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(No, it doesn't belong in the wives thread)





KNICKERS, the giant steer that is too beefy to be turned into a steak feast, may never stop growing, a celebrity vet has warned.

The enormous 1.4-tonne beast which has been saved from getting the chop at the abattoir – and won social media fame – could suffer a rare genetic condition.

Celebrity vet Dr Chris Brown told the Daily Mail in Australia that the 6ft 4ins gentle giant could suffer from gigantism and keep growing until his body can longer cope with the monstrous proportions.

The seven-year-old Holstein Friesian is already more than twice the size of the rest of the herd in Myalup, Western Australia - and weighs the same as a family hatchback.

Dr Brown told the Mail there was a “very good chance” the huge steer had gigantism, a condition caused by an overactive pituitary gland which regulates growth hormones.

He explained: “Gigantism, caused by the continued secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland, leads to characteristic big feet, jaws and foreheads as well as continuous growth.”


Vets have also pointed out that steers such as Knickers grow to be far larger than bulls as they have been castrated at a young age, and do not go through the hormonal changes that prevent bulls growing bigger.

The bovine behemoth stands head and shoulders above other farm beasts and weighs in at an incredible 1.4 tonnes (3,083lbs).

Richard Wassersug, who studies gigantism in tadpoles, told the Washington Post that no growth could go on forever.

He warned: “There are clear limits on how large any terrestrial organism can be before its organ systems can no longer meet the collective needs of other organ systems and they start to fail."

An alternative theory has been suggested by Dr M. Todd See, the head of the Department of Animal Science at North Carolina State University.

He told Time that as the Holstein-Friesian is one of the larger cattle breeds, and Knickers has been photographed among the smaller Wagyu, “from a genetic perspective, I would expect him to be larger and taller.

“A simple but perhaps more extreme analogy would be a Great Dane dog as compared to a Yorkshire Terrier.”

Owner Geoff Pearson told Perth Now that Knickers is too big for the local abattoir to process.

Butchers say the giant would produce around 1,400 lbs of trimmed 'saleable' beef  - enough for 450 cuts of steak and 370kg of mince.

Geoff  said Knickers cost £225 and they bought him as a "coach" to take charge of the herd.

Geoff continued: "When he was young, when we first got him, we had a Brahman steer which was a friend of his.

"So his name was bra... so we (had) bra and knickers. We never thought he would turn into a big knickers."

But despite his giant size, the towering farm animal is amazingly not the tallest cow ever recorded.

In 2010, a Chianina ox named Bellino measured at just over 6ft 7ins at a cattle show in Rome.



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