would have been a lot less bitching and hand wringing the past 8 years.




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