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That exiled degenerate cuss parrot Rocko is now caught in an Alexa scam

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A sneaky parrot almost ran up a hefty Amazon bill after it began placing orders through its owner’s Alexa device.

According to the Sun, Rocco, an African gray parrot, has become adept at using Amazon Alexa to order such items like strawberries, watermelon, raisins, broccoli and ice cream.

He has even tried to order non-food items, such as a kite, a kettle, a Corvette, and light bulbs.

“Rocco and Alexa chat away to each other all day. Then I have to check the shopping list and cancel all the items he’s ordered,” said Marion Wischnewski, Rocco’s owner.

Wischnewski also said Rocco will have Alexa play music.

“He loves a boogie with Alexa. But it has to be something fast, like his favorite Kings of Leon,” Wischnewski said.

According to the Times of London, Wischnewski took Rocco in after he was removed from the National Animal Welfare Trust, because he said too many curse words. Staff at the center did not want Rocco cursing to the public.

African gray parrots are known for their intelligence and their ability to mimic human speech.




So that's why he left the price tags on?

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  • Haha 3

I really wanted a parrot when I was a kid.  They were expensive.  I got a parakeet instead.  I worked real hard for like 2 years trying to get that bird to talk.  No Dice. He eventually met his maker when he got out of the cage and encountered the ceiling fan.  RIP Tarzan. 😢

3 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

I really wanted a parrot when I was a kid.  They were expensive.  I got a parakeet instead.  I worked real hard for like 2 years trying to get that bird to talk.  No Dice. He eventually met his maker when he got out of the cage and encountered the ceiling fan.  RIP Tarzan. 😢


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My dad scared the shit out of our weekly maid when I was a kid. Our parakeet died, and since he didn’t want to go through the whole explain death thing in the morning before school, stuck it in the freezer. Housekeeper found it. So this hits close to home.

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