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the "but he/she/they started it!" has been the gop rallying cry for pretty much the entire trump presidency.  but since the mueller report came out, there seems to be this belief in the "let's throw a bunch of numbers/stats/statements at the question, in hopes to smokescreen the actual problem."

trump is not a racist, because look at these 25 random bits of trivia that "omg no racist would ever do this stuff".  ever since the mueller report came out, trump (and his admin/fellow r stooges) have been on this ranting rampage with, "uh, i'm obviously innocent, because they interviewed over 650 people!  they sent out 1200 subpoenas!  they spent thousands of man hours on this!  we released over 10,000 pieces of evidence!"

random arbitrary numbers for the win (as long as they're presented to the right group of simpletons).

and here's the tl;dr cheat sheet : when you have to make placards to prove your point, you've already lost.

1 minute ago, DixonHur said:

Not sure I follow the logic of "he's not racist because Israel, but ok...

Let's take a deeper dive into the other examples:

Trump dated a black woman...


Oh, and the "black" woman is actually biracial...and very light skinned...

  Reveal hidden contents


Trump deported a Nazi...Is this the GOP's bar?  Hey, we deported a Nazi!  Congratulations...would you like a cookie?

The dude was stripped of his citizenship like 25 years ago, but no other country would accept him and the US didn't have enough to charge him, so he stayed until Germany finally decided to take him back at the ripe old age of 95.  He died 5 months later. 

Designated MLK's birthplace as a historic park...Rep. John Lewis sponsored and shepherded the bill through congress...Trump simply signed it into law.  Good on him for not vetoing it, but I'm not sure it qualifies as Trump accomplishment.

Pardoned Jack Johnson...If you don't think this was a PR stunt, I don't know what to tell you.  First, it was suggested to him by Sylvester Stallone, and second, he couldn't even muster the courage to admit that Johnson was a victim of racial injustice.  Here's what he said instead...

What many view?  He was arrested for dating a white woman.  What other conclusion could be drawn from that?

Trump "loved" (sic) his Jewish grandchildren...did he stop loving them?  What's with the past tense?  Anyway, once again, congrats to Trump for not lashing out at children who had no choice in the matter.  

Trump starts Opportunity and Revitalization Council...first of all, it's kind of racist to assume all areas inhabited by the poors are black areas.  But hey, I'm not gonna blame Trump for the word choices of the racist POS who made the meme.

But then there's also this...

Granted Clemancy to Alice Johnson....following a meeting with Kim Kardashian.  Might as well add "he's not racist because he sent mean tweets to Sweden on behalf of Kanye West to help free A$AP Rocky."

Trump loaned his jet to Nelson Mandela...well, that was back in 1990, and he charged them $130,000 (so about $250k today), so I'm not sure I'd qualify that as a portrait in charity.  

Overseen the lowest African American unemployment rate in history...So, he's an overseer...where have I heard that term before...oh yeah,

Coincidentally that was the last time African American unemployment was at a historic low.  The truth of the matter is that all unemployment rates are down thanks to Obama.  Don't believe me?  Name one policy Trump has enacted to specifically target African American unemployment.  

Trump denounced David Duke...Ok, like the Nazi thing above, this shouldn't be a difficult thing to do...let's check out what he said...

Whoa, someone hold him back, he seems very upset about white supremacists supporting him.

Trump's Lifetime Acheivement award for helping "the blacks"....this just flat out never happened...I'm shocked I tell ya...

Here's the genesis of the lie...

Wow, that's impressive...let's see what the Ellis Island award spokesperson had to say about the claim ...

So why did he win the award back in 1986?

Nice try Ema, but as usual, the facts don't support the claims. Sad.



Anybody else getting the feeling that Emma is actually Swam?


19 minutes ago, Hornius Emeritus said:



Anybody else getting the feeling that Emma is actually Swam?


It's been previously alleged. Without visiting the scat site, I do seem to recall Emaw having an account over there. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if Swam had several socks there.

That said, he certainly follows the same Swam pattern of being repeatedly proven absolutely wrong about virtually everything.

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28 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

the "but he/she/they started it!" has been the gop rallying cry for pretty much the entire trump presidency.  but since the mueller report came out, there seems to be this belief in the "let's throw a bunch of numbers/stats/statements at the question, in hopes to smokescreen the actual problem."

trump is not a racist, because look at these 25 random bits of trivia that "omg no racist would ever do this stuff".  ever since the mueller report came out, trump (and his admin/fellow r stooges) have been on this ranting rampage with, "uh, i'm obviously innocent, because they interviewed over 650 people!  they sent out 1200 subpoenas!  they spent thousands of man hours on this!  we released over 10,000 pieces of evidence!"

random arbitrary numbers for the win (as long as they're presented to the right group of simpletons).

and here's the tl;dr cheat sheet : when you have to make placards to prove your point, you've already lost.

It’s the Mack Brown press conference strategy.

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some of those factoids are so hilarious if you just take it as a one-off sentence.

"trump is the first racist in history to have dated a black woman."  yeah, not sure i buy that, probably shouldn't have led with that one.

"trump is the first racist in history to have loved his jewish grandchildren."  congratulations?  but hey, they're white i guess.  this really isn't about being antisemitic.  but fuck it, he's rolling, right?

also (and i said this a couple weeks ago), if you're a trump supporter, you should actually be on the other side of this.  you should just admit that he's racist.  because if he's not racist, then he's purposely using hateful, racist rhetoric in order to manipulate his base to gain votes and win an election.

person 1 was born into a racist family, can't shake stereotypes, can't help it, this is just who he is.

person 2 totally understands the difference, and says racist and hateful things when it suits him and helps him gain power and money.

you tell me which person sounds more dangerous.

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1991: A book by John O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump’s criticism of a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” Trump at first denied the remarks, but later said in a 1997 Playboy interview that “the stuff O’Donnell wrote about me is probably true.”


Posted (edited)

Is Donald Trump a racist?

NYT editorial from Kristof about 2 years ago while the GOP still had a chance to distance themselves from him

but, the racism is a feature not a bug.


The recent record may be more familiar: Trump’s suggestions that President Obama was born in Kenya; his insinuations that Obama was admitted to Ivy League schools only because of affirmative action; his denunciations of Mexican immigrants as, “in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists”; his calls for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States; his dismissal of an American-born judge of Mexican ancestry as a Mexican who cannot fairly hear his case; his reluctance to distance himself from the Ku Klux Klan in a television interview; his retweet of a graphic suggesting that 81 percent of white murder victims are killed by blacks (the actual figure is about 15 percent); and so on.

Don't for one second forget that his arc to the presidency began with Fear of a Brown Planet and that stupid fucking wall. Jeb! and Rubio were not going to be more overtly racist than Trump. He began the campaign shouting the things that used to be whispered. The more he says racist shit the more the base loves him. 


Edit, that's from the link through of @retread's post

Edited by cactusflinthead

not sure if posted, but thought this was interesting, and will surely prompt a fun tweet storm.

Republicans for the Rule of Law (RRL), a conservative group whose stated purpose is "defending the institutions of our republic," will air an advertisement on Fox & Friends next week to highlight President Donald Trump's lies following former special counsel Robert Mueller's testimony before Congress.

Mueller on Wednesday testified for roughly six hours before the House Judicial and Intelligence committees about his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and the 448-page report, released in April, detailing the key findings of the probe. Despite Trump's near-constant claims of innocence and "total exoneration," Mueller reiterated that his investigation did not exonerate the president and denied that his probe was "a witch hunt," a term Trump has repeatedly used for months to attack its credibility.

In response, RRL will air a clip next week on Fox News' Fox & Friends, the president's preferred network, that will disprove Trump's "total exoneration" claims. The video, shared with Newsweek, opens on a tweet posted by Trump after Mueller's testimony, which reads: "TRUTH IS A FORCE OF NATURE!," before cutting to the former special counsel answering questions from House Judiciary committee chairman Jerrold Nadler and House Intelligence committee chairman Adam Schiff.






3 hours ago, Jack Straw said:

he only thing more cringeworthy is @Johnny Sack telling us how he can't be a racist because he helped pay for an orphanage in Haiti, pays more taxes than you do

I haven't seen any evidence that he pays any taxes. In fact he's actively blocking anyone from looking at them.

4 hours ago, TexArcher said:

Trump's tweet suggesting that he has done more for African-Americans than Elijah Cummings is the Trumpiest thing ever. 

It's got it all: ignorance of history, megalomania, self-credit for an inherited situation, randomly capitalized words, and a comma splice.

As of the last hour, Trump is denying he’s a racist.  And he’s now claiming that Elijah is the actual racist.  

That is the Trumpiest thing ever.


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6 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

Dems always play the race card!

10 minutes later he plays the race card. 


Did Trump write these tweets or Stephen Miller? Man, he is one egotistical maniacal worthless human being. 

10 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

Dems always play the race card!

10 minutes later he plays the race card. 


ok, so trump is saying that the african american unemployment rate is the lowest in the history of the u.s.  let's go ahead and say that's true.

to become the lowest, it would've had to go lower than the previous lowest figure, presumably under a past president.

so when he says the african american unemployment is the lowest in u.s. history, and "no president has come close to doing this before", what the fuck is he talking about?

it's like saying, "hank aaron has the most career homers, something no other player has come close to doing before."

4 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

so when he says the african american unemployment is the lowest in u.s. history, and "no president has come close to doing this before", what the fuck is he talking about?

it's like saying, "hank aaron has the most career homers, something no other player has come close to doing before."


You are using logic and reasoning here in regards to something the President has stated as fact.

You have to throw that shit out the window and embrace whatever the fuck he decided to say on this day, and might add to/contradict the very same day, if you want it to make sense.

That's the magic.  It doesn't have to make sense to you or I; only to the faithful followers of the House of Trump.  That's who he's speaking to.  So when he decides to throw out "facts" or make blatantly racist statements, he's speaking only to those who would do anything for him.  He's not an American president (as if he ever was), he's a white Nationalist isolationist President and he only cares about his audience.  That's it.

I fully expect him to toss out the N word on a tweet someday and it will barely move the needle, because of the roughly 12,000 other shit ass things he or his administration have said or done.

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18 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

As of the last hour, Trump is denying he’s a racist.  And he’s now claiming that Elijah is the actual racist.  

That is the Trumpiest thing ever.


This is becoming SOP for Trump. He followed the exact formula when he started calling out the "Squad". First it was if you don't "love it" you can "leave it". When the four Congresswomen pushed back along with the rest of the civilized world he immediately followed with tweets calling the four Congresswomen racists. He's doing the same thing with Congressman Cummings. Send out a tweet with an underlying racial tone, then outright call him a racist. I never thought I'd see the day.

4 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

“Racism didn’t exist until we went and elected that black guy! He turned us all racist!”

The chair of Trump’s Ohio campaign everyone!

holy shit.  if you just told me that story i would think it was from the onion or a bad snl sketch.

black person becomes president - empowers other black people

racist becomes president - empowers other racists

oh, but wait, obama invented racism.

4 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

Oh yay, one of the last adults is leaving


John Lee Ratcliffe is an American politician who serves as the congressman for Texas's 4th district since 2015. In Heritage Action's final scorecard for the 114th Congress, Ratcliffe was ranked as the most conservative Texas legislator in Congress and second most conservative legislator in the country. 

26 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

“Racism didn’t exist until we went and elected that black guy! He turned us all racist!”

The chair of Trump’s Ohio campaign everyone!

I mean, honestly, where do you even begin when faced with this much ignorance?  These people are unsalvageable.  

20 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

John Lee Ratcliffe is an American politician who serves as the congressman for Texas's 4th district since 2015. In Heritage Action's final scorecard for the 114th Congress, Ratcliffe was ranked as the most conservative Texas legislator in Congress and second most conservative legislator in the country. 

Before this shitshow is over, we're going to end up with an across-the-board least qualified cabinet and staff that has ever existed.

There is literally one single qualification for a cabinet/staff position: be willing and eager to suck Trump's dick with a smile on your face.  That's it.  That's the only thing that matters.

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5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Before this shitshow is over, we're going to end up with an across-the-board least qualified cabinet and staff that has ever existed.

There is literally one single qualification for a cabinet/staff position: be willing and eager to suck Trump's dick with a smile on your face.  That's it.  That's the only thing that matters.

remember the old days when you had to worry about who you were appointing because of the confirmation* process?

if not for the other 4000 terrible things he does every week, this would actually be a big story.


*i'm not even talking about this one, and i don't even have the list of which roles are and are not subject to confirmation, but still...

1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

As of the last hour, Trump is denying he’s a racist.  And he’s now claiming that Elijah is the actual racist.  

That is the Trumpiest thing ever.


Christ.  The "Trumpiest thing ever" is being outdone multiple times per day.

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