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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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11 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:


OK, it's not entirely clear what the bar chart is trying to break down, but let's assume it's saying 49/100 voters (?) approve of Trump's performance, 50/100 don't, and 1/100 didn't respond.

Does it occur to you that the 39/26 split on strong held feelings REALLY REALLY REALLY looks bad for Trump?

LOL.  Got any other polls you want us to consider?

Does it occur to you the the 50-48 split among Hispanics REALLY REALLY REALLY looks good for Trump?

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14 minutes ago, bolverk said:

Since you seem to be so interested in polling data, I'm providing you a link to peruse the results of a fuck ton that are updated throughout the day, every day.


I hope you enjoy it!

Man, Rasmussen is such an outlier. Based, it appears, solely on their poll being limited to "Likely Voters". Anybody know how they differentiate between "likely voters" and "registered voters"? Not sure if it's based simply on asking the respondent if they are likely to vote or if it is data driven based on age, ethnicity, etc.. 

Those results are starkly different. 

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8 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

Does it occur to you the the 50-48 split among Hispanics REALLY REALLY REALLY looks good for Trump?

Well, no, because those results are reflected in the overall data.  You need to understand that the people most likely to vote are the people who feel most strongly about what they're voting for.

Now, if you'd like to ask me why I could imagine Hispanics in general would basically be split on the topic of Trump's job performance, I'd have to say "I have no idea and this poll looks like a giant piece of bad work in action".  But hey, you gotta take the good with the bad.  Let's get back to the strongly held opinions . . . <literally laughing here>

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2 hours ago, Bama Chick said:


Why is he absolutely shocked at the number of Q supporters at a trump biker rally/wrestlemania event? The only thing that would be shocking was if there wasn’t any Q supporters at that hate fest. 

Trump and the trumpkins are an absolute joke. 

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1 hour ago, EMAWesome said:

Does it occur to you the the 50-48 split among Hispanics REALLY REALLY REALLY looks good for Trump?

Here is a link to the poll itself. 1,000 samples, 11.1% of them were Hispanic. 


Here is another poll taken on the same day. 3,002 samples, 14% of them were Hispanic. 69% Disapprove of Trump, 31% Approve of Trump. 


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1 hour ago, shnsajax said:

Here is a link to the poll itself. 1,000 samples, 11.1% of them were Hispanic. 


Here is another poll taken on the same day. 3,002 samples, 14% of them were Hispanic. 69% Disapprove of Trump, 31% Approve of Trump. 



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I only CR occasionally, and I know we have some trump guys here. Are you seriously ok with the blatant lies on economics and wind power and the other stuff that is just so blatantly stupid? I know you’re not stupid enough to think he’s right. Is it good enough that he pisses off “the libs”? Can you at least admit that he lies and you are ok with it simply because you hate democrats?


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17 minutes ago, 'stache said:

I only CR occasionally, and I know we have some trump guys here. Are you seriously ok with the blatant lies on economics and wind power and the other stuff that is just so blatantly stupid? I know you’re not stupid enough to think he’s right. Is it good enough that he pisses off “the libs”? Can you at least admit that he lies and you are ok with it simply because you hate democrats?


You likely won't get an answer to your question though my pointing it out might elicit you a response that will either dissemble, distract, or be disingenuous.

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