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6 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

What a monster. He clearly deserved to die.

Not saying he deserved to die, but if he is waving a fake gun at a woman and her kid, then when the cops roll up on him he waves his fake gun at them, they are clearly justified in shooting him. Sure, it's sad and unfortunate that the man was killed, but it was obviously because of his own actions, not a police mistake or corrupt racist police force. Work on your empathy, what if that was your wife and kid some nutjob was pointing a fake gun at? What if that was you working for the police that had to go face this guy?

The media won't correct their story to show these pictures, because it shows the cops as the heroes they are for facing that dude. 

11 minutes ago, Lurch said:

Did they falsely believe he had a gun?

Yes. Does that accurately describe the story? 

A real headline would have been

Deranged man pointing fake gun at people is confronted and shot by police

Instead, you get the biased one, which you love because whatever way to twist the Truth for the leftie narrative is acceptable.

It's fine, I hope they keep doing it, because it is exactly the reason why 80% of people think the MSM is full of shit. Wonderful, they no longer trust the media to tell them the Truth, so they seek the Truth themselves. With the internet and technology, the real story can get out pretty quickly. Once they have been proved to be liars and twisting every story over and over again, people lose confidence in the MSM. 

This is exactly what has happened in the past 10 years. It isn't tinfoil hat infowars faggots anymore, it's just normal people who don't believe the media and seek out the Truth to stories. 

Posted (edited)

They truly believed he had a gun.  It was a false positive.  The correct adjective is "false" but the correct adverb is "truly."

Falsely believing something is to have no justification for your belief.

Edited by JBJ
Posted (edited)

Owen Benjamin is a "comedian" that just got his Twitter and YouTube accounts suspended.   No surprise he's linked with people that SmokeyBear follows. 


Edited by Hank Kingsley
  • Fuck You 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Sean Hannity has been using his media platform to rail against the criminal investigation of his own attorney without disclosing that he was one of a handful of clients.

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49 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Love to spend hours a day watching furious white men yell at their webcams




  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Heh, MSNBC wonk and full-time idiot Joy Reid gets busted!

1) posts homophobic shit on her old blog over the past 10 years
2) then the blog is found and she's outed
3) so she claimed of course Right-Wing assholes hacked into her blog and wrote all that stuff, had an "expert" (translation: lapdog) show "shopped" photos and "altered" text
4) so people took a closer look and said all the tags, codifications, etc. pointed to no alterations and are from the original date, and nothing was touched (i.e. she got "Dan Rathered")
5) now she's going with the "I genuinely believe I didn't write those hateful things" i.e. "my dog did it just after he ate my homework".  Sure Joy, probably some white supremacist mind control made you do it, yep, sure, i.e. "I'm shocked... SHOCKED that gambling is going on here".. "here are your winnings, sir".. "er, thank you."

Lessee what MESSNBC does with her. Probably suspension and a talking points memo about how to blame it on "our culture of hate which Donald Trump created" even though it's been ongoing for the last 15 years.

Joy Reid: 'I genuinely do not believe I wrote those hateful things'

Christal Hayes, USA TODAYPublished 1:22 p.m. ET April 28, 2018

MSNBC host Joy Reid opened her show Saturday with an apology, explaining that even though she truly doesn't believe she authored a series of homophobic blog posts, she has no proof the site was hacked or altered. 

Reid has been wrapped up in controversy after a Twitter user published screenshots from the blog, which had been taken down but was still archived on the Web. The posts mentioned opposition to gay marriage and cringing "at the sight of two men kissing."

Reid claimed the posts on her old blog, which she wrote in the mid-2000s during her time as a Florida talk show host, were the result of someone hacking her account. Her attorney John Reichman, in a statement, told reporters the FBI had opened an investigation examining any "potential criminal activities surrounding several online accounts, including personal email and blog accounts, belonging to Joy-Ann Reid."

Her team also hired cyber-security experts to trace any potential hacking. 

But on Saturday, Reid told her viewers that so far there's no proof of any online infiltration and used the first few minutes of her show to apologize and talk about the controversy. 

"I've spent a lot of time trying to make sense of these posts," she said. "I hired cybersecurity experts to see if someone had manipulated my words or my former blog and the reality is they have not been able to prove it."


.@MSNBC's Joy Reid addresses homophobic blog posts:

"I genuinely do not believe I wrote those hateful things ... But I can definitely understand, based on things I have tweeted and have written in the past, why some people don't believe me."

She continued, "I genuinely do not believe I wrote those hateful things because they are completely alien to me."

Reid has been in hot water for months after old posts resurfaced in December that said then-Florida Gov. Charlie Crist was gay and was using his marriage to a woman as cover for political purposes. Reid apologized for the posts and accepted responsibility, calling the comments "insensitive, tone-deaf and dumb."

A new batch, which mocked members of the LGBT community and attempted to out straight politicians as gay, was found this week but instead of apologizing, Reid said the posts were not made by her. 

The posts called same-sex marriage a "stupid issue" and one suggested that older gay men prey on younger men and bring them "into the lifestyle." 

Edited by phdhorn
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Although this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with him, yeah, he gone, ain't he?  You think they're gonna force her out?  Ha.


CNN's Ana Navarro--"Michelle Wolf should be the one getting the Nobel Peace Prize."



CNN contributor Ana Navarro on Monday defended comedian Michelle Wolf for her routine at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner, saying Wolf should be the one getting the Nobel Peace Prize.

“I'd say to Michelle Wolf, ‘Hallelujah, girl.' You should be the one getting the Nobel Peace Prize,” Navarro said on CNN's "New Day."

“She was able to do what nobody else has been able to do: Get Trump supporters to actually go on TV and defend women from being skewered and offended for their looks,” Navarro said.



Wolf’s comments about the administration at Saturday’s dinner offended politicians and journalists alike and led some White House aides to walk out of the dinner early.

The president referred to Wolf as a “filthy ‘comedian'” in a tweet and said she “totally bombed.”


Trump also tweeted Monday morning that the White House Corrspondents' Association dinner was "dead as we know it."

Navarro also backed Wolf in a Sunday tweet, calling those offended out as "snowflakes," a moniker often thrown around at those who say they are offended by the president. 

While Wolf has triggered rancor from many conservatives and media personalities, people have also praised Wolf for not holding back her punches against the administration.




Reid’s admission that her blog hadn’t been hacked came after several media outlets including TheDCNF pointed out the obvious flaws in her story.

The MSNBC host acknowledged and apologized for tweets she wrote calling conservative commentator Ann Coulter a “drag queen” and referring to Coulter as “shim” — a combination of “she” and “him.” Unlike the blog posts, Reid’s tweets about Coulter are still public.

Reid’s monologue Saturday did not address tweets in which she accusedRepublican operative Karl Rove and radio host Rush Limbaugh of being closeted homosexuals. Those tweets were similar in style and substance to some of the blog posts Reid denies writing.

An NBC spokesperson did not return a request for comment on the discrepancies between Reid’s versions of events and on whether the network regrets circulating the inaccurate letters defending the embattled host.

Joe Simonson contributed to this report.

  • 2 weeks later...

So the media story went from FBI investigation of Russian collusion to "Did Trump try to interfere with the investigation?" lel

These are funny too.


Trump's implanted-informant theory is a lot like his unfounded wiretapping allegation


Didn't the "unfounded wiretapping allegation" prove to be TRUE?


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On 5/24/2018 at 6:50 AM, maninblack said:


Oh look, a butthurt billionaire is trying to subvert the free press because he doesn’t like what was reported.




media-bias is societal bias.  In the day of twitter, blogs, etc... people have the choice to tune in to exactly what they want to hear and they do.  Very few people want to be challenged in their thinking.  For-profit news in this country has to find a ideological demographic to appeal to in order to survive.

41 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


A free and fair press is not the enemy.  If fragile, young Julie Davis doesn't like her reception then she should consider why the boy reacted to her in that way rather tweet about her experience. 

  • Like 1
Probably because their parents are inbred, mouthbreathing, militantly uneducated, fox news, infowars, maga cum slurping trumpkins

It’s this one.

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