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This should maybe go in the dumb amnesty thread, regardless of Donny's ramblings.

But when we are talking about the stock price of an individual company rising/falling over a period of time, should we also be applying an inflation adjustment factor to account for the shrinking value of a dollar? If so, why not done?

Just a thought that crossed my simple mind.


This afternoon the President will make remarks on  "Federal Judicial Confirmation Milestones," aka "How many clowns can you cram into courts?"

Following the remarks, he will be heading to Monroe, Louisiana for a KAG rally. He is sure to be on fire with that race being close and the contentious Kentucky governor's race ending with the incumbent calling for a recount, while Virginia flipped their lege to the Democratic majority. He will whistle and taunt and use all his bag o' tricks tonight.


11 hours ago, bolverk said:

All out of rep. Gawd, I miss that man.

I wish Jon Stewart was running a nightly news/politics/comedy show right now.

And I wish Bill Hicks and George Carlin were still alive and touring together, with Hicks spending an hour or so expounding on Trumpkins, and Carlin spending an hour or so discussing Trump.  It would be a fucking awesome show, and would easily run 3-4 hours.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, bolverk said:

This should maybe go in the dumb amnesty thread, regardless of Donny's ramblings.

But when we are talking about the stock price of an individual company rising/falling over a period of time, should we also be applying an inflation adjustment factor to account for the shrinking value of a dollar? If so, why not done?

Just a thought that crossed my simple mind.

In stock price growth, not usually done.  But, an inflation- and/or tax-adjusted rate of return is not unheard of, for an "investment," which may be a single stock or a group of them or fund or whatever.  Because the inflation adjustment typically is going to be the same regardless of the type of investment, we don't usually bother.

Edited by TwiceHorn


4 hours ago, 4th&Five said:



If the stock market "hits an all time historic high!" today, then goes up by 0.01 pts tomorrow, it has again "hit an all time historic high!" right?


If it goes down 0.01 pts tomorrow, then goes up 0/02 pts the next that's also another "all time historic high!".


We got idiots electing idiots. Idiot world. Idiots rule.



4 hours ago, Chuckie Finster said:

Has anyone done a  study to see what percentage of Trump supporters actually own stocks?  


Probably a fair number have 401ks or pension plans that depend on the stock market's performance. A lot of them lost their asses in 2017. A lot of them got their asses saved during Obama's term. A lot of them are fucking idiots.

5 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

In stock price growth, not usually done.  But, an inflation- and/or tax-adjusted rate of return is not unheard of, for an "investment," which may be a single stock or a group of them or fund or whatever.  Because the inflation adjustment typically is going to be the same regardless of the type of investment, we don't usually bother.

That makes sense. What brought it to mind was the issue of touting the bundled package of stocks in an index to indicate growth where the value of the individual stocks hasn't been taken into account.

Certainly, I'm no Surly 1 percent investor and am somewhat ignorant of the actual mechanisms that are triggered into figuring the overall valuation of the market but, like I said, the question crossed my mind when evaluating whether 25,000 in the NYSE now was truly greater than 5,000 30 years ago if inflation weren't somehow taken into account.

Thanks for the reply.

1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

In stock price growth, not usually done.  But, an inflation- and/or tax-adjusted rate of return is not unheard of, for an "investment," which may be a single stock or a group of them or fund or whatever.  Because the inflation adjustment typically is going to be the same regardless of the type of investment, we don't usually bother.

I don't really pay much attention to portfolio theory, but a common metric I see is "risk-adjusted return", where returns are compared to the "risk free" rate (I guess T-bills).  The theory, I suppose, in ultra-simplified terms, is that if one's portfolio is compounding at 8% annual but the risk-free rate is 1%, then your risk-adjusted return is more like 7% annual.  Nobody crucify me if I'm misrepresenting here, it's not something I pay much attention to.


The UA SGA has been problematic FOR DECADES.

(This coming from a former SGA Representative and member of an Old Row sorority.)

And the Office of Student Affairs has a say in block seating too so I don’t think the university will allow them to back up the threat if only for fear of bad PR.

17 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

The UA SGA has been problematic FOR DECADES.

(This coming from a former SGA Representative and member of an Old Row sorority.)

And the Office of Student Affairs has a say in block seating too so I don’t think the university will allow them to back up the threat if only for fear of bad PR.


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Shorthand - The UA SGA is controlled by The Machine, which is made up entirely of members of 90% OR fraternities and sororities.

It’s members are overwhelmingly southern and white and well off.

Back in the 90s, Governor Bob Riley’s daughter Minda was a Phi Mu - not OR but Machine affiliated. She decided to run for SGA President without clearing it with or getting backing from The Machine.

She was harassed, bullied, and literally assaulted to try and get her to quit. Her fellow Phi Mus we’re harassed. They burned a black kid’s front yard to get him to not run for an executive office.

Here’s some articles - https://www.google.com/search?q=university+of+alabama+the+machine+minda+riley&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS799US799&oq=university+of+alabama+the+machine+minda+riley&aqs=chrome..69i57.16800j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8




2 hours ago, bolverk said:

Love Jane's.

Me too.....



3 minutes ago, HenryJames said:

The fuck's wrong with y'all?

Do you even Alabama, bro?  No MAGA has ever MAGA'd like Bama MAGAs.  Alabama is so shitty that even we here in not-exactly-forward-thinking Texas can legitimately make fun of them.


It's at this point I begin to question absolute loyalty to team that represents a cursed institution. My love of football does not extend beyond my sense of ethics -- even when they're winning.

Sorry, Bama Chick.


It’s a great fun school that has shitty people there too.

I imagine every southern university has their old boys backroom club.

It’s just that at Alabama we dress ours up in robes with flames and goat heads and chants and shit.

We put our crazy on the front porch.

Like I said, the UA SGA is problematic and has been for 100 years. The administration hates them and has been trying to put them out of business for years, with little success.

It's at this point I begin to question absolute loyalty to team that represents a cursed institution. My love of football does not extend beyond my sense of ethics -- even when they're winning.
Sorry, Bama Chick.

I mean, it’s literally a group with 28 members. It’s not an official university sanctioned group and the administration would LOVE to put it down.

It’s not “the institution” by any stretch. And that’s why I call it out any time it comes up.

I’m not going let the gross actions of a few dictate how I feel about my Alma Mater.
2 hours ago, bolverk said:

Love Jane's.

Back in '90 when I was stationed north of Chicago I hitched a ride with a buddy to Pensacola to see them play.  We drove back the next day, and it was totally worth it.  

  • Like 1
52 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:


I mean, it’s literally a group with 28 members. It’s not an official university sanctioned group and the administration would LOVE to put it down.

It’s not “the institution” by any stretch. And that’s why I call it out any time it comes up.

I’m not going let the gross actions of a few dictate how I feel about my Alma Mater.


How accurate is this?


1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:


I mean, it’s literally a group with 28 members. It’s not an official university sanctioned group and the administration would LOVE to put it down.

It’s not “the institution” by any stretch. And that’s why I call it out any time it comes up.

I’m not going let the gross actions of a few dictate how I feel about my Alma Mater.


blah blah blah...

make all the excuses you want, but we're going to beat your Trump loving, cousin fucking, collective asses this Saturday.

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1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:


I mean, it’s literally a group with 28 members. It’s not an official university sanctioned group and the administration would LOVE to put it down.

It’s not “the institution” by any stretch. And that’s why I call it out any time it comes up.

I’m not going let the gross actions of a few dictate how I feel about my Alma Mater.


So you are going to boo for the Surly collective? :D

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:


I mean, it’s literally a group with 28 members. It’s not an official university sanctioned group and the administration would LOVE to put it down.

It’s not “the institution” by any stretch. And that’s why I call it out any time it comes up.

I’m not going let the gross actions of a few dictate how I feel about my Alma Mater.


The only way this group would have any authority over who sits where is if the university approves/sanctions it. Which means that they are backed by the university and aren't just some rogue 28 member group with no authority. What they're doing is happening because the school gives them that authority.

Fuck Alabama. Actually fuck the entire gulf coast from the Atlantic Ocean to the Louisiana/Texas border, with the exception of New Orleans. The absolute worst area of our country and a national embarrassment.

Edited by BradInATX
  • Like 5
2 hours ago, HenryJames said:


So they are a) aware that plenty will probably be boo him because they don't like him, and b) aware that plenty of college kids love to troll, and they know that trolling Trump will produce lots of laughs.

They would be dumb as shit to try and take seats away from people, drawing national attention to themselves, and hell, maybe the lawyers can chime in on whether there are any 1A issues, given that it's a state-owned facility and a state-run event.

How accurate is this?

Sort of accurate.

10 years ago? Completely accurate.

The Greek system today is not anything like it was in The Machine’s heyday. 50% of all students and the Greek System are from OOS so it’s much more diverse in every way.

And most of the other student organizations with block seating are mostly white students too. Engineering, law school, dancers etc.

The SGA and whoever else involved in issuing the “no disruptive behavior” statement fucked up. They should’ve just kept silent - now they’ve riled up people who were already pissed off.

This is gonna be a shitshow. I’m very glad I’ll be watching from home.
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1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:

I’m not going let the gross actions of a few dictate how I feel about my Alma Mater.


The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests . . . we did.  But you can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few sick, perverted individuals!

Image result for animal house quote of a few bad apples"


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The only way this group would have any authority over who sits where is if the university approves/sanctions it. Which means that they are backed by the university and aren't just some rogue 28 member group with no authority. What they're doing is happening because the school gives them that authority.
Fuck Alabama. Actually fuck the entire gulf coast from the Atlantic Ocean to the Louisiana/Texas border, with the exception of New Orleans. The absolute worst area of our country.

You literally have no idea what you’re talking about.

The university HATES TM. They banned all student government for 4 years over their behavior.

It’s got no official standing. It’s made up of reps from 14 fraternities and 14 sororities. Those 28 reps nominate and select students from those 28 organizations to run for different positions and even homecoming queen.

The individual reps take the slate of machine backed candidates to all the members of their groups and say “Vote for these people”. The greek organizations require their members to vote in elections. They cannot be sure everyone will vote for TM slate but most do. You’ll get fined if you don’t vote.

These students make up 10-15% of the student body but around 50% of students that actually vote.

Most students don’t vote and the one that aren’t voting for TM candidates split their votes amongst 5 or 6 other candidates.

Boom - TM slate wins virtually every race.

The administration can’t do a damn thing to stop it. The Black Student Union has a slate too but they don’t have the numbers or the organization or the ability to punish people into voting.

But, please, do lecture me on something I saw and participated in first hand. My BFF’s boyfriend - now husband - was president of TM. My FIL and BIL were members. I was a machine backed candidate.

The group is abhorrent and I would love to see them kicked to the curb but the actual university has nothing to do with them and actively works against them in every way they can.
1 minute ago, Bama Chick said:


You literally have no idea what you’re talking about.

The university HATES TM. They banned all student government for 4 years over their behavior.

It’s got no official standing. It’s made up of reps from 14 fraternities and 14 sororities. Those 28 reps nominate and select students from those 28 organizations to run for different positions and even homecoming queen.

The individual reps take the slate of machine backed candidates to all the members of their groups and say “Vote for these people”. The greek organizations require their members to vote in elections. They cannot be sure everyone will vote for TM slate but most do. You’ll get fined if you don’t vote.

These students make up 10-15% of the student body but around 50% of students that actually vote.

Most students don’t vote and the one that aren’t voting for TM candidates split their votes amongst 5 or 6 other candidates.

Boom - TM slate wins virtually every race.

The administration can’t do a damn thing to stop it. The Black Student Union has a slate too but they don’t have the numbers or the organization or the ability to punish people into voting.

But, please, do lecture me on something I saw and participated in first hand. My BFF’s boyfriend - now husband - was president of TM. My FIL and BIL were members. I was a machine backed candidate.

The group is abhorrent and I would love to see them kicked to the curb but the actual university has nothing to do with them and actively works against them in every way they can.


How does this organization have any authority over who sits where at football games?

How does this organization have any authority over who sits where at football games?

I think they just have a block of seats inside the student section. They’re saying if you disrupt you won’t be allowed in their block, though you can still be in the student section generally
How does this organization have any authority over who sits where at football games?

Uh, they don’t.

The SGA and Office of Student Affairs controls block seating, not TM.

The SGA is made up of TM member groups not actual TM members.

Think of TM as a political party. Running unopposed.
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