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Русский корабль - иди нахуй


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1 minute ago, MillerEP said:

As usual, unconfirmed, but huge is true. Putin may have fired his General Chief of Staff:



From a world leader perspective, wtf is Putin supposed to do at this point with this level is shit show?  The loss of face and the potential impact on the global scene for Russian interest economically is a disaster.

If the invasion started and within 32 hours they have had rolled up most of the “disputed” territory, everyone would be at the negotiating table looking to split the Ukraine in fear that the Russian military could keep going. Instead you have this…

The threat of military might is only valuable if when the big stick is used on the rare occasion it is ruthless and effective. The US has forgotten that since Iraq and Russia is learning that first hand now.


Whoever told Putin they were ready and would be swift and decisive is probably on the way to the gulag or has committed suicide via 2 in the back of the head.

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10 minutes ago, Laxtonto said:

Even if all of that is true, the sheer size of the Russian Air Force and more specifically their bomber force should provide a hammer for anything within 50 miles of the border. 

Is the Russian missile  tech that out dated or is the willpower to employ it nonexistent? There is no logical reason one of the largest militaries in the world cannot control the skies 50 miles from thier border when the US has not deployed tactical air assets to stop them.

This should be an ugly brutal affair with Russia bombing to oblivion any obstacle close to hampering their advance and yet we see this instead? Maybe the myth of the Russian military might is true, but to me this seems like there is something else to this beyond a paper tiger and uninterested troops.

Im happy Ukraine is holding on and Russia is getting trounced, but something is not lining up. 



So your thinking is that Russia is just trying to get rid of its outdated, salvaged military equipment? Do you expect the good stuff to arrive shortly?



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1 minute ago, The Ace of Aces said:

Aleppo was probably a bad analogy for me to make as it had so many varying avenues of support and fighting it wasn’t an all Russian-led endeavor. 

still crazy how it exposed this facade of russian military might though.  and i wonder if the rest of the worlds 'strong' military power stands muster to their reputation - china, india, japan, etc

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1 minute ago, Bevo said:

So your thinking is that Russia is just trying to get rid of its outdated, salvaged military equipment? Do you expect the good stuff to arrive shortly?



I don’t know. Either this is the good stuff and they are woefully inadequate in the true modern combat arena (which is interesting now because it begs the question of what level of cooperation do they have regarding military tech with other countries like China) or they aren’t utilizing their best forces to support an invasion that need a swift initial advance.

Did they just think Ukraine was going to completely roll over and so they didn’t commit to doing the full in depth coordination out of arrogance? 

There is something else going on because this on its face doesn’t make a ton of sense..

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6 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

still crazy how it exposed this facade of russian military might though.  and i wonder if the rest of the worlds 'strong' military power stands muster to their reputation - china, india, japan, etc

Amazing how an over reliance on manpower is no excuse for bad tactics and logistics. Hubris is still hubris.  

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1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

San Antonio: Now even fatter but for a great cause!


1 hour ago, Message Board User said:


Somebody a while back said some Russian POWs looked like confused plumbers. These two Uppity-Ups look like they show a little butt-crack when they check under the tank.

Edited by RDCanecutter
Ya ni znayu vhy first qvote show.
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3 hours ago, crash_davis said:


It's a long way from neighboring borders to Kyiv where the Ukrainians need them most. I'm surprised the Russians aren't targeting these supply convoys.

And do the Ukrainians have reserves that can break the siege on Kyiv? At some point they must be running low on food and ammo.

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1 minute ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

Sounds like Russian troops will be fighting in both directions then, in front and behind them. Without air control I'll assume air drops won't be an issue either for the city.

What? Not having clear cut air superiority is not the same thing as having an unimpeded path for air drops. 

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1 hour ago, Auto Driller said:

China taking a big L on this one too. In addition to looking like a bunch of jackasses for having tacitly supported Russia in the lead up to the invasion, the world has now clearly seen that a smaller country can effectively resist a full scale invasion from a “super power”. Taiwan suddenly isn’t looking so vulnerable.

Agree, but this is the second time the world has seen effective resistance against a superpower just in the last year.

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Just now, Brisketexan said:

Attack the Russians from behind. They are attacking towards the city. Destroy their rear. Kill them. Kill them all.

During the siege of Stalingrad, the Russians used wide, sweeping advances into the rear and support units of the Germans, effectively encircling the Germans and cutting them off

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2 minutes ago, Superhero said:

It's a long way from neighboring borders to Kyiv where the Ukrainians need them most. I'm surprised the Russians aren't targeting these supply convoys.

And do the Ukrainians have reserves that can break the siege on Kyiv? At some point they must be running low on food and ammo.

From what I am seeing they are handing stuff off at the border. 

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2 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

And how is it delivered?  If delivered at the border,you would think the Russians would target any incoming supplies.  

The Russians don't control shit in the north. They do not have air superiority established. Kyiv might have troops around it but what about beyond that?

People got out and stuff is getting in

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Just now, SimonBolivar said:

Lviv may be the hardest city in the world to capture if things get that far. Every citizen will have a MANPAD, javelin, and TB2. 

And city encircling without an advance is a good stage to set up negotiations with the threat of bombardment, etc.  we shall see. 

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2 minutes ago, berlinerbaer said:

Agree, but this is the second time the world has seen effective resistance against a superpower just in the last year.

There’s a difference with this resistance and what was shown in Afghanistan and Iraq. Both of those were failures in occupation, which is a different sort of hurdle. 

Not to mention they were projections of power halfway around the world. What we’re seeing in Ukraine from a logistics and competency perspective is the equivalent of the US military not being able to make advances after invading Mexico, right across the American border, while invading with built up forces from 3 sides in the north and south, plus making an amphibious landing. 

This has just looked like a colossal logistics fuck up, not to mention a bewildering demonstration of a lack of air power, and a damnation of general troop training and support. 

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17 minutes ago, Message Board User said:


Let's say it is. The fuck does Russia do now?   Let's be generous and say they have 50k troops surrounding the city. Let's also be generous and say 250k citizens bailed. That leaves 2.7MM citizens in kyiv. Let's say only a third of those are of fighting ability (again,  being generous to the Russians).  You can't hold off 900k with 50k. Not with the way they are doing it now. 

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