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On 12/10/2018 at 11:34 AM, kevwun said:

Overly complicated appliances cause way more headaches that they are worth.  Simplicity is a good thing when you are talking about things like refrigerators, washing machines and water heaters.  Fancy display panels burns out a hell of a lot quicker than a knob does.

Plus good luck getting replacement parts quickly.   That crap has occurred with  our dryer twice and it takes a week or more for the part to get shipped and then a day or more for the repair guy to schedule to repair.    Meanwhile laundry and shit piles up and you spend a week catching up or you shell out some cash to go to wash and fold and let them have at it.  Finally did that second time it occurred to our dryer.  This Samsung Dryer will be the last Samsung appliance I buy.  They make good TV's though.   

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