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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, J.R. Juniors Junior Jr. said:

So now we know who writes the McManasion Hell blog.

I love that blog so much when she quits writing about politics and just rips on shitty houses.



Edited by texifornia
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Charlie should take a page from John Manziel and tell everyone to call him Charles from now on

and that house is far from the worst piece of architecture, but the two garage thing is always stupid especially when both of them have those small ass garage doors so you can't get even a decent sized boat in either of them....and yes the doors would look like bigger shit if they were larger, but if you have room for two garages you should have room to not have two garages and 4 garage doors be some of the main front features of your house

and that landscape looks like shit

2 minutes ago, texifornia said:

I love that blog so much when she quits writing about politics and just rips on shitty houses.

Agreed. Her stuff on Texas is often hilarious.



Houston, TX

Aug 25, 2016

Everything’s bigger in Texas, so they say. They also say “Don’t Mess With Texas®” which was an anti-littering campaign in the 80s(?) and these houses definitely qualify as littering so technically I’m not messing with Texas®.

To say that this house is a mess would be an understatement, and, if you’ve been reading this blog for the last couple of weeks, you’ll know why immediately.


This illustrious house, built in 2007 boasting 5 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms is currently for sale for $1,498,000 despite the fact that it looks like it was made for, maybe, like, $8. 

As always, we first admire the dramatic waste of space that is the 2-story foyer. 


But wait!


Seriously, nothing infuriates me more than a turret not being used to its full potential. Texas is all about gun rights but what about turret rights?

The Dining Room (no. 1)


Ok so I’m always worried by people with giant mirrors in their houses (past 1989)- why are they looking at themselves so much? Why would you ever look at yourself while you eat? Seriously, there is nothing less flattering that scarfing down ten helpings of stuffing on Thanksgiving while your family members try to pretend they don’t know you. 

The Living Room (No. 1)


Seriously who nails their curtains to the wall? You can’t even close those curtains. I guess it’s a metaphor for how privacy is an illusion in this digital age? Anyone? 

Ok, but still think about security. Someone could just look inside that house and possibly punch through that window and steal all of that booze. Not that I would, but I’m just saying someone could. 

The Kitchen


Was the Enron joke too dated? 

Dining Room (No. 2)


Ohh home on the range where the kids and the heating bill play

Living Room (No. 2)



Master Bedroom


The only people who nail their curtains to the wall are college students and in that situation, they’re not even curtains they’re bedsheets. 

Master Bathroom


Does anyone ever actually use their garden tub? My parent’s never did because we ran out of hot water before the damn thing even got halfway full. 

Bathroom #2 


Seriously is that not the saddest tub in existence? It breaks my heart just looking at it - trapped forever in its beige hell. 

The Rec Room


Gotta have all those “boy things” in the rec room or otherwise people might think you’re a homosexual or something horrible like that. 

Media Room (Epilepsy Warning)


This room looks like the WalMart version of that weird room in Twin Peaks. Let’s not even mention the indoor basketball court. 

Finally, we come to the rear exterior, the most revealing part of any McMansion.

Feast your eyes on this sad, vacant, empty thing:


I hope you enjoyed this week’s Certified Dank™ McMansion. Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s Mansion vs McMansion (Part 2) and Sunday’s McMansions 101: Windows and Doors. 

Copyright Disclaimer: These images are modified screenshots from real estate aggregate Zillow.com and are used in this post for the purposes of education, satire, and parody, consistent with 17 USC §107.

Like this post? Want to see more like it, plus get behind the scenes access to the world of McMansionHell? Consider supporting me on Patreon! 


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Is Strong really on the hot seat at USF? He has a 17-8 record there. How much better do they really think they can do? 

Somehow Strong’s overall HC record is 70-45. He clearly couldn’t get it done on the big stage but I don’t see why it’s unreasonable to believe he might do alright in a group of 5 conference. 

14 minutes ago, Helobious said:

Is Strong really on the hot seat at USF? He has a 17-8 record there. How much better do they really think they can do? 

Somehow Strong’s overall HC record is 70-45. He clearly couldn’t get it done on the big stage but I don’t see why it’s unreasonable to believe he might do alright in a group of 5 conference. 

well he has factors working against him....USF will always be measuring against UCF and UCF is doing much better

losing 6 in a row is terrible after winning 7 in a row including two over P5 teams (even if bad ones)

he plays in a shit conference.....lets all stop pretending that until about 5 years ago Memphis was not total dog shit in football, Temple about dropped their football program and was kicked out of a conference because they sucked so bad, SMU, Tulane, UConn that is the walking dead....ECU used to be pretty good, but they suck cocks now, Tulsa used to be OK to good, but they suck cocks now.....Houston is totally up and down and they are a winnable game pretty much any time no matter what their record is and they mix in plenty of shitty seasons with their "big season tho" and Navy should be a win if you are known for defense (like Charles) and if you are suppose to be able to move the ball on offense

plus everyone in their conference is so desperate to leave that they are on pins and needles about one team looking better for longer than a season or two vs their team (because they are all so stupid they think that they will be evaluated based on 2 or 3 seasons of performance instead of a bunch of other criteria including off the field stuff)

half the programs in the conference are looking to fire a 7 or 8 win coach or at least thinking about it because they are so desperate to not be the one left behind....or they keep losing 7/8 win coaches because better programs realize a guy must be able to coach if he can get historic dog shit to 7 or 8 wins.....and well for Charles he already had that shot

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, texifornia said:

That's an architectural atrocity, yikes. The glue-on foam "stone" on the corners is really special.


I gotta say, that's a really gross way to blow $3.2 Mil

Edited by Teamdirtyleg
57 minutes ago, Helobious said:

Is Strong really on the hot seat at USF? He has a 17-8 record there.

it was 17-2 at one point, and as they get further into the Strong era, the more they lose. I don't think their nine fans are being unreasonable. 

48 minutes ago, Helobious said:

Is Strong really on the hot seat at USF? He has a 17-8 record there.

He feasted his first year with Willie Taggert's players, fell completely flat last year, then retreated into his core values and used them as a pretext to manufacture a rebuild...thus lowering expectations in the process.  With any luck it could buy him a few years which I'm sure is what he's hoping for.  

4 hours ago, Helobious said:

How much better do they really think they can do? 

Have you seen who they compete against? They ought to be looking at a floor of 8-9 wins a year on average simply based on the fact that the leftovers in recruiting their own backyard should be able to simply out-talent that many teams every year. A halfway competent coach ought to be able to squeeze out an extra win or two every year, and occasionally make a run at threatening to break through the G5 glass ceiling.

So, yeah, they could do better than Chuckles.

3 hours ago, Teamdirtyleg said:

I gotta say, that's a really gross way to blow $3.2 Mil

It may be a really gross way to convert MensaChuck™ to the idea that the part of his salary that used to be paid in cash by UT is now being paid in uh uhh "merchandise of equal value" in lieu of cash. So there's 3.2 megabux in MensaChuck™'s account. Reckon what's the monthly nut on running that fine dwelling in the South Florida sun? And the next Big Wind blowing out of Africa and over the top of Florida on its way to the Gulf, when's that expected? 


USF should be a perennial top 25 team. They are a huge public school in Florida playing in a shitty football conference. So yes he should be on the hot seat. 

1 minute ago, ztejas said:

USF should be a perennial top 25 team. They are a huge public school in Florida playing in a shitty football conference. So yes he should be on the hot seat. 

The only competition USF has every year is usually just UCF, Memphis, and Houston

1 minute ago, Longboard Horn said:

The only competition USF has every year is usually just UCF, Memphis, and Houston

Navy is decent some years. SMU usually sucks but not always.

But yeah, the AAC is dogshit in football top to bottom. 

2 hours ago, ztejas said:

USF should be a perennial top 25 team. They are a huge public school in Florida playing in a shitty football conference. So yes he should be on the hot seat. 

They've finished in the AP top 25 twice in their 20 year history, one of which was with Strong. I don't know where on earth you get this idea that they should be perennial top 25. 

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Just now, Dr. Beeper said:

I love the Charlie ignorance-laden apologism from the guy who posted yesterday about spending his high school days jerking off with the hand that touched some hot girl. An idiot and a nerd. 

I figured everyone on this forum was ambidextrous

9 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

I love the Charlie ignorance-laden apologism from the guy who posted yesterday about spending his high school days jerking off with the hand that touched some hot girl. An idiot and a nerd. 

You don’t know how hot she was, so go fuck yourself. 

And I like how anyone that doesn’t hate Charlie is an apologist. He’s a mediocre-at-best coach leading a mediocre-at-best program. They’re a perfect match. And I only say mediocre because of his W-L record as an HC. He’d be below average otherwise. 

9 hours ago, Helobious said:

He’s a mediocre-at-best coach leading a mediocre-at-best program.

OK, but why does South Florida have to accept being mediocre-at-best? They play in a talent-rich state and in a conference that isn't going to beat them down. UCF has already demonstrated what USF's aspirations should be. 

The dissatisfaction with Strong should be pretty obvious even to those of us who casually or barely follow USF. Any coach who starts 7-0 and then loses six straight to close that season is going to hear some grumbling. When you look at the seven wins, it gets worse; they beat 1-11 UConn by six, 3-9 Tulsa by one, 3-9 East Carolina by seven, 4-8 Illinois by six. They scraped by a handful of legitimately terrible opponents just to get to seven wins and then collapsed-- their six losses included losses by 21, 26, and 28 points. Sound familiar?

TL DR, USF fans have figured out Charlie Strong is a fraud and they're pissed at being saddled with him while UCF is going unbeaten and playing in NY6 bowls.


You just look at that house and it's all about the classiness of the concrete edging and the power of the Coppola on the car holes and the dual chimleys, tradition of the Christmas trees up front.  And you hope your little baby tigers don't shit on the $500k longhorn skin rug your wife just bought for the sunroom, much like the 6 game losing streak just shit all over our 2018 season.  You know both were just accidents and there wasn't much to do about it but just shrug your shoulders and move on.

1 hour ago, SwanderedTalent said:


TL DR, USF fans have figured out Charlie Strong is a fraud and they're pissed at being saddled with him while UCF is going unbeaten and playing in NY6 bowls.

How could they have ever thought they were getting anything more than last season's suit on the clearance racks at TJ Maxx? 

14 hours ago, ztejas said:

Navy is decent some years. SMU usually sucks but not always.

But yeah, the AAC is dogshit in football top to bottom. 

Cincy went 11-2 last year. Temple went 8-5. In fact only 4 out of 12 AAC teams had losing records last year. The fact that you call it “dogshit top to bottom” shows how little you know about football.

7 minutes ago, SwanderedTalent said:

He won a Sugar Bowl once!

Yeah, but that was because Corch Boom and his Gator team didn't really wanna be there. That, and he lucked into an NFL-caliber QB. 

3 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

OK, but why does South Florida have to accept being mediocre-at-best? They play in a talent-rich state and in a conference that isn't going to beat them down. UCF has already demonstrated what USF's aspirations should be. 

The dissatisfaction with Strong should be pretty obvious even to those of us who casually or barely follow USF. Any coach who starts 7-0 and then loses six straight to close that season is going to hear some grumbling. When you look at the seven wins, it gets worse; they beat 1-11 UConn by six, 3-9 Tulsa by one, 3-9 East Carolina by seven, 4-8 Illinois by six. They scraped by a handful of legitimately terrible opponents just to get to seven wins and then collapsed-- their six losses included losses by 21, 26, and 28 points. Sound familiar?

TL DR, USF fans have figured out Charlie Strong is a fraud and they're pissed at being saddled with him while UCF is going unbeaten and playing in NY6 bowls.

When we hired Charlie Strong I went through his two good years at Louisville.  There were a surprising number of very close wins against garbage competition.

  • Like 2
16 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

When we hired Charlie Strong I went through his two good years at Louisville.  There were a surprising number of very close wins against garbage competition.

You must have been looking at Tom Herman's first two years at Texas. 

1 minute ago, Eggo said:

You must have been looking at Tom Herman's first two years at Texas. 

That needs to be fixed.  But those were years three and four for Strong at Louisville.

We just need to do better in the 4th quarter.  I think we start doing that this year.

  • Like 2
21 hours ago, ButtFumble said:

and that house is far from the worst piece of architecture, but the two garage thing is always stupid especially when both of them have those small ass garage doors so you can't get even a decent sized boat in either of them....and yes the doors would look like bigger shit if they were larger, but if you have room for two garages you should have room to not have two garages and 4 garage doors be some of the main front features of your house

and that landscape looks like shit

LMFAO at "four car garage aint even big enough for a boat" comment by internet tough guy.  The fucking place has a private covered dock on the ocean.


  • Haha 1
18 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

That needs to be fixed.  But those were years three and four for Strong at Louisville.

We just need to do better in the 4th quarter.  I think we start doing that this year.

Actually, not to get off this thread topic, but where we need to do better is in quarters 1-3. We need to have large leads over people early and insert our backups to play and keep the starters fresh, imo. I honestly think that's going to be one of the most important storylines of this season. 

20 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

Will he still be HC when USF plays us in Austin next year, or is he going to suspend himself for that game?

Will need to make sure the B12 ref from the Okie State game is on hand for that matchup.

  • Haha 1
50 minutes ago, CycleTex87 said:

Will need to make sure the B12 ref from the Okie State game is on hand for that matchup.

that and borrow that cool "let the guy come right through the middle basically unblocked" special teams field goal defense from OkState

26 minutes ago, ButtFumble said:

that and borrow that cool "let the guy come right through the middle basically unblocked" special teams field goal defense from OkState

PM @MensaChuck

5 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

Last season's suites from TJ Maxx have a value and a place. Not on me and not coaching my team, but South Florida sounds like a good fit.

I agree. But by an act of God, UCF's rich uncle choked on a pin bone and they're wearing Armani to his funeral, and USF seems to think they deserve some of that dead uncle money, too, even though they're barely 3rd cousins. 

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

So the consensus is that if we do better in the 4th quarter, plus better in quarters 1 to 3, we will be an overall better team. Hard to argue with that logic.

If coach Herman can get Texas doing better in quarters 1,2,3 and 4 and score more points than the opponents in the process, I predict a lot of W’s.

I have done the math!!

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well Charles should have everything in place to have an OK season

UW is probably a loss L

GT has a new coach that (I don't think) is running the triple option, but he is from Temple so Charles should be familiar with what he runs and it will take time to transition from the triple option W

SC State should be a win W

SMU they have at home (putting it as an L anyway because I think Dykes can coach) L

UConn is UConn W

I am going to put BYU as a loss (on this fucking forum do we really need to discuss why) L

Navy W


Temple has a new coach W

Cincy L

Memphis I am putting as a W because sometimes Charles has his day W

UCF W.....I think because the magic will be over for them with a bad season start because of QB issues and football is "mental" (as we all know because of Charles) W


so I have them 8-4 with a surprise loss to SMU and surprise wins over Memphis and UCF

I will put them in for a bowl win because he will not be feeling the heat and they will get a really shitty opponent so 9-4 total and ranked #36 to end the year 

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