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I was told there would be tanks. Where are the tanks? Didn’t we spend millions of dollars and countless hours of military personals time getting the tanks ready and I don’t see tanks.

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53 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

Jesus, what a hateful, bitter group of losers here.  Even have people wanting the President of the United States killed by lightning.   May I mention that Trump did not make one single reference to himself in that entire speech.  That entire speech was about America and all you can do is piss and moan about every bit of it.  You all are a piss poor excuse for Americans, never mind Texans.




57 minutes ago, sachick said:

I was told there would be tanks. Where are the tanks? Didn’t we spend millions of dollars and countless hours of military personals time getting the tanks ready and I don’t see tanks.


19 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

A 5 min talk about loving this country and an honor it is to be president, that’s all he needed to say

Stamos could have introduced him, he speaks for 5 minutes as you say, and we move on to the rest of the show.

But no, Dear Leader has to have his own fucking show, so he’s the focus of everything.  

54 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The QAnon phenomenon manifesting itself in the real world like it has kinda blows the whole “cyber influence operations don’t really work” out of the water. 

The Alex Jones/Art Bell crowd have always existed.  It took years for Jones to make all those millions that he gave to his ex-wife.


9 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

The Alex Jones/Art Bell crowd have always existed.  It took years for Jones to make all those millions that he gave to his ex-wife.

I will never understand why you insist on minimizing it.  They were handing out JFK Jr. apparel and trinkets expecting him to emerge today on the DC mall.  This is a full blown fucking cult trapped in an alternative reality.  This isn’t just uncle Jim bob ranting about shit he heard on Alex Jones anymore.  This is a large movement of people that celebrate their ignorance together and it’s all focused around our current president imprisoning his political enemies, as one does.

Yeah, we had crazies back then and everyone knew they were crazies but this Q crowd is based off some unknown 4chan poster that emerged just two years ago.  That’s phenomenal results for a nameless faceless influence operation.   

18 minutes ago, Brandywine said:

He’s so damn smart. You know he’s a genius. 

A stable genius.  Don't forget stable.  It's very legal and very cool to be stable.  He has the best stability, believe him.

14 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I will never understand why you insist on minimizing it.  They were handing out JFK Jr. apparel and trinkets expecting him to emerge today on the DC mall.  This is a full blown fucking cult trapped in an alternative reality.  This isn’t just uncle Jim bob ranting about shit he heard on Alex Jones anymore.  This is a large movement of people that celebrate their ignorance together and it’s all focused around our current president imprisoning his political enemies, as one does.

You know why I blow it off?  Those of us from Texas are used to this shit.  And it's not because of Alex Jones.

It's because most of us here have been surrounded by these types of people for many decades.

Only instead of JFK Jr. materializing out of thin air, these people are expecting a national championship to materialize out of thin air, something that hasn't happened in 80 years, and has about as much of a chance happening as JFK Jr. showing up, slapping on a 12th Man t-shirt, and leading them to victory.

"This is a large movement of people that celebrate their ignorance together"

They are called aggy, they hang out on TexAgs and SECRant.

You want a full blown fucking cult trapped in an alternative reality?  They spent half a billion dollars building the world's largest fucking Kroger's for a football team that will be lucky to come in 2nd place in their division - DIVISION, not conference.

So no, these people don't bother me at all.  If it wasn't somebody at 4Chan cooking this up, they would have found something on InfoWars to latch onto, but either way, they are easy to spot here in Texas, only instead of wearing JFK Jr t-shirts, they wear maroon and whoop at each other.

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2 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

Jesus, what a hateful, bitter group of losers here.  Even have people wanting the President of the United States killed by lightning.   May I mention that Trump did not make one single reference to himself in that entire speech.  That entire speech was about America and all you can do is piss and moan about every bit of it.  You all are a piss poor excuse for Americans, never mind Texans.

I could point out why -- using an almost unlimited amount of examples -- the world would be better off if lighting struck him dead, but you wouldn't get it.  You love him.  You would do whatever he asked you to do.  You're a toad.  And an unusually stupid one at that.


So was it a troll from the Muppets that instead of having Kermit and Miss Piggy,

they had gay couple Bert & Ernie (in matching hats, no less!)

and the turquoise Rosita, a Spanish-speaking immigrant from Mexico?


1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:

Ugh, sometimes I still can’t believe these two are President and First Lady of the United States.


Just gross.

LA Cap Guy seems outta place. Either way, slam dunk on the military showroom model motiff. Now we don't look like a wimpier France. Problem solved!

6 hours ago, sachick said:

I was told there would be tanks. Where are the tanks? Didn’t we spend millions of dollars and countless hours of military personals time getting the tanks ready and I don’t see tanks.

You have to be there in person and stay at the Trump Hotel in order to view the tanks.

6 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

Why doesn’t the White House hire a better speech writer ?

Because no one with any skill or competency wants to be associated with this shit heap of an administration.  It would be career suicide.

6 hours ago, sachick said:

Umm... is she wearing white and no bra?


And why am I the first to notice? Y’all are slippin.


First time he’s gotten her wet in years.

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8 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

Jesus, what a hateful, bitter group of losers here.  Even have people wanting the President of the United States killed by lightning.   May I mention that Trump did not make one single reference to himself in that entire speech.  That entire speech was about America and all you can do is piss and moan about every bit of it.  You all are a piss poor excuse for Americans, never mind Texans.

Awww, the little racist snowflake has sand in her vagina.   Put on your big-girl panties and deal w/ it, cupcake. 

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I see that our big boy president went home immediately after the speech and scoured Twitter looking for, and retweeting, as many complements about his speech that he could find. 

Stable genius. 

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