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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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1 hour ago, Pancho said:


I figure by January, the entire West Wing will be Jared, Ivanka, Donnie, Steven Miller, and assorted odds-ends.  Trump will declare that this job is so easy, he can run the entire government with half a dozen people.  The rally crowd will cheer and cry and state their allegiance to Trump forever.



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Put your partisanship aside, if we don't squash this now, we'll all be fucked when an administration comes along that isn't so comically inept at attempting fraud. 
Even Republican pompom wavers should say enough is enough. Because if we allow this band of idiots to trample on our rule of law, the next regime that uses this as precedent may be radical leftists. 
not gonna be a could be... it's going to happen if the current admin makes it... and we'll yoyo back and forth... suffering.
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12 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump tweets a quote from an apparently made-up person named “Richard Ketay”

Who is Richard Ketay? That’s the question everyone is left asking tonight, after Donald Trump tweeted a lengthy quote that sounded exactly like something Donald Trump would say, and then attributed it to a person no one has ever heard of – and we’re not even sure if the person really exists...

Lest we forget, 

That time Trump claimed to be ‘John Barron’ to lie about his wealth, as told by an ex-Forbes writer


Trump’s persistence in trying to convince journalists how rich he is has been well documented over the years, but Greenberg’s piece takes it a step further. He asserts that Trump used a fake voice and pseudonym of “John Barron” to convince the magazine that he should be on the Forbes 400 list.

Greenberg said “Barron” called him in May 1984 to persuade him to push up his estimate of Trump’s wealth. The caller had a thicker New York accent and some different “cadences,” but Greenberg is certain he was speaking to the future president. The calls were off the record, but Greenberg believes exposing them now is important.

In addition to Trump, several of his confidants also called the magazine to convince it that he belonged on the list.

“This was a model Trump would use for the rest of his career, telling a lie so cosmic that people believed that some kernel of it had to be real. The tactic landed him a place on the Forbes list he hadn’t earned — and led to future accolades, press coverage and deals. It eventually paved a path toward the presidency,” Greenberg wrote.


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1 minute ago, RomaVicta said:

I was reading around this week, and apparently Junior and Ewok have been quietly selling off some real estate and paying down some debt. (about $110 million according to Forbes). A few of the deals were quasi questionable, but mostly they paid off about $60 million and have been cash hoarding.

Your article does not surprise me though. The fascinating bit that I cannot understand is the folks who seem to think he 'earned' his wealth somehow and his taxes are on the up and up. Educated people. All I can figure out is they are maybe leveraged to the hilt in the McMansion and therefore "he's just like me?" Or they somehow think he 'gets them?' Crazy times crazy people.


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