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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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4 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

We blazed through that a long time ago with regard to Native Americans.

We're not even close with regard to immigrants.

How do you know when we’re close?  When he starts putting people in camps or when he starts separating the adults from the kids? 

Or when he orders lethal force on immigrants and asylum seekers?  He’s getting closer and closer to feeling like he can get away with it. 

So when will be close to genocide Dennison?  When the first massacre happens? 

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Just now, lemonlime said:

How are we not at 7?  WTF do you think the ICE raids, child separation policy, and the camps we're putting refugees in are?

Terrible policy. But it isn't genocide. 

If, however, you really believe it is, you should take up arms against your government. It's that important.

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1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

What Trump, his underlings and his base don't understand is that it's not the President's job to decide what laws should not be enforced.  This is a separation of powers issue, and he's on the wrong side of the law.

I think I’ve heard this one before. 

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1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

Terrible policy. But it isn't genocide. 

If, however, you really believe it is, you should take up arms against your government. It's that important.

I didn't say it was genocide.  I said it was 7 at the steps on the way to genocide.  "Preparation: Official action to remove or relocate people."   Not that genocide occurred already.

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Just now, David Dennison said:

Terrible policy. But it isn't genocide. 

If, however, you really believe it is, you should take up arms against your government. It's that important.

No, you call it out before it happens so it doesn’t happen at all.  You don’t need to resort to violence if you can communicate effectively enough. 

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Just now, David Dennison said:

Calling something genocide when it isn't is the opposite of effective communication.

You’re being dumb.  No one said it was genocide.  I said it was another small step towards genocide.  You know, telling your border agents and enforcers they are above the law?  That’s actually a significant step. 

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2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

You’re being dumb.  No one said it was genocide.  I said it was another small step towards genocide.  You know, telling your border agents and enforcers they are above the law?  That’s actually a significant step. 

It's nowhere close to being genocide. You're being hysterical and stepping on your dick in the process.

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Don't overstate where we are.  We are at step 6 of 10.

But fucking seriously -- we're at fucking step 6 of 10.  That's, umm, plenty bad.

It's as if we had a list of "10 stages of your house burning down," and the response to folks who are worried is "chill, we're only at step 6."  It seems that we are to kick back, relax, and not worry until we're here:


That seems.....stupid.

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3 hours ago, BrickHorn said:


MAGAland Shit Towns: Haha. Trump totally owned those stupid Sanctuary Cities!  Who’d want to live in a LIBRUL HELLHOLE that attracted immigrants with plentiful jobs, prosperity, arts and culture, and respect for human rights?!?

Did these bumpkins not get the memo that chicago is VERY dangerous?  Fucking trash overruns this city every damn summer.  Stay in your hole of a town.  Sure it’s a cultural wasteland, but isn’t that exactly what you want?  Fuck off.  

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Just now, jimmyjazz said:

How exactly does the federal government flood specific cities with immigrants?  Are they literally going to bus them downtown and drop them off?  That would make for a helluva news story.

Well, see, first you have to set up a Trump Bus company.  Then, that company has to be awarded a huge contract to transport mexicans (including people from all the mexicos) for a flat rate of $5,000 per head.  Then, you have to overcount the number of mexicans on each bus.  Then, those buses have to be really shitty and break down a couple of miles after leaving the original station.

Lots of ins and outs and what have yous.

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3 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

How exactly does the federal government flood specific cities with immigrants?  Are they literally going to bus them downtown and drop them off?  That would make for a helluva news story.

Wait until you hear about the walls.

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12 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

How exactly does the federal government flood specific cities with immigrants?  Are they literally going to bus them downtown and drop them off?  That would make for a helluva news story.

My guess would be to drop them off on the side of the road at the city limits sign and force them to caravan their way into town for the spectacle/cruelty factor.

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3 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

Like to see what happens if the tries this....

Trumpkin:  Haha.  He is kidding. He doesn’t really intend to do that.  He's just trolling.  Can’t you take a joke?

DOTARD:  No I'm not kidding.  I will seriously pardon him for breaking the law.

Trumpkin:  Calm down libtard!  He means it figuratively....like a bible analogy.   He is not actually gonna pardon someone for breaking the law.  This is pardon delusion!

DOTARD pardons CBP head for breaking the law.

Trumpkin:  Look what you made him do libtard!  Its totally your fault!  Obama!

Edited by Horn Dog
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1 minute ago, Horn Dog said:

Trumpkin:  Haha.  He is kidding. He doesn’t really intend to do that.  He's just trolling.  Can’t you take a joke?

DOTARD:  No I'm not kidding.  I will seriously pardon him for breaking the law.

Trumpkin:  Calm down libtard!  He means it figuratively....like a bible analogy.   He is not actually gonna pardon someone for breaking the law.  This is pardon delusion!

DOTARD pardons CBP head for breaking the law.

Trumpkin:  Look what you made him do libtard!  Its totally your fault!


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8 minutes ago, texas08 said:

Holy fuck, he basically just pointed the crosshairs of the scope at her...

The guy needs to be fucking removed!!!

GOP, grow some fucking balls you spineless bitches!!!

That ship has sailed and is on the other side of the world. Voters in 2020 are the only ones that can do anything. 

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