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Posted (edited)

Just had an amazing night out with 4 of my high school friends. We graduated 38 years ago. Some of the guys I have known since 4th grade. 46 years of my life I have known theses guys. 

I fell right back into the same bullshitting and checking as I always had with these guys. Nothing had changed. The stories started flowing and I started to wonder. Does everyone have these same friends ?

Do people still, at least casually hang with friends from 30 or 40 years ago?

Of course you younger fuckers, 30 thirty and below, can just fuck the right off. But, think about the friend you would have at my age. A friendship as long as your life today?

Edited by Crusher

Yep.  Exact same thing happened to me last summer... had to go back for mom's funeral (in D.C. area where I grew up). then I had to go back up for a month or so to oversee the fixing up of her house to sell.  It's funny how funerals can almost turn into mini-reunions, because a lot of people come out of the woodwork to pay homage that you normally wouldn't come across.

To be fair, I have one friend from H.S. who I have kept in touch with more or less the entire time (about the same as you).  But a few other friends with whom I lost contact for the most part.   There was a group of about 4 of us.. we went out one night and it was just like that... all the old magic/personalities, jokes, etc.  It was phenomenally enjoyable.

So yeah, I have those friends.  In fact, one of the 4 is in town this weekend actually, his son moved to Austin about 5 years ago and he's here to see him, I'm having lunch with him sometime in the next 3-4 days.  Another friend (not related to the 4) I re-connected with during that time and now we Skype every 2 weeks or so... it's been again tremendous.

To a degree I agree with the end of "Stand By Me" where Richard Dreyfuss at the very end of the movie is finishing up his script (which was essentially the movie we just saw) and at the end he writes:  

Although I haven't seen him in more than ten years I know I'll miss him forever. I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anybody?

I believe that a lot... my childhood (pre-18) years' friends at least for me have been by far my best.
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Posted (edited)

Yep, still hang with 2 of my friends from jr high. We grew up together, drinking, hanging out, fucking up, playing football, baseball.

You fall right back into the juvenile life you lived back then... or is it you've never grown up, and you can just let it out when you hang with your boys.....

Edited by Onboard 2.0
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Crusher said:

Just had an amazing night out with 4 of my high school friends. We graduated 38 years ago. Some of the guys I have known since 4th grade. 46 years of my life I have known theses guys. 

I fell right back into the same bullshitting and checking as I always had with these guys. Nothing had changed. The stories started flowing and I started to wonder. Does everyone have these same friends ?

Do people still, at least casually hang with friends from 30 or 40 years ago?

Of course you younger fuckers, 30 thirty and below, can just fuck the right off. But, think about the friend you would have at my age. A friendship as long as your life today?



Is "checking" a Texas term for gay butt sex?  Because if so, then no.........NTTIAWWT.

Edited by Whitman
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100% of my friends nowadays are either neighbors or parents of my kids’ classmates.

I haven’t spoken to anyone from my hometown in 25 years other than once a few years ago when I met my HS best friend at Posse East for trivia night. I haven’t spoken to any college friends in 20 years. All my close friends all left Austin after college and back in the 90s without social media, it was much easier to let relationships lapse.


My core group of friends are the ones I hung out with in high school 15 years ago. All still live in the same town.

Our fb chat is basically that group plus a couple of outsiders from the neighboring town. So yea.. I talk to my high school friends pretty much daily


Been thinking about starting a thread similar to this about modern friendship. 


33yo here and my core group is made up of guys I've known since 3rd grade. The last time I made a legit platonic friend was 10 yrs ago thru work. I can't imagine being a person that doesn't have that bedrock social infrastructure, but none of my siblings really kept contact with their friends so I guess I'm the weird one maybe 

18 hours ago, GotThatFire said:

 All of my friends growing up were degenerate fuck ups. Only one dude would I hang out with today and I’ve “known” him since our moms walked us around the neighborhood in strollers. 


my buddies went in a million different directions.

One is developing new magnetic imagery for the military. He had low self esteem in HS because he’s not very book smart- he was more the shop/auto type of student-so feels he needs to explain how intellegent and important he is now. Dude has literally invented some cool shit, but I’m more of a portal to HS times for him to feel better about how shitty his teens were. 

One became a professional race car driver. Now he is a kept man in Atlanta. It’s as much fun talking to him as you’d expect, 10 good stories mixed in with 1000 boring stories. He sent me a Christmas card I haven’t opened yet.

one ODed. No Christmas card there.

one is a marine biologist and is in Thailand doing research. He was my best friend but he’s gone native, married a Thai girl and plans to live there the rest of his life. Developed a nice animosity and light hatered for the US he likes to talk about all the time, so our communication is mostly with emojis. 

One actually lives down the street from me. Like, walking distance. I happened to see his address and that he’s married to the same dumb chick he was with when he was 15. He hit me up thru linked in saying how I was one of his best friends, was there for him, was a pivotal personality in his life and we need to get together, yada yada. 

I wrote him back saying hi and we should get a drink sometime. That was 2 yrs ago. 





The friends I have the longest relationship with are the neighbor kids who lived next door to us in MN. They were a large family of 8 kids, and 3 of them were identical ages as my 2 older sisters & me so we were always connected that way. They all still live in MN while my sisters & I left there almost 35 years ago. But our bond with that family will never be broken. We always reconnect with them when we get back. 

I have almost no friends from HS that I still communicate with regularly. Just didn't make that type of connection in 4 years.


No one on earth knows me (and doesn't judge me, nor do I judge him) more than my childhood best friend.  We know each other's darkest secrets, and bury each other's skeletons in the closet.  We act like we're teenagers still (with each other), and we don't care.

I thing the strongest bond is the fact that we do not judge one another.

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There were probably 5-6 guys that I was the closest to in high school. A couple disappeared after graduation, and I have no idea where they are. One - always the most eccentric - has really become an odd duck. Hear from him now and then on FB, but hard to have a normal conversation. He's usually doing something completely different with a completely different wife / family. Another become a surgeon, and his egomania - always there in high school - became out of control to the point where he sells socks with his picture and tickets to his own birthday party, so not a lot in common.

The remaining four it is like high school whenever we get together. We don't see each other much, but it is always had been awesome when we did for reunions or other stuff. Unfortunately, my closest friend has really become a political kook and dedicated his life to social media politics, so he has become intolerable to the point of verbally abusing my mom for disagreeing with him. One owns a brewery but not close to home. Another finds himself in my situation, so we see each other a few times a week these days. He's a aggy, but I've been able to fight through that. Plus, he lives with a stripper, so he has more on his plate than talking dumbo. The final guy and I have gotten a lot closer during the past 10 years, and his and my wife are long-distance buddies. He's living a happy, middle class blue collar life in my hometown and may be the happiest of all of us.

Realize no one cares - but it was cathartic. Agree for many there is nothing like the guys you grew up with and never will be. I enjoy my time with them more than anyone.


"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve.  Jesus, does anyone?"  

-the guy in Stand by Me  

Still rings true today.  

Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Monica and Rachel won't return my calls. 

But Chandler won't fucking stop calling you, amiright? 


PS: I'm half ashamed I even know who these characters are. 

Edited by Underdog

My two best friends from 1st grade (1968) are still in my top 3 of best friends.  We grew up in DFW area and all found our ways to Houston. 

We stayed together through births, deaths, divorces, lost jobs, and every other negative aspect of life.  We’ve pissed each other off so much we wanted to strangle each other.  Every dark secret has been shared and kept. Every personal weakness and frailty has been divulged and acknowledged.

After all of that we always laugh, joke and love each other like brothers.  The good times are good.  The bad times have softer landings .

Ive been blessed. 

  • Like 1

First of all, I'm surprised anyone on this site actually has any friends at all.

That having been said, I still talk on a semi-regular basis with several of my friends from middle school. Haven't spoken to my elementary school best friend pretty much ever since he left the DOJ anti-trust division to go to work for the law firm representing the company he'd been prosecuting for five years. He was an SJW before it was cool, and then completely sold his soul once he became a lawyer. His personal life kinda reflects that, too, so... yeah, we aren't really close any more.

My good friends, though, are all people I've met in the past 20 years or so. A handful of them are actually aggy, but almost by definition, if they know me and like me, they are 2%ers.


I have a group of about 7-8 friends all who I've known at the very least since high school, most of them from elementary school or before. For three of them, their mothers were sorority sisters / roommates with my mother at UT. I've known those guys essentially since before we were born and talk/text to them almost daily. Someone once told us, "Man... it's really cool that you guys have been friends for 40 years but it's kinda fucked up that you haven't made any new friends in 40 years."

Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Armybrat said:

Being an Army brat, all of my friends from those days are dead or scattered. Post-military dependent friends are dead or live too far to socialize with nowadays.

Does it help that we at least we get to see and read about them in books?  I always liked Houston, Crockett and Bowie.  

Edited by RollLeft
  • Haha 1

My best friends are those I made at Lake Travis Elementary and Middle school. We've known each other for 40+ years. We all get together at least once every two years for a good long weekend of inside jokes and celebrations of lives lived well. Plus I see the other guys a few times here and there in between on work trips, vacations, etc. Just saw my best friend from 2nd grade in LA last week and it was awesome.


The group I ran with in HS consisted of 5 guys counting myself. Two were raised together by single moms that were best friends. The other two had both parents but their dads were raging alcoholics, not bad guys just couldn’t leave the bottle alone. One those I met in the 3rd grade. He was the first friend I made when I moved to this town. He was the best friend I have ever had or will have. Unfortunately he died suddenly of cancer almost four years ago. He was like a brother to me. I still think about him every day. The other three I see from time to time but I guess the friendships kind of faded. We all have different lives now and just not that much in common any more. 


I grew up a USAF brat, so I learned early that making friends didn't usually end well. They'd move away or I would. I graduated HS over 25 years ago, I only have one friend left from those days that I talk to and he's retired in Alaska. Just Facebook posts a couple of times a month.

I have 2 best friends that I met on the job when we were all 19. Been friends through marriages, a divorce, parents dying, etc. I'd give either one the shirt off of my back. We don't get to hang out as much, family commitments or what have you. But when we do, it's the best. No gay shit, though.

13 hours ago, Doc Reeves said:


my buddies went in a million different directions.

One is developing new magnetic imagery for the military. He had low self esteem in HS because he’s not very book smart- he was more the shop/auto type of student-so feels he needs to explain how intellegent and important he is now. Dude has literally invented some cool shit, but I’m more of a portal to HS times for him to feel better about how shitty his teens were. 

One became a professional race car driver. Now he is a kept man in Atlanta. It’s as much fun talking to him as you’d expect, 10 good stories mixed in with 1000 boring stories. He sent me a Christmas card I haven’t opened yet.

one ODed. No Christmas card there.

one is a marine biologist and is in Thailand doing research. He was my best friend but he’s gone native, married a Thai girl and plans to live there the rest of his life. Developed a nice animosity and light hatered for the US he likes to talk about all the time, so our communication is mostly with emojis. 

One actually lives down the street from me. Like, walking distance. I happened to see his address and that he’s married to the same dumb chick he was with when he was 15. He hit me up thru linked in saying how I was one of his best friends, was there for him, was a pivotal personality in his life and we need to get together, yada yada. 

I wrote him back saying hi and we should get a drink sometime. That was 2 yrs ago. 




That is some sad shit...


I don't really have friends. I have pleasant acquaintances I work with.  I have some buds that I'll road trip to games with when we're all working the same game, but other than a get together with some other photographers for the odd lunch, I can't recall the last time I got together with someone that didn't involve business. The only social situations I'm ever involved with are either work related or because my wife wants to invite the neighbors over. 

I teach full time, then teach some classes on the side, and do photography as a side business. By the end of the day, I've had all the social interaction I want. 

I don't look back. I don't interact with anyone I knew in high school or college. Had a great time at both, but feel no need to go back and find people from then. I worked 20 years at Austin Fire. Had a great time. Retired and left eighteen years ago. That part of my life is over, and I have no need to go back and relive old times. Just finished twenty years at the college where I teach. Don't know how much longer I'll be there, but when I leave, I'll move on to the next thing. 

I've had a couple of times in my life where I tried to go back to something I'd left, and as far as I'm concerned, Thomas Wolfe was right. You can't go home again. Every time I went back to something I'd left, all I found were shadows of the past. 

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Posted (edited)

This thread saddens me. Today marks 2 years since my best friend, I'd known my whole life, the type of guy you're describing, passed away at the age of 36. He died suddenly, totally unexpected, of a massive heart attack at his desk. Leaving behind his wife and two daughters, aged 3 and 6 at the time. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my buddy. At least once a day, I'll glance over at a photo that I have on an end table in my office. It is of the two of us, smiling bigger than hell, holding up two of the biggest slab crappie that you've ever seen. We caught 42 that day. 

Edited by lateshow

Yes. However, what I find more amazing is the bond I have with some of my buddies from college. The lasting relationships I built in just 4 years with some friends is pretty amazing and I guess what makes college so unique.  

1 hour ago, lateshow said:

This thread saddens me. Today marks 2 years since my best friend, I'd known my whole life, the type of guy you're describing, passed away at the age of 36. He died suddenly, totally unexpected, of a massive heart attack at his desk. Leaving behind his wife and two daughters, aged 3 and 6 at the time. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my buddy. At least once a day, I'll glance over at a photo that I have on an end table in my office. It is of the two of us, smiling bigger than hell, holding up two of the biggest slab crappie that you've ever seen. We caught 42 that day. 

My best bud died just over 4 years ago in his sleep at age 48.  Still think about him daily.  I still talk with his wife and kids occasionally, but it is a bit odd.  

Posted (edited)

I've got three buddies that I've known since Kindergarten, so 30 years.  We still hang out a few times a year, but don't converse super regularly.  When we get together it's like nothing has ever changed.  We get drunk and play Goldeneye and Mario Kart on N64.

My best bud that I hang out with weekly I've known for close to 20 years.  We worked at K-Mart together back in high school and while I was in college, but we never went to the same schools. 

Edited by ulukinatme

How many close friends does a guy really have during those growing up years? Half a dozen? What are the odds that they'd all die prematurely and you find yourself with nobody to talk to about the good ol' days? 

One died in a car crash, one died from complications from pneumonia, one was lost overboard on an aircraft carrier, one died of cancer and one committed suicide. 

My advice is keep your distance.

How many close friends does a guy really have during those growing up years? Half a dozen? What are the odds that they'd all die prematurely and you find yourself with nobody to talk to about the good ol' days? 
One died in a car crash, one died from complications from pneumonia, one was lost overboard on an aircraft carrier, one died of cancer and one committed suicide. 
My advice is keep your distance.
Away from you? Certainly
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I have 2 hometowns: The small town I lived in from birth through 8th grade and the DFW suburb we moved to in '97 for the 4 years of HS.  This left me with 2 sets of close friends.  I still keep in touch with 5-6 from each place and it is always like old times when we get together.  We get hammered and bust each others' balls (figuratively, not literally).  The only college friends I keep in touch with are the ones I knew previously and I have 5-6 more close friends I have made in adulthood.  

Lost 2 of my close friends: 1 to suicide 1 month before graduating HS & another 4 years ago when he got strep throat and his throat closed up on him so fast it suffocated him before the EMT crew could save him.

42 minutes ago, ernest_t_bass said:

WTF!?  That's a thing!?  As a parent, this terrifies me.

Yeah it was unheard of to everyone.  He had gotten sick and his throat was itchy for a couple of days.  Then he was home alone one day and he was struggling to breathe so he called 911 and his throat was so swollen not even a tracheotomy could save him.  He was 31 & we didn't find out what actually killed him until the autopsy results came back 6 weeks later.

I too am a parent and it's pretty scary.


Just got word my best friend that I’ve known from 3rd grade died yesterday.

She was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when we were freshmen in college. She’s had a really rough go of it health wise since then.

Kidney and pancreas transplants around 10 years ago.

Back in the summer she was hospitalized for a month with kidney problems and they were fearful she was rejecting them.

I spoke with her around Thanksgiving and she said she was doing fine but she was always one to minimize any issues.

Her birthday is New Year’s Eve and I texted her but she didn’t respond. I was wondering if she was in the hospital again.

She was in a coma. Her mom called me this morning.

She never married or had kids because she didn’t want to burden anyone with her health issues.

I loved her like a sister and she knew me better than anyone on earth.

My heart is broken. I’m going to miss her like crazy.

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