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5 minutes ago, BrickTop said:

Read the post earlier about the FSB tipping the assignation attempt on Zelensky by the Chechens it’s being confirmed on multiple news sites now. that’s essentially like the CIA or FBI tipping one of our enemies because they don’t agree with what we are doing. Kind of a big deal, the FSB holds a lot of sway in Russia.

Or maybe they just all hate Chechens

2 hours ago, ShaggyBevo RIP said:

They can't even get fuel to their guys less than 100 clicks from them.

Russia's cyber guys should be worried about intel leaking from their own forces, and about information leaking back to the Russian public.

2 hours ago, BamaATL said:

A couple of things about that though.  In WW2 they were invaded, not the other way around.  They fought, as the Ukrainians are now fighting, to protect their homeland.  The people at that time didn't have access to the amount of information the people now do.  We know that not all Russians are getting the full picture, but at least some are.  Those two distinctions could have a very different reaction for the general public's stomach for death.  Given Putin's isolation in a Ural Mountain hardened facility, I'm not sure that general public could actually overthrow him.  However, public sentiment could persuade people actually near him to act. 

A related idea, many Russians were still fanatically devoted to communism.  That didn't extend all the way down to private soldiers, necessarily, but to the NCOs and Kommissars and officers.  They had Russian people building T34s in their front yards, for fucks sake.

I don't think Putin has the support of the Russian people in the same way 30s and 40s Stalin did.  The country is not the same, despite the similarity of the leaders.


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2 hours ago, Constant said:


Even if this is not true, this stuff probably gets to Putin, and then he calls up some general, who calls up some colonels, who call up some captains, and they waste a shitload of time going around that brigade trying to find out if there are deserters/mass acts of insubordination that aren't being dealt with.  That will slow that brigade down a lot.

And earlier in the thread, I mentioned that if a pilot or soldier disobeys orders, they'll be dealt with immediately and the blame will be on their shoulders, but if more than a few are disobeying orders, the immediate commanders might try to cover it up, because they commanders will be blamed.

45 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

Yeah. I've been involved in power production since I was 21.  When I got to the commercial side I was like holy fuck.  We are ripe for disaster.  Most nukes who get out of the navy go get their engineering degrees or end up on commercial power or data centers. Our skill set translates.  We are scared shitless of a hack.  Any facility with SCADA which is all is open to a hack.  IT is a loss center so no one wants to throw money in it.  ERCOT gets this huge blame in Texas but no one actually knows what ERCOT is.  They are just the scapegoat.  


Look at Texas during Harvey.  We had power.  That's why we didn't riot.  We couldn't go anywhere.  Ice storm same thing.  We lose the grid and have open roads it would be chaos beyond anything.

Transmission level SCADA systems must be on their own private networks per NERC standards so for someone to hack into a transmission SCADA they would have to physically plug in at a substation to hack their way in or break into a control room either way at that point someone would know they are there. It would be easier at the distribution level that doesn't follow NERC standards but then it would be isolated to a smaller region and then what is the real danger if they command distribution breakers to open? Linemen dispatch, turn the controls to local, and close the breakers back in. But also there's like 3000 different distribution companies in the US so to cause a lot of trouble at that level would take a lot of coordination and breaking into a lot of systems. Yeah they could shut off a city and that would suck especially of it's really hot or any cold but it could be brought back up fairly quickly.

At the transmission level all they could really do is trip open lines which would suck but what is the danger of physical damage occurring? Maybe some other lines would be overloaded to the point of self destruction but in order for that to happen all of the automatic relaying would have to be disabled at the same time to keep the overloaded facilities energized until they fell down and you can't do that with SCADA. So again if your SCADA is compromised you dispatch techs to switch the devices to local control and close them back in. Would take a couple days maybe to bring everything back up and it would be suck but would not be catastrophic. And again it is one transmission operator at a time unless a huge coordinated effort is underway.

Generation plants, to gain access to controls in any ones of decent size you'd have to break in to the control room or the plant yard to gain control of the devices. The plants were tied to have their own control rooms on site.


A large EMP would fuck our shit up in a hurry though. 


But bang for your buck, most cost effective way to fuck up a power system would be physical sabotage. A few 30.06 rounds from a couple hundred yards into a large transformer is a bad day all around. Then if you got a couple buddies doing it too at the same time then a lot of people in that region are going to be living like @Mooseoutfront for a while. Especially right now, most companies are running on very very thin inventory. I mean normally to replace a large transformer takes a while anyway but right now nobody has any spares and replacements are years out. 


Anyway, if you require electricity to live then buy a generator and keep plenty of fuel on hand.


  • Hook 'Em 6
Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

Dude, Kingwood would look like scenes from The Postman after 2-3 days.  

I’m not in kingwood. I’m in Huffman and my street here everyone has 2-10 acres…

I think the less density the less problems. 

Edited by Wulaw Horn
25 minutes ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

When I was young I remember asking my parents why it took so long for the world to unite and stop Hitler. I remember an answer along the lines that it wasn't completely clear early on exactly what the Nazis were doing, and then even when it was, that countries will try for as long as possible to avoid engaging in these kinds of wars. Hitler just left no choice.

I've been thinking about that a lot this week, and for the first time in my life I understand it. I can't fathom us allowing Russia to siege Kyiv or overtake the city by bombing civilians, but then I think about the impact even a single nuke hitting US soil would have on our country and must importantly to me the future of my kids lives. Yes, it's a selfish perspective, but honestly that's the trade off you have to weigh. It feels impossible to let this happen and do nothing when we could stop it, but the outcome of doing something could be far worse for everyone, even Ukraine.

What's scary is that the world is proving to Putin right now that we're all paralyzed that he might be the madman to pull the trigger. It concerns me that this might embolden him if nothing else is done, and he might decide to see what else he can get away with before anyone would actually get involved. Someone needs to take that asshole out, and soon.

It sounds terrible but truth is neither the US or UK or any of western Europe were going to risk nuclear war because big former Solviet is killing little former Solviet. We knew it and Putin sure as hell knew it. Putin also knows that won't be the case once NATO land is invaded. 

I think Putin is very surprised the whole populations of Europe and the US have gotten so worked up over it. 

1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

Even if this is not true, this stuff probably gets to Putin, and then he calls up some general, who calls up some colonels, who call up some captains, and they waste a shitload of time going around that brigade trying to find out if there are deserters/mass acts of insubordination that aren't being dealt with.  That will slow that brigade down a lot.

And earlier in the thread, I mentioned that if a pilot or soldier disobeys orders, they'll be dealt with immediately and the blame will be on their shoulders, but if more than a few are disobeying orders, the immediate commanders might try to cover it up, because they commanders will be blamed.

Mostly why I post it. Maybe my post is the one that creates the engagement on the tweet that gets the info on Putin’s radar which leads to his fatal error. 

Silly?…..sure. But i’m not out there with my .50, so all I can do is say fuck Russia and stand with Ukraine. 

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2 minutes ago, BachelorTrek said:


Once this is over there's going to be a ton of hot Ukraine girls needing help from an older gentleman of American stature and sophistication. I think I'll need to visit to see the sights 

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4 minutes ago, JMFP said:

Transmission level SCADA systems must be on their own private networks per NERC standards so for someone to hack into a transmission SCADA they would have to physically plug in at a substation to hack their way in or break into a control room either way at that point someone would know they are there. It would be easier at the distribution level that doesn't follow NERC standards but then it would be isolated to a smaller region and then what is the real danger if they command distribution breakers to open? Linemen dispatch, turn the controls to local, and close the breakers back in. But also there's like 3000 different distribution companies in the US so to cause a lot of trouble at that level would take a lot of coordination and breaking into a lot of systems. Yeah they could shut off a city and that would suck especially of it's really hot or any cold but it could be brought back up fairly quickly.

At the transmission level all they could really do is trip open lines which would suck but what is the danger of physical damage occurring? Maybe some other lines would be overloaded to the point of self destruction but in order for that to happen all of the automatic relaying would have to be disabled at the same time to keep the overloaded facilities energized until they fell down and you can't do that with SCADA. So again if your SCADA is compromised you dispatch techs to switch the devices to local control and close them back in. Would take a couple days maybe to bring everything back up and it would be suck but would not be catastrophic. And again it is one transmission operator at a time unless a huge coordinated effort is underway.

Generation plants, to gain access to controls in any ones of decent size you'd have to break in to the control room or the plant yard to gain control of the devices. The plants were tied to have their own control rooms on site.


A large EMP would fuck our shit up in a hurry though. 


But bang for your buck, most cost effective way to fuck up a power system would be physical sabotage. A few 30.06 rounds from a couple hundred yards into a large transformer is a bad day all around. Then if you got a couple buddies doing it too at the same time then a lot of people in that region are going to be living like @Mooseoutfront for a while. Especially right now, most companies are running on very very thin inventory. I mean normally to replace a large transformer takes a while anyway but right now nobody has any spares and replacements are years out. 


Anyway, if you require electricity to live then buy a generator and keep plenty of fuel on hand.


24 weeks for switch gear, 48 weeks for transformer is what I heard in a meeting last week.

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11 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

I’m not in kingwood. I’m in Huffman and my street here everyone has 2-10 acres…

I think the less density the less problems. 


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1 hour ago, RDCanecutter said:

More poorly-maintained shit to break down.

And, are they really going to congregate in the Barents?  So we can follow them out?

And do they not have their missile boats already deployed?

1 hour ago, Hermanator said:

Weren't they saying Putin had a strict order to take Kyiv by Monday? And now it's 445 am Wednesday and they still don't even have Kharkiv? Putin should take his ball and go home


I have the worst fucking conscripts.

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1 hour ago, Macanudo said:

Can we actually prove that?  I mean, has anyone actually met her in real life?

Oh, wait. I have. 

Like, physically? In person? Hell, I grew up down the street from her.

Haven't seen her in like 25 years though.

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5 hours ago, GabrielsHorn said:


Well I feel better that they have Dave Attel on the scene. Crack a few jokes, lighten the mood and maybe we can get some tight sphincter mutha fuckers to relax enough to score a deal.

  • Haha 3


No need to declare captured Russian tanks, other equipment of invaders as income – NAPC
2 min read
Ukraine's National Agency for the Protection against Corruption (NAPC) has declared that captured Russian tanks and other equipment are not subject to declaration.

"Have you captured a Russian tank or armored personnel carrier and are worried about how to declare it? Keep calm and continue to defend the Motherland! There is no need to declare the captured Russian tanks and other equipment, because the cost of this ... does not exceed 100 living wages (UAH 248,100)," NAPC's press service said.

Also, there is no need in this case to submit reports of significant changes in property status within 10 days.

"Speaking by the letter of the law, combat trophies are not subject to reflection in the declaration for the following reasons: they were acquired not as a result of the conclusion of any type of transaction, but in connection with the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022 against the independent and sovereign Ukrainian state as a continuation the insidious attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine launched in 2014. Thanks to the courage and victory of the defenders of the Ukrainian state, enemy military equipment usually comes to you already destroyed and disabled, which makes it impossible to evaluate it in accordance with the law On the valuation of property, property rights and professional valuation activities in Ukraine. Therefore, it is also impossible to find out how much such property costs,” the NACP said.

At the same time, the NACP continues to ensure the technical possibility of providing notifications of significant changes in the property status for the acquisition of objects seized from the Russian army, if there is a desire to declare same.

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3 hours ago, FartingMonk said:

Everyone wants to to talk about going.  No one is actually willing to go.  Honestly if someone nfelt that strongly about going right now.  What is stopping you.  

Being 55 with 3 hip replacements 

18 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:


Elon should put a billion dollar price on putins head. This shit would be over before the weekend. 

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5 minutes ago, PTINS said:

We flew a C-121 from San Francisco to Manila, via Hawaii & Guam. Don't know how long it took, pretty sure there wasn't a movie.


What a beautiful bird.  I love C-121, but fuck that must have been a long ass flight. 

38 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

Stupid-ass Russians. Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, at least they knew to steal art.

Just trying to crush their will. I really hope they are getting the weapons that they have asked for because it looks like the circle is starting out way far out around Kyiv and will just continue to tighten unless they get more weapons.

3 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

What a beautiful bird.  I love C-121, but fuck that must have been a long ass flight. 

Ike flew around in the first Air Force One, basically that model Lockheed Constellation (a VC-121), and that very 1st Air Force One plane, named Columbine II, was restored to flying condition and its POTUS-era interior grandeur was being restored. 




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16 minutes ago, PTINS said:

We flew a C-121 from San Francisco to Manila, via Hawaii & Guam. Don't know how long it took, pretty sure there wasn't a movie.


Damn. Heroes aren’t born, they’re made. 


1 minute ago, Nicole44 said:


Pretty dope. Would have been slightly cooler if she kicked her ass too after the match, but I can’t be too hard on her I’m sure she was tired.

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1 hour ago, immamac said:

Putin just keeps doing the exact opposite of what he should do. At this point it's comical. 

The world has been backward since Neil Peart died in January of 2020.

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1 hour ago, freyguy said:

couldn't we just quickly "liberate" these clowns?

That's another aspect of things - say Ukraine continues to resist for the long term, that's an awfully bad look for a lot of folks in Belarus who might be thinking they want to be independent of Putin/Russia/their own leadership.

That's gotta concern Putin.

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