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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, bolverk said:

Negged for lying again.

Find MY posts where I have advocated for shooting refugees or Tucker for President. They don’t exist. I avoid making political posts. I don’t need a moderator ban like he requested to avoid this place.

Edited by Macklemore
20 hours ago, TexArcher said:


Pretty sure I'm going to jail the day I see some Fox News idiot say one word to a kid wearing a mask or that kid's parents.


Tfucker is loving all of the attention is trolling garners. His production meetings must be a blast. Just come up with crazy stuff that will drive sane people crazy...

3 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

Find MY posts where I have advocated for shooting refugees or Tucker for President. They don’t exist. I avoid making political posts. I don’t need a moderator ban like he requested to avoid this place.

i checked, ip seems clean. he has some very iconoclast type opinions, but i don't think it's him.

5 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

Find MY posts where I have advocated for shooting refugees or Tucker for President. They don’t exist.

They do under your past incarnation of as Iconoclast whose handle name you changed to GHOSTUSER. That account last posted in July of last year and coincidentally Macklemore was created in August. You clearly had to do it because you became such a pariah.

For those in the stands, read the last couple of pages of the Prince Phillip thread where Icono gets called out.

8 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

Find MY posts where I have advocated for shooting refugees or Tucker for President. They don’t exist. I avoid making political posts. I don’t need a moderator ban like he requested to avoid this place.

How do you feel about sucking dick for meth?

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, bolverk said:

They do under your past incarnation of as Iconoclast whose handle name you changed to GHOSTUSER. That account last posted in July of last year and coincidentally Macklemore was created in August. You clearly had to do it because you became such a pariah.

For those in the stands, read the last couple of pages of the Prince Phillip thread where Icono gets called out.

Again, the reasons for my appreciation of the monarchy are standard. Read Hayden’s post above. I’m not him.

Edited by Macklemore
Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

i checked, ip seems clean. he has some very iconoclast type opinions, but i don't think it's him.

Easily could've changed his ISP, gotten a VPN since then. Hell, I've changed my ISP in the last year too. I don't think IP checks are really useful much anymore as they're too easy to change. This dude is definitely Icono.

Edit: Macklemore also is, ahem, the OP of the Houston Texans offseason thread.

Edited by bolverk
Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, bolverk said:

Easily could've changed his ISP, gotten a VPN since then. Hell, I've changed my ISP in the last year too. I don't think IP checks are really useful much anymore as they're too easy to change. This dude is definitely Icono.

Edit: Macklemore also is, ahem, the OP of the Houston Texans offseason thread.

You got me. I’m from Houston. Smoking gun. On that note, I bid you adieu. Good luck finding that white whale.

Edited by Macklemore
21 hours ago, lemonlime said:



21 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

 For the life of me, I cannot understand the motivation behind this kind of stupid shit.  


20 hours ago, NAVY said:

Tucker’s audience is always looking for new and exciting ways to be an even bigger asshole. That’s all. It’s asshole training 


16 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

it’s just more us vs them. insert new topic, same argument. gotta keep us mad at them because of ________.

he’s been trash forever but he’s definitely spiking lately. hopefully that’s a good sign for the normies. 


The key words/dog whistle was in the middle:

"It's our job to brush them back and to restore the society we were born into."


41 minutes ago, bolverk said:

Easily could've changed his ISP, gotten a VPN since then. Hell, I've changed my ISP in the last year too. I don't think IP checks are really useful much anymore as they're too easy to change. This dude is definitely Icono.

Edit: Macklemore also is, ahem, the OP of the Houston Texans offseason thread.

That sealed the case right there, your honor 

51 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

Thank you for confirming

i did not confirm. i gave an opinion. ip addresses are fairly worthless as an identity metric these days, as pointed out.

11 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

i did not confirm. i gave an opinion. ip addresses are fairly worthless as an identity metric these days, as pointed out.

Did they smell similar?  

Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

all kidding aside, i hope tucker makes a serious bid for the republican presidential nomination.

the more clowns come forward, the more they look like a circus.

True. That's one reason why I'm harping on Icono since he refuses to come forward and admit who he is and show that his latest incarnation is still the same psychotic and shitty person behind the new avatar. The point is to reveal the inherently deceptive tactics that folks like Tucker and Icono will go through to push their repulsive views on the rest of us.

Last August when he got tired of being negged (final post got 7 of them), he created Macklemore only a few days after it. Notice he, Icono, had switched his handle under the old account to GHOSTUSER, which is a potentially telling signal of his intent.



Here's Icono Macklemore promoting Tucker Carlson as a formidable presidential candidate and espousing the hope that the GOP becomes an openly nationalist party. Only Icono ever made those points. When he posted the following, I thought at the time he was basically admitting the fact that he'd been just outed as Icono in the Prince Phillip thread.

Yeah, I get that this is *only* a message board, but we can't always rely on our part-time, unpaid mods, so we have to sometimes police it ourselves. Our "reputation" is more than just the points - it's a reflection of the individual's character and how well that person should be trusted to be honest and post in good faith.

Iconoclast=>GHOSTUSER=>Macklemore is not such a person. In fact, he's a piece of shit clown who can't be trusted.

Edited by bolverk
  • Hook 'Em 6
Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

all kidding aside, i hope tucker makes a serious bid for the republican presidential nomination.

the more clowns come forward, the more they look like a circus.

Not so sure about this. I remember thinking along these lines 6 years ago when a clownish fake billionaire game show host threw a red MAGA trucker hat in the ring. What's the worst that can happen, I thought. He has no chance of winning, I thought. It'll be entertaining as hell, I thought....

Edited by Bat Guano
21 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

all kidding aside, i hope tucker makes a serious bid for the republican presidential nomination.

the more clowns come forward, the more they look like a circus.

All kidding aside, you shut your fucking mouth man.

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3 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

All kidding aside, you shut your fucking mouth man.

i know it's a team sport, but you really think tucker carlson gets all the trump voters?  i don't.

the worst case scenario is a young, effective politician with trump's support.  tucker is not that, and would splinter the party.

the best bet for the gop is trump running again, which is probably what will happen.

4 hours ago, Red Five said:

Tucker would have a good chance of winning the nomination, and then a 50-50 chance of winning the presidency. IMO.

until the electoral college is fixed, it'll be ~50/50 for the foreseeable future, regardless of the names on the ballot. 


SIAP. National Review takes issue with Tucker.


On Tucker Carlson and Masks Outdoors


April 27, 2021 4:04 PM

Last night, Tucker Carlson went on something of a tear against outdoor mask wearing. He did so from a place of understandable frustration, but at times he allowed this frustration to overcome common sense.

Carlson claimed that overly cautious people not only wearing masks outdoors when it is not necessary, but also judging those who do not wear them, are virtually omnipresent “in any major city.” True, for the most part. He goes on to make a complaint very specific to Washington, D.C.:

'If you dare to go on foot from Union Station to the Capitol in Washington without wearing a mask, angry Biden voters will snort at you in judgment. “How could you?” they’re saying from behind the gauze.'

I did make more or less this exact journey this morning on foot, while running from the National Mall to Union Station, have run it before many times, and walked it others. Many are masked as I do so, but I have never been audibly shamed in this area for it. But perhaps Carlson means more judgment of the silent variety, which I am sure has been rendered upon me as I run and walk around the city without a mask.

I have spent much of the past year in Washington, D.C., so I understand Carlson’s annoyance at the apparent omnipresence of masks when one is outdoors. I forget what the city’s regulations are because, well . . . I’ve pretty much ignored them, with scattered exceptions. My ignoring of these regulations has been most consistent, and most frequent, while running, an activity for which I have not masked myself during this entire period. The only two times I’ve ever been chastised for masklessness have been while I was running, in fact; neither chastisement has had any effect on my behavior.

Indeed, if anything, it has internalized a contrarian streak that is now increasingly justified by the science, and that makes me share Carlson’s frustration. As do absurdities such as the CDC’s recent declaration that “fully vaccinated Americans can go without masks outdoors when walking, jogging or biking outdoors, or dining with friends at outdoor restaurants” and “even unvaccinated individuals may go without masks when walking, jogging or biking outdoors with household members.” (To say nothing of the absurd framing of Axios: “Fully vaccinated people can venture outdoors without masks, according to updated CDC guidance.”) This is not simply an unnecessary permission slip for the way I’ve been living since March 2020, but also bespeaks a presumption to rule that the American spirit should find intolerable.

However, Carlson takes this frustration to extremes I would not. His recommended course of action to weaken the outdoor-mask regime is as follows:

  • So the next time you see someone in a mask on the sidewalk or on the bike path, do not hesitate. Ask politely but firmly, “Would you please take off your mask? Science shows there is no reason for you to be wearing it. Your mask is making me uncomfortable.”

I must confess: Safe in the confines of my own mind, confronted by the sea of masked rule-followers outdoors, I have considered similar steps. At their most extreme, my idle thoughts incline me to go about not just telling people to stop wearing masks but even ripping the masks off everyone’s faces. But they are just that: idle thoughts. I will do neither step, for reasons I’ll explain below. But my half-considered desire to do this, and now Carlson’s call for others to publicly berate outdoor mask wearers, remind me, of all things, of the opening of Moby-Dick by Herman Melville. The first chapter, “Loomings,” describes the mental state of Ishmael, the story’s first-person narrator, when he knows that only going to sea can relieve his malaise:

  • Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off—then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship.

Note, however, that Ishmael does not, in fact, go around methodically knocking people’s hats off; he takes to the sea instead. A major lingering problem with much of American life right now is not necessarily that we can’t all take to the sea, but rather that too much of life remains restricted, and that the part of life that isn’t restricted, the online world, is an inadequate substitute that can aggravate our worst impulses.

That is one possible explanation for one of Carlson’s other extremes. Taking his anti-mask message to the next level, he makes the following call to his viewers:

  • Your response when you see children wearing masks as they play should be no different from your response to seeing someone beat a kid in Walmart. Call the police immediately. Contact Child Protective Services. Keep calling until someone arrives. What you’re looking at is abuse, it’s child abuse, and you are morally obligated to attempt to prevent it.

It is very silly that we are masking children outdoors and persisting in making so many activities part of the COVID rigmarole. But is it child abuse? Is it worth calling the police over? The answer is no, just as people who don’t wear masks outdoors shouldn’t have the police called on them either. Ours is already a time of high social and political tension; escalating those tensions in this way seems like a poor recourse. Not to mention that heavy-handed state power is at the root of Carlson’s complaints about the current mask regime.

What should be done instead? Carlson himself offered one useful step from which others can be inferred: He advised viewers to complain at the level of institutions in which they are involved, such as at schools who tell your kids that they have to wear masks when playing soccer. Starting with things we can control, such as our own institutions, our own families, and ourselves, seems a much better start than going up to random strangers and upbraiding them, which would probably invite a defensive or doubling-down reflex anyway.

We should also feel free to walk around outside in D.C. maskless, regardless of the judgments people may cast. In my experience, most of this city is too deferential to object seriously; if anyone is, that is the time at which to explain forcefully why you are not, or at the very least to ignore the aggressor. Simply the example of a maskless person moving casually about the city can serve as a tiny crack in the edifice of COVID paranoia; that has been the logic of my doing so, at any rate.

Carlson said the mask mania is mostly a phenomenon of major cities, and he’s right. The American people themselves locked down before the government made us, and we are likely to stop locking down before the government says we don’t have to anymore. It may be happening already . . . just not so much in D.C.


TLDR: Calm the fuck down, Tucker.

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6 hours ago, Born to Run said:

The Texans are a joke, fuck Bud Adams, fuck tailored Jerseys. Persia sucks.

One of these days I'm going to retire, and when I do, one of the first things I have planned is to track down Bud Adams' grave and piss on it.

If he and I end up in the same place in the afterlife, I plan to piss on him directly as well.  Fuck that fucking fuck.

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1 hour ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

One of these days I'm going to retire, and when I do, one of the first things I have planned is to track down Bud Adams' grave and piss on it.

If he and I end up in the same place in the afterlife, I plan to piss on him directly as well.  Fuck that fucking fuck.

Thread derail, but man I wish someone would buy the Texans from the McNairs, call Bud's progeny and get the Oilers IP released, then reboot the Texans as the Oilers.  It makes too much sense.  Until that happens, fuck the Texans.  I hope they eternally win 3 games with no first round draft pick for ever and ever and ever.  

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8 minutes ago, A-Tex Devil said:

Thread derail, but man I wish someone would buy the Texans from the McNairs, call Bud's progeny and get the Oilers IP released, then reboot the Texans as the Oilers.  It makes too much sense.  Until that happens, fuck the Texans.  I hope they eternally win 3 games with no first round draft pick for ever and ever and ever.  

Clap Yes GIF by Jasmine Star

2 hours ago, A-Tex Devil said:

Thread derail, but man I wish someone would buy the Texans from the McNairs, call Bud's progeny and get the Oilers IP released, then reboot the Texans as the Oilers.  It makes too much sense.  Until that happens, fuck the Texans.  I hope they eternally win 3 games with no first round draft pick for ever and ever and ever.  


hell don't end there, bring back the run and shoot and the house of pain !!!

Thread derail, but man I wish someone would buy the Texans from the McNairs, call Bud's progeny and get the Oilers IP released, then reboot the Texans as the Oilers.  It makes too much sense.  Until that happens, fuck the Texans.  I hope they eternally win 3 games with no first round draft pick for ever and ever and ever.  

I mean this does seem like the most likely outcome for the foreseeable future
On 4/27/2021 at 6:26 PM, henrygandorf said:

all kidding aside, i hope tucker makes a serious bid for the republican presidential nomination.

the more clowns come forward, the more they look like a circus.

Were you not around in 2016?  We wound up electing the biggest clown of all.

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19 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

i know it's a team sport, but you really think tucker carlson gets all the trump voters?  i don't.

the worst case scenario is a young, effective politician with trump's support.  tucker is not that, and would splinter the party.

the best bet for the gop is trump running again, which is probably what will happen.

YES. They love "non-politicians" that are vicious and racist clowns! Tucker is far and away the favorite to win the 2024 GOP nomination right now. 

10 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

YES. They love "non-politicians" that are vicious and racist clowns! Tucker is far and away the favorite to win the 2024 GOP nomination right now. 

far and away?  according to whom?

Just now, henrygandorf said:

far and away?  according to whom?

Me. Who do you think is more likely than him to win the GOP nomination if he decides to run for it? Trump would be favored if he ran again, but I doubt he does. Nobody else in the party right now trying to maneuver for Trump's blessing has any real appeal to his base. They fucking love Tucker though.

6 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Me. Who do you think is more likely than him to win the GOP nomination if he decides to run for it? Trump would be favored if he ran again, but I doubt he does. Nobody else in the party right now trying to maneuver for Trump's blessing has any real appeal to his base. They fucking love Tucker though.

desantis is who they seem to be positioning.

until trump is dead and buried, i will still assume he's running.  and even then i'm 50-50 on it.

2 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

until trump is dead and buried, i will still assume he's running.  and even then i'm 50-50 on it.

It was a real pain in the ass and crimped his style, and put him under a lot of scrutiny.

Instead, he's learned he can setup one or more PACs, still collect a shit-ton of money while hanging out in Florida instead of having to sit around in the White House.

If he cared about running again, he'd take his 737 or whatever it is that's sitting up in New York half-disassembled, and get it up and running.  But he's not, because he doesn't want to drop the money on it (or can't).

Always assume he will go for the easiest and laziest way out.  Playing kingmaker and collecting PAC money from the rubes is the laziest way out.  And probably provides a better ROI, since his accountants can get creative with how it's spent.

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If anybody tells you that your mask makes them uncomfortable, kindly adopt a condescending tone and tell them "Bless your heart, I'm sorry you're a snowflake and that I triggered you.  Perhaps you can lobby the government for a safe space?"

But then, be prepared when they start feeling like they should have a safe space everywhere they go. Because they are Eric Cartman, and that's exactly what he would do.

5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

It was a real pain in the ass and crimped his style, and put him under a lot of scrutiny.

Instead, he's learned he can setup one or more PACs, still collect a shit-ton of money while hanging out in Florida instead of having to sit around in the White House.

If he cared about running again, he'd take his 737 or whatever it is that's sitting up in New York half-disassembled, and get it up and running.  But he's not, because he doesn't want to drop the money on it (or can't).

Always assume he will go for the easiest and laziest way out.  Playing kingmaker and collecting PAC money from the rubes is the laziest way out.  And probably provides a better ROI, since his accountants can get creative with how it's spent.

i agree with everything you're saying, and it's probably the truth.

but his ego is everything.  and when people start announcing their intentions, his inner circle of morons will start getting in his ear about how he needs to step in to save this country.

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