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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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Demented, unstable, psychotic. The guy is a modern day Hitler.

He will “shut down the border” and direct troops to fire at all the people stranded on the other side, US citizens included (majority will be brown, so who gives a fuck).

If you’re not at least entertaining the prospects of buying property in a different country, you’re doing it wrong.

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Government regulation is bad idiots that are still left on Surly, go fuck yourselves you pieces of shit. This is what happens when you keep repeating that lie since Ronald Reagan got his evil micropenis hard about unions.


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19 minutes ago, Chooky said:

Closing the Mexican border will halt about $600 billion in trade instantly.  They are our 3rd largest trading partner -- our #1 export in corn.  So, yeah, do it, you orange-faced gibbon.  

Just the trucking industry alone is an almost endless residual of markets:  parts, tires, fuel, hotels, food and beverage, weigh stations, fines for improper loads ... it goes on and on.  We'll just start kicking ourselves in the nuts in a grand celebration of brown people fear. 

Put up or shut up, fatty.  Let's see it!  Wrap your lips around that pistol and mumble some more xenophobic slogans that your sleeveless supporters slurp up like pudding.  When the bottom drops out we'll blame 'Saturday Night Live' for the brief implosion and multitudes of bankruptcies.  Texans who get fucked in the ass the hardest can take solace in knowing that we finally have a president who had the strength to leave Rosie O'Donnell no option other than finally accepting that she's just a fat, lesbian loser.  Sorry, farm industry, we have libtards to own!    

solid rant

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28 minutes ago, Chooky said:

Texans who get fucked in the ass the hardest can take solace in knowing that we finally have a president who had the strength to leave Rosie O'Donnell no option other than finally accepting that she's just a fat, lesbian loser.  Sorry, farm industry, we have libtards to own!    

Nothing could better encapsulate the Trumpist mentality than these two sentences.  Bravo, sir.  

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You know a person has depth of thought when they can recite on the cuff the record deepness of lakes.  You can have your Canyon Lake or your gay ass Amistad.  I like the deep ones, baby.  Eagle Mountain?  Fuck you!  Travis?  Whaddya, queer?  This new PC culture robs the country of masculinity by constantly promoting faggot lakes and their feminized lake agendas.

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4 hours ago, Native Horn said:

Of course not.  Dotard is still furious that McCain was a Hilton man, and not a Trump Hotel man.

I actually wrote down the number of this post so I could return to rep it when I had rep to give. That's a piece of genius.

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1 hour ago, Chooky said:

Closing the Mexican border will halt about $600 billion in trade instantly.  They are our 3rd largest trading partner -- our #1 export in corn.  So, yeah, do it, you orange-faced gibbon.  

Just the trucking industry alone is an almost endless residual of markets:  parts, tires, fuel, hotels, food and beverage, weigh stations, fines for improper loads ... it goes on and on.  We'll just start kicking ourselves in the nuts in a grand celebration of brown people fear. 

Put up or shut up, fatty.  Let's see it!  Wrap your lips around that pistol and mumble some more xenophobic slogans that your sleeveless supporters slurp up like pudding.  When the bottom drops out we'll blame 'Saturday Night Live' for the brief implosion and multitudes of bankruptcies.  Texans who get fucked in the ass the hardest can take solace in knowing that we finally have a president who had the strength to leave Rosie O'Donnell no option other than finally accepting that she's just a fat, lesbian loser.  Sorry, farm industry, we have libtards to own!    


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Wind is fruity and weak.  I got nothing against tornadoes, though.  At least they're kinda cool and scary.  But regular wind?  Uh, no thanks.  And if you think you're gonna say some disgusting, homo shit about "wind-powered water pumps" in front of my kids I'll teach you a lesson that can only be taught by a true southerner.  Keep your gay wind talk in California!

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1 hour ago, Horn Dog said:

Can I assume Sen Cruz and Sen Cornyn fully support closing the Tex/Mexico border and fucking the Texas economy to own the libs?

They're too busy speaking out against Trump's appeal to OPEC to open the spigots.

Oh wait, they aren't.  Yeah, you're probably right.  The two ass-kissing R senators from one of the redder states in the union are surely appealing to Trump's sense of reason regarding the foolishness of closing off our southern border.

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5 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Well, the trip over was probably fun.

Yeah, a dank, bumpy, oxygen-deprived shipping container bounced across the ocean so you can jerk off some pot-bellied lump for less than minimum wage and then wipe up the conclusion with a damp towel off of the leathery skinned social elite in hope of a modest tip.  It' not the destination, though.  It's all about the journey.  

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3 minutes ago, Chooky said:

Yeah, a dank, bumpy, oxygen-deprived shipping container bounced across the ocean so you can jerk off some pot-bellied lump for less than minimum wage and then wipe up the conclusion with a damp towel off of the leathery skinned social elite in hope of a modest tip.  It' not the destination, though.  It's all about the journey.  

Well once you put it that way . . .

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7 minutes ago, Chooky said:

Yeah, a dank, bumpy, oxygen-deprived shipping container bounced across the ocean so you can jerk off some pot-bellied lump for less than minimum wage and then wipe up the conclusion with a damp towel off of the leathery skinned social elite in hope of a modest tip.  It' not the destination, though.  It's all about the journey.  

Immigrants for agricultural jobs - "BUILD THAT WALL!"

Immigrants for tug jobs - OK

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2 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

so we are just going to close our border and stop trading with mexico? on his whim?

jesus fucking christ, this simulation sucks. it's not even realistic any longer.

This would amount to Trump's Brexit strategy. Commit economic suicide because we're scared of browns.

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Trump's perpetual politics of grievance.


You'd think it would get tiring being so aggrieved by everything, but apparently for Trump supporters it isn't. They were aggrieved by Obama. They are aggrieved by the things that aggrieve Trump.  

Whine. Whine. Whine. 

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1 minute ago, bolverk said:

Since you seem to be so interested in polling data, I'm providing you a link to peruse the results of a fuck ton that are updated throughout the day, every day.


I hope you enjoy it!

McLaughlin & Associates, C rating

And also Eric Cantor's pollster who showed him winning his primary by 34 points; along with the obvious Mitt Romney and George Allen 2012 victory in Virginia.  We all remember those things happening, right? 

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25 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

You'd think it would get tiring being so aggrieved by everything, but apparently for Trump supporters it isn't. They were aggrieved by Obama. They are aggrieved by the things that aggrieve Trump.  

That's a residual for having so many white, working class evangelicals, who've created a myth that everything is oppressing them. This allows them to ignore the blessings that they have and still feel like they're being "faithful" since they are so persecuted for being "in the world, but not of the world".

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23 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:



OK, it's not entirely clear what the bar chart is trying to break down, but let's assume it's saying 49/100 voters (?) approve of Trump's performance, 50/100 don't, and 1/100 didn't respond.

Does it occur to you that the 39/26 split on strong held feelings REALLY REALLY REALLY looks bad for Trump?

LOL.  Got any other polls you want us to consider?

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2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:


OK, it's not entirely clear what the bar chart is trying to break down, but let's assume it's saying 49/100 voters (?) approve of Trump's performance, 50/100 don't, and 1/100 didn't respond.

Does it occur to you that the 39/26 split on strong held feelings REALLY REALLY REALLY looks bad for Trump?

LOL.  Got any other polls you want us to consider?

That poll bizarrely shows Trump's approval rating is higher on the East Coast (51%) than the Midwest (47%).

It's really a mess: It has independents evenly split, yet a 58% moderate disapproval rating. Moreover, Hispanics are supposedly split 50/48 in FAVOR of Trump.

I'm not saying it's biased, but I will say their methodology seems like shit.

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