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2023 Republican Government Shutdown: Same Shit, Same Story


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Bullshit. Some rich donors may have put some pressure but trump doesn't care and his voters are morons. He could shut down the government again and they'd love him for it. Or more specifically, they would just blame the democrats again (Ted Cruz called it the Shumer shut down, it was the dems!!). His voters truly believe that, because again, they're morons. There would never be a real GOP mutiny. They would never cross their cheeto god, the voters would revolt.

Edited by 'stache
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1 minute ago, 'stache said:

Bullshit. Some rich donors may have put some pressure but trump doesn't care and his voters are morons. He could shut down the government again and they'd love him for it. There would never be a real GOP mutiny. They would never cross their cheeto god, the voters would revolt.

The big donors were going to revolt on the GOP Senators if they didn’t move to end the shutdown.  

They serve the dollars, not Trump or his base.

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5 minutes ago, 'stache said:

Bullshit. Some rich donors may have put some pressure but trump doesn't care and his voters are morons. He could shut down the government again and they'd love him for it. Or more specifically, they would just blame the democrats again (Ted Cruz called it the Shumer shut down, it was the dems!!). His voters truly believe that, because again, they're morons. There would never be a real GOP mutiny. They would never cross their cheeto god, the voters would revolt.

Why do you think he caved then?  You think he enjoys letting Pelosi embarrass him?

Edited by kevwun
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Is the debt limit basically just us saying, "fuck it, we overspent again, raise that fucker!"?

I’m going to be consistent about this as I’ve maintained a constant position on this for decades: the debt limit must be raised as needed and any noise to the contrary plays chicken with the faith and credit of the United States and our control of the world’s reserve currency. This should never ever be fucked with.

I care about the debt more than anybody on this board (maybe other than my favorite goldbug) and the way to get at it is through forward entitlements and military spending that drive structural deficit expansion, not by threatening to stiff creditors when presented with bills for what we’ve already spent.
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10 minutes ago, 'stache said:

Bullshit. Some rich donors may have put some pressure but trump doesn't care and his voters are morons. He could shut down the government again and they'd love him for it. Or more specifically, they would just blame the democrats again (Ted Cruz called it the Shumer shut down, it was the dems!!). His voters truly believe that, because again, they're morons. There would never be a real GOP mutiny. They would never cross their cheeto god, the voters would revolt.

Trump and his voters may not care about the big cigars, but tell a Senator up in 2020 that all that sweet money you had funneled into helping him win in the past was now going to be funneled to a primary opponent, or even a Democrat, and that Senator is going to crawl up Turtle’s ass.   And that’s not getting into constituents calling up and freaking out about tax refunds, etc.

Trump caved because he lost the Senate. If the Senate still had his back, the government would still be shutdown. 

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45 minutes ago, relapse98 said:

So - if he's already building it, then obviously he wouldn't need to declare a national emergency (since it's already being done) and he no longer needs the money so we don't need to worry about the government being shut down in 3 weeks, right?

Exactly. I think a version of this is going to be the end game. Last night and this morning, I heard on NPR two different reps, 1 Dem & 1 GOP (I think), discussing the ongoing negotiations and how close they were to a deal. They were both positive they could get more funding for repairing/bolstering fencing, addition agents, tech, etc. (Step 1). Their only concern would be if Trump would sign the legislation, which was similar to what they put before him in December. One point of wiggle room the Dem said would be if they could commission a study *proving* the need for additional funding, then they'd be willing to negotiate (Step 2).

Based on those clues, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they'll get Step 1 signed contingent upon the agreement for Step 2 proceeding afterward.

Edited by bolverk
redundancy is redundant
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17 minutes ago, kevwun said:

Why do you think he caved then?  You think he enjoys letting Pelosi embarrass him?

Haven't you heard? He won the shutdown. The gop voters truly believe that. They are idiots and the whole party is beholden to them.

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On 1/28/2019 at 10:05 AM, kevwun said:

Why should we listen to you, Lindsey?  You said if Trump caved his Presidency would be over.

you misread.  he was being elliptical and actually meant thump's presidency would be overSEAS.  oh, over east of poland a ways.

turns out it didn't matter whether he caved or not.  his presidency is overseas.

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The stars aligned for once in my life, and I have all of the documents I need to file our taxes and get our refund.  

Suggest anybody else able to do so to do it quickly, and not to wait, because while I think Trump got his nose bloodied by the shutdown, I wouldn’t put it past him to do it again, especially if more Mueller stuff happens.   

Supposedly people who file before tomorrow will get their refunds within a week or two, and we will know then if there are problems, but if there are problems or delays, a whole shitload of people are going to kick into high gear and start filing. 

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Filed last night, and within a minute, received a text that the IRS had accepted our return.

Ours is a bit more complex (property taxes, a Schedule C, W2's for spousal unit and myself, some modest investment stuff). I kinda figure this year it might take a bit longer to get our refund.  

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52 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:



20 minutes ago, swraith said:

Trump’s base remains intact.


8 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

base is intact.  everything else is in tatters.  base will get him 200 electoral votes, where he'll top out.

yeah, i think the data takeaway here is not that trump has republican support, i think fewer people will cop to identifying as republican

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I'd say there's no way a shutdown happens again, but they seem to happen when each side thinks they can come out ahead politically. With the last one, it was clear to any objective observer-- including McConnel-- that Trump had a losing hand from the beginning. Trump's irrationality distorted things, and he went all in with a pair of twos. Here, I honestly think the politics have shifted a little bit and the pressure's on democrats to give in to avert a shutdown. They'd probably receive more of the blame this go around. With pressure from the bases of both sides, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a shutdown of a week or two, playing chicken up to the point where the consequences start setting in again. We'll see. 

Edited by horncyclist
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Except if Trump obviously torpedoes it again, just like he did last time.

If Congress came to a compromise and passed it and then Trump vetoed, sure Trump would own the next shutdown.

Congress could fund every department except DHS and then continue to negotiate on DHS. But if they just do nothing, that isn’t a winning position. Hell, just pass another CR to avoid the shutdown.
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40 minutes ago, swraith said:


If Congress came to a compromise and passed it and then Trump vetoed, sure Trump would own the next shutdown.

Congress could fund every department except DHS and then continue to negotiate on DHS. But if they just do nothing, that isn’t a winning position. Hell, just pass another CR to avoid the shutdown.


If there is a shutdown, Republicans will own it no matter what. Democrats in the House are going to pass a bill.

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