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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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46 minutes ago, AeroHorn said:

Take the CEOs and other business leaders you mention; they will take a position only when the public opinion is already decided and the benefit is overwhelming.

Very well put and thanks for condensing my rambling inquiry into a coherent answer. You articulated what I couldn't put together. 

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20 minutes ago, horn4life said:


Dumb and Dumber

If you manage to put his politics aside, Boris Johnson is a lot of things but "Dumb" is not one of them.  

But Trump is Borderline Impaired.  And I mean that in the technical IQ classification sense of the term.  People throw around "Idiot", "Moron", etc.  I have deep scientific reason to believe he is in the Borderline Impaired area of the bell curve, with an IQ in, very likely, the high 80's.  

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1 hour ago, Chooky said:

We still have toddlers appearing alone to represent themselves in immigration courts.  

Yep - I have a 3 year-old pro bono client who is seeking asylum. Because his mother was under 18 when they entered, they are both unaccompanied minors and their cases are completely independent. Dad beat the shit out of both back in their home country. 

Now, my client is in an infinitely better place than he would be without representation, and fortunately his mother also has a lawyer, but I don’t expect that a lot of these cases to have a happy ending. Especially those without lawyers involved. 

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1 hour ago, SameSame said:

I tuned in briefly last week to that guys show, he was talking about Elizabeth Warren and said her problem is she simply can't tell the truth.

Then turned around, and I'm not making this up, said compare that to the president who to my knowledge has never made a false claim since he's been in office. Then took callers who repeated that.

That is literally what they are spouting.  

I see and hear similar daily.  I just don’t understand how people can be so willfully ignorant, or flat out delusional.  Or jus evil in some cases.  WTF?  

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2 hours ago, Chooky said:

 The fact that we're even participating in world summits right now is embarrassing. Everyone will go through the motions and politely pretend that America still has moral influence to other global democracies. Beyond wealth and military power, we have minimal influence right now. 

People keep saying "when we fall off the. ..." Motherfucker, we're falling. The sense of urgency doesn't kick in until the lights go out and you can't buy gas, I guess. We're inching toward the kind of massive dysfunction that which third world countries can't help to fall victim. The inaction isn't due to unawareness or institutional negligence. The inaction is becoming an institution itself. Inaction is almost the fourth branch.  

If we continue our slide, what do we look like in 5-10 years? I assume we'll always have nukes, but so will Iran and NK. If DOTUS continues to play with the world economy, are we able to deal with a global recession/depression? What about a major epidemic or power grid failure?

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3 minutes ago, retread said:

If we continue our slide, what do we look like in 5-10 years? I assume we'll always have nukes, but so will Iran and NK. If DOTUS continues to play with the world economy, are we able to deal with a global recession/depression? What about a major epidemic or power grid failure?

The answers to all of your questions:



Y'all have thought I was kidding/being hyperbolic.  Look at the questions asked above.  Think about the answers to them.

Then pull up a chair and join me here.  I'm pretty sure we'll have a good view of the apocalypse, for what it's worth.

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3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

The answers to all of your questions:



Y'all have thought I was kidding/being hyperbolic.  Look at the questions asked above.  Think about the answers to them.

Then pull up a chair and join me here.  I'm pretty sure we'll have a good view of the apocalypse, for what it's worth.

you weren't wrong, you were just early.

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27 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

I see and hear similar daily.  I just don’t understand how people can be so willfully ignorant, or flat out delusional.  Or jus evil in some cases.  WTF?  

I didn't understand it either, and I'm not sure I ever will. I suppose it is a variety of reasons such as finding it too painful and jarring to confront their hypocrisy through circumspection. However, for many of the followers, it is just too easy to become addicted to idiocy. They don't have to think (if they ever could), don't have to destroy their belief in the myth of working hard yields the American Dream for all, and that if everyone just looked like them, thought like them, and acted like them all would be peachy. That is the Kool Aid of the GOP and Trump is their Jim Jones.


RIP to Leo Ryan. He cared about his constituents.


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11 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

The answers to all of your questions:

Ledge. Scotch. 

Our govt. is non-functional. Dysfunctional would be too generous. House/Senate basically don't even talk. Same w Ds and Rs. Same w Congress members and constituents. Do you think you'll get action if you call/write your rep.?

DOTUS is undermining major institutions of govt. and society by fiat. Black man passes ACA, so I'll sue until I take ACA apart. Like Chooky said, subpoenas are ignored. Trade wars are started by a man with a middle-school understanding of anything that crosses his desk (being generous).

You can't turn all of this around on a dime if we happen to need it ASAP.

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8 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

you weren't wrong, you were just early.

I wasn't alone.  Some folks have experience with deranged narcissist executives - whether it be of a country, or a business enterprise.  If you've seen this pattern before -- and it's not a novel pattern at all -- there was no "early" to it.  Sure, some of the details will always be surprising/unique, but the ultimate path was always apparent.

And note that also wasn't alone in predicting pretty early on that he was going to win not just the nomination, but the presidency. Because the people are pretty predictable, too.  We've been heading this direction for quite a while -- Trump was the inevitable conclusion. 

I'm not trying to toot my own horn -- I'd have much rather been WAY fucking wrong.  What I have been hoping for, and continue to hope for, is for enough people to realize the breadth and gravity of our predicament.  This is not run-of-the-mill political dysfunction.  This is an existential crisis.  For the most powerful nation on earth.  Armed with a crapton of actual nuclear weapons and a crapton of metaphorical nuclear weapons (our economic weight).  So, it's an existential crisis for humanity.  We should fucking treat it like one, not like just another ho-hum election and political issue.  

The ledge is just the metaphorical place where folks go when there's nothing left to do.  BUT, if enough folks fucking realize we're on the goddamned precipice of disaster, then the ledge ends up being a place to come up with a plan of action.

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Oh my God.




President Trump has suggested multiple times to senior Homeland Security and national security officials that they explore using nuclear bombs to stop hurricanes from hitting the United States, according to sources who have heard the president's private remarks and been briefed on a National Security Council memorandum that recorded those comments.

Behind the scenes: During one hurricane briefing at the White House, Trump said, "I got it. I got it. Why don't we nuke them?" according to one source who was there. "They start forming off the coast of Africa, as they're moving across the Atlantic, we drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. Why can't we do that?" the source added, paraphrasing the president's remarks.



Asked how the briefer reacted, the source recalled he said something to the effect of, "Sir, we'll look into that."

Trump replied by asking incredulously how many hurricanes the U.S. could handle and reiterating his suggestion that the government intervene before they make landfall. 

The briefer "was knocked back on his heels," the source in the room added. "You could hear a gnat fart in that meeting. People were astonished. After the meeting ended, we thought, 'What the f---? What do we do with this?'"



Trump also raised the idea in another conversation with a senior administration official. A 2017 NSC memo describes that second conversation, in which Trump asked whether the administration should bomb hurricanes to stop them from hitting the homeland. A source briefed on the NSC memo said it does not contain the word "nuclear"; it just says the president talked about bombing hurricanes.

The source added that this NSC memo captured "multiple topics, not just hurricanes. … It wasn't that somebody was so terrified of the bombing idea that they wrote it down. They just captured the president’s comments."

The sources said that Trump's "bomb the hurricanes" idea — which he floated early in the second year of his presidency before John Bolton took over as national security adviser — went nowhere and never entered a formal policy process.



White House response: A senior administration official said, "We don't comment on private discussions that the president may or may not have had with his national security team."

A different senior administration official, who has been briefed on the president's hurricane bombing suggestion, defended Trump's idea and said it was no cause for alarm. "His goal — to keep a catastrophic hurricane from hitting the mainland — is not bad," the official said. "His objective is not bad."

"What people near the president do is they say 'I love a president who asks questions like that, who’s willing to ask tough questions.' ... It takes strong people to respond to him in the right way when stuff like this comes up. For me, alarm bells weren't going off when I heard about it, but I did think somebody is going to use this to feed into 'the president is crazy' narrative."



The big picture: Trump didn't invent this idea. The notion that detonating a nuclear bomb over the eye of a hurricane could be used to counteract convection currents dates to the Eisenhower era, when it was floated by a government scientist.

The idea keeps resurfacing in the public even though scientists agree it won't work. The myth has been so persistent that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. government agency that predicts changes in weather and the oceans, published an online fact sheet for the public under the heading "Tropical Cyclone Myths Page."

The page states: "Apart from the fact that this might not even alter the storm, this approach neglects the problem that the released radioactive fallout would fairly quickly move with the tradewinds to affect land areas and cause devastating environmental problems. Needless to say, this is not a good idea."



About 3 weeks after Trump's 2016 election, National Geographic published an article titled, "Nuking Hurricanes: The Surprising History of a Really Bad Idea." It found, among other problems, that:

Dropping a nuclear bomb into a hurricane would be banned under the terms of the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union. So that could stave off any experiments, as long as the U.S. observes the terms of the treaty.

Atlantic hurricane season runs until Nov. 30.


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1 hour ago, Planet Houston said:

Yep - I have a 3 year-old pro bono client who is seeking asylum. Because his mother was under 18 when they entered, they are both unaccompanied minors and their cases are completely independent. Dad beat the shit out of both back in their home country. 

Now, my client is in an infinitely better place than he would be without representation, and fortunately his mother also has a lawyer, but I don’t expect that a lot of these cases to have a happy ending. Especially those without lawyers involved. 

Perhaps you could take a photo of that child in the courtroom and post it here so we might share it with our pro-Trump friends and family. 

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28 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Perhaps you could take a photo of that child in the courtroom and post it here so we might share it with our pro-Trump friends and family. 

@Johnny Sack and 100% of Republicans will respond by saying - with a straight face - that all of that kind of stuff and much, much worse was happening under Obama, that it’s all the fault of Democrats, mumbling something unintelligible about “open borders,” and how that 3 year old freeloader shouldn’t have been trying to come here illegally in the first place

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14 minutes ago, Doc Sam Beckett said:

Lulz I kinda want to see us nuke a hurricane. I think this is one of the arguments I had with my dad when I was in seventh grade and just wanted to rile him up. 

how bout only if it's headed for S Carolina

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Can we get the guy from "Armageddon" who showed the rest of the NASA team what happens when you nuke a asteroid on the surface as opposed to from inside it...to show Trump what happens when you nuke a hurricane from the outside?  Or maybe we let Eric commandeer a naval vessel straight into the eye of the hurricane and detonate the device there?  

I bet you dollars to donuts Trump once heard that stat we all remember from junior high science class, "A category 5 hurricane has the same energy release as 100 nuclear warheads."  So Captain Dipshit thought we could defeat it by using 100 of our own warheads?  

You gotta give Trump credit for something.  For a guy who doesn't touch alcohol or weed, he sounds exactly like our craziest friend at the bar.  

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6 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Can we get the guy from "Armageddon" who showed the rest of the NASA team what happens when you nuke a asteroid on the surface as opposed to from inside it...to show Trump what happens when you nuke a hurricane from the outside?  Or maybe we let Eric commandeer a naval vessel straight into the eye of the hurricane and detonate the device there?   

You just drive a sub up under it and shoot the nuke into the middle. Easy.

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1 hour ago, horncyclist said:

Friend of the farmer:




Trump appeared with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to announce a ‘beautiful’ trade deal with Japan. When Trump repeatedly urged him to talk about Japan buying “hundreds of millions of dollars of corn” Abe downgraded it to “the potential purchase of American corn” and emphasized “this will be done by the Japanese private sector.” Prime Minister Abe added, “We still have remaining work that has to be done at the working level before any deal is done.”

another day full of pure radiant bullshit from Don the Con

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