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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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57 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

You would think on today of all days he would just tweet things about 9/11 or other positive remembrance things and otherwise just shut the fuck up. But no. Then nothing would be about him. I fully expect his speech at the Pentagon will include anecdotes about how he was there and what he did on 9/11

That’s because he’s a game show host. Plus he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. 

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10 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

Teigen and Ellen’s power combined.  Oh man.  Please let trump do some hateful tweet of a clip of that show in response.    

Throw in Taylor Swift.  She's not a Trump fan, and she's been guiding her massive fanbase around and into voting (many of whom would be voting for the first time).

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3 hours ago, Bookman said:

I have great respect for our country's farmers, but let's be honest -- generally speaking, if they were smarter, they probably wouldn't be farmers.

That's generally not true at all.  Sure, many have distorted world views, simply because many are geographically isolated and rarely exposed to world views that differ from their own.  But most successful farmers are smart on some level - they have to wear plenty of hats -  engineers/mechanics, real estate agents, data analysts, biologists, accountants, etc.  You'd be surprised at how high-tech many farms are these days.

Now Trump-supporting farmers, yeah, that's fucking ignorant, but we all have relatives/friends who do stupid shit, even if it counters who they normally are.

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19 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

It wasn't a game show. 

There were contestants doing myriad competitions to see who'd win a prize on television?  How is that not a game show?  The competition certainly took more craftiness than say "Press Your Luck", but it was still a game show.  

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a lot of the dipshits in the dipshit parts of the country wouldn't be dipshits if they were exposed first hand to different types of people and cultures (even within our own borders), rather than sitting in Applebees surrounded by dipshits living dipshit lives talking about dipshit things

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10 minutes ago, Lobo said:

There were contestants doing myriad competitions to see who'd win a prize on television?  How is that not a game show?  The competition certainly took more craftiness than say "Press Your Luck", but it was still a game show.  

The producers don't decide who wins on game shows. It was reality TV. It was contrived and scripted. 

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1 minute ago, WhatTheBuck said:

It was contrived and scripted. 

 I'd feel so much better having an NBC producer determining what he says in public versus the shit that just comes out if naturally.  

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36 minutes ago, Lobo said:

There were contestants doing myriad competitions to see who'd win a prize on television?  How is that not a game show?  The competition certainly took more craftiness than say "Press Your Luck", but it was still a game show.  

Yep. I call it a game show, too. Reality TV just sounds better, but Apprentice is a game. So is Survivor. There's nothing real about either.

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DJ has a speechwriter for him, correct? I was listening to part of his speech this morning and he says something about being at home watching 'a major business show...' (guess the words CNN or MSNBC are potty words now) when the news first broke (at the time they didn't know it was a plane) and then he describes being in his office in midtown Manhattan and seeing the second plane strike the WTC. There were only about 15 minutes between planes, so while totally normal for DJ to lie and exaggerate, why on earth would the speechwriter do that? His base won't care, so is this just for his massive ego? No way he hauls a** to get somewhere in 15 minutes.

I realize this is irrelevant but I could never be a speechwriter because stuff like that would bother me.

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I'm right on the older end of Gen X, but when I see politicians like this, I really wish they would just retire and do something constructive. You know, kinda like Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama. Instead, they just seem like cranky old men who have bad backs. Guiliani is 75 years old and putting out videos like this? He was a volunteer for RFK and has to have remembered Kent State, etc. Go home Rudy, go home. Grow some tomatoes in the garden, they will adore you if you talk to them.


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3 hours ago, Mo Horn said:

You would think on today of all days he would just tweet things about 9/11 or other positive remembrance things and otherwise just shut the fuck up. But no. Then nothing would be about him. I fully expect his speech at the Pentagon will include anecdotes about how he was there and what he did on 9/11

Never Forget, that he is a complete piece of shit human being.

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Fuck 'em.  All of 'em.





The White House was directly involved in pressing a federal scientific agency to repudiate the weather forecasters who contradicted President Trump’s claim that Hurricane Dorian would probably strike Alabama, according to several people familiar with the events.

Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, told Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary, to have the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration publicly disavow the forecasters’ position that Alabama was not at risk. NOAA, which is part of the Commerce Department, issued an unsigned statement last Friday in response, saying that the Birmingham, Ala., office was wrong to dispute the president’s warning.



In pressing NOAA’s acting administrator to take action, Mr. Ross warned that top employees at the agency could be fired if the situation was not addressed, The New York Times previously reported. Mr. Ross’s spokesman has denied that he threatened to fire anyone, and a senior administration official on Wednesday said Mr. Mulvaney did not tell the commerce secretary to make such a threat.

The release of the NOAA statement provoked complaints that the Trump administration was improperly intervening in the professional weather forecasting system to justify the president’s mistaken assertion. The Commerce Department’s inspector general is investigating how that statement came to be issued, saying it could call into question scientific independence.




The House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, which is controlled by Democrats, announced on Wednesday that it too has opened an investigation into Mr. Ross’s actions.

The White House had no immediate comment on Wednesday, but the senior administration official said Mr. Mulvaney was interested in having the record corrected because, in his view, the Birmingham forecasters had gone too far and the president was right to suggest there had been forecasts showing possible impact on Alabama.

Mr. Trump was furious at being contradicted by the forecasters in Alabama. On Sept. 1, the president wrote on Twitter that Alabama “will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated.” A few minutes later, the National Weather Service in Birmingham posted on Twitter that “Alabama will NOT see any impacts from Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane Dorian will be felt across Alabama.”



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