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17 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

What would make it fair? Not covering Trump rallies? 

Not lying, and not lying about being caught lying would be a good start.

Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Lurch said:

You’re being conned.


Lulz.  So (for a recent example) the NYT hit piece on the page prior wasn't completely wrong?  And when it was pointed out as being completely wrong they didn't dig in further?

It seems more like you are being conned.

Edited by JBJ
2 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

The press ain't free anymore. Maybe it never was. 

It is bought and paid for by someone with money. They control the narrative. 

Kinda like the government, amirite?

Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, JBJ said:

Lulz.  So (for a recent example) the NYT hit piece on the page prior wasn't completely wrong?  And when it was pointed out as being completely wrong they didn't dig in further?

It seems more like you are being conned.

What was wrong about it?

If you’re covering a White House that lies repeatedly and sends unending mixed signals on policy, how can you honestly report on that administration?  No matter what you report, it can be twisted as false reporting by those that wish to discredit you.

Keep buying the bullshit Mollie Hemingway is selling at Fox News and the Federalist though.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Post Oak said:

Probably because their parents are inbred, mouthbreathing, militantly uneducated, fox news, infowars, maga cum slurping trumpkins

That is always a convenient and over-simplified way to put things that allows you to feel superior.  

I agree that a child spouting off is not a good thing. He has no idea what he's talking about. 

Would you accept that type of response you just gave if it was made toward a person with whom you agreed with their position? 

Inbred, mouthbreathing, militantly uneducated, MSNBC, mike malloy, resist cum slurping antifas....sounds pretty stupid, doesn't it?

Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

What was wrong about it?

Claim - that the White House was sending mixed signals.

Counter-claim - Non-existent.

Evidence - an unnamed white house official who didn't say what the NYT says he said. (Likely deliberately unnamed to obfuscate the lie)

Reason/motive - For a piece presumably on North Korean talks it mentions very little about North Korean talks.


A better question is what was right about it?


Trump has lied over 3K times while in office (documented).  His propaganda ministers lie on a daily basis on his behalf.  He's a con man.  A grifter.  Probaby the greatest grifter in the country's history.  The free press should be calling him out on it as they are.

3 minutes ago, Scholz said:

Trump has lied over 3K times while in office (documented).  His propaganda ministers lie on a daily basis on his behalf.  He's a con man.  A grifter.  Probaby the greatest grifter in the country's history.  The free press should be calling him out on it as they are.

Calling out lies and presenting truths as lies are not the same thing.  We should be holding the press accountable for their work in every bit the same way they hold an elected official accountable.


The press is accountable.  Trump is a pathalogical liar who gets away with it due to cowardice of the Republican congress abdicating their oaths and not held to account by his mindless drones.


This article is an interesting read which covers a more important matter with regards to journalism than being labeled "Fake News", imo.



5 minutes ago, JBJ said:

Calling out lies and presenting truths as lies are not the same thing.  We should be holding the press accountable for their work in every bit the same way they hold an elected official accountable.

We should but if you can’t see that the “journalists” like Mollie Hemingway and other Trump mouthpieces have their own agendas at Fox News and the federalist with regards to their hit pieces on the NYT, I don’t know what to tell you. 

When have these institutions ever championed the value of journalism in our society?

When have they ever said one good thing about Hillary Clinton? 

Who is going to call them out? 

4 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


Maybe if the press did their job HONESTLY and didn't spin their version of the truth there wouldn't be an issue with lack of trust.  This is chickens coming home to roost for the press in America. Suck it if you can't handle the truth Hugo.  That goes for FOX as well.

CNN, MSNBC ABC, CBS, and NBC have all made Their beds in the DNC camp for at least 20 years now.


There's a difference in saying "it's good that the sky is blue" (MSM) vs "the sky is green" (Fox/Sinclair).  They're not flipsides of the same coin.

Just now, Scholz said:

There's a difference in saying "it's good that the sky is blue" (MSM) vs "the sky is green" (Fox/Sinclair).  They're not flipsides of the same coin.

Yeah, no, that ain't happening.  

The next time a debate panelist from one of the 3 letter networks gives a republican candidate the questions in advance will be the first time a debate panelist has given the republican candidate a list of questions in advance.

But hey, shitty try though.

Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

We should but if you can’t see that the “journalists” like Mollie Hemingway and other Trump mouthpieces have their own agendas at Fox News and the federalist with regards to their hit pieces on the NYT, I don’t know what to tell you. 

When have these institutions ever championed the value of journalism in our society?

When have they ever said one good thing about Hillary Clinton? 

Who is going to call them out? 

You are trying to attribute a comparison to me that I'm not making.  As far as I know, the NYT and Federalist are equally repugnant.  I don't like the extreme duality of the press as it currently exists.  Pushing false narratives for political gain is a major problem.

In this case, I don't know Mollie Hemmingway from Adam, but she is in the right.  The NYT is not.  Maybe she bats .200, but she reached base here.

6 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

Yeah, no, that ain't happening.  

The next time a debate panelist from one of the 3 letter networks gives a republican candidate the questions in advance will be the first time a debate panelist has given the republican candidate a list of questions in advance.

But hey, shitty try though.

...case in point why Fox/Sinclair can get away with straight up lies and propaganda.  Mindless drones.  Lincoln should've let the Union split.

Just now, Scholz said:

...case in point why Fox/Sinclair can get away with straight up lies and propaganda.  Mindless drones.  Lincoln should've let the Union split.

Yeah and the exact same thing has been going on for years at the 3 letter networks.  Please take your attempts to deny it, and Kindly piss off.

As for letting the unit split. That would have sucked for the north. They'd never win a college football championship game or have anywhere nice to vacation or have anywhere decent to retire to. 

Just now, Scholz said:


Yep, that's pretty much you all day, right disown to the age demographic with your attempts to deny reality.  

I freely admit FOX does the same thing. You have the problem of being too dishonest to admit reality.


Look, if you think that conservative media is the equivalent of the rest of the news, there's really no use arguing.  You're oblivious and inoculated to facts and reality.  You're brainwashed and just don't know it.  A cross section of your brain would probably show an enlarged amygdala (lizard brain) which is the emotional/fear center of the brain and that's how you process data.  So it's really not your fault.  It's your physical brain structure physiology.

  • Like 4
5 hours ago, deadshank said:

A free and fair press is not the enemy.  If fragile, young Julie Davis doesn't like her reception then she should consider why the boy reacted to her in that way rather tweet about her experience. 

I'm sure the boy put as much work into finding the truth, in fact the exact same amount of effort into finding truth, as Smokey 1861. He is equally credible.

4 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

What would make it fair? Not covering Trump rallies? 



Has nothing to do with Trump, the majority of news outlets OTA and cable lean left to far left and go out of their way to criticize anything the right does, while pushing their agenda.

Want to check on sports scores or the weather, go for it want a and I hate to use this phrase but a fair and balanced reports on a political topic, good luck.


Once again has nothing to do with Trump, ABC/NBC/CBS/PBS/CNN/MSNBC were vicious towards GWB, meanwhile Bill Clinton and Obama did no wrong...


If you dont see it, your head is up your ass

1 hour ago, Scholz said:

Look, if you think that conservative media is the equivalent of the rest of the news, there's really no use arguing.  You're oblivious and inoculated to facts and reality.  You're brainwashed and just don't know it.  A cross section of your brain would probably show an enlarged amygdala (lizard brain) which is the emotional/fear center of the brain and that's how you process data.  So it's really not your fault.  It's your physical brain structure physiology.





7 minutes ago, Smax said:



Has nothing to do with Trump, the majority of news outlets OTA and cable lean left to far left and go out of their way to criticize anything the right does, while pushing their agenda.

Want to check on sports scores or the weather, go for it want a and I hate to use this phrase but a fair and balanced reports on a political topic, good luck.


Once again has nothing to do with Trump, ABC/NBC/CBS/PBS/CNN/MSNBC were vicious towards GWB, meanwhile Bill Clinton and Obama did no wrong...


If you dont see it, your head is up your ass

His head is up Putins ass.

Posted (edited)

The sad part about the widespread critique of “muh liberal media bias!” is there is no cure except to move to an alternative reality.  There is nothing the NYT or Washington Post could do to earn credibility from the completely demoralized consumer.  These folks likely couldn’t even tell good and fair journalism if it smacked them in the face.  Their minds are made up, they’re all liars with leftist agendas so they’re not even going to give them a fair hearing.

The folks that pay attention to both sides, work to find the facts, and keep themselves informed are watching our society tear itself apart because we can’t tell the difference between fact and fiction amongst ourselves.  The celebration of ignorance is largely to blame. 


Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I’d say huffington post has a good left lean.

just go ahead and post your media bias chart.


Mother Jones: left

Brietbart: right

12 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

How many real deal Marxists are employed at Huffington and Mother Jones?  As a point of reference, the publication linked below is something I would consider "far left."


the thing is, one only has to lean slightly left to be a "far left" publication in the eyes of the shrillest media bias critics. it's a matter of perspective, when one is so far to the right side of the spectrum, any moderate voice or influence appears so far away from their normal that it must be radical. this is in evidence on this board with certain posters.

14 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

the thing is, one only has to lean slightly left to be a "far left" publication in the eyes of the shrillest media bias critics. it's a matter of perspective, when one is so far to the right side of the spectrum, any moderate voice or influence appears so far away from their normal that it must be radical. this is in evidence on this board with certain posters.

No, the thing is ABC/CBS/NBC/MSNBC/CNN, the outlets where most Americans get their news lean left, this not new, it has nothing do with Trump its been that way for over a decade.


Id wager if we looked back at threads on shaggy from 8-10 years ago some posters here who act like nothing is wrong with the media were complaining about it back then, too many people are let their trump derangement syndrome impact get in the way of their critical thinking skills.

4 hours ago, Scholz said:

Trump has lied over 3K times while in office (documented).  His propaganda ministers lie on a daily basis on his behalf.  He's a con man.  A grifter.  Probaby the greatest grifter in the country's history.  The free press should be calling him out on it as they are.

The greatest grifter in the country should be worth a lot more than Trump is.

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

The press ain't free anymore. Maybe it never was. 

It is bought and paid for by someone with money. They control the narrative. 

Pulitzer vs. Hearst put the notion of who controls the narrative to rest.

But then you go back decades earlier and see what Southern newspapers were saying about Lincoln, and what Northern newspapers were saying about the South.  Or decades earlier about what various newspapers were saying about any and all politicians (today's newspapers can be quite tame compared to almost two centuries ago).

Edited by atomheartbevo

The Truth leans hard left. The left deals primarily with facts, which they sometimes get wrong. However, the pursuit is an honest one. The right deals primarily with emotions, which are factually indifferent. I feel, therefore I'm right. Thus they continue to believe in falsehoods till the end of time, while the left (much as science does) corrects its inaccuracies. Whereas the right never does. Birtherism, Bengazzi and Spygate are prime examples of this.

Truth has a bias away from the past. The right romanticizes the past and it lies accordingly to preserve it. It's why the right abhors the educational system, especially science.

  • Fuck You 1
49 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Let’s be honest, most Americans get their news from Facebook.

How does Facebook lean? 

The Facebook fake news was implemented by Russia and they did it for Trump, and it worked, and nobody on the right gives a shit that they were lied to (by an enemy state).

That's proof right there who "peddles" in fake news. That it overwhelmingly worked upon one side vs the other tells all.

6 minutes ago, R2D2 said:

The Truth leans hard left. The left deals primarily with facts, which they sometimes get wrong. However, the pursuit is an honest one. The right deals primarily with emotions, which are factually indifferent. I feel, therefore I'm right. Thus they continue to believe in falsehoods till the end of time, while the left (much as science does) corrects its inaccuracies. Whereas the right never does. Birtherism, Bengazzi and Spygate are prime examples of this.

Truth has a bias away from the past. The right romanticizes the past and it lies accordingly to preserve it. It's why the right abhors the educational system, especially science.

There are studies showing conservatives and liberals don't just see the world differently, they are actually different people with different brain structures.  Conservatives have a larger amygdala (emotional fear based brain center) and liberals have a larger anterior cortex (better making decisions based on facts and more easily adaptable).







The liberal-media bias debate is a distraction, imo. Too much time is spent on this argument in the political arena. What concerns me about the media is the government has been attempting to suppress the media in the name of national security ever since 9/11. Surprisingly, Trump has kept his war on the press to name calling whereas Obama and Bush used the power of the state to go after reporters and their informants.

We are in an interesting period where a lot of issues stemming from leaks are popping up. As a nation we should put our focus on the freedom of the press rather than the liberal-media bias distraction because it impacts all of us.

1 hour ago, Smax said:

No, the thing is ABC/CBS/NBC/MSNBC/CNN, the outlets where most Americans get their news lean left, this not new, it has nothing do with Trump its been that way for over a decade.


Id wager if we looked back at threads on shaggy from 8-10 years ago some posters here who act like nothing is wrong with the media were complaining about it back then, too many people are let their trump derangement syndrome impact get in the way of their critical thinking skills.

To prove your point.  Head over to YouTube and watch some of the Election Night videos.  The hurt and sadness that the reporters display is obvious - and I'm referring to CBS, NBC, and ABC.  Now, we should expect those people to report honestly on the asshole that crushed their dream?

5 minutes ago, PW119 said:

To prove your point.  Head over to YouTube and watch some of the Election Night videos.  The hurt and sadness that the reporters display is obvious - and I'm referring to CBS, NBC, and ABC.  Now, we should expect those people to report honestly on the asshole that crushed their dream?

Really only proves that they care about things other than money because Trump as president is a reporters wet dream, financially speaking. 

2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Really only proves that they care about things other than money because Trump as president is a reporters wet dream, financially speaking. 

I believe that their political/social ideology is stronger than their financial motivation.  They are pissed off.  It's not going to change until Trump is gone.

1 hour ago, R2D2 said:

The Truth leans hard left. The left deals primarily with facts, which they sometimes get wrong. However, the pursuit is an honest one. The right deals primarily with emotions, which are factually indifferent. I feel, therefore I'm right. Thus they continue to believe in falsehoods till the end of time, while the left (much as science does) corrects its inaccuracies. Whereas the right never does. Birtherism, Bengazzi and Spygate are prime examples of this.

Truth has a bias away from the past. The right romanticizes the past and it lies accordingly to preserve it. It's why the right abhors the educational system, especially science.

Well said R2.....well said and so true.


The right wing media jumped for joy. 

By any account though, Trump is a corrupt, duplicitous thug. The Republican FBI has corroborated that. I'd expect the watchdogs of democracy would be pissed at such a dangerous farce overlording the country.

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