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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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6 minutes ago, Player said:


Because he wants what he wants, and he wants it NOW, dammit. 

And he shut down the government for wall funding, for a wall that either Mexico is paying for, or is already paid for and we are building.  The utter stupidity of his followers is fucking amazing.

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6 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:



Well, you see, the economy is like an extra-large pizza with a lot of toppings. Lots and lots of toppings. Don't forget the cheesy crust. 

You gots your pepperoni, your green pepper, your mushroom. Hell, some sickos even like pineapple and anchovy. 

I have experience with extra-large pizzas, so I's got the requisite experience to sit on the Federal Reserve Board. 

Nein! Nein! Nein!

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The desert is a good place to get yourself killed. If you are driving a vehicle, you will stand out and have no place to go. The roads (if any) suck and most of the time you have no cover. Your vehicle better be in good working order. It’s a great natural barrier.

I feel 2nd graders could grasp this concept.

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35 minutes ago, Js1 said:


While Trump is busy trying to build a wall to stop a problem that doesn't exist, BP agents are putting a low level trafficker in jail and holding a press conference with dope on the table. They're busy not stopping a problem that does exist. The whole thing is such a farce.

Why can't they admit that the War on Drugs has been an abject failure? It's the reason Central Americans are fleeing the cartels to seek asylum in the U.S. It's the reason for the corruption and high murder rates in Mexico (which I assume have been incorrectly reported by the Dotard simply because he said it). It's bad enough that for nearly forty years we've been wasting time and money battling symptoms rather than addressing the disease. Now we've got an Idiot in Chief who's going in the wrong direction trying to apply a tourniquet for a paper cut. 

We are so fucking stupid. 

Edited by WhatTheBuck
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1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:


This kind of bullshit really, really infuriates me. Or, if you're a Sarah Palin fan, infuridiates me.

I love America (and hate Trump). I think Mexico is a friendly nation and, while we may not be "lucky" to have them as southern neighbors, they are a net benefit. Mexicans (and other latinos), in my experience work hard and contribute to our society. Fuck the white dipshits who insult them. Fuck. Them.  

Do I want unlimited immigration? No. But let's not go full retard here. Why not help them out? Is that not the Christian way to do things? I think so. 

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6 minutes ago, Js1 said:

WEAK ON CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Nancy and Ronnie.

When the reality is exactly the opposite. It's turned out to be a pro-crime, pro-incarceration policy. It's created a criminal-industrial complex with the cartels, the police, the lawyers, and the private prisons all profiting from the ongoing dysfunction. And the drug problem isn't going away. It will never go away. There will always be a demand so there will always be a supply. Always. No matter what we do to try to stop it. 

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39 minutes ago, Asithappens said:


Do I want unlimited immigration? No. But let's not go full retard here. Why not help them out? Is that not the Christian way to do things? I think so. 

Lulz.   Your definition of Christianity and what is put forward as Christianity today by mainstream evangelicals contradicts each other.


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1 hour ago, longhornmatt said:

Q: Mr. Chairman, how do you explain the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented decision to dramatically increase interest rates to 9.99%?

A: Well, 9.99 is what Pizza Hut is doing for a regular one-topping on pan crust, so we felt it was a market rate.


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2 hours ago, Asithappens said:

This kind of bullshit really, really infuriates me. Or, if you're a Sarah Palin fan, infuridiates me.

I love America (and hate Trump). I think Mexico is a friendly nation and, while we may not be "lucky" to have them as southern neighbors, they are a net benefit. Mexicans (and other latinos), in my experience work hard and contribute to our society. Fuck the white dipshits who insult them. Fuck. Them.  

Do I want unlimited immigration? No. But let's not go full retard here. Why not help them out? Is that not the Christian way to do things? I think so. 

I thought you might be going somewhere else with this.

Like that this is a stunt and she is guest of Dem lawmaker or higher up.

I agree with what you say, but 5 beers into a pre vacation Thursday, and with out reading one word of what is actually happening with this guest, my guess is political stunt. Which is going to be easily discredited or minimized and seen for what it is by actual thinking people.  Also , said guest is being taken advantage of politically.

This is not even a big deal.  Even though DT is not a billionaire, he is somewhat wealthy and has no way of personally ensuring that sort of thing does not happen in his enterprises. Hell, I don't even think it is a bad thing unless she wasn't paid a decent competitive wage.

This is just one more example of of going for low hanging fruit which  is distracting us from any number of more important up front issues, which are also distracting us from even more important issues that are going on in the background.

The wall is such a crazy idea, that with even popular support and a real problem would almost impossible to pull off even in the long term....and yet here we a are .

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Donald Trump is an enemy of the state. That seems like grounds for impeachment and removal from office. He's aiding and abetting our enemies. Willingly or not, he's an asset of hostile foreign intelligence services. Regardless of collusion with the Russians to corrupt the electoral process he's an existential threat to national security. That should be enough. 

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4 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Donald Trump is an enemy of the state. That seems like grounds for impeachment and removal from office. He's aiding and abetting our enemies. Willingly or not, he's an asset of hostile foreign intelligence services. Regardless of collusion with the Russians to corrupt the electoral process he's an existential threat to national security. That should be enough. 

reminds of the bucky lagrange bit from family guy.  maybe not malicious but certainly inept and detrimental to the country


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