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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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2 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

Scott Walker is an almost perfect representation of the serious person wing of the Republican Party. He's like Paul Ryan, except Walker watched part of Atlas Shrugged instead of reading the whole thing. 

And he quit halfway through so he could campaign for public office by railing against actual public servants.

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2 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

yeah well those intel chiefs are obviously libtards because they don't see the fact that the biggest threat to our country is a group of women and kids trying to escape certain death.

Cowards and bullies like trump and the trumpkins are only comfortable attacking the weak like some pathetic migrant caravan. When confronted with a real threat like ISIS or the Norks they turn tail and run, then declare victory after they have safely retreated. 

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3 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Trump lies like we breath; it's involuntary at this point.  However, it's probably more along the lines of Walker, the State of Wisconsin, Trump and whoever was all on board with this were played by Foxconn.

If anyone needs to be grateful this didn't come to pass, it's the State of Wisconsin.  Walker committed billions in tax breaks that they now don't have to cover.   Sure, that's potential money lost after 25 years, but who's to say Foxconn will even be in business then:


Edit.  I stand corrected. Wisconsin has already spent a boatload of cash, and thanks to the Wisconsin GOP, will spend a boatload more:





I heard Rush yesterday talking about how he and his fellow fiscal conservatives are the only ones who raise the issue of cost particularly regarding universal healthcare. We can't afford it! The debt is exploding. The bill will come around, but nobody listens because they've been hoodwinked by the left into thinking cost is no problem.

Maybe cost is a good argument. In fact, we should review all costs and decide if we're spending wisely (of course we're not) and where to cut. But the gall of Rush and his followers staking out the territory of fiscal conservatism is pretty much unsurpassed. They do not hesitate to fill the trough for big business,  banks, and the wealthy.

The charade has become a cult and now the voice of fiscal responsibility is lost in the cacophony of bullshit discourse led by the biggest bullshitter of the modern age.

This Wisconsin fiasco is sickening. Follow the money on this one, too. I smell kickbacks.

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8 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

I heard Rush yesterday talking about how he and his fellow fiscal conservatives are the only ones who raise the issue of cost particularly regarding universal healthcare. We can't afford it! The debt is exploding. The bill will come around, but nobody listens because they've been hoodwinked by the left into thinking cost is no problem.

Maybe cost is a good argument. In fact, we should review all costs and decide if we're spending wisely (of course we're not) and where to cut. But the gall of Rush and his followers staking out the territory of fiscal conservatism is pretty much unsurpassed. They do not hesitate to fill the trough for big business,  banks, and the wealthy.

The charade has become a cult and now the voice of fiscal responsibility is lost in the cacophony of bullshit discourse led by the biggest bullshitter of the modern age.

This Wisconsin fiasco is sickening. Follow the money on this one, too. I smell kickbacks.

The GOPs current state of absolute corruption is darker than a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night. There is no bottom.

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God wanted Michael Cohen to record conversations so he put a tape recorder on Michael Cohen and God wanted a thing to float around Ted Cruz's mouth until Ted ate the thing and God wanted us all to see the thing on Ted Cruz's mouth and ask 'oh, God, what is that thing?' 

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Well that's fun to get home and hear God apparently has it out for the good 'ol US of A since He hand-picked Dotard for us according to this steaming pile of monkey dung.

I go to church and enjoy it. Not as often as I want to, but I get there. I take a detour with these cretins like Sanders on many things and this is one of them. I believe there should be a separation of church and state. As strong as I feel about my beliefs I do not want those beliefs governing a country of 330 million plus people.

We are a diverse nation and we should not be pushing Christianity on anyone. There are many different faiths and that's okay by me and it should be okay with every Christian. (Yeah I know how that goes over with the Southern Baptists or a sizable chunk of the Bible Belt). Do not use the Christian faith as a governing principle, especially when you have a president who has never even read the Bible.


Edited by UpperWestside
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3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

This is the same God who killed almost everyone on earth in a flood. Who destroyed cities in anger. Who beset Egypt with plagues.

Yep, this is actually starting to make sense, the theology is sound.

Who among us has not sent bears to destroy kids because they called some guy "baldy"?

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On 1/29/2019 at 3:12 PM, Asithappens said:

Yet another in a long list of reasons why today's Republican is just one stupid motherfucker. 


What has happened to the GOP? When I was a kid, they were the party of dull, fiscal responsibility, accountability, reason. 

What in the blue fuck has happened to that party? 

They never were. They just told you they were but behind the scenes were completely wasteful corporate ass kissing criminals. 

Well, unless you were a kid before WW1

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43 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

Who among us has not sent bears to destroy kids because they called some guy "baldy"?

I don't remember that part of the bible, but it wouldn't surprise me. There's a lot of messed up stuff in there that they didn't teach in Sunday school.

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