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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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12 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

The Leader of The Free World everyone...


HOLY. SHIT! Is there anything going to be left of the Office of The President of The United States after he's done shitting on the floor? Glad he's got that "National Emergency" at the border under control to have time in his day to tweet out this nonsense. 

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6 minutes ago, Irwin F Fletcher said:

HOLY. SHIT! Is there anything going to be left of the Office of The President of The United States after he's done shitting on the floor? Glad he's got that "National Emergency" at the border under control to have time in his day to tweet out this nonsense. 

Probably tweeted during Fox News commercial break. 

On a side note, why does he tweet this besides it being funny?  Part of me thinks he tweets about people he wants to face. Biden, Warren. Wants libs to take up for people he attacks and improve their chances. 

Hasnt tweeted, unless I’m wrong, about Kamala or Beto. 

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20 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

It's almost like he's forgotten (or doesn't care) that he's had more than a dozen women accuse him of sexual assault.

Quite the opposite.  He likes and respects Joe's manliness.   He actually sees him to be a worthy adversary.  Unlike all these bitches/minorities...and, can you believe this, minority bitches!1!!!!1!

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25 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

The Leader of The Free World everyone...


I gotta admit it’s an awesome troll job/funny video but not something I’d expect or be happy with our president taking part in.  This dude keeps trying to lower the bar or prestige of the office at every turn and it’s tiring.

also pot kettle or something like that...

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1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

I don't give two shits about Tahoe being gone, but what happened to SPII and sawbonz? That's what I want to know. 

I miss SPII.  I don't think he ever made the jump from Shaggy.  Must have gone cold turkey or he's so undercover no one can figure out who it is.

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2 hours ago, Skyline said:


He's a black guy, so Trump be like 'let's really wait on the background check on this one.' 


Edit:  can't make this shit up "Trump will wait until Cain's background check is completed before..."   Since when has that ever stopped this son of a bitch?  

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17 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:


Ouch.  Come on shit for brains, you should already know there's a tweet for every occasion...although some are deleted.  Nice try trumptard. 

He's going to take those pay day lenders to task any day now.  With circumstantial evidence, of course.

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1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:


Remember that time a bunch of federal legislators were relieved and impressed with the President of the United States because he took some notes and expressed the tiniest sliver of actual curiosity?

EDIT:  Then it turned out that he actually wasn't at all curious but working on a demeaning nickname for another person he himself appointed.

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17 minutes ago, CowboyFred said:

I gotta admit it’s an awesome troll job/funny video but not something I’d expect or be happy with our president taking part in.  This dude keeps trying to lower the bar or prestige of the office at every turn and it’s tiring.

also pot kettle or something like that...

Because he has no respect for the tradition or the prestige of the office, and never has. 

He ran for President as a lark in the past, made a semi-serious effort of doing so in 2015 and discovered that tapping the inner hatred and fear of change among voters (combined with a terrible D candidate) and voila! The office of President fell into his lap.  He never has been a serious student of politics and the art of compromise; he became President and was handed all the trappings of the job but really only wanted the power, not to be Presidential.  He as an adult had no one to answer to; no shareholders, no family or others so the only way he can be President is to do just like everything else in his life he has ever done.  He has never had to fear loss or the word no, for there was always another sucker to fleece, another bank to swindle, another scam to work.  He is in his own mind a worldly man, but he has no background in anything but "deal-making".  His moral convictions are based on sand, his word is not worth the toilet paper he wipes his ass with, and by most counts, he is a failure in everything he has ever done, and a failure as a person. 


But none of that matters, because he found out that he could con 30% or so of the population + a political party that had the gravitas and the means necessary to promote and protect he and his family.


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Trump fucked up by playing his national emergency card way too early.  I bet he wishes he could still threaten it instead of this obvious bluff of shutting down the border. 
Still doesn't know how tariffs work. Wants to punish Mexico w car tariffs. It's all cars!
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3 minutes ago, retread said:
31 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:
Trump fucked up by playing his national emergency card way too early.  I bet he wishes he could still threaten it instead of this obvious bluff of shutting down the border. 

Still doesn't know how tariffs work. Wants to punish Mexico w car tariffs. It's all cars!

He wants to punish mexico for the illegal drugs smuggled into the US from mexico lol... It's unreal how idiotic this admin is

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10 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

A junkie threatening his dealer for continuing to sell to him.

We are a dumb fucking country.

We are the shining city on the hill. Fool's gold.


Neither here nor there, but I've been reading the New Yorker article on Bolsonaro of Brazil. He openly misses the good old days of military dictatorship and makes no secret of his autocratic agenda. It's right there in the open. His ministers are wicked or corrupt of both. Everybody knows. They voted for it.

There's an ill wind blowing. Fascist, intolerant, simplistic, anti-democratic, and violent.


It's blowing from North and South America.

NYT on their relationship:


“They say he’s the Donald Trump of South America,” Mr. Trump marveled during a speech to the Farm Bureau in January, noting that Mr. Bolsonaro had been called the “Trump of the tropics” since taking office this year. “Do you believe that? And he’s happy with that. If he wasn’t, I wouldn’t like the country so much. But I like him.”

At a news conference after the two men held a luncheon meeting, Mr. Trump gushed that “I think Brazil’s relationship with the United States, because of our friendship, is probably better than it’s ever been by far.”


It's all so casual and open. And so few people care. To be honest, my first knowledge of Bolsonaro came from Last Week Tonight. He's a potential monster and he fits hand in glove with Trump.

I'm just rambling because I don't know how to bring this home. My mouth is agape and I'm sorta bored. Think I'll get a Whataburger.



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2 minutes ago, TornACL said:

His hair is the real crime. How is it possible that it's getting even worse?

There's some speculation that he's gone completely bald, so he's either going super saiyan or getting a real shitty cotton candy wig attached

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1 hour ago, retread said:
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Seems totally legit.





President Trump earlier this year asked Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, to prioritize a confirmation vote for his nominee to be the chief counsel of the Internal Revenue Service, indicating that it was a higher priority than voting on the nomination of William P. Barr as attorney general, a person familiar with the conversation said.



White House aides insisted for months that the confirmation of the nominee, Michael J. Desmond, a tax lawyer from Santa Barbara, Calif., was a top priority after passage of the tax bill in 2017.

But the request by Mr. Trump, made to Mr. McConnell on Feb. 5, raised questions about whether the president had other motivations. For months, the president has seethed over vows by congressional Democrats that they would move to obtain his tax returns from the I.R.S. And this week, the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, Representative Richard E. Neal, Democrat of Massachusetts, formally asked the I.R.S. for six years of the returns, using an obscure provision in the tax code to do so.



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Libs: "There's no way Trump can attack Biden about creepiness with women. The disgusting Cheeto has such a terrible history with women! Why, he'd have to be a HYPOCRITE to attack Joe!"







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