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4 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

"Both Hillary, who has no relevance to anything, and Trump are corrupt self-dealers which means nobody has any right to call out Trump's blatant corruption!"

- Gary Johnson voters, the last few pages

Hey, fuck you buddy lol. #notalljohnsons

11 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

The best way to get rid of The Racist Reptile is to give him it all the attention and give DOTARD none.

Put him on the cover of TIME.

Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

The best way to get rid of The Racist Reptile is to give him it all the attention and give DOTARD none.

There's actually something to this.

Jesus, look where we are.  Stephen Miller is the most powerful person in this country.

There's no coming back from that - it's the Joe Theismann leg injury of political developments.

Edited by Brisketexan
14 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

He will need someone to attack us first.  Going to war is a really hard sell to the American public, always has been but probably more now than ever. 

Trump’s war is on America.  The press, the values, the law, the democrats, the judiciary.  He will crack that up to 11 before using the military on foreign soil. 

If I was someone, like say Iran or Putin or extremist islam, who wanted to accelerate the downfall of America into it's final stages I would initiate another large scale terrorist attack if at all possible. The first one has brought the country to the brink of hysteria and self destruction in only 17 1/2 years. Another one would tip this country over the edge into a jingoistic abyss of fake patriotism. It would compel this weak leadership to go to war further damaging America's ever weakening financial structure while also further isolating it from other countries. Allies would not be so willing to help now that Trump has shit all over them for 2 years. 

As an American this should be top concern. We've weakened ourselves so much after 9/11 that another one could lead us to completely destroy ourselves. 

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Nielsen and Stephen Miller should be behind bars. Of course it will never happen since there is no god and the GOP always escapes punishment, but a man can dream.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, GSU&UT said:

Nielsen and Stephen Miller should be behind bars. Of course it will never happen since there is no god and the GOP always escapes punishment, but a man can dream.

Any legitimate attempt at some sort of truth and reconciliation process following Trump would send them to the Hague.

  • Like 1
Just now, wildcat09 said:

Any legitimate attempt at some sort of truth and reconciliation process following Trump would send them to the Hague.

This may have been posted already, but it's hard to keep up with these huge threads across multiple boards. This absolutely makes me enraged, I don't know what I would do if my daughter was ripped away from us for months only to come back completely traumatized.


8 hours ago, Harvard Man said:

Wannabe Goebbels.

You know you're on the wrong side of morality / decency / everything when your side has to ardently defend Stephen Miller.

Go make that sinister odious reptilian brained slimy egg plant skulled foul disgrace of a man rich & powerful beyond his wildest dreams!

You useful idiot. You bootlicking stooge.

You talk like a Harvard man too!

12 minutes ago, retread said:

and DOTUS wants to double down on separations and ramp up the atrocities.


Because he knows his base loves it. The people who support Donald Trump are terrible and he gives them permission to be their worst selves.

  • Like 2
Well, they were having random hookers with blow up to their rooms in Columbia while on a presidential security mission, so....

So the random hookers should have brought beer?
5 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

his underlying point in asking 'Do you think you have anything to worry about?' was that the DOJ is being used as a tool for political gains and nothing more.

Correct.  PATHETIC, but correct.  I mean, when your answer carries an implied "look, I'm just the President's fucktoy, so maybe you could occasionally run me through the dishwasher," that's pretty fucking sad.

  • Like 1

Cartwright asked him if the DOJ would advocate for a grace period for the wind down of ACA in the event that it's struck down. He said SCOTUS would probably take care of that in their opinion.

5 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

yeah, you gotta be real careful when you're defending hitler.  it's so easy for people to get the wrong idea.  slippery slope and all that.

Well, he was a Socialist.  It's right there in the name.

  • Like 2
6 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

yeah, you gotta be real careful when you're defending hitler.  it's so easy for people to get the wrong idea.  slippery slope and all that.

Everybody always focus on the negative side of crack.  Always on the negative side of crack. What about the good side of crack? What about the beauty of crack? 

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there was a great exchange back on the mindy project when she was dating anders holm (workaholics) and he's trying to get her to exercise, and calls him "the hitler" of getting her to do sit-ups.

he responds with, "you know, people say stuff like that.  hitler was just being passionate, i'm being passionate about it."

and she's like, "i like you, but i feel like you defend hitler too much."

  • Like 1

It's just stupid edgelord stuff.  Candace could make her point a million different ways, but chooses to use Hitler because it is edgy and people who are shitheels are titillated by Nazi-adjacent arguments.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  You know, Hitler ate breakfast every day and got so much done.   I'm not saying what he did was good.  It was bad!  But he was very accomplished and clearly had a lot of energy.  Thus, proving my thesis that breakfast is important.

  • Like 1
18 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Going to war is a really hard sell to the American public, always has been but probably more now than ever. 


All it will take is a few “They hate us for our freedom” speeches and accuse anyone against the war as hating the troops and Jesus.

  • Like 1

Even in Hitler’s early days, before the war, he was a monster.  His first task at hand was destroying all the opposition parties.  He openly took pride in his intolerance of other points of view.   Candace Owens is a fucking imbecile. 


I have an honest question....how the fuck did Stephen Miller get into this position of power?

Was he a Bannon tag along that stayed on as a malignant tumor so he could spread after Bannon left the administration?

6 minutes ago, UncleCharlie said:

I have an honest question....how the fuck did Stephen Miller get into this position of power?

Was he a Bannon tag along that stayed on as a malignant tumor so he could spread after Bannon left the administration?

I believe he was with Jeff Sessions.

4 minutes ago, UncleCharlie said:

I have an honest question....how the fuck did Stephen Miller get into this position of power?

Was he a Bannon tag along that stayed on as a malignant tumor so he could spread after Bannon left the administration?

He was a Jeff Sessions guy before Trump.  Sessions was the first senator to come out and campaign with Trump and Miller went along for the ride on the campaign trail often being the pre-game warmup show at the rallies.

Trump absolutely loves him.


27 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


Well, they don't seem to have any problems calling AOC a "Socialist", even though she's not.  Sucks to be conservatives, I guess.


Actually, get Miller in there in a cabinet position so he can more quickly be cast out and throw back into the pit of hell he came out of.


Wonder why those House Republicans are mad Candace Owens is being billed as a conservative?

Is it because she’s a grifter?

Is it because she’s a complete

Is because she’s a Hitler fan girl?

Is it because she’s black?

They usually don’t have any issues with the first three.

  • Like 3

The woman "converted" from liberal to conservative overnight a couple of years ago.  She has no ideological except whatever will generate clicks and an audience.  We have a word for her in the English language:  whore.

  • Like 2
5 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

Stephen Miller is now effectively the President of the U.S.  And not the cool Steve Miller, not the one who wrote "Fly Like an Eagle." Uh uh.  Evil Stephen Miller. 

That Steve Miller is 75 years old and has been married four times.

And I will vote for him over Dotard any day.


Chrispy making a fool of himself is normal. Zavala thinking that Jewish people can't be fascists is just dumb. Stephen Miller is a fascist, it's plain and simple. 

1 hour ago, Fudge Nuggets said:


All it will take is a few “They hate us for our freedom” speeches and accuse anyone against the war as hating the troops and Jesus.

This is an area that Trump and most of those around him would utterly fuck up and turn the GOP against them.  When you look at the countries Trump bitches about, currently the Iranians, many of them would cost a helluva lot of American lives.  They aren't a heavily weakened Iraq or a decentralized Afghanistan.  

Plus, it would be a bloodbath in November of 2020 for the Republicans.  There would be a huge wave of protest votes that could easily toss the Senate to the Dems.


While most of us in this friendly community acknowledge that Stephen Miller is, indeed, a gigantic shit stain of a human and has absolutely no business being near the Executive Branch, much less any government  office at any level, here is your friendly reminder courtesy of the NYT (publish date October 2017) about what a worthless shit stain he has been since childhood.  Most often, what people were like in high school and college should have no reflection on what they are as an adult.  In Mr. Miller's instance, however, he was exactly the person then as he is now:




Stephen Miller had their attention. That was reason enough to keep going.

Standing behind the microphone before a hostile amphitheater crowd, Mr. Miller — then a 16-year-old candidate for a student government post, now a 32-year-old senior policy adviser to President Trump — steered quickly into an unlikely campaign plank: ensuring that the janitorial staff was really earning its money.


“Am I the only one,” he asked, “who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?”

It appeared he was. Boos consumed the grounds of the left-leaning Santa Monica High School campus. Mr. Miller was forcibly escorted from the lectern, shouting inaudibly as he was tugged away.

But offstage, any anger seemed to fade instantly. Students were uncertain whether Mr. Miller had even meant the remarks sincerely. Those who encountered him afterward recalled a tranquillity, and a smile. If he had just lost the election — and he had, the math soon confirmed — he did not seem to feel like it.



“He just seemed really happy,” said Charles Gould, a classmate and friend at the time, “as if that’s how he planned it.”

In the years since, Mr. Miller has rocketed to the upper reaches of White House influence along a distinctly Trumpian arc — powered by a hyper-fluency in the politics of grievance, a gift for nationalist button-pushing after years on the Republican fringe and a long history of being underestimated by liberal forces who dismissed him as a sideshow since his youth.



Across his sun-kissed former home, the so-called People’s Republic of Santa Monica, they have come to regret this initial assessment. To the consternation of many former classmates and a bipartisan coalition of Washington lawmakers, Mr. Miller has become one of the nation’s most powerful shapers of domestic and even foreign policy.

“The 31-year-old?” Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, muttered to reporters earlier this year, despairing over who might be making decisions in Mr. Trump’s White House.


Yet on perhaps the president’s signature issue — immigration policy — Mr. Miller has emerged in recent days as the driving force behind the administration’s insistence on a wish list of hard-right proposals as part of any deal with Democrats to protect young undocumented immigrants from deportation. White House demands include a crackdown on unaccompanied children at the border, the construction of a border wall with Mexico and legislation to sharply reduce legal immigration.

As the surviving watchman on the president’s right flank since the removal in August of Stephen K. Bannon as chief strategist, Mr. Miller also remains a key craftsman in speechwriting at the White House. Mr. Trump, who has long prized Mr. Miller’s fierce loyalty, has embraced his instincts to sharply restrict the number of refugees admitted to the United States next year and to impose new travel restrictions on several predominantly Muslim countries and others deemed to be national security risks.

From the administration’s opening stanzas — when Mr. Trump let fly his “American carnage” inaugural address — to his swaggering turn last month before the United Nations, it is Mr. Miller’s worldview, as often as anyone’s, that the president projects on the grandest scale.

“We have this running joke,” said Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president, “that if we were going to get key man’s insurance on anyone, Stephen would top the list.” She was referring to policies that companies take out on their most important employee.

Beginnings in Santa Monica

Mr. Miller’s journey to this point, outlined over dozens of interviews with friends, classmates and current and former colleagues, is a triumph of unbending convictions and at least occasional contrivance. It is a story of beliefs that congealed early in a home that he helped nudge to the right of its blue-state ZIP code, and of an ideology that became an identity for a spindly agitator at a large and racially divided public high school.

These formative years supplied the template for the life Mr. Miller has carved out for himself in Washington, where he remains the hard-line jouster many of Mr. Trump’s most zealous supporters trust most in the White House — and many former peers fear.

“I can hear Stephen’s voice,” said a fellow Santa Monica student, Nick Silverman. “Even when Trump reads these statements, I know, ‘That’s Stephen.’”

Through Mr. Miller’s nearly nine months in the Trump White House, the question — how did he come from here? — has curdled across these eight square miles of progressive oceanside paradise, where a stroll near the beach can quickly produce images that border on a self-parody of limousine liberalism. Environmentalist stickers festoon a neighborhood pocked with gas guzzlers; a small dog, seated in a stroller, twitches in the sea breeze, rumbling past a homeless man sprawled across a sidewalk bench.

“It does have this tang of the seething id of Santa Monica,” another former student, Jake Zambas, said of Mr. Miller’s nativist streak, noting that their high school, like the town, was largely self-segregating. “Everyone here is just a scared white person.”

Mr. Miller’s 2003 high school yearbook senior page lists a quote attributed to Theodore Roosevelt: “There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100 percent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else.”

In his time on this campus of roughly 3,000 students, Mr. Miller sculpted the brand of hard-charging conservatism that would deliver him to the president’s ear, tracing a pathway at once complicated and straightforward. Mr. Miller, the middle child in a financially comfortable Jewish family, plainly relished the attention and notoriety of being the city’s red-hued exception, according to classmates — some of whom recalled chuckling at, or at least shrugging off, the antics of their resident gadfly. The line between puckishness and principle blurred in due time.

Mr. Miller set off on a patriotic semi-striptease before the editor of the student newspaper, according to the editor, Ari Rosmarin, theatrically removing a button-down to reveal an American flag T-shirt in protest of an article he found inconsistent with the national interest. (The White House denied any symbolic unbuttoning, though officials confirmed Mr. Miller’s fondness for the T-shirt.)

He jumped, uninvited, into the final stretch of a girls’ track meet, apparently intent on proving his athletic supremacy over the opposite sex. (The White House, reaching for exculpatory context, noted that this was a girls’ team from another school, not his own.)

Most memorably, classmates say, Mr. Miller established a reputation for barreling eagerly toward racial tinderboxes, leaving some to wonder whether his words were meant to be menacing or hammy. Jason Islas, who had been friendly with Mr. Miller in middle school, has little doubt.

Shortly before the start of ninth grade, Mr. Islas said, he received a call from Mr. Miller informing him that the two could no longer be friends.

“He gives me this litany of reasons,” Mr. Islas said.

Most were petty, if mean, he recalled: an insult about his social awkwardness, a dig at his acne-specked face. But one stuck out.

“He mentioned my Latino heritage as one of the reasons,” Mr. Islas said. “I remember coming away from the conversation being like, ‘O.K., that’s that.’”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, called Mr. Islas’s account “a completely inaccurate characterization of their relationship, or lack thereof,” disputing his recollection and suggesting the two were more acquaintances than friends. (Mr. Miller declined to be interviewed for this article.)

Several students said Mr. Miller’s trail of racially tinged comments amounted to a pattern. He railed against bilingual announcements, asking in a local editorial why there were “usually very few, if any, Hispanic students in my honors classes, despite the large number of Hispanic students that attend our school.”

Latino students remembered him engaging them outside group meetings, asking why they required a separate forum to discuss issues of identity, and chafing at Spanish being spoken in the halls.

“He tended to make some of the Spanish language stuff very personal,” said Moises Castillo, a classmate who described the exchanges as hurtful to this day. “There was a ‘if you’re not speaking English, perhaps you should go somewhere else.’ ”

He was asked whether Mr. Miller may have been leaning into a sort of provocative shtick, or crafting a character deliberately. In the campaign speech, after all — a portion of which was captured on video and published by Univision in February — Mr. Miller often appears to be smirking.

“It’s a character?” Mr. Castillo said. “When you hear it more than once, when you hear it in private, when you hear it in public, that ‘character’ kind of fades away. That benefit of the doubt is gone.”

Mentors on the Right

Mr. Miller’s defenders have argued that Mr. Miller’s high school persona — more merry prankster than fearsome bomb thrower, in their view — should not diminish the seriousness of his beliefs. Mr. Miller has attributed his conservative awakening, in part, to encountering right-leaning writings on gun policy and other issues, including a 1994 book, “Guns, Crime and Freedom” by Wayne LaPierre, the National Rifle Association leader.

Mr. Miller has said he was also shaped by his school’s response to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, when he confronted what he believed to be excess political correctness and insufficient support for American military efforts. Among his causes: pressing administrators to require the daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. (He prevailed.)

Mr. Miller found mentors in David Horowitz, the onetime “New Left” Marxist who evolved into a conservative author, and a radio host, Larry Elder, who booked Mr. Miller as a recurring guest. He courted local controversy by inviting both to campus for speeches.

“He was already reading Ayn Rand. He was already reading the Federalist Papers,” Mr. Elder said, describing Mr. Miller as effectively a fully formed ideologue by the time he contacted the radio host’s show. “It’s not an act. He believes what he believes.”

News articles have often described Mr. Miller as the product of liberals whose politics changed through sheer force of their son’s arguments. Public documents do support this timeline: Mr. Miller’s parents, Michael and Miriam, changed their registration to Republican from Democrat after Mr. Miller left for college, according to Los Angeles County records.

But some who knew the family at the time have challenged the suggestion that he was raised in a classically hard-left Southern California home.

Miriam Miller’s brother, David Glosser, said the elder Mr. Miller, a real estate investor, had long skewed conservative on some issues, describing him as a “responsible, thoughtful sort of economic Republican” that Mr. Glosser contrasted with Mr. Trump.

Messages left for Mr. Miller’s parents were not returned.

At Santa Monica Synagogue, the Millers proved an awkward fit in the largely liberal Reform congregation, according to people who knew them then. The younger Mr. Miller — true to form — established himself as the perpetually debate-ready boy who most enjoyed taking on all comers in 10th-grade confirmation class. A group photo, with Mr. Miller grinning from the back row in a prayer shawl, still hangs in the hall.

“We did our best here,” said Mr. Miller’s rabbi, Jeff Marx, “to teach Jewish ethics and talk about our need to reach out to the strangers, to those less fortunate than we are.”

By then, the Miller family had suffered its own notable reversal of fortunes. Earthquake-related property damage had upended Michael Miller’s real estate business, forcing the family to eventually abandon its stately home in the city’s exclusive North of Montana neighborhood.

Some classmates have speculated that the move, which found the family in a new house a short distance from the grittier and far more ethnically diverse Pico neighborhood, helped shape Mr. Miller’s still-developing views of race and class as he wended through his teens.

But others have dismissed this theory, suggesting that the family’s plight should not be overstated. A visit on a recent weekday found a succession of Mercedes-Benzes and Lexuses gliding down the block, with a team of Latino workers tending to landscaping along the sidewalk.

“They still moved to a two-story house in Santa Monica,” said Taylor Brinckerhoff, a family friend of the Millers’ who often attended Passover dinners with them.

For fellow students, the most credible origin story for Mr. Miller remains the simplest.

Surely he believed what he was saying, or at least most of it. But he also seemed to grasp quickly that contrarianism could be its own reward in an ecosystem of the like-minded, a way to stand out among the egos and trust funds of a singular American school district.

“Confrontation was his sort of modus operandi,” said Mr. Rosmarin, the former Santa Monica high school newspaper editor, who now works for the American Civil Liberties Union. “I think it’s why he came to school in the morning.”

And there is little doubt that he subscribed early to a future tenet of Breitbart-era conservatism: If you are upsetting liberals, you are probably doing something right.

“That was you?” Andrew Breitbart, the founder of the far-right website that bears his name, asked Mr. Miller in 2011, according to three people present for the exchange, during a gathering at the Breitbart townhouse beside the Supreme Court.

When Mr. Miller’s history was mentioned, these people said, Mr. Breitbart instantly recalled the California teenager who had become something of a cult figure in right-wing news media for laying verbal waste to his high school.

Duke, Then Washington

The megaphones only got louder, a function of timing and gumption.

As a student at Duke University, when the school became a national political minefield in 2006 after a black woman accused three white lacrosse players of rape, Mr. Miller sensed an opportunity.

Where most students and professors sided quickly with the alleged victim, Mr. Miller became the players’ most vocal defender on cable television, appearing on Fox News to accuse the prosecutor of a witch hunt long before the case collapsed.

“We are at a terrible dearth of intelligent, common-sense, courageous voices on campus,” Mr. Miller, then a senior, told Bill O’Reilly on his Fox show, taking something of a victory lap.

After graduating, Mr. Miller moved to Washington to work as press secretary for Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. By 2009, he found his way to Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama (Mr. Horowitz, the author, had introduced them), and he was eventually elevated to Mr. Sessions’s communications director.

In their years together, Mr. Miller positioned himself — and helped position Mr. Sessions, now the attorney general — inside the Republican Party’s burgeoning Breitbart wing, seizing on immigration as a central issue while bipartisan immigration legislation slithered through Congress in 2013.

Mr. Miller also found common cause with Mr. Bannon, who hoped to fashion the Breitbart News site into a battlefield for the so-called alt-right, a far-right fringe movement that often embraces an ideology of white nationalism. In 2014, the two helped propel a nearly anonymous House candidate in Virginia, Dave Brat, to a primary election victory over Eric Cantor, the majority leader at the time, in part by hammering Mr. Cantor as overly tolerant of illegal immigration. The race in many ways presaged the campaign of Mr. Trump, whose prospects Mr. Miller soon eyed with excitement.

“Trump gets it,” Mr. Miller wrote to friends weeks later, forwarding a Breitbart interview with Mr. Trump, who concluded that Mr. Cantor’s defeat owed to “his softness on immigration.”

“I wish he’d run for president,” Mr. Miller added of Mr. Trump.

When he did, Mr. Miller joined him early, before a vote had been cast in the primaries — and before Mr. Sessions became Mr. Trump’s most significant elected supporter. At rallies, Mr. Miller often warmed up crowds in his dark suits, his receding hairline slicked back. “We’re going to build that wall, and we’re going to build it out of love!” Mr. Miller promised.

Mr. Miller quickly grew comfortable with Mr. Trump’s impromptu style during the campaign, on more than one occasion ripping up a completed speech in the back of the candidate’s black S.U.V. because Mr. Trump had a change of heart on the way to an event.

And people close to both men say that more than anyone, Mr. Miller has grasped how to fuse the cadences of Mr. Trump’s own plain-spoken language with something loftier, at times scribbling notes on a piece of paper pressed to the side of a car window as he jotted down the president’s thoughts.

Occasionally, Mr. Miller has retained a public-facing role. In August, when the administration announced its support for a proposal to slash legal immigration, the White House briefing room belonged to him.

By the time the news conference was over, Mr. Miller had sparred with The New York Times, accused a CNN reporter of “cosmopolitan bias” and suggested that the poem associated with the Statue of Liberty (“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses”) should not inform American immigration policy because it was not added to Liberty Island until 17 years after the statue’s unveiling.

As he spoke, Ms. Sanders, the press secretary, inched closer, sensing it was time to reclaim the microphone. But Mr. Miller seemed tickled by the combat.

“I think that went exactly as planned,” Mr. Miller said coyly, finally ceding the stage. “I think that was exactly what we were hoping to have happen.”


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