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On 11/9/2019 at 10:18 AM, HenryJames said:


The video doesn't show what happened before the substitute teacher administered her mild punishment.  I'm sure the kid did something to provoke her.  Also, it's probably a good thing that I'm not a substitute teacher, I can envision snapping like that one day.


DENVER (KDVR) -- The city of Denver will pay a United Airlines pilot $300,000 to settle a wrongful arrest lawsuit that stemmed from an incident at the Westin at Denver International Airport (DIA) in September 2018.

Andrew Collins was arrested for standing naked in front of his 10th-floor hotel window overlooking the airport terminal. He pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor charge.

According to a police report, airport employees said they saw Collins, of Leesburg, Virginia, touching himself while he was in his hotel room.

His attorney, Craig Silverman, argued it is not a crime to be naked in Denver in a hotel room and that Collins had no idea people could see him when he partially opened the curtains.

In March, a judge dismissed the charges against Collins, who was suspended for six months by United because of the incident.

"That's how we protect our rights - by holding people accountable," Collins said Monday.

  • 2 weeks later...

A New Orleans man who initially pleaded guilty Monday in connection with allegations that he tricked women into changing his diaper by pretending to be a disabled teen changed his plea the same day after confusion over his punishment. The judge allowed the change in plea and physically ripped up the plea in court.

Rutledge Deas IV, 29, is accused of orchestrating the scheme “to satisfy what I believe to be autonepiophilia/ paraphilic infantilism (adult diaper fetish)," stated an affidavit for Deas' arrest warrant, sworn by Louisiana State Police Detective Nicole Barbe.


Deas was initially booked into the Orleans Justice Center jail Nov. 14 on suspicion of 10 counts of sexual battery, 10 counts of human trafficking, possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia, court records show.

Prosecutors formally charged him Nov. 21 in a bill of information with four counts of human trafficking, one count of methamphetamine possession and one count of possession of drug paraphernalia, court records show. Deas pleaded guilty to those charges Monday, and Orleans Criminal District Court Judge Arthur Hunter accepted the plea.

However, the public defender told judge his client only accepted the guilty plea under the assumption Deas would get probation, noting the Orleans Parish District Attorney's Office indicated that would be the case. The assistant district attorney, however, denied making such an agreement asked for jail time during the hearing, and so did two victims who testified.

Deas' public defender requested to change the plea to not guilty if probation was no longer on the table.

The judge then presiding over the case voided the guilty plea by ripping the papers in court.

A new hearing was set for Jan. 16.

One of the victims delivered a victim impact statement Monday, telling Deas she always had a passion for working with people with special needs.

"I believed everyone in the world was inherently good. I was wrong," she told Deas. "I want you to look me in the eyes and see my pain, look my father in the eyes and see his rage."

Deas admitted to investigators he fraudulently portrayed himself as disabled to take advantage of the babysitters but denied he received sexual gratification from the diaper changes, according to the affidavit. He made arrangements with at least one babysitter through an app to care for what he told her was his 18-year-old autistic brother "Cory," who did not exist. the arrest affidavit said. Deas then pretended to be "Cory" during the babysitting sessions, according to the arrest affidavit.

“He admitted to having paid the women their hourly babysitting rate to perform these acts with him, fully aware they were unable to consent to his ‘role-playing’ because they truly believed he was mentally handicapped and that they were doing their job,” the affidavit states.

Deas told investigators he was sexually traumatized at a young age and suffered from depression, anxiety and other mental health problems, but he had not been diagnosed with autism and had no physical disability, the affidavit states. He told investigators he graduated high school and opened a tech company that develops apps. Deas said he liked to be “cared for as an infant because it brings him back to a time and place where he was at peace prior to his own trauma,” according to the affidavit.

A search of Deas' home revealed multiple packages of diapers, as well as drugs and drug paraphernalia, his arrest affidavit stated. Deas admitted that methamphetamine investigators found in his room belonged to him, telling police it helped with his post-traumatic stress disorder and attention deficit disorder, the affidavit stated.

One of the women reached out to authorities after she said she researched Deas on social media and realized he and “Cory” were the same person. The affidavit states Deas admitted to authorities that other female babysitters were also tricked into changing his diaper.

Clothed in an orange jumpsuit, Deas did not appear to make eye contact with two victims who were present in court Monday.



‘Perineum sunning’ is latest insanity wellness influencers swear by


They’re soaking up some rays where the sun don’t shine.

The hottest trend gripping wellness die-hards is tanning their cans, or “perineum sunning,” as influencers are calling it.

“In a mere 30 seconds of sunlight on your butthole, you will receive more energy from this electric node than you would in an entire day being outside with your clothes on,” says an influencer, who goes by Ra of Earth. In a viral video that has racked up more than 35,000 views, he gestures toward the sun as three naked men lie down, point their backsides to the sky and make sounds of pleasure.

Ra of Earth has also posted a step-by-step “Sun Worship exercise” pulled from “The Tao of Sexology: The Book of Infinite Wisdom” by Dr. Stephen T. Chang that says the practice can help keep the area “healthy and free of germs.”

Chang and Ra of Earth aren’t the only ones, either. Other influencers appear to be just as inspired to catch some ultra-vile rays.

“[Thirty] seconds of direct sunlight injection to the anal orifice is equivalent to being outside in the sun all day!” writes influencer Troy Casey.

One Californian claims butt-chugging vitamin D not only helps her sleep better but helps to regulate her hormones.

“For the past few weeks I have included sunning my bum and yoni into my daily rising routine,” a woman who goes by Metaphysical Meagan captions an image of herself fully naked on a rock. Meagan says she first learned about perineum sunning through her study of Taoism and has recently given up her morning cup of coffee in favor of sunning her anus.

The phenomenon caught the wider internet’s attention after one Twitter user posted Meagan’s photo and caption, to the tune of more than 84,000 likes.

Even A-listers are sunning their bums. “Big Little Lies” actress Shailene Woodley, who is known for her holistic lifestyle that doesn’t even include a TV, has admitted she’s also practiced a version of perineum sunning.

“Another thing I like to do is give my vagina a little vitamin D,” she told Into The Gloss in 2014. “I was reading an article written by an herbalist I studied about yeast infections and other genital issues. She said there’s nothing better than vitamin D. If you’re feeling depleted, go in the sun for an hour and see how much energy you get. Or, if you live in a place that has heavy winters, when the sun finally comes out, spread your legs and get some sunshine.”

However, medical professionals are far from convinced the practice has any merit.

“There is no evidence that sunbathing in this way has any effect on physical well-being,” Dr. Diana Gall of UK-based online doctor service Doctor 4 U tells Insider.

“Yes, practicing mindfulness and meditation, and getting your dose of vitamin D, is beneficial for mental and physical health, but you don’t need to damage your skin in the process from sun exposure,” she says.

Gall suggests that there are different and “safer” ways to practice mindfulness and adds that “there are no extra benefits of doing this naked in the sun.”

While influencers are currently letting sun shine in their back door, the Federal Trade Commission is having little luck convincing them to shed more light on product endorsements.


Not safe for anything behind the tag


13 hours ago, Anastasis said:

Even A-listers are sunning their bums. “Big Little Lies” actress Shailene Woodley, who is known for her holistic lifestyle that doesn’t even include a TV, has admitted she’s also practiced a version of perineum sunning.

“Another thing I like to do is give my vagina a little vitamin D,” she told Into The Gloss in 2014. “I was reading an article written by an herbalist I studied about yeast infections and other genital issues. She said there’s nothing better than vitamin D. If you’re feeling depleted, go in the sun for an hour and see how much energy you get. Or, if you live in a place that has heavy winters, when the sun finally comes out, spread your legs and get some sunshine.”


Sugar, if you want some Vitamin D in your vagina, just let me know....

Posted (edited)

The latest health trend is just as embarrassing as it is ridiculous.

Remember last week when we told you about butthole-sunbathing?

Yes, it's a real thing - and now a famous Hollywood actor has been seriously injured for participating in the activity.


Actor Josh Brolin tried out the "perineum sunning" craze, which touts the alleged benefits of tanning the thin area of skin between the anus and the vagina or penis. The practice has recently gained steam after a video posted by holistic influencer Ra of Earth suggested such "sunning," claiming that it provides one with “more energy from” the sun in 30 seconds “than you would in an entire day being outside with your clothes on.”
Another influencer, who goes by MetaphysicalMeagan, also made headlines for her similar claims of "perineum sunning" for the benefit of health or energy.
However, what Ra of Earth apparently failed to mention was to not overdo it with vitamin D — a lesson Brolin learned the hard way.
“Tried this perineum sunning that I’ve been hearing about and my suggestion is DO NOT do it as long as I did. My pucker hole is crazy burned and I was going to spend the day shopping with my family and instead I’m icing and using aloe and burn creams because of the severity of the pain,” Brolin shared on Instagram, along with a string of curse words calling out the “stupid” trend that may in fact be detrimental to one’s health.
Edited by Iceman
DENVER (KDVR) -- The city of Denver will pay a United Airlines pilot $300,000 to settle a wrongful arrest lawsuit that stemmed from an incident at the Westin at Denver International Airport (DIA) in September 2018.
Andrew Collins was arrested for standing naked in front of his 10th-floor hotel window overlooking the airport terminal. He pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor charge.
According to a police report, airport employees said they saw Collins, of Leesburg, Virginia, touching himself while he was in his hotel room.
His attorney, Craig Silverman, argued it is not a crime to be naked in Denver in a hotel room and that Collins had no idea people could see him when he partially opened the curtains.
In March, a judge dismissed the charges against Collins, who was suspended for six months by United because of the incident.
"That's how we protect our rights - by holding people accountable," Collins said Monday.
He got a phone call just before stepping in the shower and walked around the room for 20 minutes. Those green windows at the Westin give a false sense of security. Take a look at them the next time you pass through DEN. The cop body cam video of his arrest is typical cop overreaction like he was with ISIS. Collins was running for ALPA president at the time and, this incident immediately torpedoed his campaign.



A polyamorous woman is pregnant with a baby by one of her four boyfriends – and wants all of them to raise the baby together.

Tory Ojeda lives with three of her partners in Jacksonville, Florida, and is the only one who has multiple lovers.




Joe Rwamirama, 48, from Kampala, Uganda says boffins have launched a study into the chemical properties of his unique trouser toxin.


The odd job man says no one in his home village has ever contracted malaria because his powers knock out insects over a six mile radius.

If true, that would make his fallout zone larger than that of the atomic bomb which destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.

Local barber James Yoweri said: "He is known all over the city as the man who can kill mosquitoes with his farts.

"When Joe is around we all know that mosquitoes will vanish.

“He is respectful of people around him and will only fart when there are mosquitoes around which bring malaria. His farts gets rid of this disease."

A Local chief who knew Joe, when he was growing up as a child, said he took him in to live with him during the malaria season and claimed no one nearby caught the disease.

The chief said: "I heard about Joe's gift and I took him in to help mop out the mosquitoes infesting our surroundings.

“He respectfully drops these bloomers and it helped eradicate the insects. He does his thing and they drop - like flies."

Joe said: “I eat ordinary food just like everyone else but no insect can lay a foot on me, not even a fly.

“I smell like a normal man and I bathe daily and my farts are just like everyone else, they are only dangerous to small insects and especially mosquitoes.”

Joe dreams of his marketing his gas and added: “Imagine buying a Raid can with my face on it!”

Claims that Joe's wind has evolved to combat malaria emerged online yesterday - but the two companies linked to him were not identified and the claims could not be verified.

On 12/5/2019 at 7:47 AM, DaysOff said:
On 11/13/2019 at 8:20 AM, Blotto said:
DENVER (KDVR) -- The city of Denver will pay a United Airlines pilot $300,000 to settle a wrongful arrest lawsuit that stemmed from an incident at the Westin at Denver International Airport (DIA) in September 2018.
Andrew Collins was arrested for standing naked in front of his 10th-floor hotel window overlooking the airport terminal. He pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor charge.
According to a police report, airport employees said they saw Collins, of Leesburg, Virginia, touching himself while he was in his hotel room.
His attorney, Craig Silverman, argued it is not a crime to be naked in Denver in a hotel room and that Collins had no idea people could see him when he partially opened the curtains.
In March, a judge dismissed the charges against Collins, who was suspended for six months by United because of the incident.
"That's how we protect our rights - by holding people accountable," Collins said Monday.

Read more  

He got a phone call just before stepping in the shower and walked around the room for 20 minutes. Those green windows at the Westin give a false sense of security. Take a look at them the next time you pass through DEN. The cop body cam video of his arrest is typical cop overreaction like he was with ISIS. Collins was running for ALPA president at the time and, this incident immediately torpedoed his campaign.



^^^Reminds me of that article by that chick who said the same thing about cheating on her husband. Something to the effect of it’s makes me happier and a better wife when I’m around him!’

  • 2 weeks later...

Two men accused of gluing winning numbers onto lotto ticket


Two Mississippi men attempted to scam the state lottery commission by submitting a losing ticket that had the winning numbers glued onto it, police said.

Odis Latham, 47, and Russell Sparks, 48, both of Columbus, were arrested Monday and charged with uttering counterfeit instrument over $1,000 and conspiracy offenses, Flowood Police Sgt. Adam Nelson said. Latham was also charged with false identification information.

Lottery officials told police the men presented an altered $100,000 ticket that appeared to have the winning numbers glued onto it. The ticket was signed and presented to the commission for payment, police said.

The state lottery commission did not immediately return a request for comment.



Texas man accused of assaulting girlfriend who said his 'fart smelled horrible,' affidavit states

By Danny Hermosillo, Chron.com / Houston Chronicle

Published 10:19 am CST, Wednesday, January 8, 2020

A Wichita Falls man is accused of choking his girlfriend and headbutting her after she told him that "his fart smelled horrible."

Christopher Ragsdale is charged with assault/family violence by choking. Bond was set at $10,000.

According to his arrest affidavit, Ragsdale and his girlfriend were sitting in the living room of a friend's house on Sunday when he farted. The court document states, "She told Christopher that his fart smelled horrible and he got mad and grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to the ground."

The victim told investigators that Ragsdale then sat on her back, and started choking her to the point where she could barely breathe.

Court records state that the suspect got off of the victim when she called-out to her friend for help.

The victim was about to leave with her friend when Ragsdale "got in the victim's face and started yelling at her," the affidavit states. "He then headbutted  her..."

The responding officer states that he arrested Ragsdale without incident. He also noted that the suspect has no previous conviction for family violence.

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