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Cruz on Meet the Press saying, while not directly answering a single question, that Obama was much softer on Russia than Trump.

Laughable... I can believe that slug represents Texas.


Trump also had other private conversations with Putin at meetings of global leaders outside the presence of aides. He spoke at length with Putin at a banquet at the same 2017 global conference in Hamburg, where only Putin’s interpreter was present. Trump also had a brief conversation with ­Putin at a Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires last month.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and reports to Putin...  that duck is a traitor


  • Like 7
20 minutes ago, Party_Taco said:

Cruz on Meet the Press saying, while not directly answering a single question, that Obama was much softer on Russia than Trump.

Laughable... I can believe that slug represents Texas.

I can no longer watch MTP because of Chuck Todd. He lets every single GOP rep get away with lying without challenging them.

13 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

I can no longer watch MTP because of Chuck Todd. He lets every single GOP rep get away with lying without challenging them.

Chuck Todd told you a couple of years ago that fact checking is not his job.

  • Like 2
Chuck Todd told you a couple of years ago that fact checking is not his job.

So his job is to simply provide a platform of nonsense? If you posit a question you should expect a direct answer. When you don’t get one, it’s your JOB to press the issue.
  • Like 4
47 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


Why would anyone be surprised?  Ya'll know Trump is going to order a military action against Iran for, well, something when he has no other distractions from Russia, Mueller, whatever. 

Today's distraction is a shutdown/wall.  Once that is over with, he's gonna need another.  Invading/bombing/possibly nuking Iran is the ultimate distraction (support the troops!  Cue Lee Greenwood! 'Merica!)

Pompeo was on Face the Nation and talking about his Mideast trip and the Syria pullout. When asked if America could handle things in Syria from bases in Iraq after we pulled out of Syria, he went on about how powerful we are in the region and how much strength we can project. Along with saying we could project our strength in Syria, he also said we could do it in Iran. It got me to wondering if the Syria pullout might be part of the long game to attack Iran. 

He mentioned a visit to a base in Bahrain and praised the service members there. Had some video to go with it. I don't know if it's relevant to an assault on Iran but assume it would be.

As Pompeo was talking up how powerful and in control we are in the region, I couldn't help but think how Trump likes to talk about how weak and decimated our forces are and why he needs to spend massive amounts of cash on the military to "completely rebuild" it. The constant contradictory messages put forth by this administration should tell everyone they're completely full of shit.

  • Like 1
23 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

I can no longer watch MTP because of Chuck Todd. He lets every single GOP rep get away with lying without challenging them.

When one of Dubya's reps came on any told Tim Russert, "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud," I don't recall Tim challenging them. The Sunday morning talk shows have never been intense interview sessions. They're a stage where the politicians come out and present their message. It's political theater. It's not about obtaining truth, it's about seeing how they're going to play the game. 

  • Like 3
39 minutes ago, Party_Taco said:

So his job is to simply provide a platform of nonsense? If you posit a question you should expect a direct answer. When you don’t get one, it’s your JOB to press the issue.

Been telling him and others in the 4th estate that they are slackers. He ain't listening. Access is more important than confronting those which you want to access. That's left to lower minions with nothing to lose. 

1 hour ago, Loco said:

I remember that dinner very early in his presidency (maybe in Helsinki?) where trump pointed across the table at Putin and gave him a fist pump. Came across as ‘we did it’ at the time to me. 

Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

Been telling him and others in the 4th estate that they are slackers. He ain't listening. Access is more important than confronting those which you want to access. That's left to lower minions with nothing to lose. 

I used to work at the Houston Press, and one day our editorial assistant volunteered to cover a John Edwards presser in Houston. This guy was a glorified secretary who occasionally wrote about cocktails, and is now a Houston fireman, but he was the first non-tabloid journalist (if you could call him that) to ask Edwards about his affair

And then the feeding frenzy was on

Edited by MaybeACoordinator
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^ I think that goes a long way to explain the silence in the face of Cheeto's absurdity. Everyone in DC thinks that this will pass, and then things will get back to normal. When that happens, they want to be in the same positions as they are now. They don't want to be tainted by being known as the one that acted inappropriately.

1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

This tells me Trulp is still furious that he isn’t hanging in Mar-a-lago 

Just like immigrants have killed 63,000 Americans since 9/11


Steve Ronnebeck, a guest at Friday's event who said his son was killed by an undocumented immigrant, was at least the second to claim to Trump that since Sept. 11, 2001, 63,000 Americans have been killed by people who entered the U.S. illegally.

Trump, facing fierce pushback over his zero-tolerance immigration policy, seized on the figure: "63,000. And that number, they say, is very low because things aren’t reported," the president said from the stage.

Trump appears to have first heard 63,000 figure in March, at a roundtable discussion on so-called sanctuary cities from Mary Ann Mendoza, an activist who supports Trump's immigration policies.


Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

I wonder what % of college educated Republicans under the age of 60 agree with this statement:

Democrats are for open borders.

Honestly, democrats aren’t for open borders but I bet many educated democrats really don’t care that much about “border security” because why should they? All the statistics and studies show undocumented workers on the whole contribute to the economy, pay sales taxes, and are less likely to commit crime than native born citizens (other than crossing the border illegally). 

There are a dozen+ other problems this country is facing more important to the well being of our society than border security.  The whole thing is fucking bullshit but we’ll say we care about border security since everyone seems to think it’s so important.

  It seems like a massive ongoing group think psyop to keep our system literally broken. 

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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The Mooch is going to be on the new season of “Celebrity Big Brother”!

I cannot wait to hear all the shit he’s going to spew.

Omarosa dropped a few choice bits last year but I have a feeling The Mooch is going to be a veritable fount of amazing stories about this clown show of an administration.


I’d not be inclined to contribute to ratings driven by hiring traitorous scum. Monetizing their role in this disaster gives them an out on what should have otherwise been a career ending decision.

  • Like 2
17 minutes ago, Lurch said:

I’d not be inclined to contribute to ratings driven by hiring traitorous scum. Monetizing their role in this disaster gives them an out on what should have otherwise been a career ending decision.

Yeah, anything he says that’s remotely interesting will get posted online anyway.


Hey, a new potential distraction!





The head of state wants to renegotiate a major free-trade agreement, and there is a deal on the table that has been agreed to by all parties. Now all that's needed is for domestic lawmakers to approve the deal. There are signs they might not be willing to do so. In order to concentrate the legislators' minds, the leader exits the old agreement, leaving a stark choice: Either accept the new one, or embrace the chaos of a no-deal exit.



Theresa May pulled this move when she triggered Article 50 in March 2017, raising the specter of a catastrophic no-deal Brexit should Parliament not agree to a deal by March 29, 2019. Now, Donald Trump is thinking along similar lines for NAFTA, with the support of Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley.




The idea is that he should withdraw from NAFTA before its replacement, USMCA, is approved by Congress. That way, if Congress doesn't ratify the deal, the result would be a devastating no-deal exit from NAFTA, disrupting supply chains across North America.




7 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


Why would anyone be surprised?  Ya'll know Trump is going to order a military action against Iran for, well, something when he has no other distractions from Russia, Mueller, whatever. 

Today's distraction is a shutdown/wall.  Once that is over with, he's gonna need another.  Invading/bombing/possibly nuking Iran is the ultimate distraction (support the troops!  Cue Lee Greenwood! 'Merica!)


I met Lee Greenwood before a gig about a decade ago. He was an incredibly nice guy. The crowd turnout was pretty good and supportive. Our drummer said that he liked "the song." Lee started talking about a new one he had coming out. The new song must have been "USA Today."  

I guess my point is that Trump has been justified in declaring a national emergency since 1/20/17.

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