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TxSooner busy playing in the Main of some event in Tulsa. At his table is some dude they call MoneyMaker. Perhaps TxSooner will show up here soon and give us a rundown of how that went playing with him at the table. 

Posted (edited)

Dream situation playing out on today’s table.  30ish black dude sits down w $500 in $20/10/5s.  Seemingly has never played live before.  Constantly plays out of order. Never knows how much his blinds are.  Counts chips one at a time into a pile then shoves the pike out.  Bet sizes are way too small.  Calls down massive bets with horrible draws.  Keeps showing us his hand even when he loses and doesn’t have to.

He played first 5 hands and got felted twice.  He has since learned where the fold button is, but that has not stopped him from losing $2k already.  I’m guessing he’s got another $1k in the wad of bills I’ve seen.

Best part is that he’s sucked out a few times and ran his most recent $400 up to $900 while continuing to play THE WORST poker I’ve EVER seen at $2/5

Not a single player has left our table in the last 90 mins

Guy is wearing gold watch on right wrist, silver watch on left wrist.  Has gold rimmed glasses with no lenses.  Two phones, one a flip phone where I watched him actually use T9.

He just caught a set of aces and turned a flop to felt another guy and the rest of the table is treating him like he just crossed the finish line in a special Olympics event


Edited by Lurch
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Posted (edited)

So he gets me for $140.  I had AsKx on QxTs5s board where a spade hit the turn and he almost fell out of his chair trying to get his bet in (out of turn of course).  I had to call but missed river and folded when he again bet big out of turn.

i then flopped a set of Jacks and got $175 off of him but had to slow play and let him bet when the turn put up four to a straight and the board never paired

Edited by Lurch

I open UTG to $25 w AJs.  He calls of course.  Another calls then Asian kid makes it $100.  We all call for $400 pot.

356.  I check, he makes it $25 and the rest of the table chuckles as we all call.  The absurdity of it.

J.  I check again and he bets $100.  Guy behind him calls and I’m a bit worried about him.  I call.  $800 pot

6 puts three clubs out.  We check to third guy who makes it $400.  We both fold and guy shows flush.  Damnit

Dude has me (and I think others) completely off our normal game



I got him again for $160.  A2 flopped an ace and he bet the whole way w a pair of 8s.

We’re several hours in at this point and dealer tells him “small blind, please” and our guy says....  “how much?”


His buddy is now sleeping in a chair behind him after unsuccessfully trying to get him to leave.  Table is relieved but I fear the end is near


Bah.  He opens to $25 and smart quiet old nit shoves $400 (lol) and our man calls.  KQs<AA.  Pulls out $200 and in first hand goes all in pre and loses QTo<AQo.  Good try, good game.  

Im disappointed in my haul.  Others did quite well.


Young dude with sideways visor comes in and buys $200 for 1/2 NL. First hand (BB), he sees his cards and starts shaking worse than Ali holding the olympic torch and bets $25. I have a pair of queens in cutoff so I call along with 2 others. Flop comes AQ3 rainbow, and he nervously Michael J Foxes $75 in chips. I've seen that type of shaking before, because I used to do the same shit when I first played and had a monster, so I fold. Turn is a 3 pairing the board, and he nervously whispers all in while putting in his chips like it was an exercise in vocational rehab. Table folds. 

His hands shake so much when he tries to casually muck his cards they hit the pile of chips he's trying to stack, turn over, and sure enough he has bullets. Later on he had another pair of aces, but this time spills his drink from the cupholder when he shows them. Calm as shit when he had nothing and tried to bluff by looking at the TV or humming a tune, but damn did his physiology betray him when he had the nuts. 2 rebuys later, the whole table hated to see him go.

17 hours ago, po elvis said:

i think it is unfair black guys are allowed to wear jorts.

I thought they were jorts too at first but looks like a shoe at the bottom.  guessing lurch has his leg up giving the appearance of jorts

1 minute ago, Red Sundance said:

I thought they were jorts too at first but looks like a shoe at the bottom.  guessing lurch has his leg up giving the appearance of jorts

oh yes you are right. still unfair though.


3 hours in today and I’m up an even $300.

Sitting w $800.  EP makes it $30. 2 callers to me in SB w 77.  I call and BB joins. $150 pot.

7c5c2c.  I obviously can’t let this check through so I open to $100.  EP calls.

9d.  I make it $200 and he shoves and has me covered.

This is a young, loud Hispanic dude from NY.  He’s been in a lot of big pots and he’s been pretty aggressive all day.  His preflop range seems pretty wide.  He also seems very competent and I think he may be a pro.

What do you do?


18 hours ago, Lurch said:

3 hours in today and I’m up an even $300.

Sitting w $800.  EP makes it $30. 2 callers to me in SB w 77.  I call and BB joins. $150 pot.

7c5c2c.  I obviously can’t let this check through so I open to $100.  EP calls.

9d.  I make it $200 and he shoves and has me covered.

This is a young, loud Hispanic dude from NY.  He’s been in a lot of big pots and he’s been pretty aggressive all day.  His preflop range seems pretty wide.  He also seems very competent and I think he may be a pro.

What do you do?


However you posted this it only shows up as white boxes with the black chrome  theme on. 

Posted (edited)

I like this thread. I haven't played in a few years, but agreed to go to a home game next Monday with a bunch of guys I hardly know.  Could be decent stakes.  Trying to brush up on everything.  

Lurch, what were the blinds on that game?  Was curious how much Hispanic dude raised pre flop from early position. 


Nevermind just saw other thread.  Raise to $25 pretty strong for Kc3c, but like you said he seemed aggressive.  

Edited by GRHorn
Posted (edited)

Playing $2/5.  Since it’s been a while since you’ve played, FYI 5xBB is now very common and we never set our bet size due to our holding. 3x will result in everyone behind you joining the pot!  If we’re playing short handed or the table is tight I might go $20, but it’s rare.

Edited by Lurch
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Posted (edited)

Here's an update on my phone poker app with gas station guys. I'm on week five, couldn't find week one's individual sessions but I know I was down $525. Yesterday's session (1425) was about an hour long. Each cell is net net session, bottom is net day, and very to is net total. 


  107 -200 -5 62
  81 24 -200 -200
  281 606 379 153
  71 213 -172 -35
  -200 -69 558 160
  254 112 -400 1425
  513 -55 -339  
  -200 -425 -6  
  766 -300 -58  
  160 730 -67  
  -280 391    
-525 1553 1007 -310 1565
Edited by iamthepush
Headed out to Vegas in 3 weeks and staying at the Venetian for a conference.  Hitting the tables in the evenings.  How are games at the Venetian?  Thinking about 1/3 or 2/5 games.
Definitely top 2 (or 3) poker room. Should have plenty of tables open. Nightly tournaments are pretty big (or use to be).
  • Like 1

I’ve never had much luck there, but it’s a very nice and large room with lots of tables running. It always felt to me like it had more pros than Aria, which also has a lot.


Sheldon Adelson owns it, so I try not to play there if I can avoid it.


1 hour ago, pearlandhorn said:

Headed out to Vegas in 3 weeks and staying at the Venetian for a conference.  Hitting the tables in the evenings.  How are games at the Venetian?  Thinking about 1/3 or 2/5 games.

Layout is decent. Dealers okay. I got pissed when they took away the free coffee they used to put out on the side of the room and lowered the comp amount. Will have plenty of games going, just monitor the BravoPoker app.

The 2/5 can play fairly big at times, allows buy in up to $1,000 (similar at Aria). If you want a more manageable 2/5 game then try Bellagio where buy in is capped at $500. 

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Lurch said:

Sheldon Adelson owns it, so I try not to play there if I can avoid it.


fucking this.

Posted (edited)

Fun hand at Coushatta over the weekend.  Playing 1/3 in the BB I get AJo.  Five limpers and the SB completes.  I raise it to $15.  Four callers including the SB.  Flop comes A78 rainbow.  SB checks, I bet $45, 3 callers including the SB.  Turn is another Ah, the second h on the board.  SB checks, I bet $100 leaving me about $180 still behind.  The two to act behind me have about the same size stack as I do but they both fold.  The SB goes all in for another $25.  I call.  He turns over 9Tc.  The river of course is a 6.

Edited by WBT
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Posted (edited)

A few thoughts:.

I don't love the preflop raise here.  AJo isn't that strong and in BB you're going to be out of position the rest of the hand.  Id rather just call here and be happy to fold without having put any money in the pot voluntarily.

That said, should you decide you want to raise AJo here, you need to have a reason.  That reason is to reduce the players in the pot to 2 or 3.  You currently have 7 players in including yourself and by raising to only $15 the first guy is going to assume a lot of the players behind him are going to join, so he has favorable odds to call.  Once he calls,  now the rest of them almost certainly will.  Jonathan Little suggests 3x the BB for the first limper, plus an additional BB for each subsequent limper.  In this case it would be 3x (the first limper) + 5x (one for each of the 5 subsequent) = 8BB.  So, instead of your $15, let's raise to $24.  Thinking back to the players at your table, how many do you think come in now?

Regardless, you were now in a $66 pot on the flop and I like your bet size of roughly 2/3rds in a normal hand with 1-2 other players, but here you have 5 to deal with on a super draw heavy board.  I think (?) I might have to go even heavier.  Perhaps full pot, but expecting at least 1 caller.

On turn, you have $240 in the pot and only bet $100.  Assuming anyone has the obvious straight draw, they are going to hit 16% of the time. You're asking them to pay $100 to win a pot of $440 (22%) if it is just one player which is bad for them (good for you), but because you have 3 players, you could be giving the second/third players legit calling odds (18% and 15% respectively).  Add in the possibility that some of their straight draw combos now include the heart draw and such players would have 30% equity.  I'd go $150 instead.

Edited by Lurch
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Posted (edited)

Thanks for the feedback.  On preflop I was keeping my raises standard to either 10 or 15.  There were other hands where I was surprised I was getting so many limpers calling my preflop raises so I guess it makes sense that I needed to go bigger.  And typing it up I realized I should have bet the turn harder (although in this particular hand I'm not sure if that mattered).   Just wished he had caught the other end of his straight.

Edited by WBT

You DEFINITELY don’t want to vary your preflop raise size based on your hand, so you were right minded there, but you do have to account for how many will call you and that includes the blinds and limpers that will feel priced in at certain bet sizings.


Before the first card is even dealt I’ve put an opening price in my head (usually $25 if I’m in early or middle position, $20 if I’m CO or BTN). I’m then adding $5 for each limper that comes in before me. By the time it’s my turn I already have my raise sized before I’ve even looked at my cards. It’s just a question of if I’m betting that or folding.


If someone has raised, I’m going 3x their raise+ 1x (not to be confused w 1BB) per limper behind them. Ie it’s usually going to completely price out anyone else from joining us to the flop. Or, I’m calling or folding.


Ie, if UTG and UTG+1 limps, then UTG+2 makes it $25 and it folds to me, I’m either betting $125, calling or folding. If I call, I do so knowing I’m about to enter a 4+ way flop where I should expect to lose a lot, and thus should be ready to fold vs little pressure. Ie, I really don’t want to just call here.

6 hours ago, bigup2dahorns said:

Layout is decent. Dealers okay. I got pissed when they took away the free coffee they used to put out on the side of the room and lowered the comp amount. Will have plenty of games going, just monitor the BravoPoker app.

The 2/5 can play fairly big at times, allows buy in up to $1,000 (similar at Aria). If you want a more manageable 2/5 game then try Bellagio where buy in is capped at $500. 

Thanks for the info from everyone.  I'll report back when I have some poker hands to report.


On a 3 game losing streak at the moment but this past Friday should've been a win but wasn't cause i'm a COMPLETE IDIOT!! I'm up $800-$1k in my 1/2/5 game and should be looking for shit to get into on a Friday night (sunday game moved cause of easter). I get AJ off and raise to $25 and get 4 callers. Flop comes Ac10c7x, old man goes all in for $225 WITH a speech about being ready to go. Now we all know this guy and we all know he has a good hand with that speech being made and i tank. For some reason my dumbass calls and of course he has AKc. I river two pair but he runner runners a one card flush on me. 

It was all downhill from there and it wasn't pretty. So unlike me to let something like that get me off my game. Need to pull my head out of my ass this week. 


But hey, i won the Surly March Madness Bracket Challenge. So i have that going for me, which is nice. 

On 3/28/2018 at 10:35 AM, Red Sundance said:

However you posted this it only shows up as white boxes with the black chrome  theme on. 

I'm not sure what's causing that either but you can click and highlight the text to see it.


I understand the hatred for Sheldon Adelson, but the Venetian is a target rich environment. Nice room and layout with drunk tourists everywhere deciding to give poker a try. 1/2 NL instead of 1/3 with lots of callers holding 3rd pair. Plus the food is good, $100 splash pots, bad beat payoffs, and 30 minute high hands are in play. I won $400 extra for winning with quad queens.

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