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Donald Trump 2019

Francisco 2.0

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31 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

exactly this. 

but i do say, offer him the $5B for DACA citizenship. "we'll build your wall, but we need to take care of the people currently within our borders." he'll scoff and keep happily digging his hole.

If I have this long winding road correct, the deal was $25B and DACA and his counter is $5.7B but no DACA. 

I would laugh my ass off if they settled at $5.7B and DACA. It would be the pinnacle of Trump's "Art of the Deal"  bullshit. 

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48 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

I read that this was part of the compromise deal that some republicans were proposing this week. Trump said today he wouldn't support it so it's dead. But i agree with Hugo. Trump doesn't want this to end. 

Make him veto it and/or place the blame on Trump and the Senate majority for not passing it. 

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Just now, Celery Man said:

fwiw I think in his dotal office speech he mentioned 300 a day as drug overdose deaths.  I think.

If we'd build the wall, we'd finally win the fucking war on drugs y'all.

And $1.7M of Fentanyl was just seized at the Port of Philadelphia.  We need another wall!

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1 hour ago, Mo Horn said:

I read that this was part of the compromise deal that some republicans were proposing this week. Trump said today he wouldn't support it so it's dead. But i agree with Hugo. Trump doesn't want this to end. 

But Trump literally talks about the Democrats compromising but he never says how.  He's already refuted everything so he wants Democrats to cave.  How is that a compromise?  

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So I just read on the statesman that that carpet bagging worthless sack of shit Dan Patrick volunteered to have Texas pay for part of this nonsensical wall? Holy fucking shit!! I think I've just got to stop paying attention or I'm gonna stroke out from rage.

I posted this in an uber on the way downtown and 30 minutes later the sorry motherfucker and his buddy Cruz walk right by our table and sit down in the back of the place. Guy with me used to work with Ted and we all agreed he'd say hi and call him over to visit when they were leaving and I'd try and shame him for the wall bullshit and tell him and goeb they were horrible people. We had a long dinner and a bunch of wine and they were still back there and we're fat and old so we left. Cool story I know.

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5 hours ago, J.R. said:

The fact that a sizable portion of America supports this unabashed moron tells me revolution or conquest is probably inevitable. Something this collectively stupid cannot last much longer. Kudos to Russia for so deftly locating the softest part of our vast, swollen underbelly. 

Conquest is a vastly underused description.

30% of the population would gleefully cut off its nose to spite its face and you can be certain that this isn't lost on our global adversaries.  Perhaps never more has the U.S. military and intelligence community protected us from our idiot selves.  I'm finding myself grateful to unpaid public servants these days too.  Fuck Trump.  Pitchfork at the ready.

Edited by Degenerate Gardner
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1 hour ago, RPM said:

This one jumps out at me. The Norks irreparably damaged their test site when the mountain collapsed. That's why testing stopped. They are currently digging a new test site. 



Well I mean, on the one hand, they've stopped shooting missiles, they don't need nukes for that, so he's right about that. The nuke thing is up in the air. I don't have a good feeling about it. I don't think Trump's really a closer.

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2 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


Goddamn, spoiler that shit.


Also:  he just looks as unhealthy as fuck.  We've all seen photos of how much Bush and Obama aged during their terms; this guy is going to look even worse in 2 years than he does now.  He already looks worse than he did in 2016.

You're just trying to make me feel better.

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This one jumps out at me. The Norks irreparably damaged their test site when the mountain collapsed. That's why testing stopped. They are currently digging a new test site. 


North Korea has ceased their nuclear testing program [checks notes] because their test site got damaged.
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7 hours ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

Pompeo’s speech in Cairo today was fantastic. Complete reputation of Obama’s naive speech of 10 years ago on his global apology tour. Trump is an idiot in many ways but his instincts with respect to the Middle East is spot on. Thank God we have a President who understands that Gen Sisi is far preferable to the alternative of Mohammad Morsi who Obama supported. Egypt was doing the way of Iran after the fall of the Shah until Sisi saved that country.

Your trolling is just turrible. I hope no one here takes anything you say seriously.

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2 hours ago, Thetexashammer said:

He's getting a third Supreme Court justice. So there's that.

He couldn't take RBG down with a flamethrower. She knows what will happen if she dies before a sane person is POTUS.

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1 minute ago, pyrohornIII said:

Then tax the companies making the profits off of this much better deal.  Tax them billions of dollars a year and you can build your wall as those funds become available.  

Stupid fuck. 

Yeah, because those companies would never raise prices...(maybe check your cellphone bill)   Just like the Tariffs, US consumers will foot the bill.  I am continually shocked at just how stupid the sheep are.

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