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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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Actually, Trump didn't just run on his personal opposition to gay marriage, he said he opposed the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell and suggested that he'd appoint judges who would overturn it (and he has, in fact, appointed judges who oppose gay marriage):

"WALLACE:  But, Mr. Trump, let's take one issue.  You say now that the Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is the law of the land and that any politician who talks about wanting to amend the Constitution is just playing politics.  Are you saying it's time to move on?

TRUMP:  No, I'm saying this.  It has been ruled up.  It has been there.  If I'm a, you know, if I'm elected, I would be very strong on putting certain judges on the bench that I think maybe could change things.

But they've got a long way to go.  I mean at some point, we have to get back down to business.  But there’s no question about it.  I mean most -- and most people feel this way.

They have ruled on it.  I wish that it was done by the state.  I don't like the way they ruled.  I disagree with the Supreme Court from the standpoint they should have given the state -- it should be a states' rights issue.  And that's the way it should have been ruled on, Chris, not the way they did it.

This is a very surprising ruling.  And I -- I can see changes coming down the line, frankly.  But I would have much preferred that they ruled at a state level and allowed the states to make those rulings themselves.

WALLACE: But -- but just to button this up very quickly, sir, are you saying that if you become president, you might try to appoint justices to overrule the decision on same-sex marriage?

TRUMP: I would strongly consider that, yes."



" Tapper asked him again what he would say to a lesbian or gay man who was married and pressed him on traditional marriage.

“I really don’t say anything,” Trump said. “I am just, Jake, I’m for traditional marriage.”

And when the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide:


Edited by Mojo Hand
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 Tapper asked him again what he would say to a lesbian or gay man who was married and pressed him on traditional marriage.

“I really don’t say anything,” Trump said. “I am just, Jake, I’m for traditional marriage marriages where you cheat on your pregnant third wife by raw dogging porn stars. You know, traditional Christian marriages”

And when the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide:





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4 minutes ago, David Dennison said:


I'm starting to hate the idea of pushing this type of poll data on a regular. It has a subconscious impact on voters. It can nudge people to abandon their primary candidate because they think they do not have a shot. It also has an impact of thinking that someone will win so large that it doesn't matter if you vote (Hillary/Trump). 

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12 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

Actually, Trump didn't just run on his personal opposition to gay marriage, he said he opposed the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell and suggested that he'd appoint judges who would overturn it (and he has, in fact, appointed judges who oppose gay marriage):

"WALLACE:  But, Mr. Trump, let's take one issue.  You say now that the Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is the law of the land and that any politician who talks about wanting to amend the Constitution is just playing politics.  Are you saying it's time to move on?

TRUMP:  No, I'm saying this.  It has been ruled up.  It has been there.  If I'm a, you know, if I'm elected, I would be very strong on putting certain judges on the bench that I think maybe could change things.

But they've got a long way to go.  I mean at some point, we have to get back down to business.  But there’s no question about it.  I mean most -- and most people feel this way.

They have ruled on it.  I wish that it was done by the state.  I don't like the way they ruled.  I disagree with the Supreme Court from the standpoint they should have given the state -- it should be a states' rights issue.  And that's the way it should have been ruled on, Chris, not the way they did it.

This is a very surprising ruling.  And I -- I can see changes coming down the line, frankly.  But I would have much preferred that they ruled at a state level and allowed the states to make those rulings themselves.

WALLACE: But -- but just to button this up very quickly, sir, are you saying that if you become president, you might try to appoint justices to overrule the decision on same-sex marriage?

TRUMP: I would strongly consider that, yes."



" Tapper asked him again what he would say to a lesbian or gay man who was married and pressed him on traditional marriage.

“I really don’t say anything,” Trump said. “I am just, Jake, I’m for traditional marriage.”

And when the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide:


Trump has very strong convictions on marriage. It's very important to him. He has invested a lot of money in his numerous weddings. 

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16 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

Actually, Trump didn't just run on his personal opposition to gay marriage, he said he opposed the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell and suggested that he'd appoint judges who would overturn it (and he has, in fact, appointed judges who oppose gay marriage):

"WALLACE:  But, Mr. Trump, let's take one issue.  You say now that the Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is the law of the land and that any politician who talks about wanting to amend the Constitution is just playing politics.  Are you saying it's time to move on?

TRUMP:  No, I'm saying this.  It has been ruled up.  It has been there.  If I'm a, you know, if I'm elected, I would be very strong on putting certain judges on the bench that I think maybe could change things.

But they've got a long way to go.  I mean at some point, we have to get back down to business.  But there’s no question about it.  I mean most -- and most people feel this way.

They have ruled on it.  I wish that it was done by the state.  I don't like the way they ruled.  I disagree with the Supreme Court from the standpoint they should have given the state -- it should be a states' rights issue.  And that's the way it should have been ruled on, Chris, not the way they did it.

This is a very surprising ruling.  And I -- I can see changes coming down the line, frankly.  But I would have much preferred that they ruled at a state level and allowed the states to make those rulings themselves.

WALLACE: But -- but just to button this up very quickly, sir, are you saying that if you become president, you might try to appoint justices to overrule the decision on same-sex marriage?

TRUMP: I would strongly consider that, yes."



" Tapper asked him again what he would say to a lesbian or gay man who was married and pressed him on traditional marriage.

“I really don’t say anything,” Trump said. “I am just, Jake, I’m for traditional marriage.”

And when the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide:



Good lord, that spanking has got to sting.

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29 minutes ago, yoladu said:

What has happened to you, man? You are better than this.

While I disagree with your premise, the answer is that Trump is the perfect storm for exposing that about 90% of Republicans are total frauds.  It's easy to espouse conservative principles to thwart a Democratic president. The test comes when those principles come into conflict with party loyalty and personal self-interest.  Trump offers Rs partisan identity and pure self-interest with none of the conservative principles, and most Rs ate it right up. 

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33 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

Trump ran as opposed to gay marriage.  As far as I know, he is still opposed to it.   The most I've heard from him is that the legal issue was settled by the Supreme Court. 

Quoting nitwit posters is like receiving a an email containing a link to an infected site and then forwarding that email to someone else to warn them.  Regardless what you think you're doing, you're propagating the shit.

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38 minutes ago, yoladu said:

What has happened to you, man? You are better than this.

this timeline we are in has highlighted to me that there is a virulent strain of asshole out there that was always bubbling under the surface. these assholes were always there, but trump has emboldened them to speak their thoughts aloud rather than keep them to themselves. because he is chief asshole, other assholes think that they can now also publicly asshole about without ramification. of course, they do not realize that by assholing around with reckless abandon, they are ruining any positive opinion people might have of them, but it doesn't matter to them, because asshole.

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3 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

Quoting nitwit posters is like receiving a an email containing a link to an infected site and then forwarding that email to someone else to warn them.  Regardless what you think you're doing, you're propagating the shit.

Yeah I rarely do it anymore, but I couldn't let the blatantly false factual claim pass after a few people didn't correct it.  Trump pretends to be pro-LGBT, but doesn't actually have the positions to support it. 

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6 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

While I disagree with your premise, the answer is that Trump is the perfect storm for exposing that about 90% of Republicans are total frauds.  It's easy to espouse conservative principles to thwart a Democratic president. The test comes when those principles come into conflict with party loyalty and personal self-interest.  Trump offers Rs partisan identity and pure self-interest with none of the conservative principles, and most Rs ate it right up. 

and also this 100%. posrep.

but i still think they are also assholes.

Edited by hayden_horn
asshole asshole asshole
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4 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

this timeline we are in has highlighted to me that there is a virulent strain of asshole out there that was always bubbling under the surface. these assholes were always there, but trump has emboldened them to speak their thoughts aloud rather than keep them to themselves. because he is chief asshole, other assholes think that they can now also publicly asshole about without ramification. of course, they do not realize that by assholing around with reckless abandon, they are ruining any positive opinion people might have of them, but it doesn't matter to them, because asshole.

It goes well with the "win at all cost" philosophy. One that Trump built his brand on. Problem is, that mentality is only great for a small subset of individuals and horrible for the country as a whole. 

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9 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

this timeline we are in has highlighted to me that there is a virulent strain of asshole out there that was always bubbling under the surface. these assholes were always there, but trump has emboldened them to speak their thoughts aloud rather than keep them to themselves. because he is chief asshole, other assholes think that they can now also publicly asshole about without ramification. of course, they do not realize that by assholing around with reckless abandon, they are ruining any positive opinion people might have of them, but it doesn't matter to them, because asshole.

Ha.  Reminds me of that little gem of a book from a couple of years ago "Asshole, A Theory".  Alas, there is nothing to be done with one.


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1 hour ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

There's a special Vietnam Veteran's Day, a separate day from the real Veteran's day?

Fucking baby boomers have ruined everything. 

You can blame Obama ...

On March 29, 2012, President Obama proclaimed March 29, 2012, as Vietnam Veterans Day. The proclamation called "upon all Americans to observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities that commemorate the 50 year anniversary of the Vietnam War."

or Trump ...

On March 28, 2017, President Trump signed the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017. This act officially recognizes March 29 as National Vietnam War Veterans Day. The Act also includes the day among those days on which the US flag should especially be displayed.

link ...



BTW, I know a few of my fellow Vietnam Vets who would rather forget about their experience in SE Asia.

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I'm not fully on board with renewables in plenty of circumstances, based on economic reason, but for fuck's sake Texas can derive over 50% of its demand from wind at certain times.  I'm sure given this information, Trump would say "50% is not 100%" and then he babble on more about what happens when the wind isn't blowing, because who would expect him to understand energy storage?

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3 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:


I wish during the debates someone would play that clip and ask him to name the Great Lakes.

Well there's uh,

Lake Melania

Lake Ivanka

Lake Eric

Lake Donald Jr.

Lake Baron

Am I missing anyone? Nope, that's my entire family.  Every single one of them, including my only daughter. 

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1 hour ago, yoladu said:

What has happened to you, man? You are better than this.

Trust fund Johnny? Nah, he's always been a pretty shitty human who never misses an opportunity to remind everyone how much money he has, who he knows, and how important he is in Houston. Why, just last week at the Country club, I ran into....

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5 minutes ago, Message Board User said:


Given it very unlikely Trump realizes there is a cap locks feature on his iPhone, I imagine this fucking idiot spending a couple minutes individually capitalizing each letter while his secretary is holding off some CIA briefer waiting at his door to discuss a new terrorist threat. "He is busy right now". 

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18 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

I'm not fully on board with renewables in plenty of circumstances, based on economic reason, but for fuck's sake Texas can derive over 50% of its demand from wind at certain times.  I'm sure given this information, Trump would say "50% is not 100%" and then he babble on more about what happens when the wind isn't blowing, because who would expect him to understand energy storage?

You'd think he or somebody in his administration understood what the hell a battery is.  I'd love for this to be a question in a national televised debate or SNL skit. 

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Federal Government Spending Reaches Highest Level Since the Last Time a Democrat Had To Rescue the Economy After a Republican Administration Was Drunk at the Wheel

@Johnny Sack is a fiscal conservative that thinks federal government spending is out of control. He's impressed with the job Trump has done reigning in federal spending.

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15 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Do it, dumbfuck. Do it. I’m sick of him twirling the cylinder and cocking he hammer over and over with the gun pointed at our head. Pull the trigger. Kill the economy. Do it, pussy.



Maybe THIS time people would learn a fucking lesson and not elect a fucking moron to the presidency.


Or maybe not.

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